The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online

The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online
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)08 INDEX.Maykor, map of, 338 ; river of, 370Megacliile pluto, 265Megamendong mountaiu, road over,86 ; a residence on, 86 ; collectionson, and in the neighbourhoodof, 86-93Megapodidfe, the, a small familyof birds, peculiar to Australia,and to surrounding islands, 120Megapodii of the Moluccas, 304Megapodius, the mound-maker bird,249]\Iegapodius wallaeei, a new speciesof bird, 305]\Ielaleuca cajuputi, 294Menado, in Celebes, 185, 299 ;prettiness of, 185 ; in the districtMinahasa,185;pure race, &c.,of, 185, 186 ; the inhabitants recentlysavages, 186, 187 ; inducedto cultivate the coffee-plant, 186 ;pretty villages of, 187 ; a nativehouse, 187, 188 (sec Rm-ukan)Menado vocabulary, 465ilenyerry, a Malay village, 55Mesman, Mr., a Dutch gentlemanin Celebes, 162 ; his farm andpremises, 1 74 ; Macassar farming,173, 174 ; brother of, 175 ;plantationand country life, 175, 176 ;hospitality of, 177, 178Mesmon Islands, 392 ; sketch mapof the, 411Mias, native name for the Orangutan,and so called in this work,31 ; the author's first introductionto, 31 ; the first shot by him,31 ; strength of a wounded mias,31 ; a mias pelting its enemiesfrom the tree-tops, 31 ; the firstcapture of a full-grown mias, afemale (now in the Derby Museum),with plate, 31, 32 ; captureof an infant mias, 32, 33 ; its infantineattraction to a beard, 32its nursing-cradle,;washing, andplaythings, 33 ; a substitute fora mother, 33, 34 ; sjioon-meat,34 ; a hare-lip monkey for a companion,34, 35 ; baby-like appearanceof the mias, 35 ; cutting itsteeth, 35 ; death, 35 ; a mias hunt,36, 37 ; capture of a very largeanimal, 37 ; size and proportionsof, 37 ; skeleton in Derby Museum,38 ; a mias attacked bynatives, 38 ; other captures, 38,39 ; wounded mias making a nestin the trees, 39 ; its death anddried remains, 39, 40 ; mode ofwalking over the tree-tops, 40 ;capture of, at Semabang, the specimennow in the British Museum,40, 41 ; the mias throwing downbranches, 42, 43 ;preparing theskins andskeletons, 43 ; theauthor'slast capture, 43, 44 ; the orang district,Borneo and Sumatra, 44 ;habits of, and nature of countryinhabited by, 44, 45 ; singularmethod of making its way throughthe forest, 45, 46 ; his nest forthe night, 45 ; his time of risingin the morning, 45 ;full-gi'ownanimals seldom seen in company,46 ; food of, 46 ; the mias rarelyseen on the gi'ound, 46 ; the onlytwo animals it is attacked by,the pji;hon and the crocodile, 46,47; his superiority to both, 46, 47 ;size of the large mias, 47 ; variousaccounts of, 47-49 ; in Sumatra,103Microglossum aterrimum, 343^Microscope, astonishment of the nativeson viewing objects throughthe, 264]\Iillepedes, 357Mimeta bouruensis, 306 ; Mimetaforsteni, 306Mimicry among birds, 305Minahasa, map of [see Menado), 189 ;natives of, 201Mindanao, natives of, 300Missionaries, 377 ; traders at Mansinam,377, 378Modjo-kerto, a town in Java, 77 ;the vUlage-green, and tree, 77Modjo-pahit, ruins of the ancientcity of, in Java, 77 ;admirablebrickwork in, 77 ; ancient basrelief,77 ;presented to theauthor, 77, 78Mohnike, Dr., in Amboyna, 224 ;his collection of beetles, kc,226^lolucca Sea, its aspects, 369Moluccau hornbill, 273

