The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online

The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online
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128 THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. [chap.the Anak Agong (Son of Heaven), which is the title of the Eajahof Lombock. This we had not done, thinking it quite unnecessary; and he then abruptly told us that he must go andspeak to his Eajah, to see if we could stay. Hours passed away,night came and he did not return. I began to think we weresuspected of some evil designs, for the Pumbuckle was evidentlyafraid of getting himself into trouble. He is a Sassak prince,and, though a sujDporter of the present Rajah, is related to someof the heads of a conspiracy which was quelled a few yearssince.About five o'clock a pack-horse bearing my guns and clothesarri\ed, with my men Ali and Manuel, who had come on foot.The sun set, and it soon became dark, and we got rather hungryas we sat weai'ily under the shed and no one came. Still hourafter hour we waited, till about nine o'clock, the Pumbuckle, theEajah, some priests, and a number of their followers arrived andtook their seats around us. We shook hands, and for someminutes there was a dead silence. Then the Eajah asked whatwe wanted ; to which Mr. Eoss replied by endeavouring to makethem understand wlio we were, and why we had come, and thatwe had no sinister intentions whatever ; and that we had notbrought a letter from the " Anak Agong," merely because we liadthought it quite unnecessary. A long conversation in the Balilanguage then took place, and questions were asked about myguns, and what powder I had, and whether I used shot or bullets ;also what tlie birds were for, and how I preserved them, andwhat was done with them in England. Each of my answers andexplanations was followed by a low and serious conversationwhich we could not understand, but the jDurport of which wecould guess. They were evidently quite puzzled, and did notbelieve a word we had told them. They then inquired if wewere really Englisli, and not Dutch ; and although we stronglyasserted our nationality, they did not seem to believe us.After about an hour, however, they brought us some supper(which was the same as the breakfast, but without the fish), andafter it some very weak cofiee and pumpkins boiled with discussed this, a second conference took place ;questionswere again asked, and the answers again commented on.Between whiles ligliter topics were discussed. My spectacles(concave glasses) were tried in succession by three or four oldmen, who could not make out why they could not see throughthem, and the fact no doubt was another item of suspicion againstme. My beard, too, was the subject of some admiration, andmany questions were asked about personal peculiarities wliichit is not the custom to allude to in European society. At length,about one in the morniTig, tlie whole party rose to depart, and,after conversing some time at the gate, all went away. AVe nowbegged the interpreter, who with a few boys and men remainedabout us, to show us a place to sleep in, at which he seemedvery much surprised, saying he thought we were very well

XI.] LOMBOCK : CUSTOMSOF THE PEOPLE. 129accommodated where we were. It was quite chilly, and wewere very thinly clad and had brought no blankets, but all wecould get after another hour's talk was a native mat and pillow,and a few old curtains to hang round three sides of the ojienshed and protect us a little from the cold breeze. We passedtlie rest of the night very uncomfortably, and determined toreturn in the morning and not submit any longer to such shabbytreatment.We rose at daybreak, but it was near an hour before the interpretermade his appearance. We then asked to have somecoffee and to see the Pumbuckle, as we wanted a horse for Ali,who was lame, and wished to bid him adieu. The man lookedpuzzled at such iinheard-of demands and vanished into the innercourt, locking the door behind him and leaving us again to ourmeditations. An hour passed and no one came, so I ordered thehorses to be saddled and the pack-horse to be loaded, and preparedto start. Just then the interpreter came up on horseback,and looked aghast at our preparations. " Where is the Pumbuckle? " we asked. " Gone to the Eajah's," said he. " We aregoing," said I. " Oh ! pray don't," said he " ; wait a little ; theyare having a consultation, and some priests are coming to seeyou, and a chief is going off to Mataram to ask the permission ofthe Anak Agong for you to stay." This settled the matter. Moretalk, more delay, and another eight or ten hours' consultationwere not to be endured ; so we started at once, the poor interpreteralmost — weeping at our obstinacj'' and hurry, andassuring us " the Pumbuckle would be very sorry, and theEajah would be very sorry, and if we would but wait all wouldbe right." I gave Ali my horse, and started on foot, but heafterwards mounted behind Mr. Eoss's groom, and we got homevery well, though rather hot and tired.At Mataram we called at the house of Gusti Gadioca, one ofthe princes of Lombock, who was a friend of Mr. Carter's, andwho had promised to show me the guns made by native workmen.Two guns were exhibited, one six the other seven feetlong, and of a proportion ably large bore. The barrels weretwisted and well finished, though not so finely worked as ours.The stock was well made, and extended to the end of the barrel.Silver and gold ornament was inlaid over most of the surface,An open shed with a couple of small mud forges werebut the locks were taken from English muskets. The Gusti assuredme, however, that the EajaTi had a man who made locksand also rifled barrels. The workshop where these guns weremade and the tool used were next shown us, and were very remarkable.the chief objects visible. The bellows consisted of two bamboocylinders, with pitsons worked by hand. They move veiy easily,having a loose stuffing of feathers thickly set round the pistonso as to act as a valve, and produce a regular blast. Bothcylinders communicate with the same nozzle, one piston risingwhile the other falls. An oblong piece of iron on the ground wasK

