The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online

The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online
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510 INDEX.Oeassa, soap-springs of, 143 ; theinhabitants of, 143Ondor, the chief village of Goram,283Ophir, resolution to visit, 22 ;thevoyage and journey to, 22, 23 ;the " Padang-batu," or stonefield,24 ;plants on, 24 ; the summit,25 ; trees, foliage, and coffeefor breakfast on, 25 ; the greatArgus pheasant of, 25Orang Sirani, the name of theChristian descendants of the Portuguese,239, 257Orang- Kaya, illness of the, 345Orang-Kaya, the rich man, or Chiefof a Dyak tribe, 51Orang-utan, 1 ; the gi-eat man-apeof Borneo, 30 {see Mias)Orcliids in flower, 27, 62Ornithoptera, butterflies, 1 j of theMoluccas, 307Ornithoptera brookeana, namedafter Sir James Brooke, 29Ornithoptera crcesus, 258Ornithoptera poseidon, its greatbeauty, 328Ossong, village of, 276Otters, 11, 30Otto and Gesler, Messrs., tradingmissionaries, 377, 378Owls, iu Celebes, 209Pacific, different races of the, 453,454 ;geographical dividing line,454Palembang, city of, 93, 94 ; boys,&c., of, 94 ; road from, to Bencoolen,95Palm sugar, 176 ; a beautiful palm,206Pandanacete, on tiie Batchian coast,261Pangerango and Gedeh mountains,trip to the summit of, 88Panghu, 200 ; birds and insects in,200Papandayang volcano, eruption of, 4Papers lost, 26Papilio coon, butterfly, 87, 99Papilio gambrisius, 273Papilio memnon, 98Papilio ulysses, 253Papilio wallacei, 259Papilios, fine specimens of, 271Papua Kowiyee, bloodthirsty tribesof, 286Papuan belles, personal ornamentsof the, 355Papuan islands, natural history ofthe, 440 ct scq. ; mammalia ofthe, 441 ; birds of the, 441 et scq. ;geology of the, 442 ; insects of,443 ; large island.-* to the east ofNew Guinea, 443 ; the fauna of,related to that of Australia,444 ; insects of, 445 ;plants of,445Papuan race in Ceram, 280Papuans, the, 214 ; first view of,in their own country, 317 ;wildnessof the, 317, 318 ; differentfrom the Malays, 318 ; contrast ofcliaracter with the Malays, 325 ;reserved and taciturn, 325 ; of theMalay Archipelago, 446;personalcharacteristics of the, 448 ;theirstature, 449 ; their moral andintellectual characteristics, 449island of New Guinea,;Ke andAru Islands, Mysol, Salwatty,and "Waigiou inhabited almostexclusively by, 452 ; closely alliedto the negroes of Africa, 454 ; onthe crania and languages of the,459 f< seq.ParadigaUa carunculata, 435Paradise birds, manner of shooting,337 ; scarcity of, in New Guinea,387Paradise pie of New Guinea, 435Paradisea, obtained in fuU plumage,354Paradisea regia, 339Paradisea rubra at Waigiou, 401,402 ; twenty-four fine specimensbrought away, 410Paradiseidae (sec Birds of Paradise)Parroquet, long-tailed, 95Parrots. 144 ; in Celebes, 209 ;ofNew Guinea, 441Peacock, the Java, 82Pearl shells, the chief staple of theAru trade, 370

";INDEX. 511Pelah, bad account of, 295 ;journeyto, 296Penrissen mountain, at the headof the Sarawak river, 55Peters, Mr., of Awaiya, 270Phalsenopsis grandiflora, 324Pheasant, great Argus, country of,25Pheasants, in Sumatra and Borneo,82Philippine Islands, 4 ; active andextinct volcanoes in, 5, 6 ; blackwoolly races of the, 452Phosphoric light, rushing streamsof, 313Physical geography (sec Archipelago)Pieris, genus, 273Pig, Tvild, 11, 211Pigs, their power of swimming,301Pigeons, fruit, 92 ; various, 120,121 ; several species of, 144 ; ofimmense size, 320 ; of NewGuinea, 441Pin, a strange novelty to the natives,297Pirates, on the Batchian coast, 261 ;Sir J. Brooke's suppression of, onthe coast of Borneo, 261 ; on thecoast of Aru, 333 ; attack thepraus and murder the crews, 333,334Pitcher plant, on Mount Ophir, 24 ;water in, 24 ; the plant in Borneo,61, 107Pitta, genus, 298Pitta celebensis, 299Pitta gigas, a beautiful bird ofGilolo, 241Plants, on Mount Ophir {see Ferns,and Pitcher plant), 24, 25rhododendrons, 25 ; zingiberaceousplants, 25 (see Durian, andBamboo) ; on Pangerango mountain,88-91 ;geographical disti'ibutionof, 90 et seq. ; distributionof, in New Guinea, 445Plough, a native, 172, 173 ;ploughing,172, 173Plumage of Birds of Paradise,changes of, 425 ct seq.Pohiiesia, an area of subsidence,455Polynesian races, 452 et seq. ; onthe crania and languages of the,i59 et seq.Pomali, or "taboo," 149Poppa, map of, 392 ; difficulties nearthe island of, 394 ct seq.Portuguese, in Singapore, fromMalacca, 16 ; in Malacca, 20 ; badgovernment of, in Timor, 152 ;expelled from Ternate by theDutch, 237 ; truly wonderfulconquerors and colonizers, 325Pottery, carved tool for making,388, 389Prau, native, of Macassar, 310, 311 ;the crew, 311-314 ; captain andowner of the, 315 ; dangerousdefects of the, 315 ; comforts ofthe, 326Primida imperialis in Java, 90Productions, natural, contrasts of,in the Malay Archipelago, 8 ;peculiarities of position in certainlocalities, 8, 9 ; natural meansof dispersal of, 9, 10 ; a supposedcase of natural disjiersal, 13 ; anexact parallel in the Malay Archipelago,14Ptilonopus pulchellus, 402Ptilonopus superbas, and P. iogaster,259Ptiloris alberti, of North Aixstralia,436Pumbuckle chief, in Lombock, 127K.Races, contrasts of, 15 ; two distinct,in the Archipelago, the Malaysand Papuans, 15, 446 et seq. (seeMalays, and Papuans) ; opinionsof Humboldt and Pritcliard, 15 ;indigenous race in the island ofCeram, 451 ; the Timorese, 451 ;the black woolly-haired racesof the Philippines and the Malaypeninsula, 452 ;general viewas to their origin and affinities,452 et seq. ; the black Polynesianraces, 453 et seq. ;generalreflections on, 455 et seq. ; on thecrania and the langtiages of the,459 ct seq.

