The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online

The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online
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—364 THE aiALAY ARCHIPELAGO. [chap.pride onr giarantic and ever-increasing manufactures and commerce,and thinking everything good that renders their progressstill more rapid, either by lowering the price at which thearticles can he produced, or by discovering new markets towhich they may be sent. If, however, the question that is sofrequently asked of the votaries of the less popular scienceswere put here " Chd bono?"—it would be found moi'e difficultto answer than had been imagined. The advantages, even tothe few who reap them, would be seen to be mostly physical,while the widespread moral and intellectual evils resultingfrom unceasing labour, low wages, crowded dwellings, andmonotonous occupations, to perhaps as large a number as thosewho gain any real advantage, might be held to show a balanceof evil so great, as to lead the greatest admirers of our manufacturesand commerce to doubt the advisability of their furtherdevelopment. It will be said ": We cannot stop it ; capitalmust be employed ; our population must be kept at woi'k ; ifwe hesitate a moment, other nations now hard pressing us willget ahead, and national ruin will follow." Some of this is true,some fallacious. It is undoubtedly a difficult problem which wehave to solve ; and I am inclined to think it is this difficultythat makes men conclude that what seems a necessary and unalterablestate of things must be good—that its benefits mustbe greater than its evils. This was the feeling of the Americanadvocates of slavery ; they could not see an easy, comfortableway out of it. In our own case, however, it is to be hoped, thatif a fair consideration of the matter in all its bearings shows thata preponderance of evil arises from the immensitj' of our manufacturesand commerce—evil which must go on increasing withtheir increase—there i.-; enough both of political wisdom andtrue philanthropy in Englishmen, to induce them to tui'n theirsuperabundant wealth into other channels. The fact that hasled to these remarks is surely a striking one : that in one of themost remote corners of the earth savages can buy clothingcheaper than the people of the country where it is made ; thatthe weaver's child should shiver in the wintry wind, unable topurchase articles attainable by the wild natives of a tropicalclimate, where clothing is mere ornament or luxury, shouldmake us pause ere Ave regard with unmixed admiration thesystem which has led to such a result, and cause us to look "withome suspicion on the further extension of that system. Itmust be remembered too that our commerce is not a purelynatural growth. It has been ever fostered by the legislature,and forced to an unnatural luxuriance by the protection of ourfleets and armies. The wisdom and the justice of this policyhave been already doubted. So soon, therefore, as it is seenthat the further extension of our manufactures and commercewould be an evil, the remedy is not far to seek.After six weeks' confinement to the house I was at length

sxxii.] ARU ISLANDS.—SECOND RESIDENCE AT DOBBO. 365well, and could resume my daily walks in the forest. I did not,however, find it so productive as when I had first arrived atDobbo. There was a damp stagnation about the paths, andinsects were very scarce. In some of my best collecting placesI now found a mass of rotting wood, mingled with young slioots,and overgrown with climbers, yet I always managed to addsomething daily to my extensive collections. I one day metwith a curious example of failure of instinct, which, by showingit to be fallible, renders it very doubtful whether it is anythingmore than hereditary habit, dependent on delicate modificationsof sensation. Some sailors cut down a good-sized tree, and, as isalways my practice, I visited it daily for some time in search ofinsects. Among other beetles came swarms of the little cylindricalwood-borers (Platypus, Tesserocerus, &c.), and commencedmaking holes in the bark. After a day or two I was surprisedto find hundreds of them sticking in the holes they had iDored,and on examination discovered that the milky sajD of the treewas of tlie nature of gutta-jDercha, hardening rapidly on exposureto the air, and gluing the little animals in self-duggraves. The habit of boring holes in trees in wliich to deposittheir eggs was not accompanied by a sufiicient instinctiveknowledge of which trees were suitable, and whicli destructiveto them. If, as is very probable, these trees have an attractiveodour to certain species of borers, it might very likely lead totheir becoming extinct ; while other species to whom the sameodour was disagreeable, and who therefore a\oided the dangeroustrees, would survive, and would be credited by us withan instinct, whereas they would really be guided bj^ a simplesensation.Those curious little beetles, the Brenthidse, were very abundantin Aru. The females have a jDointed rostrum, with whichthey bore deep holes in the bark of dead trees, often buryingthe rostrum up totlie eyes, and in these holes deposit their eggs.The males are larger, and have the rostrum dilated at tiie end,and sometimes terminating in a good-sized pair of jaws. I oncesaw two males fighting together ; each had a foi-e-leg laid acrossthe neck of the other, and the rostrum bent quite in an attitudeof defiance, and looking most ridiculous. Another time, twowere figliting for a female, who stood close by busy at herboring. They pushed at eacli other with their rostra, and clawedand thumped, apparently in the greatest rage, although theircoats of mail must have saved both from injury. The small one,however, soon ran away, acknowledging himself vanquished,In most Coleoptera the female is larger than the male, and it istherefore interesting, as bearing on the question of sexualselection, that in this case, as in the stag-beetles where themales fight togetlier, they should be not only better armed, butalso much larger than the females.Just as we were going away, a handsome tree, allied toErythrina, was in blossom, showing its masses of large crimson