128 THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. [chap.<strong>the</strong> Anak Agong (Son <strong>of</strong> Heaven), which is <strong>the</strong> title <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Eajah<strong>of</strong> Lombock. This we had not done, thinking it quite unnecessary; and he <strong>the</strong>n abruptly told us that he must go andspeak to his Eajah, to see if we could stay. Hours passed away,night came and he did not return. I began to think we weresuspected <strong>of</strong> some evil designs, for <strong>the</strong> Pumbuckle was evidentlyafraid <strong>of</strong> getting himself into trouble. He is a Sassak prince,and, though a sujDporter <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> present Rajah, is related to some<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> heads <strong>of</strong> a conspiracy which was quelled a few yearssince.About five o'clock a pack-horse bearing my guns and clo<strong>the</strong>sarri\ed, with my men Ali and Manuel, who had come on foot.<strong>The</strong> sun set, and it soon became dark, and we got ra<strong>the</strong>r hungryas we sat weai'ily under <strong>the</strong> shed and no one came. Still hourafter hour we waited, till about nine o'clock, <strong>the</strong> Pumbuckle, <strong>the</strong>Eajah, some priests, and a number <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir followers arrived andtook <strong>the</strong>ir seats around us. We shook hands, and for someminutes <strong>the</strong>re was a dead silence. <strong>The</strong>n <strong>the</strong> Eajah asked whatwe wanted ; to which Mr. Eoss replied by endeavouring to make<strong>the</strong>m understand wlio we were, and why we had come, and thatwe had no sinister intentions whatever ; and that we had notbrought a letter from <strong>the</strong> " Anak Agong," merely because we liadthought it quite unnecessary. A long conversation in <strong>the</strong> Balilanguage <strong>the</strong>n took place, and questions were asked about myguns, and what powder I had, and whe<strong>the</strong>r I used shot or bullets ;also what tlie birds were for, and how I preserved <strong>the</strong>m, andwhat was done with <strong>the</strong>m in Eng<strong>land</strong>. Each <strong>of</strong> my answers andexplanations was followed by a low and serious conversationwhich we could not understand, but <strong>the</strong> jDurport <strong>of</strong> which wecould guess. <strong>The</strong>y were evidently quite puzzled, and did notbelieve a word we had told <strong>the</strong>m. <strong>The</strong>y <strong>the</strong>n inquired if wewere really Englisli, and not Dutch ; and although we stronglyasserted our nationality, <strong>the</strong>y did not seem to believe us.After about an hour, however, <strong>the</strong>y brought us some supper(which was <strong>the</strong> same as <strong>the</strong> breakfast, but without <strong>the</strong> fish), andafter it some very weak c<strong>of</strong>iee and pumpkins boiled with discussed this, a second conference took place ;questionswere again asked, and <strong>the</strong> answers again commented on.Between whiles ligliter topics were discussed. My spectacles(concave glasses) were tried in succession by three or four oldmen, who could not make out why <strong>the</strong>y could not see through<strong>the</strong>m, and <strong>the</strong> fact no doubt was ano<strong>the</strong>r item <strong>of</strong> suspicion againstme. My beard, too, was <strong>the</strong> subject <strong>of</strong> some admiration, andmany questions were asked about personal peculiarities wliichit is not <strong>the</strong> custom to allude to in European society. At length,about one in <strong>the</strong> morniTig, tlie whole party rose to depart, and,after conversing some time at <strong>the</strong> gate, all went away. AVe nowbegged <strong>the</strong> interpreter, who with a few boys and men remainedabout us, to show us a place to sleep in, at which he seemedvery much surprised, saying he thought we were very well

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