The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online

The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online
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512 INDEX.Raffles, Sir Stamford, liis account ofthe ruins of Java, 80Ratahan vocabulary, 465Regent bird of Australia, 435Rhinoceros in Malacca, 26Rifle birds of Australia, 434Robberies at Batchian, 255Rosenberg, Herr, 292 ; a Germannaturalist, 386Ross, Mr., an Englishman residentat Lombock, 127Rotti vocabulary, 467Rowan mountains, 55Ruatan, a river of Ceram, 272 ;difficulty of crossing, 272Rmnikan, village of, the highest inMinahasa, 188 ; coffee plantations,190 ; hiU vegetation, 190,191 {sec Tondano) ; missionariesin, 194Rusa hippelaphus of Java, 300Sago bread, mode of preparing the,290, 291 ; oven for baking, 291Sago district of East Ceram, 289Sago palm of Ceram, 289 ; washingof, 290 ; conversion into foodwith little labour, 292Sago trees, 275 ; of the Ke Islands,321Sahoe, village of, 242, 243 ; the inhabitantsdistinct from the Malayraces, 243Sahoe vocabularv, 466Salayer Straits, 313Salaj-er vocabulary, 464Salibabo Islands, vocabulary of the,465Salwatty, map of, 392 ; island of,433Sandal wood, in Timor, 7, 153Sanguir Island, 4Sanguir Islands vocabulary, 465Saparua vocabulary, 466Sapi-utan, the, 202 ; description of,211Sarawak, 26 ; the author entertainedat, by Sir James Brooke,26, 27 ;gold-fields and coalworks,27 ; the Sadong riverand its tributaries, 27; headof the river of, 55 ; aiTival atfrom the interior, 56 ;governmentof, by Sir James Brooke,71, 72Sardinia and Corsica, natural productionspeculiar to, 8Sassak vocabulary, 464Sassaks, the, aborigines of Lombock,133Savu vocabulary, 467Scorpions, 357Screw pines on the Batchian coast,261Sea, contrasts in depths of, 7, 12Sea Gipsies, vocabulary of the, 467Seboran mountain, lower slopes ofthe, 54Semabang, a trip to, 40 ; descriptionof, 41 ; a Dyak house, 41Semioptera of the Moluccas, 306Sendnkan, Malay village, 54Senna, Malay village, character ofthe people, &c., 56Serpents, of immense size, 297Servants, the author deserted byhis, 288, 289Serwatty Islands, 4Sharks caught and cooked, 313Shells and fish, an unrivalled collectionof, 231Siau vocabulary, 465Sickness of the author and his men,385Silinta, in Mysol, 393Simla satyrus, 31Simunjon river, 27 ; coal-works, 28 ;advantages of, good locality forinsect collecting, 28 ; a trip upthe river, 40 ; narrowness of thestream, 40, 41 ; monkeys on thebanks, 40 ; arrival at Semabang,41Singapore, sketch of the town andisland, 16; inhabitants of, a mixedrace, 16 ; commerce of, 16, 17 ;Chinese in, 16, 17 ;Jesuit missionaries,17 ; character of theisland, &c., 18 ; tigers and tigerpits,18 ; vegetation and insects,18, 19Skulls {see Crania)Slavery at Ternate, 239 ; abolitionof, 240Sleeping shed, 272

;IXDEX. 513Snake on board, 267Snakes, after rain, in Marcs, 184 ;in Amboyna, 228Soap-springs, in Oeassa, 143Social position of England, 456its evils, 456 ; in a state of comparativebarbarism, 457Sodos, JIalay viEage, 55Solomon Islands, 4Solor vocabulary, 467Sorong, in Xew Guinea, Mr. Allen'svoyage to, 437, 438 ;difficultiesencountered at, 438 ; ruggednessof the country, 438, 439Sourabaya, the chief town of EastJava, 76Spaniards, truly wonderful conquerorsand colonizers, 325Species, geographical distributionof, 372, 373Spice, monopoly of the Dutch (seeNutmeg)Spice trade of the Moluccas, 237 ;enormous