sxxii.] ARU ISLANDS.—SECOND RESIDENCE AT DOBBO. 365well, and could resume my daily walks in <strong>the</strong> forest. I did not,however, find it so productive as when I had first arrived atDobbo. <strong>The</strong>re was a damp stagnation about <strong>the</strong> paths, andinsects were very scarce. In some <strong>of</strong> my best collecting placesI now found a mass <strong>of</strong> rotting wood, mingled with young slioots,and overgrown with climbers, yet I always managed to addsomething daily to my extensive collections. I one day metwith a curious example <strong>of</strong> failure <strong>of</strong> instinct, which, by showingit to be fallible, renders it very doubtful whe<strong>the</strong>r it is anythingmore than hereditary habit, dependent on delicate modifications<strong>of</strong> sensation. Some sailors cut down a good-sized tree, and, as isalways my practice, I visited it daily for some time in search <strong>of</strong>insects. Among o<strong>the</strong>r beetles came swarms <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> little cylindricalwood-borers (Platypus, Tesserocerus, &c.), and commencedmaking holes in <strong>the</strong> bark. After a day or two I was surprisedto find hundreds <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m sticking in <strong>the</strong> holes <strong>the</strong>y had iDored,and on examination discovered that <strong>the</strong> milky sajD <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> treewas <strong>of</strong> tlie nature <strong>of</strong> gutta-jDercha, hardening rapidly on exposureto <strong>the</strong> air, and gluing <strong>the</strong> little animals in self-duggraves. <strong>The</strong> habit <strong>of</strong> boring holes in trees in wliich to deposit<strong>the</strong>ir eggs was not accompanied by a sufiicient instinctiveknowledge <strong>of</strong> which trees were suitable, and whicli destructiveto <strong>the</strong>m. If, as is very probable, <strong>the</strong>se trees have an attractiveodour to certain species <strong>of</strong> borers, it might very likely lead to<strong>the</strong>ir becoming extinct ; while o<strong>the</strong>r species to whom <strong>the</strong> sameodour was disagreeable, and who <strong>the</strong>refore a\oided <strong>the</strong> dangeroustrees, would survive, and would be credited by us withan instinct, whereas <strong>the</strong>y would really be guided bj^ a simplesensation.Those curious little beetles, <strong>the</strong> Brenthidse, were very abundantin Aru. <strong>The</strong> females have a jDointed rostrum, with which<strong>the</strong>y bore deep holes in <strong>the</strong> bark <strong>of</strong> dead trees, <strong>of</strong>ten burying<strong>the</strong> rostrum up totlie eyes, and in <strong>the</strong>se holes deposit <strong>the</strong>ir eggs.<strong>The</strong> males are larger, and have <strong>the</strong> rostrum dilated at tiie end,and sometimes terminating in a good-sized pair <strong>of</strong> jaws. I oncesaw two males fighting toge<strong>the</strong>r ; each had a foi-e-leg laid across<strong>the</strong> neck <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r, and <strong>the</strong> rostrum bent quite in an attitude<strong>of</strong> defiance, and looking most ridiculous. Ano<strong>the</strong>r time, twowere figliting for a female, who stood close by busy at herboring. <strong>The</strong>y pushed at eacli o<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong>ir rostra, and clawedand thumped, apparently in <strong>the</strong> greatest rage, although <strong>the</strong>ircoats <strong>of</strong> mail must have saved both from injury. <strong>The</strong> small one,however, soon ran away, acknowledging himself vanquished,In most Coleoptera <strong>the</strong> female is larger than <strong>the</strong> male, and it is<strong>the</strong>refore interesting, as bearing on <strong>the</strong> question <strong>of</strong> sexualselection, that in this case, as in <strong>the</strong> stag-beetles where <strong>the</strong>males fight togetlier, <strong>the</strong>y should be not only better armed, butalso much larger than <strong>the</strong> females.Just as we were going away, a handsome tree, allied toErythrina, was in blossom, showing its masses <strong>of</strong> large crimson

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