Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

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<strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Directory</strong>AREA OF STUDY 2: THE CHURCH: LUMEN GENTIUMThis Area of Study leads our pupils into a deeper understanding of life in Jesus Christ through theChurch.2.1. WHAT IS THE CHURCH?<strong>The</strong> understanding of the Church as the means by which we encounter the living Jesus Christ directsall teaching and learning. <strong>The</strong> Church is defined as the universal family of God understanding herlink with the Jewish people, the first to hear the Word of God. Its structure is togetherness withChrist as Head in union with the Holy Spirit. <strong>The</strong> Church is the people of God working to praise Godby sharing Christ’s mission in the world:A 2.1.1. God’s Plan (759-779)A <strong>The</strong> Church was planned by the Father (LG, no. 2;759)a Preparation for the Church begins with God’spromise to Abraham (762)b <strong>The</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Church was instituted by Christ(748-766)i Christ inaugurated the Church by preachingGood News (767-768)ii Christ endowed his community with a struc-ture that will remain until the Kingdom isfully achieved (765)iii <strong>The</strong> Church is born primarily of Christ’s totalself-giving (766)c <strong>The</strong> Holy Spirit revealed the Church at Pente-cost (767-768)d Church is pillar and foundation of truth (1 Tm3:15; 768)B <strong>The</strong> descent of the Holy Spirit (696, 731-732, 767,1076, 1287, 2623)a Fifty-day preparationb <strong>The</strong> first Novenac Jesus remains with us alwaysd <strong>The</strong> events of the first Pentecost (cf. the Towerof Babel)C Holy Spirit is present in the entire Church (737-741)a Spirit present in and through the Churchb <strong>The</strong> Holy Spirit bestows varied hierarchic andcharismatic gifts upon the Church (739)c <strong>The</strong> Spirit’s gifts help the Church to fulfil hermission (768; LG, no. 4)2.1.2. Name and Images (751-757)A In the Old Testament (753-762)a Prefigured in Noah’s ark (56, 753, 845, 12<strong>19</strong>)b <strong>The</strong> call of Abraham, and the promise to himof descendants (762)c Israel’s election as the People of God (762)d <strong>The</strong> remnant foretold by the prophets (762)B From the New Testament (763-776)a <strong>The</strong> Body of Christ (787-795)b <strong>The</strong> temple of the Holy Spirit (797-801)c <strong>The</strong> bride of Christ (796)d <strong>The</strong> vine and branches (787)e <strong>The</strong> seed and the beginning of the Kingdom(541, 669, 764, 768)f <strong>The</strong> family of God (791, 1655-1658, 2204-2685)C Images rooted in Scripture and developed in Traditiona <strong>The</strong> People of God (781-782)b <strong>The</strong> way to salvationc Marian images (507, 773, 967, 972)d <strong>The</strong> community of disciplese A pilgrim people24

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