Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) - The Catholic ...

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<strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Directory</strong>CDi <strong>The</strong> New Testament is composed of theGospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistlesor Letters, and Revelation (Apocalypse)<strong>The</strong> unity of the Old Testament and the New Testament(124-125, 128-130, 140)<strong>The</strong> Gospelsa <strong>The</strong> Gospels occupy the central place in Scrip-ture (125, 139)i <strong>The</strong>y proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ,the Word of God, the definitive Revelation ofGodii <strong>The</strong> Gospels contain a record of the life ofJesus Christ and of his teachings and redeemingworkiii <strong>The</strong> Gospels lead us to accept Jesus Christ infaith and apply his teachings to our livesb Three stages in the formation of the Gospels(126)c <strong>The</strong> Synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, andLukei Approximate dates for each Gospelii What is known about each of these threeevangelistsiii <strong>The</strong> churches for whom Matthew, Mark, andLuke wroteiv <strong>The</strong> contents of the Synoptic Gospels (512-667)• Infancy narratives in Matthew and Luke• <strong>The</strong> Baptism of Jesus• <strong>The</strong> Temptations of Jesus• Sermon on the Mount in Matthew; Sermonon the Plain in Luke• Jesus’ teaching, including the parables• <strong>The</strong> miracles• Last Supper, the Passion, Death, Resurrection,Ascension (1329, 1337, 1366, 1323, 1412,1521-1522, 1532, 1708, <strong>19</strong>92, 2020)d <strong>The</strong> Gospel of Johni Approximate date of the Gospel and churchesfor which John wroteii What is known about Johniii <strong>The</strong> content of the Gospel of John• <strong>The</strong> Prologue (241, 291)• John uses Christ’s dialogues and personaltestimony and is more mystical (547-550)• John treats miracles as signs of Christ’sglory and divinity (cf. Jn 1:14)• <strong>The</strong> Bread of Life discourse (Jn 6)• Christ’s Last Supper discourse and priestlyprayer• <strong>The</strong> Passion, Death, Resurrection1.3. CREATIONCreation is presented as the first and universal revelation of God’s love. Creation is the action of theTrinity, the first step towards the covenant relationship God seeks with all of humanity. Pupils aretaught that each human person is created in the image of God and called by grace to a covenant relationshipwith God and responsibility for stewardship of God’s creation. <strong>The</strong> Father, through theSon, in the power of the Holy Spirit constantly draws each of us to this mystery, seeking a free andpersonal response. Pupils come to realise that human nature is challenged in the struggle to chooseGod alone above all other temptations.1.3.1. <strong>The</strong> Creation of the World and our FirstParents (54, 279-282)A Revelation as found in the book of Genesis.a Understanding literary forms in Scripture(289)b Genesis 1–11 conveys religious truth ratherthan science (283-289)c <strong>The</strong> book reveals truth about which scienceand history can only speculated Scripture’s use of figurative and symbolic lan-guage in Genesis 1–11 (362, 375, 390, 396)B <strong>The</strong> Trinitarian God is the Creator of all; all creationreflects the glory of God (290-295, 301)CDGod created all that is, seen and unseena Unseen or invisible world: angels (325-336)b Seen or visible world (349-357)Human beings as the summit of creationa Created in the image and likeness of God (356-359, 1700-1706)i God made them male and female (369-373,1605, 1702, 2331)ii Dignity of both men and women: similaritiesand differences (2333-2336)iii Contributions to the world and to the Church(2346-2347)b Human persons are a body-soul unity; this re-16

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