Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

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<strong>Catholic</strong> Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales — Department of <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Education</strong> and Formation2.2. ONE AND HOLYIn emphasising this context pupils require knowledge and understanding of how the Church is thewhole people of God – the community of saints. <strong>The</strong> Church in each generation is renewed as beingan authentic pilgrim Church, following Christ the Way. All of us have a part to play. Saints on earthare in communion with and inspired by saints in heaven. Mary is taught as the Mother of God, thefirst disciple. Because of unity with Christ, Mary responded to God’s word and so has a special placeas Mother of the Church.2.2.1. Unity and Diversity (813-814)A <strong>The</strong> Church is one (813-822)a Unity is in Jesus Christ through the HolySpirit; it is visible unity in the worldb <strong>The</strong> Church is united in charity, in the profes-sion of one faith, in the common celebration ofworship and sacraments, and in ApostolicSuccession (815)B Unity in diversitya Multiplicity of peoples, cultures, and liturgicaltraditions (814, 1202)b Communion of twenty-one Eastern <strong>Catholic</strong>Churches and one Western Church, all inunion with the PopeC Wounds to unitya Heresies (note modern parallels)i Early Church heresies: Gnosticism, Arianism,Nestorianism, Monophysitism, and Apollinarianism(464, 466-467, 471)ii Protestant Reformation: emphasized solascriptura (the Bible alone) and sola gratia(grace alone)iii New divisions — sects and cultsb Schisms (the split between East and West)i Following the Council of Ephesus in 431, thoseChurches which followed Nestorius establishedseparate Churches; later returned tounion with Romeii Following the Council of Chalcedon in 451,those who accepted the Monophysite positionformed what are called the Oriental OrthodoxChurchesiii Eastern Schism of 1054: the pope in Rome andthe bishop of Constantinople excommunicatedeach other, thus leading to the breachbetween the Roman <strong>Catholic</strong> Church and theEastern Orthodox Churchc Apostasy2.2.2. Disunity: <strong>The</strong> Reformation (1400)A Reform within the Churcha Fifth Lateran CouncilBCDEFGb Local attempts at reformLuther’s complaints and proposals; innovationsa Sale of indulgences, clerical corruption, igno-rance of the faithb Sola Fides, Sola Gratia, Sola Scripturac Use of printing press, catechism, vernacularBible and liturgy, married clergy, Eucharistunder two species, lay priesthood<strong>The</strong> break from Rome: Protestantisma Martin Luther (Germany)b John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli (Switzerland)c Henry VIII (England)d John Knox (Scotland)Nationalisma Thirty Years’ War between <strong>Catholic</strong>s andProtestantsb Cuius Regio–Eius Religio — rise of statechurchesChurch responds at the Council of Trenta Renewal of bishops, priests, religiousb Doctrinal and pastoral issuesi Role of grace and good worksii Sacrificial character of the Mass (1362-1372)iii Real Presence of Christ in Eucharist — Tran-substantiation (1376)iv Seminaries and proper formation of priestsv A universal catechismCounter-reforma Mass of St. Pius V, Roman catechism, Jesuit ed-ucationb Baroque architecture and concert-styleMasses — symbolized the newfound confidenceof the Churchc Saints: Ignatius, Robert Bellarmine, Peter Can-isius, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, CharlesBorromeo, Francis de Sales, Jane de Chantal,Vincent de Paul, Louise de MarillacEcumenisma Jesus’ prayer for unity of his disciples (Jn 17:11;820)b Vatican II documentsc Ecumenical dialogues with Orthodox Churches25

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