Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

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Page 8Doyle on Real EstateGive Your Furnace a Tune-UpSubmitted by Peter DoyleThe old adage “if it isn’troken, don’t fix it” shouldot apply when it comeso your household heatingystem. Like a car, your furnaceis a running machinethat needs regular tune-upsto ensure its efficiency andlongevity. You wouldn’t waitmore than a year to giveyour car an oil change, sodon’t wait until your furnacebreaks down to call for service.A clean, well-adjustedheating system will save youmoney on fuel and will proongfurnace life. The cost ofnnual servicing is modest,especially when comparedwith the price of a new furnace!Replacement of the airfilter on a forced air furnaceis only a start. There are anumber of components inyour heating system thatrequires regular inspectionand maintenance. They arethe heat exchanger, ignitionsystem, fan, motor, bearings,belts, pumps, controls,exhaust, burners, pilot, thermostat,chimney and more.This season, be sure togive your furnace a tune-up!Have your furnace inspectedand cleaned by a qualifiedtechnician. They will be ableto identify problem areasand will recommend solutionsthat will ensure youryear-round comfort.For all your real estateneeds, contact Peter at Century21 Riverside Realty 377-3030 or you can contact himon his cell 371-1119.<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comRed Hot ToddiesWhen I grow old I shall wear purple...and wear a red hatSeptember 2005Continental2 Locations to Serve You.Hours: 8-6 Mon-Sat, 9-5 Sun, Closed HolidaysGRANT’SBottle DepotGeneral376-9600611 Fortune Dr.KamloopsBARBERSHOPJohn DeCicco319 Victoria Street, Kamloops374-6042con01_sep377-75441395 Battle St. Kamloops(Next to Lordco Auto Parts)Refund For: • Bottles & Cans • Liquor & Wine Bottles• Water & Juice ContainersRecycling For: • Cardboard • Newspapers • Plastic Bags• Plastic Milk Jugs • Mixed PaperGGR05_JULBy Ritta MarshallThe Red Hat Ladies area society of Dis-organization.They have no affiliationto any organization andare just out to have fun...wear silly red hats and purpleclothes; they have norules nor have meetings andas you can see casual dressis the order of the day. TheRed Hat Society is a groupof ladies that meet 3-4 timesa month for social actives,i.e. lunch, dinner, outings,etc.If you are under 50 yearsyoung and wish to join youwear a pink hat, over 50 youare given the honor of wearingthe “Red Hat’. If a hubbyor significant other wishesto accompany a Red HatLady or join he must wear aPink Shirt....In Kamloops there are4-5 chapters of Red HatLadies; as more ladies jointhey branch off into groups(chapters)...currently thereare chapters everywhere inthe province and we are notsure of stats for the rest ofworld but a good thing doesspread...It all started with a poemSubmitted by Marjorie DunnToday we mourn the passingof a beloved old friend, Mr.Common sense. Mr. Sensehad been with us for manyyears. No one knows for surehow old he was since hisbirth records were long agolost in bureaucratic red tape.He will be remembered ashaving cultivated such valuelessons as knowing when tocome in out of the rain, whythe early bird gets the wormand that life isn’t always fair.Common Sense lived bysimple, sound financial policies(don’t spend more thanyou earn) and reliable parentingstrategies (adults, notkids, are in charge).His health began to deterioraterapidly when wellintentioned but overbearingregulations were set inplace – reports of a six-yearoldboy charged with sexualharassment for kissing aclassmate; teens suspendedfrom school for usingmouthwash after lunch; anda teacher fired for reprimandingan unruly student,only worsened his condition.Mr. Sense declined evenfurther when schools wererequired to get parental consentto administer aspirinto a student; but could notinform the parents when astudent became pregnant andwanted to have an abortion.Finally, Common Senselost the will to live as theTen Commandmentsbecame contraband; churchesbecame businesses; and criminalsreceived better treatmentthan their victims.Common Sense finallygave up the ghost after awoman failed to realize thata steaming cup of coffee washot, she spilled a bit in herlap, and was awarded a hugesettlement.Common sense was precededin death by his parents,Truth and Trust, hiswife, Discretion; his daughter,Responsibility; and hisson, Reason. He is survivedby two stepbrothers MyRights and ImaWhiner. Notby Jenny Joseph ... andthen Sue Ellen Cooper ofFullerton California boughtred hats for 3 of her friendswho turned 50 and gavethem a copy of the poem...and the rest is history.And they say ‘50 andbeyond’ is the end of theroad?? It is just the beginning!The Demise of Mr. Common Sensemany attended his funeralbecause so few realized hewas gone. If you still rememberhim, pass this on; if not,join the majority and donothing.Great Truths LittleChildren Have Learned1. No matter how hard you try, you can’t baptize cats.2. When your mom is mad at your Dad, don’t let herbrush your hair.3. If your sister hits you, don’t hit her back. Theyalways catch the second person.4. Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato.5. You can’t trust dogs to watch your food.6. Don’t sneeze when someone is cutting your hair.7. Never hold a Dust-Buster and a cat at the sametime.8. You can’t hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.9. Don’t wear polka-dot underwear under whiteshorts.10. The best place to be when you’re sad is Grandpa’slap.

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