The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online

The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online

The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan ... - Wallace Online

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74 THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. [chap.steady industry and <strong>the</strong> art <strong>of</strong> scientific cultivation, which mustbe <strong>of</strong> service to <strong>the</strong>m in <strong>the</strong> future. It must be remembered,that tlie Government expended capital for years before anyreturn was obtained ;and if <strong>the</strong>y no^y derive a lai'ge revenue, itis in a way which is far less bur<strong>the</strong>nsome, and far more beneficialto <strong>the</strong> people, than any tax that could be levied.But although <strong>the</strong> system may be a good one, and as w^elladapted to <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> arts and industry in a halfcivilizedpeople, as it is to <strong>the</strong> material advantage <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>governing country, it is not pretended that in practice it isperfectly carried out. <strong>The</strong> oppressive and servile relationsbetween chiefs and people, which have continued for perhaps athousand years, cannot be at once abolished ;and some evilmust result from tliose relations, till <strong>the</strong> spread <strong>of</strong> education and<strong>the</strong> gradual infusion <strong>of</strong> European blood causes it naturally andinsensibly to disappear. It is said that <strong>the</strong> Eesidents, desirous<strong>of</strong> showing a large increase in <strong>the</strong> products <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir districts,have sometimes pressed <strong>the</strong> people to such continued labour on<strong>the</strong> plantations that <strong>the</strong>ir rice crops have been materiallydiminished, and famine lias been <strong>the</strong> result. If this lias happened,it is cei'tainly not a common thing, and is to be set down to <strong>the</strong>abuse <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> system, by <strong>the</strong> want <strong>of</strong> judgment or want <strong>of</strong>humanity in <strong>the</strong> Eesident.A tale has lately been written in Hol<strong>land</strong>, and translated intoEnglish, entitled Jlax Havelaar ; or, <strong>The</strong> C<strong>of</strong>fee Avctions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> DutchTrading Cojnpamj, and with our usual one-sidedness in allrelating to <strong>the</strong> Dutch Colonial System, this work has beenexcessively praised, both for its own merits, and for its supposedcrushing exjDosure <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> iniquities <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Dutch government <strong>of</strong>Java. Greatly to my surprise, I found it a very tedious andlong-winded story, full <strong>of</strong> rambling digressions ; and whose onlypoint is to show that <strong>the</strong> Dutch Eesidents and Assistant Eesidentswink at <strong>the</strong> extortions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> native princes ; and that insome districts <strong>the</strong> natives have to do "work without payment,and have <strong>the</strong>ir goods taken away from <strong>the</strong>m without compensation.Every statement <strong>of</strong> this kind is thickly interspersedwitli italics and cajDital letters ; but as <strong>the</strong> names are all fictitious,and nei<strong>the</strong>r dates, figures, nor details are ever given, itis impossible to verify or answer <strong>the</strong>m. Even if not exaggerated,<strong>the</strong> facts stated ai-e not nearly so bad as those <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> oppressionby free-trade indigo-planters, and torturing by native taxga<strong>the</strong>rersunder British rule in India, with which <strong>the</strong> readers <strong>of</strong>Englisli newspapers were familiar a few years ago. Such oppression,however, is not fairly to be imj^uted in ei<strong>the</strong>r case to<strong>the</strong> particular form <strong>of</strong> government, but is ra<strong>the</strong>r due to <strong>the</strong>infii-mity <strong>of</strong> human nature, and to <strong>the</strong> impossibility <strong>of</strong> at oncedestroying all trace <strong>of</strong> ages <strong>of</strong> despotism on <strong>the</strong> one side, and <strong>of</strong>slavish obedience to <strong>the</strong>ir chiefs on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r.It must be remembered, that <strong>the</strong> complete establishment <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Dutch power in Java is much more recent than that <strong>of</strong> our

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