Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

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September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 15Chronic Disease Self-Management ProgramThe Chronic Disease Self-Management Program isa new resource that hasbecome available for personsin Kamloops and area withchronic conditions to helpthem cope with the dailydemands of their condition.The University of Victoia,Centre on Aging (Ladner)in partnership with theInterior Health Authorityand Kamloops Parks &Recreation is offering the2005 Fall series of six weekcourses at various locationsthroughout Kamloops. Thecourse offerings are availablestarting September 14 thThruppManorNewsSubmitted by E. Anne JackCan you believe it, the daysare getting shorter already,and as I am writing this, itis raining and blowing likecrazy.Well I have made itthrough my first month asthe Manager of ThruppManor and I am enjoying itso much. Thank you to thestaff, and residents for all thehelp and support. It meansa lot. Also special Thanks toStewart for all the guidance;I hope you are enjoying yournew job.August birthdays - Bestwishes to Sadie, Kathy andBerna.Thank you so much toeveryone who has beenbringing in fresh produce.To Mary, Margaret andWalter, Edith and the Madsens,what would we dowithout you? It always tastesbetter straight out of thegarden.We are lucky to have somuch entertainment, usuallyit is slower during thesummer, but Barb has beenworking hard to bring in alot of great entertainmentthis month. Thank you all somuch, you brighten everyone’sday when you come inand share your talent withus.Our hairdresser Dorawas in today and she is gettingpretty excited, her sonis getting married on Saturdayand she is very busygetting ready for the bigday. Congratulations to Tomand Hanna, may your lifebe filled with happiness andlove.Fall Series has arrived in Kamloops2005 and are offered free toparticipants, but registrationis limited! The courses, are2-hours each week and willbe led by local, certified andtrained volunteers.“We’re very pleasedwith the interest shown bylocal residents in becominginvolved with ourProgram,” said MarkDavies, project coordinatorfor the Chronic DiseaseSelf-Management Program.“Our experience has shownthis program can give peoplewith chronic conditionssuch as arthritis, diabetes,heart disease, etc., more controlover their condition andhelp them feel better aboutthemselves.”A Healthy Life WithChronic Conditions Fall2005 ProgramsDesert GardensSept 14 – Oct 199:30-12:00 PM Wed69782North Shore <strong>Senior</strong>s CentreSept 21 – Oct 261:30-4:00 PM Wed69783Downtown YMCASept 27 – Nov 11:30-4:00 PM Tue69784Plaza StationOct 27 – Dec 19:30-12:00 PM Thu69785Parkview Activity CentreOct 31 – Dec 59:30-12:00 PM Mon69786Registration is limited.Call 828-3500 to register.For more informationregarding the Chronic DiseaseSelf-Management Program,A Healthy Life WithChronic Conditions, contactSue Adamson @ 250- 851-2978.McArthur Park Lawn BowlingSubmitted by Kay MillerOur club has had a pleasantmonth with good weather,good turnouts and visitorsfrom out of province andEngland.We held a club triplestournament and the winnerswere: 1 st place – ArchieBoth, Kay Miller and AliceHallam, 2 nd place – AlKline, Joe Magos and BillTyson, 3 rd place – DomenicConsalvo, Betty Christiansenand Etta Magos.We have plans for clubsingles and doubles and willbe hosting the PresidentsCup, which invites all OkanaganPresidents with oneExecutive member to playfor the 71-year-old cup.Club bowling will windup about the end of Septemberand Cribbage will beginonce again on Tuesdays at1:30. Watch for announcement.For more informationcall 376-0917 or 376-5463.The whiter my hair becomes,the more ready people are to believe what I say.~ Philosopher Bertrand RussellThinking of downsizing?Or just selling?Bonus 500 Airmiles *For listing and selling your home*Some restrictions apply. See Peter for details.For worry-free positive results callPeter Doyle377-3030 • Cell 571-9444www.KamloopsListings.comYOUR MONEYHAS A FUTURE.WHAT’S NEXT?TALK TO ME.I can help you decide what yournext investment steps should be.Call 250 828-8881 today for acomplimentary financial review.Riverside Realty Inc.The Local Experts Christine Dairon, PFPFinancial Planner,Investment &Retirement PlanningTM/ ® Trade-mark/registered trade-mark of Bank of Montreal.Financial Planners are representatives of BMO Investments Inc., a financial services firm and a separate legal entity from Bank of Montreal.dai01_sepdoy02_apr

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