The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online

The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online
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172 THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. [chap.wondei", as tliey merely consist of posts and joists all placed uprightor horizontal, and fastened rudely together with rattans.They may be seen in every stage of the process of tumblingdown, from the first slight inclination, to such a dangerous slopethat it becomes a notice to quit to the occupiers.The mechanical geniuses of the country have only discoveredtwo waj^s of I'emedying the evil. One is, after it has commenced,to tie the house to a post in the ground on the windward side bya rattan or bamboo cable. The other is a preventive, but howthey ever found it out and did not discover the true way is amystery. This plan is, to build the house in the usual way, butinstead of having all the princi^Dal supports of straight posts, tohave two or three of them chosen as crooked as possible. I hadoften noticed these crooked posts in houses, but imputed it tothe scarcity of good straight timber, till one day I met somemen carrying home a post shaped something like a dog's hindleg, and inquired of my native boy what they were going to dowith such a piece of wood. " To make a post for a house," saidhe. " But why don't they get a straiglit one, there are j^lentyhere ? " said I. " Oh," replied he, " they prefer some like that ina house, because then it won't fall," evidently imputing the effectto some occult property of crooked timber. A little considerationand a diagram will, however, show, that the eflect imputed tothe crooked post may be really jDroduced by it. A true squarechanges its figure readily into a rhomboid or oblique figure, butwhen one or two of the uprights are bent or sloping, and placedso as to oppose each other, the effect of a strut is produced,though in a rude and clumsy manner.Just before I had left Mamajam the people had sown a considerablequantity of maize, which appears above ground in twoor three days, and in favourable seasons ripens in less than twomonths. Owing to a week's i^remature rains the ground was allflooded when I returned, and the plants just coming into earwere yellow and dead. Not a grain would be obtained by thewhole village, but luckily it is only a luxury, not a necessary oflife. The rain was the signal for ploughing to begin, in order tosow rice on all the flat lands between us and the town. Theplough used is a rude wooden instrument, with a very shortsingle handle, a tolerably well-shaped coulter, and the pointformed of a piece of hard palm-wood fastened in with wedges.One or two buffaloes draw it at a very slow pace. The seed issown broadcast, and a rude wooden harrow is used to smooththe surface.By the beginning of December the regular wet season had setin. Westerly winds and driving rains sometimes continued fordays together ; the fields for miles around were under water, andthe ducks and buffaloes enjoyed themselves amazingly. Allalong the i"oad to Macassar i:)loughing was daily going on in themud and water, through which the wooden plough easily makesits way, the ploughman holding the plough-handle with one hand

XV.] CELEBES. 173while a long bamboo in the other serves to guide the buffaloes.These animals require an immense deal of driving to get themon at all ; a continual sliower of exclamations is kept up at them,and " !Oh ! ah ! gee ! ugh " are to be heard in various keys andin an uninterrupted succession all day long. At night we werefavoured with a different kind of concert. The dry groundaround my house had become a marsh tenanted by frogs, whokept up a most incredible noise from dusk to dawn. They weresomewhat musical too, having a deep vibrating note which attimes closely resembles the tuning of two or three bass-viols inan orchestra. In Malacca and Borneo I had heard no such soundsas these, which indicates that the frogs, like most of the animalsof Celebes, are of species peculiar to it.My kind friend and landlord, Mr. Mesman, Avas a good specimenof the Macassar-born Dutchman. He was about thirty-fiveNATIVE WOODEN PLOL'GH..-- g3i.years of age, had a large family, and lived in a spacious housenear the town, situated in the midst of a grove of fruit trees, andsurrounded by a perfect lal^yrinth of offices, stables, and nativecottages occupied by his numerous servants, slaves, or dependants.He usually rose before the sun, and after a cup of coffeelooked after his servants, horses, and dogs, till seven, when asubstantial breakfast of rice and meat was ready in a coolverandah. Putting on a clean white linen suit, he then di^oveto town in his buggy, where he had an office, with two or threeChinese clerks who looked after his affairs. His business wasthat of a coffee and oiDium mercliant. He had a coffee estate atBontyne, and a small prau which traded to the Eastern islandsnear New Guinea, for mother-of-pearl and tortoiseshell. Aboutone he would return home, have coffee and cake or fried j^lantain,first changing his dress for a coloured cotton shirt and trousersand bare feet, and then take a siesta with a book. About four,

XV.] CELEBES. 173while a long bamboo in <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r serves to guide <strong>the</strong> buffaloes.<strong>The</strong>se animals require an immense deal <strong>of</strong> driving to get <strong>the</strong>mon at all ; a continual sliower <strong>of</strong> exclamations is kept up at <strong>the</strong>m,and " !Oh ! ah ! gee ! ugh " are to be heard in various keys andin an uninterrupted succession all day long. At night we werefavoured with a different kind <strong>of</strong> concert. <strong>The</strong> dry groundaround my house had become a marsh tenanted by frogs, whokept up a most incredible noise from dusk to dawn. <strong>The</strong>y weresomewhat musical too, having a deep vibrating note which attimes closely resembles <strong>the</strong> tuning <strong>of</strong> two or three bass-viols inan orchestra. In Malacca and Borneo I had heard no such soundsas <strong>the</strong>se, which indicates that <strong>the</strong> frogs, like most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> animals<strong>of</strong> Celebes, are <strong>of</strong> species peculiar to it.My kind friend and <strong>land</strong>lord, Mr. Mesman, Avas a good specimen<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Macassar-born Dutchman. He was about thirty-fiveNATIVE WOODEN PLOL'GH..-- g3i.years <strong>of</strong> age, had a large family, and lived in a spacious housenear <strong>the</strong> town, situated in <strong>the</strong> midst <strong>of</strong> a grove <strong>of</strong> fruit trees, andsurrounded by a perfect lal^yrinth <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fices, stables, and nativecottages occupied by his numerous servants, slaves, or dependants.He usually rose before <strong>the</strong> sun, and after a cup <strong>of</strong> c<strong>of</strong>feelooked after his servants, horses, and dogs, till seven, when asubstantial breakfast <strong>of</strong> rice and meat was ready in a coolverandah. Putting on a clean white linen suit, he <strong>the</strong>n di^oveto town in his buggy, where he had an <strong>of</strong>fice, with two or threeChinese clerks who looked after his affairs. His business wasthat <strong>of</strong> a c<strong>of</strong>fee and oiDium mercliant. He had a c<strong>of</strong>fee estate atBontyne, and a small prau which traded to <strong>the</strong> Eastern is<strong>land</strong>snear New Guinea, for mo<strong>the</strong>r-<strong>of</strong>-pearl and tortoiseshell. Aboutone he would return home, have c<strong>of</strong>fee and cake or fried j^lantain,first changing his dress for a coloured cotton shirt and trousersand bare feet, and <strong>the</strong>n take a siesta with a book. About four,

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