The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online

The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online
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—;I274 THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. [chap.and, in fact, have never been in a forest so utterly desert ofanimal life as this appeared to be. Even in all other groups ofinsects, except butterflies, there was the same poverty. I hadhoped to find some rare tiger beetles, as I had done in similarsituations in Celebes ; but, though I searched closely in forest,river-bed, and mountain-brook, I could find nothing but the twocommon Amboyna species. Other beetles there were absolutelynone.The constant walking in water, and over rocks and pebbles,quite destroyed the two pair of shoes I brought with me, so that,on my return, they actually fell to pieces, and the last day I liadto walk in my stockings very painfully, and reached home quiteOn our way back from Makariki, as on our way there,lame.we had storm and rain at sea, and we arrived at Awaiya latein the evening, with all our baggage drenched, and ourselvesthoroughly uncomfortable. All the time I had been in CoramI had suffered much from the irritating bites of an invisibleacarus, which is worse than mosquitoes, ants, and every otherpest, because it is impossible to guard against them. This lastjourney in the forest left me covered from head to foot with inflamedlumps, which, after my return to Amboyna, produced aserious disease, confining me to the house for nearly two months,—a not very pleasant memento of my first visit to Ceram, whichterminated with the year 1859.It was not till the 24th of February, 1860, that I started again,intending to pass from village to village along the coast, stayingwhere I found a suitable locality. I had a letter from theGovernor of the Moluccas, requesting all the chiefs to supplyme with boats and men to carry me on my journey. The firstboat took me in two days to Amahay, on the opposite side of thebay to Awaiya. The chief here, wonderful to relate, did notmake any excuses for delay, but immediately ordered out theboat which was to carry me on, put my baggage on board, setup mast and sails after dark, and had the men ready that nightso that we were actually on our way at five the next morninga display of energy and activity I scarcely ever saw before in anative chief on such an occasion. We touched at Cepa, andstayed for the rdght at Tamilan, the first two Mahometanvillages on the south coast of Ceram. The next day, aboutnoon, we reached Hoya, which was as far as my present boatand crew were going to take me. The anchorage is about amile east of the \TJlage, which is faced by coral reefs, and wehad to wait for the evening tide to move up and unload the boatinto the strange rotten wooden pavilion kept for visitors.There was no boat here large enough to take my baggage ;and although two would have done very well, the Rajah insistedupon sending four. Tlie reason of this I found was, thatthere were four small villages under his rule, and by sending aboat from each he would avoid the difiicult task of choosing twoand letting off the others. I was told that at the next village of

XXV.] CERAM, CORAM, AND THE MATABELLO ISLANDS. 275Teluti there were plenty of Alfuros, and that I could get abundanceof lories and other birds. The Rajah declared that blackand yellow lories and black cockatoos were found tliere ; but Iam inclined to think he knew very well he was telling me lies,and that it was only a scheme to satisfy me with his plan oftaking me to that village, instead of a day's journey further on,as I desired. Here, as at most of the villages, I was asked forspirits, the people being mere nominal Mahometans, wlio confinetheir religion almost entirely to a disgust at pork, and a fewotherforbidden articles of food. Tlie next morning, after muchtrouble, we got our cargoes loaded, and had a delightful rowacross the deep bay of Teluti, with a view of the grand centralmountain-range of Ceram. Our four boats were rowed by sixtymen, witli flags flying and tom-toms beating, as well as very^^gorous shouting and singing to keep up their spirits. The seawas smooth, the morning bright, and the whole scene very exhilarating.On landing, the Orang-kaya and several of thechief men, in gorgeous silk jackets, were waiting to receive us,and conducted me to a house prepared for my reception, whereI determined to stay a few days, and see if the country I'oundproduced aiiything new.My inquiries were about the lories, but I could get verylittle satisfactory information. Tlie only kinds known were thering-necked lory and the common red and green lorikeet, bothcommon at Amboyna. Black lories and cockatoos were quiteunknown. The Alfuros resided in the mountains five or sixdays' journey away, and there were only one or two li%'e birdsto be found in the village, and these were worthless. My hunterscould get nothing but a few common birds ; and notwitlistandingfine mountains, luxuriant forests, and a locality a hundred mileseastward, I could find no new insects, and extremely few evenof the common species of Amboyna and West Ceram. It wasevidently no use stopping at such a place, and I was determinedto move on as soon as possible.The \dllage of Teluti is populous, but straggling and verydirty. Sago trees here co^er the mountain side, instead ofgrowing as usual in low swamps ; but a closer examinationshows that they grow in swampy patches, which have formed'among the loose rocks that cover the ground, and which arekept constantly full of moisture by the rains, and by theabundance of rills which trickle down among them. This sagoforms almost the whole subsistence of the inhabitants, whoappear to cultivate nothing but a few small patches vl maizeand sweet potatoes. Hence, as before explained, the scarcity ofinsects. The Orang-kaya has fine clothes, handsome lamps, andother expensive European goods, yet lives every day on sago andfish as miserably as the rest.After three days in this barren place I left on the morning ofMarch 6th, in two boats of the same size as those which hadbrought me to Teluti. With some diificulty I had obtainedT 2

