The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online

The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online
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454 THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO.L'"ap.It is, however, quite possible, and perhaps probable, tliat thebi'own Polynesians were originally the produce of a mixture ofMalays, or some lighter coloured Mongol race Avitli the darkPapuans ; but if so, the intermingling took place at such aremote epoch, and has been so assisted by the continuedinfluence of physical conditions and of natural selection, leadingto the preservation of a special type suited to tliose conditions,that it lias become a fixed and stable race with no signs ofmongrelism, and sliowing sucJi a decided preiDonderance ofPapuan character, that it can best be classified as a modificationof the Papuan tyi^e. The occurrence of a decided Malay elementin the Polynesian languages lias evidently nothing to do withany such ancient physical connexion. It is altogether a recentphenomenon, oi'iginating in tlie roaming habits of the chief]Malay tribes ; and this is proved by the fact that we find actualmodern words of the Malay and Javanese languages in use inPolynesia, so little disguised by peculiarities of pronunciationas to be easily recognizable—not mere Malay roots only to bedetected by the elaborate researches of the iihilologist, as wouldcertainly have been the case had their introduction been asremote as the origin of a very distinct race—a race as difFei'entfrom the Malay in mental and moral, as it is in physicalcharacters.As bearing upon this question it is important to point out theliarmony which exists between the line of seimration of thehuman races of the Arcliipelago and that of the animal productionsof the same country, which I have already so fullyexplained and illustrated. The dividing lines do not, it is true,exactly agree ; but I think it is a remarkable fact, and somethingmore than a mere coincidence, that tliey should traversethe same district and ajjproach eacli other so closely as they do.If, however, I am liglit in my sui)position that the region wherethe dividing line of the Indo-Malayan and Austro-Malayanregions of zoology can now be drawn, was formerly occupied bya much wider sea than at jDresent, and if man existed on theeartli at that period, we shall see good reason why the racesinhabiting tlie Asiatic and Pacific areas should now meet andpartially intermingle in tlie vicinity of tliat dividing line.It has recently been maintained by Professor Huxley that thePapuans are more closely allied to the negroes of Africa than toany other race. The resemblance both in physical and mentalcharacteristics had often struck myself, but the ditficuTties intlie Tvay of accepting it as probable or i:)0ssible have hithertoprevented me from giving full weight to those resemblances.Geographical, zoological, and ethnological considerations renderit almost certain that, if these two races ever had a commonorigin, it could only have been at a period far more remote thanany which has yet been assigned to the antiquity of the humanI'ace. And even if their unity could be proved, it would in noway affect my argument for the close affinity of the Papuan and

XL.] RACES OF MAN IN THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. 455Polynesian races, and the radical distinctness of both from theMalay.Polynesia is pre-eminently an area of subsidence, and its greatwide-spread groups of coral-reefs mark out the position of formerlands and islands. The rich and varied, yet strangely isolatedproductions of Australia and New Guinea, also indicate an extensiveland-area wliere such specialized forms were developed.The races of men now inhabiting these countries are, therefore,most probably the descendants of the races which inliabitedthese continents and islands. This is the most simple andnatural supposition to make. And if we find any signs ofdirect affinity between the inhabitants of any otiier part of theAvorld and those of Polynesia, it by no means follows tliat thelatter were derived from the former. It is undoubtedly truethat there are proofs of extensive migrations among tlie Pacificislands, which have led to community of language from theSandwich group to New Zealand ; but there are no proofswhatever of recent migration from any surrounding country toPolynesia, since there "is no people to be found elsewhere sufficientlyresembling tlie Polynesian race in their chief physicaland mental characteristics.If tlie past history of these varied races is obscure and uncertain,the future is no less so. The true Polynesians, inhabitingthe farthest isles of the Pacific, are no doubt doomed to anearly extinction. But the more numerous Malay race seemswell adapted to survive as the cultivator of the soil, even whenhis country and government have passed into the hands ofEuropeans. If the tide of colonization should be turned to NewGuinea, there can be little doubt of the early extinction of thePapuan race. A warlike and energetic people, who will notsubmit to national slavery or to domestic servitude, mustdisappear before the white man as surely as do the wolf andthe tiger.I have now concluded my task. I have given, in more or lessdetail, a sketch of my eight years' wanderings among the largestand the most luxuriant islands which adorn our earth's surface.I have endeavoured to convey my impressions of their scenery,their vegetation, their animal productions, and their humaninhabitants. I have dwelt at some length on the varied andinteresting problems they otfer to the student of nature. Beforebidding my readers farewell, I wish to make a few observationson a subject of yet higher interest and deeper importance, whichtlie contemplation of savage life has suggested, and on which Ibelieve that the civilized can learn something from the savageman.^~^_We most of us believe that we, the higher races, have pro- )gressed and are progressing. If so, thex-e must be some state ofperfection, some ultimate goal, which we may never reach, butto wliich all true progress must bring us nearer. What is this

