Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

Canadian Hearing Care - Senior Connector

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F R E E !Volume 14, Number 3, September 2005<strong>Connector</strong>T h e S e n i o r s ’ O w n N e w s p a p e r<strong>Senior</strong>Take one ~ and please rememberto support our advertisers! Additional <strong>Senior</strong>s’<strong>Care</strong> Centre slated forKamloopsBy June WebbIn a media release dated August 2 nd , 2005, InteriorHealth (IH) announced their board of directors hasendorsed contracts with private and not-for-profit careproviders to develop and operate 490 new seniors’ carebeds in the health authority’s region. Of those 490, 84 areslated for Kamloops with the development of a new facilityin Westsyde. In addition to these new facilities, IH hasexpanded its respite beds from 6 to 12 in Kamloops.“IH targeted these beds to best meet the growingand aging demographics of these communities,” says IHBoard Chair Alan Dolman in the press release. “As weprogress with these developments, you can anticipatemore announcements from Interior Health in terms ofexpanding and improving Healthcare services for seniors.”The 84 contracted beds are being created throughpublic-private partnerships, offering more options for anaging population. Acknowledging the older, institutionalstyle of seniors care is no longer the preferred model;Interior Health is developing different solutions. ClaireAnn Brodie, Program Director for Home and Community<strong>Care</strong> for IH says, “We are changing the way we areproviding care. This is making a huge difference in use ofbeds, no doubt about it.”What does this announcement mean for Kamloopsseniors? Although the announcement gives a figure of84 beds, the new facility will be comprised of 164 beds intotal.It will be built by H&H Total <strong>Care</strong> Services (H&H)and will contract services with Interior Health. IH willperform the client assessments and H&H will staff andoperate the facility. This company has provided seniorscare since 1989 in partnership with Fraser Health. Currently,they own and operate four facilities in the LowerMainland. The company is registered and regulated underthe Community <strong>Care</strong> and Assisted Living Act.It will include 56 private-pay (unsubsidized) AssistedLiving units and 24 private-pay Residential beds. In addiSee “Rebuilding,” page 19The Award Winning Voice of <strong>Senior</strong>s throughout the Thompson/Nicola/Shuswap Districts • Over 35,000 distributed monthlyVisit us online at www.seniorconnector.comBy June WebbJuly 31, 2005, two years tothe day that the McLureWildfire ripped throughthe tiny settlement of LouisCreek, leveling the community,Rob Rutten andSusan Garland were hostinga grand re-opening oftheir business, Country StoreAntiques. Having spent thelast 48 months rebuildingtheir lives, literally from theground up, the two cut intoa large, iced cake that read,“A day to celebrate, a day toremember”.The decision to rebuildthe successful antique businessthe pair operated priorto the fire was delayed by ayear and a half while theyreconstructed their homein Louis Creek, which alsoburned. While the businesswas insured, their home wasnot. “I think it’s awesome,”says Susan, “Having the storeup and running is the initialstep to whatever else is goingto happen in our lives.”As we sit on a long,wooden bench on the coveredfront porch of thebuilding, Rob, Susan and Idiscuss some of the similaritiesand some of the changesin the new life they havecarved out for themselves.The new ranch stylebuilding is now located rightoff the Yellowhead Highwayand is no longer tuckedRebuilding after the fireback, out of view. Twoantique planes are mountedout front, mementos of lifebefore the fire. Althougheverything around theplanes burned, they survivedunscathed and act as a testamentto Rob and Susan whouse the advertising slogan,“We’re still flying.”Rob acted as general contractorand saw the buildinggo up in 3 months. “I’mproud to say, aside fromSay again? What was that? Pardon me?Do you catch yourself asking people to repeat themselves?Maybe it’s time for a hearing aid. We can help.