Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

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mcg02_sepPage 22A VOLUNTEER is a person who is a light to others,giving witness in a mixed-up age, doing well and willingly the tasks at hand-namely,being aware of another’s needs and doing something about it.~ Author UnknownRic’s Grillsteak seafood & chop houseSheraton Four Points Hotel1175 Rogers Way377-3113227 Victoria Street372-7771WE’VE MOVED!Claude Richmond - MLAKamloops Constituency Office#490, 175 - 2nd. Ave.(Bank of Montreal Building)Kamloops, B.C. V2C 5W1rgr02_2x6Proud to Sponsor Hidden HeroesPhone: 314-6027 • Fax: 314-6030Email: claude.richmond.mla@leg.bc.ca<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comHidden HeroesEnter To WinDo you know someone who’sreally made a difference in yourcommunity?Nominate a Volunteer in yourcommunity to be featured as amonthly “Hidden Hero.” FeaturedHero will be showcasedin <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> and willreceive a gift certificate for$50.00 from Ric’s Grill. Theperson who nominates the featuredHero will receive a $25.00Ric’s Grill gift certificate.All submissions must be received at the<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> by the 20 th of eachmonth. Submissions can be sent bymail to Box 729, Kamloops, BC, V2C5M4, by fax 374-8802 or by e-mail toeditor@seniorconnector.comSubmissions must include the name,address and contact number of both theproposed Hero and the person submittingtheir name, and must include, in 50words or less, why the person deservesto be our Hidden Hero of the month. Allsubmissions should be marked “HiddenHero Feature”.Those chosen to be featured mustagree to have their photo and story publishedin the <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>.The final decision on the hero foreach month will be at the sole discretionof the managing editor of the <strong>Senior</strong><strong>Connector</strong> and all decisions are final.Winners will be interviewed by <strong>Senior</strong><strong>Connector</strong> staff.All entries become the property of the<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> and those not selected will bekept and considered for future editions.ric05_sepThis month we feature awonderful lady from DesertGardens.Buddy Schweitzer movedto Kamloops from Fauquieron the Arrow Lakes in 1999after the passing of her husbandDale to be closer toher family. She soon becameinvolved in the community.In 2000, Buddy was askedto help out on the frontdesk of the Desert Gardens<strong>Senior</strong>s Centre and has sinceprogressed to being the volunteercoordinator as wellas working most events thattake place at the centre.This tireless lady can befound at the centre almostanytime of the day or nightworking to make sure thatthe groups that make use ofthe centre are getting everythingthey need.Buddy is relentless in herdedication to Desert Gardens,making sure that thevolunteers’ needs are lookedThis month I hope togive some comfort topeople who have tomake the same decision thatmy family and I have had tomake this past week.On my return from Victoria,we were faced withmaking a decision about afamily pet, our cat Haley,who was experiencing somehealth problems. After a tripto the vet, it was discoveredthat she had a very largetumour in her mouth anddown her throat.After discussions withthe vet about possible alternatives,it was decided thatfor her sake and to stop anypain, we needed to put herdown. We have had thisKamloops554-3211September’s Hidden HeroBuddy Schweitzerafter and that the volunteersare in place whenneeded. Buddy also doesthe scheduling of thevolunteers for the frontdesk information area.Quoting anotherwonderful volunteer,Peggie Ward, “Buddyalways has a smile onher face and a friendlyword which makes thevolunteers happy to helpout wherever they can.Our community centreruns very well becauseof her”.Over the years, Buddy hasbeen a member of the HubCity Singers and has beenon the board of that group.She also volunteers withUnited Way and has been aGirl Guides “Sparks” leader.In her spare time, Buddyspends time with her daughtersJanet and Sandra andSandra’s new daughter 6month old Paige. She alsowonderful pet for fifteenyears and although we wereexpecting the worst, this wasstill a very difficult decisionto make. The vet was verycaring and helpful throughoutthis process. Our heartfeltthanks go out to all thestaff at the Central AnimalHospital.My son found a comfortingarticle for us on theinternet and I am sharing itwith all of you. I hope thatif you have to go throughsomething like this, it willbe of comfort to you as well.Rainbow BridgeJust this side of heaven is aplace called Rainbow Bridge.When an animal dies thathas been especially close tosomeone here, that pet goesto Rainbow Bridge.There are meadows andhills for all of our specialfriends so they can run andplay together.There is plenty of food,water and sunshine, and our<strong>Senior</strong>s’ GolfMonday - FridayOnly $11.00!<strong>Senior</strong>s:DailyLunch & DinnerSpecialsSeptember 2005Buddy with granddaughter Paige.Photo: Lori KeetchMike’s Musings ~ Petsenjoys helping her youngersister by babysitting her twobeautiful nieces Amy andCailey.This lady is a dynamowho keeps helping peoplewhenever she gets a chance.Our thanks go to Buddyfor all her work and to PeggieWard for submittingBuddy Schweitzer as a HiddenHero.friends are warm and comfortable.All the animals who hadbeen ill and old are restoredto health and vigour; thosewho were hurt or maimedare made whole and strongagain, just as we rememberthem in our dreams of daysand times gone by.The animals are happyand content, except forone small thing; they eachmiss someone very specialto them, who had to be leftbehind.They all run and playtogether, but the day comeswhen one suddenly stopsand looks into the distance.His bright eyes are intent;His eager body quivers. Suddenlyhe begins to run fromthe group, flying over thegreen grass, his legs carryinghim faster and faster.You have been spotted, andwhen you and your specialfriend finally meet, you clingtogether in joyous reunion,never to be parted again.The happy kisses rain uponyour face; your hands againcaress the beloved head, andyou look once more into thetrusting eyes of your pet,so long gone from your lifebut never absent from yourheart.Then you cross RainbowBridge together....Author unknown

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