—;I274 THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. [chap.and, in fact, have never been in a forest so utterly desert <strong>of</strong>animal life as this appeared to be. Even in all o<strong>the</strong>r groups <strong>of</strong>insects, except butterflies, <strong>the</strong>re was <strong>the</strong> same poverty. I hadhoped to find some rare tiger beetles, as I had done in similarsituations in Celebes ; but, though I searched closely in forest,river-bed, and mountain-brook, I could find nothing but <strong>the</strong> twocommon Amboyna species. O<strong>the</strong>r beetles <strong>the</strong>re were absolutelynone.<strong>The</strong> constant walking in water, and over rocks and pebbles,quite destroyed <strong>the</strong> two pair <strong>of</strong> shoes I brought with me, so that,on my return, <strong>the</strong>y actually fell to pieces, and <strong>the</strong> last day I liadto walk in my stockings very painfully, and reached home quiteOn our way back from Makariki, as on our way <strong>the</strong>re,lame.we had storm and rain at sea, and we arrived at Awaiya latein <strong>the</strong> evening, with all our baggage drenched, and ourselvesthoroughly uncomfortable. All <strong>the</strong> time I had been in CoramI had suffered much from <strong>the</strong> irritating bites <strong>of</strong> an invisibleacarus, which is worse than mosquitoes, ants, and every o<strong>the</strong>rpest, because it is impossible to guard against <strong>the</strong>m. This lastjourney in <strong>the</strong> forest left me covered from head to foot with inflamedlumps, which, after my return to Amboyna, produced aserious disease, confining me to <strong>the</strong> house for nearly two months,—a not very pleasant memento <strong>of</strong> my first visit to Ceram, whichterminated with <strong>the</strong> year 1859.It was not till <strong>the</strong> 24th <strong>of</strong> February, 1860, that I started again,intending to pass from village to village along <strong>the</strong> coast, stayingwhere I found a suitable locality. I had a letter from <strong>the</strong>Governor <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Moluccas, requesting all <strong>the</strong> chiefs to supplyme with boats and men to carry me on my journey. <strong>The</strong> firstboat took me in two days to Amahay, on <strong>the</strong> opposite side <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>bay to Awaiya. <strong>The</strong> chief here, wonderful to relate, did notmake any excuses for delay, but immediately ordered out <strong>the</strong>boat which was to carry me on, put my baggage on board, setup mast and sails after dark, and had <strong>the</strong> men ready that nightso that we were actually on our way at five <strong>the</strong> next morninga display <strong>of</strong> energy and activity I scarcely ever saw before in anative chief on such an occasion. We touched at Cepa, andstayed for <strong>the</strong> rdght at Tamilan, <strong>the</strong> first two Mahometanvillages on <strong>the</strong> south coast <strong>of</strong> Ceram. <strong>The</strong> next day, aboutnoon, we reached Hoya, which was as far as my present boatand crew were going to take me. <strong>The</strong> anchorage is about amile east <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> \TJlage, which is faced by coral reefs, and wehad to wait for <strong>the</strong> evening tide to move up and unload <strong>the</strong> boatinto <strong>the</strong> strange rotten wooden pavilion kept for visitors.<strong>The</strong>re was no boat here large enough to take my baggage ;and although two would have done very well, <strong>the</strong> Rajah insistedupon sending four. Tlie reason <strong>of</strong> this I found was, that<strong>the</strong>re were four small villages under his rule, and by sending aboat from each he would avoid <strong>the</strong> difiicult task <strong>of</strong> choosing twoand letting <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs. I was told that at <strong>the</strong> next village <strong>of</strong>

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