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B. Historypage 4The Rose Run Greenway Corridor plays heavily into the history ofNew Albany. As the primary natural feature in the community, theRose Run became the counterpoint of development in the emergingVillage to the crossroads intersection of Main Street and High Street. Dublin-Granville Road, one of the primary thoroughfares in the northern part of thecounty, ran along Rose Run from the western edge of the Village through thecore of the community. In the early 20th Century, bedrock from the Rose Runstream floodplain, adjacent to the 1860 Ealy Home, was quarried to be usedfor construction of the rock base of Main Street and Dublin–Granville Road.The Ealy Home still stands, now serving as home to the Plain TownshipHistorical Society. The quarry used for the bedrock was located in theportion of the corridor referred to in this plan as Rose Run II. The quarryingoperation created a low area which, along with and old mill dam, created"Crystal Lake", shown in the historical photos here. The trees surroundingthe lake were logged using the power generated from the old mill dam thatstill exists on the site in a crumbling state. The area filled with sedimentsover the ensuing years resulting in the surface vegetation and a layer of mudthat now hide the old lake “quarry” bed. The stream in this location has takenan unnatural course due to the remaining vestiges of this quarry and the damhas reduced potential floodplain. As this plan examines the opportunities forRose Run II, the options of restoring the natural stream and of rebuilding thequarry lake are explored.The final significant historical element along the Rose Run Greenway Corridoris the Old Burying Ground. This original Village cemetery is located onthe southern side of the corridor, behind the Village Hall. This important sitein the story of the Village hold the gravestones of many early residents . Assuch, it is suggested as the centerpiece of the Founders Park portion of thismaster plan.Charles Doran wading in Crystal Lake in New Albany's Village Center circa1930.Progressing to the east, the natural state of the stream has remained largelyintact through the Rose Run I portion of the corridor. Immediately adjacent toDublin-Granville Road leading into the Village Core, this portion of the streamlargely avoided development over the history of the Village. Now preservedas the first link in this park corridor, this natural greenspace provides thetransition from the rural aspects of the outlying areas into the Village-scaledevelopment of the core. Because of the location in the heart of the Village,it is not surprising that Rose Run I was developed in conjunction with thelarger educational needs of the Village, adjacent to the school campus andthe public library.Moving along into the Village Center, the history of the Rose Run GreenwayCorridor becomes more entwined with the development history of the Village.As a defining element of the early Village, businesses often located along itscorridor capturing the benefits of access to the stream as well as the activityof the Dublin-Granville Road/Main Street intersection. Over the years, thisdevelopment continued literally on the banks of the stream and nearby. Severalearly structures still remain nearby and several others have been developedover the past thirty years. This has had an impact on the stream corridor andthe associated floodplain. Options for improving this condition are exploredin this plan.Boating in New Albany’s Crystal Lake circa 1944Along the entire corridor, the impacts of history on the stream, both good andbad, are felt. While the corridor remains a significant linkage throughout theVillage, past development has largely ignored the importance of the naturalcharacter of the stream channel. The important elements of a well-preservednatural environment remain, creating a thread around which this communityis built. This, however, often clashes with impacts that previous developmenthas had, both impacting the natural environment of the corridor and limiting theaccess to the stream. In turn, this limits the ability to complete the linkagesnecessary for a successful Village core. This plan attempts to link the Village'spast to a vision for the future of the Rose Run Greenway Corridor.Fishing on the Rose Run Channel between the Campbell Swimming Holeand Crystal Lake.

Southwest elevation of the 1860 ealy house.Children on the wooden Ealy House entrance steps.1856 plat of the Village of New 5West side of High Street in the late 1800's.Panoramic view of Crystal Lake.Early Village Center filling station.

Southwest elevation of the 1860 ealy house.Children on the wooden Ealy House entrance steps.1856 plat of the Village of <strong>New</strong> <strong>Albany</strong>.page 5West side of High Street in the late 1800's.Panoramic view of Crystal Lake.Early Village Center filling station.

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