<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Hearing</strong> <strong>Care</strong>Unique <strong>Hearing</strong> Solutions for Unique Peoplecah11_julDowntown Nicola Street 372-2683 • Northills Shopping Centre 376-4188Registered under the <strong>Hearing</strong> Aid Act (BC)Calling all writers andphotographers!!Rob Rutten and Susan Garland at the threshold of their rebuilt antique store.trusses and concrete, anythingI could get locally, Idid.” Everything from thedesign, the supplies and thelabour was in support of localpeople and businesses.The couple is active volunteersin the community.Rob is currently presidentof the Barriere Chamber ofCommerce and Susan hasbecome an advocate for therecovery of the areas affectedby the wildfire, on economic,See page 24for details onour story andphoto contestWin one of 4 passesfor 2 with cart tobeautiful Sun RiversGolf Course!Photo: June Webbsocial and environmental levels.She also belongs to theMonument Society, workingon erecting a commemorativemarker on the old TolkoMill site. Canada Post eliminatedthe postal outlet andinstalled post office boxes forLouis Creek. This means therural route Rob operated biweeklyfor thirty years nowoccupies his mornings fiveSee “Rebuilding,” page 19

Page 2Did you know?The king of hearts is the only kingwithout a moustache on a standard playing card.<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>The <strong>Senior</strong>s’ Own Newspaper ~ FREE!www.seniorconnector.com107 - 540 Seymour Street, Kamloops, B.C.Telephone: (250) 374-8883 • Fax: (250) 374-8802Please address all correspondence to:<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>P.O. Box 729, Kamloops, B.C. V2C 5M4E-mail: editor@seniorconnector.comPublisherMichael H. KeetchManaging Editor F. Lori KeetchLayoutLinda Komori<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> is a monthly newspaper dedicated to inform, serveand entertain seniors 50 and over. Deadline for advertising and editorialcopy is the 20th of the month for publication on or about the1st of the month.It is published by locally owned PrintMark Publishing Inc.Letters to the Editor must be signed and have a phone number(your phone number will not be printed unless so requested). Othersubmissions are gratefully received but <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> reserves theright to edit all material and to refuse any material deemed unsuitablefor this publication. Articles will run in the newspaper as timeand space permit.No portion of this publication may be reproduced without writtenpermission from the publisher.The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarilythose of the publisher, <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>, PrintMark Publishing Inc.,or the staff thereof.Subscriptions are $24 per year in Canada.Any error which appears in an advertisement will be adjusted as toonly the amount of space in which the error occurred. The contentof each advertisement is the responsibility of the advertiser. <strong>Senior</strong><strong>Connector</strong> recommends prudent consumer discretion.<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> is a member of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comBy June WebbMy little clay rooster hidesamongst my strawberriesas they ripen in the sun,a memento of my visit toHungary, last summer.Each time I sat by theopen window at my grandmother’skitchen table in hertiny apartment, I could heara rooster crowing in the distance.Her window offeredme a bird’s eye view as Ipeered out over rooftops andgardens, baking in the hotAugust heat.She lives many floors upin a building with no elevator.In her 80’s, she relieson a walker for mobility toclimb the flights and flightsof stairs to her home.As I turned my attentionback to the tiny room withthe baby blue ceramic tiles, Iremember closing my eyes toblink back bittersweet tears,knowing how fortunate Iwas to be there and thinking,this may be the last timeI will ever see her. I willedtime to stand still while sheserved me lunch and fussedover me, refusing to let mehelp set the table.During my visit, cousinKati and her family took meMy Little Clay RoosterA Granddaughter Reminisceson a tour of a pottery out inthe country. I knew immediatelywhen I spotted thelittle clay rooster I had tohave him.September 2005Now, every time I seehim, I am transported tothat day in the sunshine. Ihear the rooster crow as agentle breeze blows the curtainsand I lean over to hugmy “nagymama” (pronounced“nahdgmama”) who smilesas she ladles her home-madechicken soup into my bowl. glo01_sep