XL.] RACES OF MAN IN THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. 455Polynesian races, and <strong>the</strong> radical distinctness <strong>of</strong> both from <strong>the</strong><strong>Malay</strong>.Polynesia is pre-eminently an area <strong>of</strong> subsidence, and its greatwide-spread groups <strong>of</strong> coral-reefs mark out <strong>the</strong> position <strong>of</strong> former<strong>land</strong>s and is<strong>land</strong>s. <strong>The</strong> rich and varied, yet strangely isolatedproductions <strong>of</strong> Australia and New Guinea, also indicate an extensive<strong>land</strong>-area wliere such specialized forms were developed.<strong>The</strong> races <strong>of</strong> men now inhabiting <strong>the</strong>se countries are, <strong>the</strong>refore,most probably <strong>the</strong> descendants <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> races which inliabited<strong>the</strong>se continents and is<strong>land</strong>s. This is <strong>the</strong> most simple andnatural supposition to make. And if we find any signs <strong>of</strong>direct affinity between <strong>the</strong> inhabitants <strong>of</strong> any otiier part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Avorld and those <strong>of</strong> Polynesia, it by no means follows tliat <strong>the</strong>latter were derived from <strong>the</strong> former. It is undoubtedly truethat <strong>the</strong>re are pro<strong>of</strong>s <strong>of</strong> extensive migrations among tlie Pacificis<strong>land</strong>s, which have led to community <strong>of</strong> language from <strong>the</strong>Sandwich group to New Zea<strong>land</strong> ; but <strong>the</strong>re are no pro<strong>of</strong>swhatever <strong>of</strong> recent migration from any surrounding country toPolynesia, since <strong>the</strong>re "is no people to be found elsewhere sufficientlyresembling tlie Polynesian race in <strong>the</strong>ir chief physica<strong>land</strong> mental characteristics.If tlie past history <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se varied races is obscure and uncertain,<strong>the</strong> future is no less so. <strong>The</strong> true Polynesians, inhabiting<strong>the</strong> far<strong>the</strong>st isles <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pacific, are no doubt doomed to anearly extinction. But <strong>the</strong> more numerous <strong>Malay</strong> race seemswell adapted to survive as <strong>the</strong> cultivator <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> soil, even whenhis country and government have passed into <strong>the</strong> hands <strong>of</strong>Europeans. If <strong>the</strong> tide <strong>of</strong> colonization should be turned to NewGuinea, <strong>the</strong>re can be little doubt <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> early extinction <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Papuan race. A warlike and energetic people, who will notsubmit to national slavery or to domestic servitude, mustdisappear before <strong>the</strong> white man as surely as do <strong>the</strong> wolf and<strong>the</strong> tiger.I have now concluded my task. I have given, in more or lessdetail, a sketch <strong>of</strong> my eight years' wanderings among <strong>the</strong> largestand <strong>the</strong> most luxuriant is<strong>land</strong>s which adorn our earth's surface.I have endeavoured to convey my impressions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir scenery,<strong>the</strong>ir vegetation, <strong>the</strong>ir animal productions, and <strong>the</strong>ir humaninhabitants. I have dwelt at some length on <strong>the</strong> varied andinteresting problems <strong>the</strong>y otfer to <strong>the</strong> student <strong>of</strong> nature. Beforebidding my readers farewell, I wish to make a few observationson a subject <strong>of</strong> yet higher interest and deeper importance, whichtlie contemplation <strong>of</strong> savage life has suggested, and on which Ibelieve that <strong>the</strong> civilized can learn something from <strong>the</strong> savageman.^~^_We most <strong>of</strong> us believe that we, <strong>the</strong> higher races, have pro- )gressed and are progressing. If so, <strong>the</strong>x-e must be some state <strong>of</strong>perfection, some ultimate goal, which we may never reach, butto wliich all true progress must bring us nearer. What is this

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