Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

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<strong>Catholic</strong> Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales — Department of <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Education</strong> and Formation2.5. MISSIONOur teaching is of Christ as Head of the Church; the ultimate knowledge and understanding that thepurpose of this mission is to enable all of us to share in the communion of life and love of the Father,Son and Holy Spirit. Our pupils are called to share with the whole People of God in expressing thismission through serving contemporary society as priest, prophet and king. Together we are calledto worship God through our every action for the common good. Through our actions the Church isto continue as the sign and source of reconciliation and hope in the victory of Christ to present ourgoodness to God.2.5.1. Mission (846-856, 871-873)A Christ founded the Church with a divine purposeand mission (760)a Jesus — not the members — endowed Churchwith authority, power, and responsibility (763-766)b Church transcends history yet is part of his-toryc Church continues Christ’s salvation, preservesand hands on his teachingd Church scrutinizes ‘signs of the times’ — inter-prets them in light of GospelB <strong>The</strong> Church and her mission of evangelization(861, 905)a Definition and description of evangelizationb Missionary effortsc Call to a New EvangelizationC Sanctifying office of the Church (893)a <strong>The</strong> Eucharist is the centre of life in theChurchb Bishops and priests sanctify the Church byprayer, work and ministry of the Word, andthe sacramentsc Goal for all is eternal lifeD Governing office of the Church (894-896)a <strong>The</strong> Roman Pontiff exercises supreme, ordi-nary, and immediate jurisdiction over the universalChurchb Bishops have responsibility to govern theirparticular churches; they are to exercise theirauthority and sacred power with the GoodShepherd as their model2.5.2. Vocation to mission (898-913, 1546-1553)A Belonging to the Church is essential (760)a Christ willed the Church to be the ordinaryway and means of salvation (763, 772-776)b We receive Christ’s redemption as members ofhis Body the Churchc Christ entrusted Word and sacraments to theChurch for our salvationd Church has fullness of truth and totality of themeans of salvationB Jesus Christ enriches us through the Churcha Through the sacraments beginning with Bap-tism; regular reception of the sacraments is essentialfor members of the Churchb Through a life of prayer, communion, charity,service, and justice in the household of faithc Through association with others who want tofollow Christ in the ChurchC Living as a member of the Church, the Body ofChrist, means we live as disciples, proclaiming theLord Jesus’ teaching to others (520, 1248)a As disciples of Christ we are ‘salt and light forthe world’i Living as Christ calls and teaches us asknown in and through the Churchii Active response to call to holiness at home,workplace, public squareiii Examples for Christian witness in parish anddioceseb Necessity of prayer (2612, 2621)i <strong>The</strong> Lord forms, teaches, guides, consoles,and blesses us through prayerii Prayer helps us understand the teachings ofJesus Christ and his Church in a deeper wayand live them more fullyD <strong>The</strong> specific missionary activity of the Churcha <strong>Religious</strong> Congregationsb Missio, CASE, APF, Holy Childhood, etc.2.5.3. Proclamation, Dialogue and Ecumenism(839-856)A <strong>The</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Church possesses the fullness of themeans of salvation willed by God as the ordinaryway of saving all peoplea ‘All salvation comes from Christ the Headthrough the Church which is his Body’ (846)i God is one and that God is Triuneii Jesus Christ as the Son of Godiii Salvation is a gift of grace available through29

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