INDEX. 509^Moluccas, tlie, 6 ; a forest country,7, 234 et scq. ; final departurefrom, 299 ; natural historj' ofthe, 299 ct scq. ; consist of threelarge islands, 299 ; their extentand geographical position, 299 ;mammalia, or warm - bloodedquadrupeds of the, 299 ct scq. ;fauna of the, 302, 303 ; especiallyrich in the parrot tribe, 303 ;mostcurious groups of birds, 304 ctscq. ; the cassowary, 305 ; cases of"mimiciy," 305 ; insects of the,307 etscq. ; luxiu-ianee and beautyof animal life in the forests, 308Monarcha chrysomela, 333!Monarcha loricata, 299Monarcha telescopthalma, 333Monkeys, 11 ; a hare-lipped monkeyin company with a youngorang-utan, 34, 35 : abundanceand variety of, on the banks ofthe Simunjon river, 40 ; in Sumatra,102, 103Monsoon, south-east, in the MalayArchipelago, 7 ; in the BandaSea, 276^lorella and MamaUa vocabularies,466Morty, island of, 4, 244, 303Mosquitoes, 357Moths, in Borneo, 65 ;plentifulnessof, on the mountains of Sarawak,66 ; mode of seeking them, 66 ;list of captures in different kindsof weather, 66 ; observations onmodes of capture, 66, 67Motir, island of, 246Mountain plants, 261" Muck, running a," curious customin Lombock, 134Muka, village of, 400 ; descriptionof, 400 ; hut erected at, 401 ;aurora borealis seen at, 402 ; thepeople live in abject poverty, 404 ;under the rule of the Sultan ofTidore, 404 ; destitute of thenecessaries or comforts of life,405 ; the author half-starved whilethere, 405 ; departiu'e from, 405Muntok, the chief town of Banca,93Museum, British, specimen of miasin, 41JMuseum, Derby, specimens of miasin, 32, 38, 43Mysol, map of, 392Mysol vocabulaiy, 467KNatural history of the Moluccas,299 et scq.Naturalist, pleasures of the, 178,179Nectarinea auriceps, 253Nectarinea proserpina, 299Negritos, a distinct race from theMalay, 453New Guinea or Papua, dangers oftrading with, 286 ; murders committedthere, 286, 287 ; Moluccanfauna derived from, 302, 303 ;voyage to, 376 ct scq. ; tradingmissionaries of, 377, 378 ; harbourand village of Dorey, 378 ;the people of, 379 ; coast and inlandPapuans, 381 ; curious insectsof, 383 ; deer-iiies of, 384 ; Arfakand Jobie, 386 ; scarcity of Paradisebirds, 387 ; Humboldt Bay,388 ;plague of flies, 390 ; map ofthe west point of, 392 ; birds of,435-437 ; with the islands joinedto it constitute the Papuan group,440 ; perhaps the largest islandon the globe, 440 ; mammalia of,441 ; birds of, 441 ; insects of443 ; the large islands to theeast of, very little kno'wn, 443 ;fauna of, 444 ; exhibits a commonorigin with Australia, 444 ;plantsof, 445 {see Papuan Islands)Neys, Mr., a native of Menado, 185Nicobar pigeon, its beauty, 264Nutmeg-trees, in Banda, 221 ;beauty of, 221 ; the nutmeg trade,221, 222 ; the spice monopoly,222Nutmegs procured from NewGuinea, 237Oceanic races, natural division ofthe, 453

INDEX. 509^Moluccas, tlie, 6 ; a forest country,7, 234 et scq. ; final departurefrom, 299 ; natural historj' <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>, 299 ct scq. ; consist <strong>of</strong> threelarge is<strong>land</strong>s, 299 ; <strong>the</strong>ir extentand geographical position, 299 ;mammalia, or warm - bloodedquadrupeds <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>, 299 ct scq. ;fauna <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>, 302, 303 ; especiallyrich in <strong>the</strong> parrot tribe, 303 ;mostcurious groups <strong>of</strong> birds, 304 ctscq. ; <strong>the</strong> cassowary, 305 ; cases <strong>of</strong>"mimiciy," 305 ; insects <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>,307 etscq. ; luxiu-ianee and beauty<strong>of</strong> animal life in <strong>the</strong> forests, 308Monarcha chrysomela, 333!Monarcha loricata, 299Monarcha telescopthalma, 333Monkeys, 11 ; a hare-lipped monkeyin company with a young<strong>orang</strong>-<strong>utan</strong>, 34, 35 : abundanceand variety <strong>of</strong>, on <strong>the</strong> banks <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Simunjon river, 40 ; in Sumatra,102, 103Monsoon, south-east, in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong>Archipelago, 7 ; in <strong>the</strong> BandaSea, 276^lorella and MamaUa vocabularies,466Morty, is<strong>land</strong> <strong>of</strong>, 4, 244, 303Mosquitoes, 357Moths, in Borneo, 65 ;plentifulness<strong>of</strong>, on <strong>the</strong> mountains <strong>of</strong> Sarawak,66 ; mode <strong>of</strong> seeking <strong>the</strong>m, 66 ;list <strong>of</strong> captures in different kinds<strong>of</strong> wea<strong>the</strong>r, 66 ; observations onmodes <strong>of</strong> capture, 66, 67Motir, is<strong>land</strong> <strong>of</strong>, 246Mountain plants, 261" Muck, running a," curious customin Lombock, 134Muka, village <strong>of</strong>, 400 ; description<strong>of</strong>, 400 ; hut erected at, 401 ;aurora borealis seen at, 402 ; <strong>the</strong>people live in abject poverty, 404 ;under <strong>the</strong> rule <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sultan <strong>of</strong>Tidore, 404 ; destitute <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>necessaries or comforts <strong>of</strong> life,405 ; <strong>the</strong> author half-starved while<strong>the</strong>re, 405 ; departiu'e from, 405Muntok, <strong>the</strong> chief town <strong>of</strong> Banca,93Museum, British, specimen <strong>of</strong> miasin, 41JMuseum, Derby, specimens <strong>of</strong> miasin, 32, 38, 43Mysol, map <strong>of</strong>, 392Mysol vocabulaiy, 467KNatural history <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Moluccas,299 et scq.Naturalist, pleasures <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>, 178,179Nectarinea auriceps, 253Nectarinea proserpina, 299Negritos, a distinct race from <strong>the</strong><strong>Malay</strong>, 453New Guinea or Papua, dangers <strong>of</strong>trading with, 286 ; murders committed<strong>the</strong>re, 286, 287 ; Moluccanfauna derived from, 302, 303 ;voyage to, 376 ct scq. ; tradingmissionaries <strong>of</strong>, 377, 378 ; harbourand village <strong>of</strong> Dorey, 378 ;<strong>the</strong> people <strong>of</strong>, 379 ; coast and in<strong>land</strong>Papuans, 381 ; curious insects<strong>of</strong>, 383 ; deer-iiies <strong>of</strong>, 384 ; Arfakand Jobie, 386 ; scarcity <strong>of</strong> Paradisebirds, 387 ; Humboldt Bay,388 ;plague <strong>of</strong> flies, 390 ; map <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> west point <strong>of</strong>, 392 ; birds <strong>of</strong>,435-437 ; with <strong>the</strong> is<strong>land</strong>s joinedto it constitute <strong>the</strong> Papuan group,440 ; perhaps <strong>the</strong> largest is<strong>land</strong>on <strong>the</strong> globe, 440 ; mammalia <strong>of</strong>,441 ; birds <strong>of</strong>, 441 ; insects <strong>of</strong>443 ; <strong>the</strong> large is<strong>land</strong>s to <strong>the</strong>east <strong>of</strong>, very little kno'wn, 443 ;fauna <strong>of</strong>, 444 ; exhibits a commonorigin with Australia, 444 ;plants<strong>of</strong>, 445 {see Papuan Is<strong>land</strong>s)Neys, Mr., a native <strong>of</strong> Menado, 185Nicobar pigeon, its beauty, 264Nutmeg-trees, in Banda, 221 ;beauty <strong>of</strong>, 221 ; <strong>the</strong> nutmeg trade,221, 222 ; <strong>the</strong> spice monopoly,222Nutmegs procured from NewGuinea, 237Oceanic races, natural division <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>, 453

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