September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 3Humor ~ “We ‘R’ One Team”little old couple walkedlowly into a McDonaldsne cold winter evening.They looked out of placemid the young familiesnd young couples eatinghere that night. Some ofhe customers looked admirnglyat them, and you couldell what they were thinkng.“Look, there is a coupleho has been through a lotogether, probably for 60ears or more!”The little old man walkedp to the cash register,laced his order and paidith no hesitation. Theouple took a table near theack wall and started takingood off of the tray.There was one hamburger,ne order of French friesnd one drink.The little old mannwrapped the plain hamurgerand carefully cut itn half.He placed one half inront of his wife. Then hecarefully counted out theFrench fries, divided them intwo piles and neatly placedone pile in front of his wife.He took a sip of the drink,and then his wife took a sipas the man began to eat hisfew bites. Again, you couldtell what people around theold couple were thinking.“That poor old couple.” Asthe old man began eating hisFrench fries, a young manstood up and walked to theold couples table. He politelyoffered to buy another meal.The old man replied thatthey were just fine; they wereused to sharing everything.Then the crowd noticed thatthe little old lady still hadn’teaten a thing. She just satThis morning when I wakenedAnd saw the sun above,I softly said, “Good morning, Lord,Bless everyone I love.”And right away I thought of youAnd said a loving prayer,❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖there watching her husbandeat and occasionally sippedsome of the drink.Again, the young mancame over and begged themto let him buy them anothermeal. This time, the ladyexplained that no, they wereused to sharing. As the littleold man finished eating andwas wiping his face neatlywith a napkin, the youngman could stand it no longerand asked again. Afterbeing politely refused again,he finally asked the littleold lady, “Ma’am, why aren’tyou eating. You said that youshare everything. What is itthat you are waiting for?”She answered,“The teeth.”Good Morning LordThat He would blessAnd keep you free from care.I thought of all the happinessA day could hold in store,I wished it all for you becauseNo one deserves it more.ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARYCelebrationat Kamloops <strong>Senior</strong>s VillageThursday, September 15 • 2-4 pmReception and Refreshmentsin Assisted Living Dining HallEveryone welcome!Come help us celebrate!Kamloops <strong>Senior</strong>s Village1220 Hugh Allan Drive, Kamloops BC • 250.571.1804www.retirementconcepts.comsvi13_annivmpc06_jul

Page 4Oasis Café540 Seymour St. 372-5110You don’t have to be a member toenjoy a nutritious meal with us!Tues & Thurs NightBuffet Dinners5:30-6:30 • ONLY $8.95!Now includes coffee or tea!Salad • Main CourseVegetables • DessertWednesday Sept 28Lunch BuffetONLY $6.95!Tues Sept 6 ..........Pot Roast with Mashed PotatoesThurs Sept 8 ........Shepherd’s Pie with Pasta DishTues Sept 13 ........Roast Pork with Mashed PotatoesThurs Sept 15 ......Meat Loaf with Roasted PotatoesTues Sept 20 ........Roasted Chicken with Pasta DishThurs Sept 22 ......Beef StewTues Sept 27 ........Stuffed Fish Filets with Rice PilafWed Sept 28 ........Buffet Lunch ~ Chicken Pot Pie,Pasta Dish, Salads and more...Thurs Sept 29 ......Spare Ribsdes18_buffetIf you've ever dreamedabout carefree livingconsider a move to Berwickon the Park, Kamloops'premier retirementresidence. A breathtakingsetting, superior quality ofservices and full amenities20 Years YoungerThat's how you'll feel living here.only begin to describe astandard of living to whichpeople of all ages aspire.The value is exceptional, thecost affordable.Call to book a tour and discoverwhy living here is an agelesspleasure.Y O U R P R E M I E R R E T I R E M E N T R E S I D E N C EW W W . B E R W I C K R C . C O M<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comHello from Desert GardensBy Peggi WardThe dog days of summer areupon us. The gardens arepast their prime – but stillpretty – and before we knowit we’ll have to get our winterclothing out of the trunk.