profits of the, 237Spice trees, district of the, 237Spiders, 357 ;immense variety of,in the Aru Islands, 330, 331Springs, hot, of Celebes, 199Squirrels, 11 ; in Borneo, 30 ; tameones in the village of Palembang,94St. John, Mr., account of a mias,48Sugar-palm (with plate), 176, 177 :drink made from, 177Sula fiber, 316Sula Islands, 298 ; vocabulary ofthe, 465Sumatra, in the line of the volcanicbelt, 4, 5 ;volcanoes in, 5 ; a forestcountry, 5, 6 ; the orang confinedto, and to Borneo, 44 ;pheasantsin, 83; villages of, 96, 97Sumbawa, island of, 4 ; no forestin, 7Tabokrfn, a Malay village, 50 ;portraitof a Dyak youth, 50 ; assemblingof men and boys to lookat the author, 51 ; dress, &c., of,51 ; a visit from the " Orang-Kaya," or rich man of the tribe,51 ; sports of, 51 (see Borotoi)Tamilan, village of, 274Tanakaki, island of, 312Tanysiptera, the genus, 349Tanysiptera acis, 299Tanysiptera doris, 244Tanj^siptera isis, 253Teluti, village of, 275Teluti and Hova vocabularies, 466Teor, island of," 366, 413Teor vocabulary, 467Ternate, island of, 4 ; arrival at,234 ; mountains of, 234 ;town of,234 ; letter of introduction to Mr.Duivenboden, known as theking of, 234 ; the author's residenceat, 235 ; mountain of, 236 ;fruit-trees at, 236 ; fort of, 236 ;palace of the Sultan, 236 ;powerand magnificence of the ancientSultans, 236 ; spice trade of, 237 ;destruction of the spice treesof, 237 ; influence of the Dutchestablished at, 237 ; earthquakesat, 238 ; the inhabitants areof three well-marked races, 238,239 ; slavery at, abolished, 240 ;return to, in a kora-kora, 266 ;arrival at, 267 ;poverty of, in articlesused by Europeans, 376 ;sketch map of, 411 ; voyage to,from Waigiou, 410 : difficulties ofthe voyage, 412 et aeq.Ternate vocabulary, 465Teto vocabularv, 467Therates labiata, 324Thieving, trial and punishment for,336Thrushes, fruit, 11, 12; leaf, 12;ground, 121 ; beauty of, 121Tides, curious phenomena attending,412Tidore, island of, 4 : volcanic coneof, 234 ; village of, 245 ; Sultanof, 405Tidore vocabulary, 465Tiger, in Singapore, 18 ; traps for,and dinners of, 18 : in Malacca,26 ; tiger-cats in Borneo, 30 ;atiger-hunt, 82Timor, volcano in, 5 : no forest in,6 ; common trees of, 7 ; extent,&c., of, 141 (sec Coupang, andL L

;IXDEX. 513Snake on board, 267Snakes, after rain, in Marcs, 184 ;in Amboyna, 228Soap-springs, in Oeassa, 143Social position <strong>of</strong> Eng<strong>land</strong>, 456its evils, 456 ; in a state <strong>of</strong> comparativebarbarism, 457Sodos, JIalay viEage, 55Solomon Is<strong>land</strong>s, 4Solor vocabulary, 467Sorong, in Xew Guinea, Mr. Allen'svoyage to, 437, 438 ;difficultiesencountered at, 438 ; ruggedness<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> country, 438, 439Sourabaya, <strong>the</strong> chief town <strong>of</strong> EastJava, 76Spaniards, truly wonderful conquerorsand colonizers, 325Species, geographical distribution<strong>of</strong>, 372, 373Spice, monopoly <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Dutch (seeNutmeg)Spice trade <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Moluccas, 237 ;enormous pr<strong>of</strong>its <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>, 237Spice trees, district <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>, 237Spiders, 357 ;immense variety <strong>of</strong>,in <strong>the</strong> Aru Is<strong>land</strong>s, 330, 331Springs, hot, <strong>of</strong> Celebes, 