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Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

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Page 12Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.~ Anthelme Brillat-Savarin,The Physiology of Taste, 1825People in Motion Fall Bus ToursSaturday, September 10 • Salmon Arm Fall FairA September tradition in the Shuswap and part of Salmon Arm’s 100Centennial celebrations. Cost: $52Friday, September 30 • Shuswap Wine TourEnjoy the fall colours and sample wines from the Larch Hills & Recline RidgeWineries. Cost: $52Friday, October 21 • Coquihalla & Gold Country TourThis scenic circle tour to Merritt, Spences Bridge, Ashcroft and Logan Lake will takeyou by paved back roads through beautiful countryside. Cost: $52Depart Kamloops 9 -10 am, return between 4 - 5 pm. Exact times and pickup/dropoff locationsto be confirmed. Lunch, all admission fees, taxes, gratuities and treat included. Paymentrequired at time of reservation. Don’t delay; low registration results in cancellation andyou’ll miss a great trip! Call us at 376-7878 to reserve your space!By Enid Damer(250) 376-7878#6E-750 Cottonwood Ave., Kamloops 1-877-414-4214information@peopleinmotion.org • www.peopleinmotion.org peo10_tripTaylor, Epp& DolderBarristers & SolicitorsComprehensive Legal Services Including:• Real Estate & Mortgages • Corporate and Commercial• Civil Litigation • Construction Disputes• Family Law, Divorce and Mediation• Wills and Estates • Personal InjuryWe look after your interests!Suite 300 - 153 Seymour Street, KamloopsKamloops: (250) 374-3456Barriere: (250) 672-5244HAWAII Kelowna to HonoluluAir service with Harmony Airways Dec. 11/05 to Apr. 30/06December 11, 2005Includes air, accommodation and transfers.1 week - 'Miramar at Waikiki'Superior roomPackage prices available for 7 and 14 night stays until April 30, 2006*Kelowna departures. Prices are per person based on double occupancy. Not included are: departure taxes, transportation related fees, GST (where applicable)supplements and fuel surcharges. For full terms and conditions please refer to Companion Holidays 2005 Hawaii Brochure. BC Reg #25524. All BCAATravel offices are registered under the BC Travel Agents Act.bca05_sepCall 250-372-9577 Travel Departmentor toll-free 310-8286Visit 500 Notre Dame Dr. Click bcaa.comBC Reg No. 294-0 ted01 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comFood For Thought Something NewSeptember already! Asign of increasing ageseems to be that timespeeds by at an alarmingrate. I hope you all had agreat summer and that youlook forward to one of myfavourite months, September,a golden month of lingeringsummer heat withnippy mornings and theabundance of harvest.Although my cookingincludes many old recipes,I am always looking forthe new. Some of these areexcellent and I’d like to sharea few.In my pursuit of theperfect chocolate chip cookierecipe, here is the best so far.Chocolaty ChocolateChip CookiesRemember that the panremains UN greased andthat you do not overcook.They seem to finish cookingin the one minute coolingtime.1 2/3 cup flour1/3-cup cocoa1-teaspoon soda1/2-teaspoon salt1/2-cup margarine3/4-cup brown sugar1/2 cup white sugar$1229*CDNper personRELAX. WE'VE GOT IT COVERED.mch02_sep1 egg2 teaspoons vanilla1 cup chocolate chips1 cup white chocolate chips*1 cup chopped nuts* I use 2 cups chocolate chipsand forget about the white.Sift dry ingredients. Creammargarine, gradually addingsugars, egg and vanilla.Beat until smooth. Blend indry ingredients at slow speed.Mix well. Add chips and nuts.Drop by teaspoonful on toUNGREASED pan. Bake 350degrees for 8 - 10 minutes.Cool one minute before removing.Don’t over bake!Our family celebratesChristmas in July, this yearat Shuswap Lake. Becauseour teen-aged granddaughterhas little money, she decidedto make biscotti and everyoneseemed to enjoy it. Easyto make and I’m sure youcould substitute almondsfor the expensive hazelnuts.We left out the orange rindbecause one family memberis allergic to citrus.Orange HazelnutBiscotti3/4 cup coarsely chopped,unskinned hazelnuts1 1/2 cups flour2 teaspoons baking powder2 eggs1/2-cup brown sugar2 teaspoons vanillaGrated rind of one orange1 egg whiteCombine nuts, flour and bakingpowder. In a separate bowl,beat eggs, sugar, vanilla andrind; stir into flour mixture,mixing well to form stiff dough.Shape dough into 2 logs, about1 inch in diameter. Transferto an ungreased