The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online

The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online
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334 THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. [chai-.and children for slaves. Not a man will stir from his village forsome time, and I must remain still a prisoner in Do])bo. TheGovernor of Amboyna, out of jiure kindness, has told the chiefsthat they are to be responsible for my safety, so that they havean excellent excuse for refusing to stir.Several praus went out in search of the pirates, sentinels wereappointed, and watch-fires lighted on the beacli to guard againstthe possibility of a night attack, though it was hardly thoughtthey would be bold enough to attemjjt to plunder Dol)bo. Thenext day the praus returned, and we had positive informationthat these scourges of the Eastern seas were really among us.One of Herr Warzbergen's small praus also arrived in a sadplight. It had been attacked six days before, just as it was returningfrom the " blakang tana." The crew escaped in theirsmall boat and hid in the jungle, while the pirates came up andplundered the vessel. They took away everything but the cargoof mother-of-pearl shell, which was too bulky for tliem. All theclothes and boxes of the men, and the sails and cordage of theprau, were cleared off. They had four large war boats, and fireda volley of musketry as they came up, and sent off their smallboats to the attack. After they had left, our men observed fromtheir concealment that three had stayed behind with a smallboat ; and being driven to desperation by the sight of theplundering, one brave fellow swam off armed only with hisparang, or chopping-knife, and coming on them unawares madea desperate attack, killing one and wounding the other two, receivinghimself numbers of slight wounds, and then swimmingoff again when almost exhausted. Two other praus were alsoplundered, and the crew of one of them murdered to a man.They are said to be Sooloo pirates, but have Bugis among them.On their way here they have devastated one of the small islandseast of Ceram. It is now eleven years since they have visitedAru, and by thus making their attacks at long and uncertainintervals the alarm dies away, and they find a population forthe most part unarmed and unsuspicious of danger. None of thesmall trading vessels now carry arms, though they did so for ayear or two after the last attack, which was just the time whenthere was the least occasion for it. A week later one of thesmaller pirate boats was captured in the " blakang tana." Sevenmen were killed and three taken prisoners. The larger vesselshave been often seen but cannot be caught, as they have verystrong crews, and can always escape by rowing out to sea in theeye of the wind, returning at night. They will thus remainamong the innumerable islands and channels till the change ofthe monsoon enables them to sail westward.March 9//'.—For four or five days we have had a continual galeof wind, with occasional gusts of great fury, which seem as ifthey would send Dobbo into the sea. Rain accompanies italmost every alternate hour, so tliat it is not a pleasant time.During such weather I can do little, but am busy getting ready

XXX.] THE ARU ISLANDS.—RESIDENCE IN DOBBO. 335a boat I have purcliased, for an excursion into the interior.There is immense difficulty about men, but I believe theOrang-kaj^a," or head man of Wamma, will accompany me tosee that I don't run into danger.Having become quite an old inhabitant of Dobbo, I willandendeavour to sketcli the sights and sounds that pervade it,the manners and customs of its inhabitants. The place is nowpretty full, and the sti'eets present a far more cheerful aspectthan when we first arrived. Every house is a store, where thenatives barter their produce for what they are most in needof.Knives, choppers, swords, guns, tobacco, gambler, plates, basins,handkerchiefs, sarongs, calicoes, and arrack, are the principalarticles wanted by the natives ; but some of the stores containalso tea, coffee, sugai-, wine, biscuits, &c., for the supply of thetraders ;and others are full of fancy goods, china ornaments,looking-glasses, razors, umbrellas, pipes, and purses, wliicli takethe fancy of tlie wealthier natives. Every tine day mats arespread before the doors and the ti'ipang is put out to dry, aswell as sugar, salt, biscuit, tea, cloths, and otlier things that getinjured by an excessively moist atmosphei'e. In the morningand evening spruce Chinamen stroll about or chat at eachother's doors, in blue trousers, white jacket, and a queue intowhich red silk is plaited till it reaches almost to their heels.An old Bugis hadji regularly takes an evening stroll in all thedignity of flowing green silk robe and gay turban, followed bytwo small boys carrying his sirih and betel boxes.In every vacant space new houses are being built, and allsorts of odd little cooking-sheds are erected against the oldones, while in some out-of-the-way corners, massive log pigstiesare tenanted by growing porkers ; for how could the Cliinamenexist six months without one feast of pig ? Here and there arestalls where bananas are sold, and every morning two little boysgo about with trays of sw^eet rice and grated cocoa-nut, friedlisli, or fried plantains ; and whichever it may be, they have butone cry, and that is— " Chocolat—t—t "! This must be_ aSpanish or Portuguese cry, handed down for centuries, whileits meaning has been lost. The Bugis sailors, while lioisting themainsail, cry out, " Vela a vela,—vela, vela, vela "! repeated inan everlasting chorus. As "vela" is Portuguese for a sail, Isupposed I had discovered the origin of this, but I found afterwardsthey used the same cry when heaving anchor, and oftenchange it to "hela," which is so much an universal expression ofexerfion and hard breathing that it is most probably a mereinterjection al ci-y.I dare say there are now near five hundred people in Dobbo ofvarious races, all met in this remote coi'ner of the East, as theyexpress it, "to look for their fortune ;" to get money any waythey can. They are most of them people who have the veryworst reputation for honesty as well as every otlier form ofmorality— Chinese, Bugis, Ceramese, and half-caste Javanese,