";INDEX. 511Pelah, bad account <strong>of</strong>, 295 ;journeyto, 296Penrissen mountain, at <strong>the</strong> head<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sarawak river, 55Peters, Mr., <strong>of</strong> Awaiya, 270Phalsenopsis grandiflora, 324Pheasant, great Argus, country <strong>of</strong>,25Pheasants, in Sumatra and Borneo,82Philippine Is<strong>land</strong>s, 4 ; active andextinct volcanoes in, 5, 6 ; blackwoolly races <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>, 452Phosphoric light, rushing streams<strong>of</strong>, 313Physical geography (sec Archipelago)Pieris, genus, 273Pig, Tvild, 11, 211Pigs, <strong>the</strong>ir power <strong>of</strong> swimming,301Pigeons, fruit, 92 ; various, 120,121 ; several species <strong>of</strong>, 144 ; <strong>of</strong>immense size, 320 ; <strong>of</strong> NewGuinea, 441Pin, a strange novelty to <strong>the</strong> natives,297Pirates, on <strong>the</strong> Batchian coast, 261 ;Sir J. Brooke's suppression <strong>of</strong>, on<strong>the</strong> coast <strong>of</strong> Borneo, 261 ; on <strong>the</strong>coast <strong>of</strong> Aru, 333 ; attack <strong>the</strong>praus and murder <strong>the</strong> crews, 333,334Pitcher plant, on Mount Ophir, 24 ;water in, 24 ; <strong>the</strong> plant in Borneo,61, 107Pitta, genus, 298Pitta celebensis, 299Pitta gigas, a beautiful bird <strong>of</strong>Gilolo, 241Plants, on Mount Ophir {see Ferns,and Pitcher plant), 24, 25rhododendrons, 25 ; zingiberaceousplants, 25 (see Durian, andBamboo) ; on Pangerango mountain,88-91 ;geographical disti'ibution<strong>of</strong>, 90 et seq. ; distribution<strong>of</strong>, in New Guinea, 445Plough, a native, 172, 173 ;ploughing,172, 173Plumage <strong>of</strong> Birds <strong>of</strong> Paradise,changes <strong>of</strong>, 425 ct seq.Pohiiesia, an area <strong>of</strong> subsidence,455Polynesian races, 452 et seq. ; on<strong>the</strong> crania and languages <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>,i59 et seq.Pomali, or "taboo," 149Poppa, map <strong>of</strong>, 392 ; difficulties near<strong>the</strong> is<strong>land</strong> <strong>of</strong>, 394 ct seq.Portuguese, in Singapore, fromMalacca, 16 ; in Malacca, 20 ; badgovernment <strong>of</strong>, in Timor, 152 ;expelled from Ternate by <strong>the</strong>Dutch, 237 ; truly wonderfulconquerors and colonizers, 325Pottery, carved tool for making,388, 389Prau, native, <strong>of</strong> Macassar, 310, 311 ;<strong>the</strong> crew, 311-314 ; captain andowner <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>, 315 ; dangerousdefects <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>, 315 ; comforts <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>, 326Primida imperialis in Java, 90Productions, natural, contrasts <strong>of</strong>,in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong> Archipelago, 8 ;peculiarities <strong>of</strong> position in certainlocalities, 8, 9 ; natural means<strong>of</strong> dispersal <strong>of</strong>, 9, 10 ; a supposedcase <strong>of</strong> natural disjiersal, 13 ; anexact parallel in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong> Archipelago,14Ptilonopus pulchellus, 402Ptilonopus superbas, and P. iogaster,259Ptiloris alberti, <strong>of</strong> North Aixstralia,436Pumbuckle chief, in Lombock, 127K.Races, contrasts <strong>of</strong>, 15 ; two distinct,in <strong>the</strong> Archipelago, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong>sand Papuans, 15, 446 et seq. (see<strong>Malay</strong>s, and Papuans) ; opinions<strong>of</strong> Humboldt and Pritcliard, 15 ;indigenous race in <strong>the</strong> is<strong>land</strong> <strong>of</strong>Ceram, 451 ; <strong>the</strong> Timorese, 451 ;<strong>the</strong> black woolly-haired races<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Philippines and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong>peninsula, 452 ;general viewas to <strong>the</strong>ir origin and affinities,452 et seq. ; <strong>the</strong> black Polynesianraces, 453 et seq. ;generalreflections on, 455 et seq. ; on <strong>the</strong>crania and <strong>the</strong> langtiages <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>,459 ct seq.

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