Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

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Page 6Optimist:someone who tells you to cheer up when things are going his way.~ Edward R. MurrowCANADIAN TIREGet Your Vehicle Ready for Winter!Lube, Oil & FilterBONUSFREEBatteryTest!Aberdeen1441 Hillside Drive374-3115Hours: Mon-Sat. 7:30am-5:30pmSunday 9am-5pmEat, Look andFeel Better withDental Implants• Dentures fi t tighter• Painful sore spots disappear• Eat foods you want• Throw away your adhesive• Replace unsightly missing teeth• Laugh with confi dence$31 .99 *Most Vehicles*Prices subject to change.Here's what we'll do:• Install up to 5L of Formula Oil• Install a new MOTOMASTER oil filter• Lubricate the chassis• Plus a FREE 20 point safety inspection*Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Applicable taxes will be applied afterservice is done. Includes only light trucks and passenger vehicles. Does not include diesels.Enviro tax additional.Hillside Dr.Pacific Way<strong>Canadian</strong>TireHwy 5North Shore944 8th St.376-3755Hours: Mon-Sat. 8am-5pmSunday ClosedAt NO COST, find out whetherimplants can help you.Dr. Harold Bergman, DDS, Dipl.OS&A, MScD(Path),MRCD(C) is a certified specialist in Oral & MaxillofacialSurgery with over 30 years experience placing &restoring dental implants1-800-565-3559Visit our website at www.drbergman.ca<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com8th StreetRichmond<strong>Canadian</strong>Tirectr05_lubebsi02_julNorth Shore CommunityCentre NewsBy Aaron ReibinAugust proved to be a greatmonth for the Centre withthe start of the lunch programin the Garden Roomof the Centre. The lunchesare tasty and reasonablypriced. September will beanother exciting month withthe beginning of our Fallschedule of activities. Pleasecheck our calendar on page7 to find out program schedules.As always we encourageanyone that has ideas forour Centre to contact us at376-4777.Malone’s on 8th has beenproviding us a wonderfullunch service since August15. Lunches are on Mondays,Tuesdays, Thursdays,and Fridays in our GardenRoom from 11:30am to1pm. The menu consists of avariety of soups, tossed salad,salad of the day, cold sandwichesserved on variousbreads, hot sandwiches, andhot entrées. Lunch combosare available and prices willrange from $4.95 and up.A variety of beverages willalso be available. We are veryhappy to have this servicefor our members and thegeneral public but we muststress that if it is not usedwe will lose it. If you knowof anyone who would liketo have lunch at the Centreplease tell them to come byfor a wonderful meal.We are also proud toannounce the return of dinnersat the Centre. Dinnerwill be held twice a monthon the second Sunday andlast Tuesday and are open tothe general public for $10per person, which includeslive entertainment! The firstNSCC dinner will be heldon Sunday September 11at 5pm. The second dinnerwill be on Tuesday, Sept 27.Both dinners will feature ameal from Malone’s, and weare looking forward to theirwonderful buffet.We are still looking forpeople to express an interestingin attending the PineNeedle Weaving class. Wewould be pleased to hostthis class at the Centre butwould like to see if there arepeople that would like toattend.Set aside Saturday Sept17 on your calendar for whatwe are hoping to be our biggestFlea Market of the year.Depending on what theweather has in store for us,we are planning to hold it atthe west side of the CottonwoodManor Complex. Wehave numerous items availablefor sale and are lookingforward to making lotsof deals. If you would like tobook a table for this eventplease contact us at 376-4777.We will be hosting twoCity of Kamloops activities.The Osetofit Class beginsAward Winning Gardens2003 Communities in Bloom Best Commercial PropertyS.A.F.E.R. Suites!Call Dwight Hoglund to put your name on ourS.A.F.E.R. program list or to establish your eligibility.Suites become available occasionally.Drop in and talk to Dwight Hoglund to get on our waiting list.Thinking of purchasing?Drop by and talk to Dwight for more information.730 Cottonwood Avenue, Kamloops, B.C.ADULT LIVING AT AFFORDABLE PRICES!“At the Heart of the North Shore”(250) 376-4777Fax: (250) 376-4792COT01_saferSeptember 2005on Tues, Sept 20 thru Nov24. Living A Heath Lifeprogram will begin Sept 21thru Oct 26. To register forthese programs or for moreinformation consult the Cityof Kamloops Activity Guide.A Diabetes workshop willbe held at the Centre on Friday,Sept 9 and Friday, Sept23 from 9am to 3pm; andalso on Thurs, Sept 15 from7pm to 9pm. Attendancerequires a referral by yourdoctor. If you are interestedI encourage you to come andtalk to one of the individualsinvolved with the program.The <strong>Senior</strong> Dances, featuringthe Golden Serenaders,will also resume in September,on Friday Sept 9 andFri, Sept 23 from 1:30pmto 4pm. These dances are agreat time and with our newlunch program could makefor a wonderful afternoon.We are pleased toannounce our First AnnualNorth Shore Antique andCollectible Show that onthe weekend of October 15.Tables are available at $25each. This is not a flea market;flea market type merchandisewill not be allowed.Merchandise will be restrictedto the following themes:Antiques, Collectibles,<strong>Canadian</strong>a, and Nostalgia.For information, please contactus at 376-4777. Tablesare available on a first comefirst served basis.We would like to encourageany members of theCentre who would like toassist the organization tocontact the office. We havea few events planned in thefall that require volunteersto help set-up, oversee, andclean up after. All the eventsthat we host at the Centreare fundraiser events thathelp us remain financiallyindependent.We are proud to announcethat with Dinners resumingat the Centre, complimentarybirthday dinners in themonth of your birthday willalso resume. If your birthdaywas in June, July, August orSeptember, you are entitledto your dinner so watch yourmail for your dinner ticketfor Sunday, Sept 11. HappyBirthday to our members!If you have any questionsabout this or other mattersplease contact the Office at376-4777.

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