The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online

The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online

The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online

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390 THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. [chap.and hunting under rotten bark, in all <strong>the</strong> best stations I haddiscovered during my walks. I was out from ten in <strong>the</strong> morningtill three in <strong>the</strong> afternoon, and it took me six hours' workat home to pin and set out all <strong>the</strong> specimens, and to separate<strong>the</strong> sj^ecies. Although I had already been working this spotdaily for two months and a half, and had obtained over 800species <strong>of</strong> Coleoptera, this day's work added 32 new ones.Among <strong>the</strong>se wei-e 4 Longicorns, 2 Carabidse, 7 Staphylinidse,7 Curculionidfe, 2 Copridte, 4 Chrysomelidse, 3 Hetei'omera,1 Elater, and 1 Buprestis. Even on <strong>the</strong> last day I went out,I obtained 16 new species ;so that although I collected over athousand distinct sorts <strong>of</strong> beetles in a sjiace not much exceedinga square mile during <strong>the</strong> three months <strong>of</strong> my residenceat Dorey, I cannot believe that this represents one half<strong>the</strong> species really inhabiting <strong>the</strong> same spot, or a fourth <strong>of</strong> whatmiglit be obtained in an area extending twenty miles in eachdirection.On <strong>the</strong> 22nd <strong>of</strong> July <strong>the</strong> schooner Hester Helena arrived, andfive days afterwards we bade adieu to Dorey, without muchregret, for in no jDlace which I have visited have I encounteredmore privations and annoyances. Continual rain, continualsickness, little wholesome food, with a plague <strong>of</strong> ants and flies,surpassing anything I liad before met with, required all anaturalist's ardour to encounter ; and when <strong>the</strong>y wex'e uncompensatedby great success in collecting, became all <strong>the</strong> moreinsupportable. This long-thouglit-<strong>of</strong> and much-desired voyageto New Guinea had realized none <strong>of</strong> my expectations. Instead<strong>of</strong> being far better than <strong>the</strong> Aru Is<strong>land</strong>s, it was in almost everytliingruuch worse. Instead <strong>of</strong> producing several <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> rarerParadise Birds, I had not even seen one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m, and had notobtained any one supei'latively fine bird or insect. I cannotdeny, however, that I)orey was very rich in ants. One smallblack kind was excessively^ abundant. Almost every shrub andtree was more or less infested with it, and its large ])apery nestswere e^•ery where to be seen. <strong>The</strong>y immediately took possession<strong>of</strong> my house, building a large nest in <strong>the</strong> ro<strong>of</strong>, and formingpapery tunnels down almost every post. <strong>The</strong>y swarmed on mytable as I was at work setting out my insects, carrying <strong>the</strong>m <strong>of</strong>ffrom under my very nose, and even tearing <strong>the</strong>m from <strong>the</strong> cardson which <strong>the</strong>y were gummed if I left <strong>the</strong>m for an instant. <strong>The</strong>ycrawled continually over my hands and face, got into my hair,over my whole body, not producing muchand roamed at willinconvenience till tliey began to bite, which <strong>the</strong>y would do onmeeting with any obstruction to <strong>the</strong>ir passage, and with asharpness which made me jump again and rusli to undress andturn out <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>fender. <strong>The</strong>y visited my bed also, so tliat nightbrought no relief from <strong>the</strong>ir persecutions ; and I A-erily believethat during my three and a half months' residence at Dorey Iwas never for a single hour entirely fi'ee from <strong>the</strong>m. <strong>The</strong>y werenot nearly so voracious as many o<strong>the</strong>r kinds, but <strong>the</strong>ir numbersI

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