199Squirrels, 11 ; in Borneo, 30 ; tameones in <strong>the</strong> village <strong>of</strong> Palembang,94St. John, Mr., account <strong>of</strong> a mias,48Sugar-palm (with plate), 176, 177 :drink made from, 177Sula fiber, 316Sula Is<strong>land</strong>s, 298 ; vocabulary <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>, 465Sumatra, in <strong>the</strong> line <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> volcanicbelt, 4, 5 ;volcanoes in, 5 ; a forestcountry, 5, 6 ; <strong>the</strong> <strong>orang</strong> confinedto, and to Borneo, 44 ;pheasantsin, 83; villages <strong>of</strong>, 96, 97Sumbawa, is<strong>land</strong> <strong>of</strong>, 4 ; no forestin, 7Tabokrfn, a <strong>Malay</strong> village, 50 ;portrait<strong>of</strong> a Dyak youth, 50 ; assembling<strong>of</strong> men and boys to lookat <strong>the</strong> author, 51 ; dress, &c., <strong>of</strong>,51 ; a visit from <strong>the</strong> " Orang-Kaya," or rich man <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tribe,51 ; sports <strong>of</strong>, 51 (see Borotoi)Tamilan, village <strong>of</strong>, 274Tanakaki, is<strong>land</strong> <strong>of</strong>, 312Tanysiptera, <strong>the</strong> genus, 349Tanysiptera acis, 299Tanysiptera doris, 244Tanj^siptera isis, 253Teluti, village <strong>of</strong>, 275Teluti and Hova vocabularies, 466Teor, is<strong>land</strong> <strong>of</strong>," 366, 413Teor vocabulary, 467Ternate, is<strong>land</strong> <strong>of</strong>, 4 ; arrival at,234 ; mountains <strong>of</strong>, 234 ;town <strong>of</strong>,234 ; letter <strong>of</strong> introduction to Mr.Duivenboden, known as <strong>the</strong>king <strong>of</strong>, 234 ; <strong>the</strong> author's residenceat, 235 ; mountain <strong>of</strong>, 236 ;fruit-trees at, 236 ; fort <strong>of</strong>, 236 ;palace <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sultan, 236 ;powerand magnificence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ancientSultans, 236 ; spice trade <strong>of</strong>, 237 ;destruction <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> spice trees<strong>of</strong>, 237 ; influence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Dutchestablished at, 237 ; earthquakesat, 238 ; <strong>the</strong> inhabitants are<strong>of</strong> three well-marked races, 238,239 ; slavery at, abolished, 240 ;return to, in a kora-kora, 266 ;arrival at, 267 ;poverty <strong>of</strong>, in articlesused by Europeans, 376 ;sketch map <strong>of</strong>, 411 ; voyage to,from Waigiou, 410 : difficulties <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> voyage, 412 et aeq.Ternate vocabulary, 465Teto vocabularv, 467<strong>The</strong>rates labiata, 324Thieving, trial and punishment for,336Thrushes, fruit, 11, 12; leaf, 12;ground, 121 ; beauty <strong>of</strong>, 121Tides, curious phenomena attending,412Tidore, is<strong>land</strong> <strong>of</strong>, 4 : volcanic cone<strong>of</strong>, 234 ; village <strong>of</strong>, 245 ; Sultan<strong>of</strong>, 405Tidore vocabulary, 465Tiger, in Singapore, 18 ; traps for,and dinners <strong>of</strong>, 18 : in Malacca,26 ; tiger-cats in Borneo, 30 ;atiger-hunt, 82Timor, volcano in, 5 : no forest in,6 ; common trees <strong>of</strong>, 7 ; extent,&c., <strong>of</strong>, 141 (sec Coupang, andL L

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