Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

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Page 30<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comSeptember 2005Assisted LivingRoom and Board for <strong>Senior</strong>s❧ Healthy, home-cooked meals❧ Private room❧ 24 Hour caretaker❧ Very reasonable rates - No hidden costs❧ May qualify for SAFER❧ Home away from homeFor more information call Sandy at376 - 9953or email sandyla@telus.netUpcoming EventsKnutsford Fall Fair – The communityof Knutsford will beholding its Annual Fall Fair, Sept9th & 10th at the KnutsfordHall. Entries being accepted Fridaythe 9th from 12:30 – 7pm.Saturday, Sept 10th the Hall willbe open 10am to 4pm for viewingentries, tea, and family fun!As a fundraiser the local 4-Hclubs will be putting on a Bar-B-Que from 11am to 2pm. FMIcall Laura 374-1301 or Carole374-0925. The fall Fair is opento everyone.McKnight ManorRoom & Boardfor non-smoking<strong>Senior</strong>s• Private Room with ensuite• Nutritious home cooked meals• Weekly laundry & housekeeping• All utilities included except phone• S.A.F.E.R.For more information callMary or George at(250) 579-1994Looking for great bargains?Early Christmas shopping? AFun Evening? The Logan LakeW.H.Y. will host its 9th AnnulAuction/Social on Fri., Oct.th in the rec center’s upperounge. Doors open 6:30pm;ale starts 7:15pm. There willlso be a silent auction. Montyldoff will be our auctioneer.MI call 250-523-6229 or visitur office in the Village Centerall. Mark your calendar andlan to attend.Notes and NoticesAuxiliary Meeting at OverlanderThe monthly meetingof the Auxiliary will be held inthe meeting room 953 SouthillStreet (Brock) Tuesday, September13th, 1p.m. New memberswelcome!MCK05DOG & CAT GROOMINGClipper bladesharpening availableFour groomers availableFor Appointment phone:376-6533864C — 8th StreetKAMLOOPSPuppy Love??We are looking for personsinterested in Friendly Pet Visitingat Overlander Residential<strong>Care</strong> Home and Ponderosa. Ifinterested in having your dogassessed for suitability as aPet Visitor in a residential carehome please contact Donna at554-5569. Tentative date forassessment is mid September.There is a nominal fee of$10.00 for assessment; everythingelse is provided. Group islimited to 6 persons.The Old TimeBarberat12th & Halston(in laundromat)Haircuts - $10.00<strong>Senior</strong>s - $8.00Hours: 9 am to 5 pmTuesday - SaturdayPhone: 571-5314ANAVETS UNIT 290444 Tranquille Rd.,Kamloops, B.C. V2B 3H2Service Officer Availableby appointment only ~ please call firstTO HELP ALL SENIORS29 years of serviceFor more information call 554-2455ast01_seppaw01old01ANA03We need Stuff! Items neededfor Annual Auxiliary YardSale at Overlander, 953 SouthillSt., (Brock) on Sat, Sept17th. Looking for householditems, furniture, plants, sportinggoods etc. Entrances havegrey laundry bins marked forthe sale. *No clothes or Reader’sDigests, Encyclopedias etc.All proceeds to the Resident’sChristmas Gift Fund. FMI callDonna at 554-5569The Barnhartvale/ CampbellRange/ Robbins Range/ CampbellCreek Heritage Group hasresumed their meetings. Theaim of the group is to writea book on the history of theabove listed areas. If you oryour family were early pioneersor resided in the fore mentionedareas prior to 1959, wewould greatly appreciate receivinga write up of your familyand their experiences. If anyoneis interested with the project,your help is welcomed. FMI callTrivola Howe 372-2743, PeggyWickstrom 376-0250 or OliverCoster 573-3901.The St. Andrews PresbyterianWomen are holding a Fall Tea,Craft & Bake Sale on Saturday,Sept 24th from 2-4pm in theChurch Hall at 6th & Douglas.Tea admission $5, sale free.Alzheimer Society of BC CoffeeBreak Kick-off, Wed Sept 7 atJoeys Only, 1815 Rogers Way,10:30am-noon. Make a donationto the Alzheimer Society ofBC and receive a complimentarycoffee and appetizers.The Rona MS Bike Tour Sun.Sept 11. A fun, family and fitnessoriented bike ride (12,28or 55 km) up the North Thompson.To register visit our websitewww.msbiketours.com orcall 314-0773. Or take the TeamMS Challenge and create a teamby asking 3 friends or co-workersto join you for the morning.