334 THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. [chai-.and children for slaves. Not a man will stir from his village forsome time, and I must remain still a prisoner in Do])bo. <strong>The</strong>Governor <strong>of</strong> Amboyna, out <strong>of</strong> jiure kindness, has told <strong>the</strong> chiefsthat <strong>the</strong>y are to be responsible for my safety, so that <strong>the</strong>y havean excellent excuse for refusing to stir.Several praus went out in search <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> pirates, sentinels wereappointed, and watch-fires lighted on <strong>the</strong> beacli to guard against<strong>the</strong> possibility <strong>of</strong> a night attack, though it was hardly thought<strong>the</strong>y would be bold enough to attemjjt to plunder Dol)bo. <strong>The</strong>next day <strong>the</strong> praus returned, and we had positive informationthat <strong>the</strong>se scourges <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Eastern seas were really among us.One <strong>of</strong> Herr Warzbergen's small praus also arrived in a sadplight. It had been attacked six days before, just as it was returningfrom <strong>the</strong> " blakang tana." <strong>The</strong> crew escaped in <strong>the</strong>irsmall boat and hid in <strong>the</strong> jungle, while <strong>the</strong> pirates came up andplundered <strong>the</strong> vessel. <strong>The</strong>y took away everything but <strong>the</strong> cargo<strong>of</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r-<strong>of</strong>-pearl shell, which was too bulky for tliem. All <strong>the</strong>clo<strong>the</strong>s and boxes <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> men, and <strong>the</strong> sails and cordage <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>prau, were cleared <strong>of</strong>f. <strong>The</strong>y had four large war boats, and fireda volley <strong>of</strong> musketry as <strong>the</strong>y came up, and sent <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong>ir smallboats to <strong>the</strong> attack. After <strong>the</strong>y had left, our men observed from<strong>the</strong>ir concealment that three had stayed behind with a smallboat ; and being driven to desperation by <strong>the</strong> sight <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>plundering, one brave fellow swam <strong>of</strong>f armed only with hisparang, or chopping-knife, and coming on <strong>the</strong>m unawares madea desperate attack, killing one and wounding <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r two, receivinghimself numbers <strong>of</strong> slight wounds, and <strong>the</strong>n swimming<strong>of</strong>f again when almost exhausted. Two o<strong>the</strong>r praus were alsoplundered, and <strong>the</strong> crew <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m murdered to a man.<strong>The</strong>y are said to be Sooloo pirates, but have Bugis among <strong>the</strong>m.On <strong>the</strong>ir way here <strong>the</strong>y have devastated one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> small is<strong>land</strong>seast <strong>of</strong> Ceram. It is now eleven years since <strong>the</strong>y have visitedAru, and by thus making <strong>the</strong>ir attacks at long and uncertainintervals <strong>the</strong> alarm dies away, and <strong>the</strong>y find a population for<strong>the</strong> most part unarmed and unsuspicious <strong>of</strong> danger. None <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>small trading vessels now carry arms, though <strong>the</strong>y did so for ayear or two after <strong>the</strong> last attack, which was just <strong>the</strong> time when<strong>the</strong>re was <strong>the</strong> least occasion for it. A week later one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>smaller pirate boats was captured in <strong>the</strong> " blakang tana." Sevenmen were killed and three taken prisoners. <strong>The</strong> larger vesselshave been <strong>of</strong>ten seen but cannot be caught, as <strong>the</strong>y have verystrong crews, and can always escape by rowing out to sea in <strong>the</strong>eye <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> wind, returning at night. <strong>The</strong>y will thus remainamong <strong>the</strong> innumerable is<strong>land</strong>s and channels till <strong>the</strong> change <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> monsoon enables <strong>the</strong>m to sail westward.March 9//'.—For four or five days we have had a continual gale<strong>of</strong> wind, with occasional gusts <strong>of</strong> great fury, which seem as if<strong>the</strong>y would send Dobbo into <strong>the</strong> sea. Rain accompanies italmost every alternate hour, so tliat it is not a pleasant time.During such wea<strong>the</strong>r I can do little, but am busy getting ready

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