cookie sheet.Brush top with egg white. Bakeat 350 degrees for 25 minutes.Cool 5 minutes. Slice diagonallyinto 1/2 inch thick slices Returnto cookie sheet and bake at 300degrees for 25 minutes or untilcrisp and golden.Yield: 36 cookiesThe citrus allergy is a realproblem because it includestomatoes and what is summerwithout tomatoes? Ifound a pizza recipe, whichdoes not include tomatosauce. Pizza is an excellententrée in the summer, especiallywhen guests arrivehungry, and at all hours.Everyone likes pizza and, ifyou’re lucky, there is a sliceleft over for the next day’slunch.Pizza Bianca1 cup Ricotta cheese1/4 cup grated Parmesan.1 or 2 garlic cloves, minced2 teaspoons olive oil1 large onion, halved, sliced1 12-inch pizza shell, freshlymade, or boughtCornmeal1 500 mL Bocconcini balls,drained, sliced *Pine nuts (toasted in a 350degrees oven, 10 minutes)* I’m sure you could substituteMozzarella cheese, which isMUCH cheaperPreheat oven to 475 degrees.Blend Ricotta, Parmesan andgarlic. In a large, non-stick skillet,heat oil over medium heat,add onions; cook, stirring occasionally,for 20 minutes untilgolden. Place pizza shell onbaking sheet and sprinkle withcornmeal. Spread Ricotta mixtureto 1/2 inch of edge. Topwith caramelized onions andBocconcini slices. Season withsalt and pepper. Bake on bottomrack of oven 18 to 20 minutesfor fresh dough or 12to 16 minutes for pre-bakedshells. Garnish with pine nutsor crumbled Gorgonzola cheeseor pesto sauce.Do you get tired of takingthe same salad to summerpotlucks? Here’s a newidea--colourful and tastyand ever so different.Watermelon andMint Salad1/2 seedless watermelon, cutinto 1 1/2 inch cubes (12 cups)3 green onions, sliced thinly onthe diagonal1 cup black, pitted olives1 cup feta cheese, crumbled1/4 cup shredded mint1/2 cup white wine vinegarSalt and pepper to taste1/2-cup olive oilPlace watermelon and onionsin a large salad bowl, top witholives, feta and mint. Whiskremaining ingredients together.Pour over salad and toss,very gently. (I add dressingjust before serving) This makesenough for 10 or 12, so youmight want to cut the recipe inhalf. Also, for those who do notlike watermelon, substitute amixture of cantaloupe and honeydewand add a dash of limejuice.New recipes this monthbut next month’s recipes willbe very, very old!Bear in mind that you should conduct yourselfin life as at a feast.~ Epictetus, Roman (Greek-born) slave &Stoic philosopher (55 AD - 135 AD)September 2005GlobalWarming,So What?By Bill AnhornOn a trip to Manitoba in2003, we visited the town ofGimli, originally an Icelandicsettlement. Gimli evokesnostalgic memories for anumber of our Kamloopsfriends, be they <strong>Canadian</strong>Air Force or CN Engineertrainee types. It was the traveling“Nordic” display in thelocal museum that caughtour attention.This display of artifactsand historic exploits of “Ericthe Red” (950-1003 or 1004)and “Leif Ericsson” (980-1020), really brought intoquestion the current frenzyover Global warming.We learned that LeifEricsson the “Lucky” wasa Viking (Norse) explorerwho was possibly the firstEuropean to sail to NorthAmerica. Leif sailed fromthe southern tip of Greenland,then south along thecoast of Baffin Island downto Labrador, and then landedin what is now called Newfoundland(which he calledVinland). All this took placearound the year 1000 with acrew of 35 men. He landedin what is probably southernBaffin Island (which hecalled Helluland, meaningthe “land of the flat stone”).In 1001 they reached Vinland(perhaps the southerntip of Newfoundland),where remains of an ancientNorse settlement have beenfound. Ericsson and his crewreturned to Greenland in thespring of 1002.From all the foregoinghistorical data, one candeduce that the climaticconditions of Newfoundlandand Labrador in the years1001/1002 were very muchin the temperate zone. Whatwe are currently experiencingwith “Global Warming”is this old earth of ours continuingwith its warm/coldcycle and there is very littlewe can do about it.What goes around comesaround. A thousand cattleon a thousand hills ventingtheir gasses, isn’t going tochange the earth’s renewalprocess. “So roll with thepunch” and enjoy your timeon this earth.Editor’s note: There is oncsiderablescientific debate onglobal warming. Articles submittedby readers do not necessarilyreflect the views of<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> or its staff.

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