• Licensed General Contractor •“The handyman professionals”• Renovations • Painting• PlumbingC. J. VanderhorstReferences AvailableExcelsior Rebekah Lodge #23:Sept 6 – The Hall Society Executivemeeting 7:30pm; Sept13 – regular meeting, 7:30pm;Sept 27 – Regular meeting7:3opm; Sept 27 – Past NobleGrands meeting 7:30pm.Volunteersare needed for raffle tickets.FMI call Betty 376-6182 orBelinda 376-4625.Fall Square Dancing: OpenHouse: Mon. Sept. 12, 7:30pmat C.E.Centre 421 St Paul St.New Dancers: Tues., Sept 20-Dec 13, 7pm at the DavidThompson Elementary Gym.Main Stream Dancers: Mon.Sept. 19-Dec 12 at 7:30pm theCE Centre. Plus Dancers: Wed.,Sept 21-Dec. 14 at 7:30pm atDesert Gardens. FMI call Rita578-7134North Shore Art Walk • August22-September 16Take a stroll along TranquilleRoad and enjoy this partnershipbetween local North Shore businessesand the Kamloops creativecommunity. FMI call 372-7323.<strong>Senior</strong>sSupportOur focusis on services that allowseniors to remain livingindependentlyCall Christyfor a free interview579-0207578-2637HOW06_seppeo06_disableCJH0167th Provincial Winter FairAnd Craft Show, Sept 24th and25th, 2005 at KXA / Mt PaulCentre Auditorium. KamloopsCrafters & Home Business VendorsWanted. Also needed arevolunteers to help with art workfor posters, put up and takedown advertising; and generallyassist us to ensure a smoothflowing Craft Show. ApplicationForms and Entry Rules areavailable from either the KXAoffice, 250-314-9645 or fromLynda Krupp, 250-456-7730,email: pinegate@bcinternet.netGail’s MobileNail ServicesDo your feet need care?• diabetic foot care• skin solutions for dry,cracked feet• senior foot care• in-home care• advanced EuropeanpedicuresComfort for your precious feetAvailable fromSavona to Sun Peaks!Gail Robb C.Pod I828-9524gmn02_sepKick off Community LivingWeek with an evening of Giggles,Guffas and Happy Appiesat The Executive Inn 540 VictoriaSt. on Saturday, September10 at 7pm. The eveningwill showcase the local talentof Laugh Trax and feature versatileStand Up Comedian BillyMitchell.All proceeds from “Fall InLaughing” will go to assistadults with developmental disabilitiesrealize their dream ofhaving a place of their own incommunity. Tickets are $20.00each and are available at theKamloops Society for CommunityLiving office at 521 SeymourStreet or at Lake CityCasinos Guest Services at 540Victoria Street. Seating is limitedso get your ticket early. Youcan reserve your ticket by callingMyrna at 374 3245.The Municipal Pension PlanRetired Employees will holdtheir quarterly meeting at theCalvery Temple, 1205 RogersWay, Sept 20 at 1030hrs. Guestspeaker Harry Harker – Topic:Fire safety in your home. Newmembers welcome. FMI call828-1640.WantedRetired or semiretiredperson foron-site residentialmanagementfor a 24-unitstrata complex.Call Karen at372-1231Sheridan PropertyManagement Ltd.spm01_augThe Kamloops Celiac Chapteris holding a Golf Tournamenton Sept. 10th, 1pm at theMount Paul Golf Course. Cost is$40 for golfers (meal included),$25 for meal only (non-golfers).Gluten free alternativesalso available. Prizes and 50-50 will also be available to participants.FMI or to book yourgolfing extravaganza, call Diane372-9564 or Anjay 573-4221 orDan 374-4653. Rental gear isavailable at the Mount Paul GolfShop call 374-4653.Love to Sing? Men & Womenare invites to the Hub City Singer’sguest night, Tues., Sept 13,7:30pm at the Kamloops YachtClub, 1140 River St. Bring afriend and enjoy our fun chorus.FMI call Judy 573-4453.The Overlander Women’s Institutemeets the first and thirdTuesday of each month, Septemberto June, in the ParkviewActivity Centre, 500 MacDonaldAve. All interested women areinvited to attend.Kamloops Diabetes Self HelpGroups: (1) Downtown EveningGroup – 2nd Wed of eachmonth, 7pm at the CommunityLiving Centre, 520 Seymour St.FMI call Audrey 372-2227 orMary 828-1103. (2) WestsydeAfternoon Group – Last Mon ofeach month, 1:30pm at OakdaleTrailer Park Community Centre.FMI call Marg 5540735. (3)North Shore Community CentreMorning Group, 4th Tuesof each month, 10am, Gamesroom at Cottonwood Manor.FMI call Marg 554-0735.The Osteoporosis SupportGroup provides information andsupport for people concernedabout fragile bones. Pleasenote the new meeting date andlocation. Meetings are held the2nd Tuesday of the month, from1:30 to 3:30 pm, at HeritageHouse, located at 100 LorneStreet. Everyone welcome. FMIcall Lois 372-7104 or Carol828-2008.

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