(That’s a horrible thought,isn’t it?) Oh well, there’snothing we can do about it,so make the best of each dayas it comes along.I have watched withinterest the building of BedfordManor. I’m certain thatits new residents will behappy with their new homes.I know of one lady who ismoving in and will be veryhappy. She comes to DesertGardens several times aweek to play cards and Bingo.Now she won’t requiretransportation but will beable to walk. We will welcomeanyone who would liketo visit us.September will see allprograms go into full gear. Ithink most have run all summerbut of course the numberswere down as peoplewere away on holidays.Our Saturday breakfastswill begin again on September10 and we will be happyto see our friends return.Verna and Betty and Ienjoyed the break but admitto missing those smiling faceson Saturday morning.August 20, 2005 was thedate chosen by my granddaughterand fiancé to havetheir wedding. Nicole was abeautiful Bride and Wil wasvery handsome in his tuxedo.It was a lovely wedding andfun reception. I wish themmuch health and happinessand I am so proud of themboth.Hope you all had a grandsummer and are lookingforward to seeing you onceagain.Please remember to stopby the Gift Shoppe to purchasethe Auxiliary RaffleTickets.A cheery Hello to allShut-Ins and Happy Birthdayto those with SeptemberBirthdays.Talk to you again, soon.Submitted by Bertha Kornbluthand Mina WeissmanEverything is farther awaythan it used to be; it is twiceas far to the corner, and theyhave added a hill, I noticed.I have given up runningfor the bus as it leaves fasterthan it used to.It seems to me that theyare making steps steeperthan in the old days.Call (250) 377-7275 or1-866-377-727560 Whiteshield Crescent SouthKamloops, BC V2E 2S9Built upon the success of theacclaimed Berwick residencesin Victoria & Nanaimo.ber10_20yrsEnjoy our extensiveamenities, including:Coffee bar; billiards andcards room; hair salon;exercise room; library-denwith computer; guestsuite; conservatory; movietheatre; private diningroom; crafts room;chapel/meeting room;24-hour staff on duty;grounds featuring patios,outdoor recreation areas,walking paths andwater gardens.September 2005Valleyview Overlander Lions Club donates to Desert Gardens CommunityCentre. Pictured above are Blake Parenteau, Desert GardensCommunity Centre and Morley Brown, Valleyview Overlander LionsIt’s Later Than You thinkHave you noticed thesmaller print they are usingin the newspapers? There isno sense in asking anyone toread aloud. Everyone speaksin such low voices that I canhardly hear them.The material in dressesis so skimpy now, especiallyaround the waist and hips.It is almost impossible toreach my shoelaces.Photo by Lori KeetchEven people are changing.They are so much youngerthan they used to be when Iwas their age. On the otherhand, people my age are somuch older than I am.I ran into an old classmatethe other day, and she hadchanged so much (aged) thatshe did not recognize me.I got to thinking aboutthe poor thing while Iwas combing my hair thismorning, and in doing so Iglanced at my reflection . . .confound it! They don’t evenmake mirrors as good asthey used to!❆❆❆❆❆❆It CanIt can buy a BedBut not SleepIt can buy a ClockBut not TimeIt can buy you a BookBut not KnowledgeIt can buy you a PositionBut not RespectIt can buy you MedicineBut not HealthIt can buy you BloodBut not LifeIt can buy you SexBut not LoveSo you see, money is not everythingAnd it often causes pain andsufferingI tell you all this because I amyour friendAnd as a friend, I want to takeaway all your pain and suffering.So send me all your Money andI will suffer for you.~Anonymous

September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 5sma10_sep 477082459392thr02_novkip10_sepRates as of September 1, 2005Desert Gardens Community CentreSeptember CalendarComputerAccessCommunityAccess ProgramDesert GardensMon-Fri 9am-4pmPlease call 372-5110 FMIDesert Gardens<strong>Senior</strong>s Activity Soc.Dance1-5pm • $5.00<strong>Senior</strong>s welcome!Dinner to followMembershipfor 2005 @Front Desk$7.50E-mail: desertgardens@hotmail.comIODE Luncheon12pmWhist 1pmTai Chi (cont)1pmWeight Watch 5:30Tai Chi 6pmThrupp Manor ASSOCIATIONThrupp Manor ASSOCIATIONProviding room and board to elderlycitizens for thirty-seven years!Providing room and board to elderlycitizens for thirty-seven years!And watch for WednesdayLunch Buffets ~ $6.95!LA Meeting 10amFitness Fun 10:45 Tai Chi <strong>Senior</strong>s’ 9:30Weight Watch 11:30 Bingo 12:30 pmKiwanis NoonVista Luncheon 12pmBridge 1 pmTRU Baseball 5:30pmMS Luncheon 12:30Columbia Mtg 6:30pm Kam. MentalTable Tennis 7:30pm Health 1:30Buffet Dinner 5:30-6:30LA Crafts/Meeting 10Fitness Fun 10:45Super Annuates 11:00Weight Watchers 11:30Kiwanis(L) NoonBridge 1pmTable Tennis 7:30Buffet Dinner 5:30-6:30LA Crafts & Meet 10Fitness Fun 10:45Weight Watchers 11:30Kiwanis 12:00Bridge 1:00Fly Fishermen 6:00Table Tennis 7:30Buffet Dinner 5:30-6:30<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©Buffet DinnersOpen to the public everyTues & Thurs 5:30-6:30 pmOnly $8.95!Includes coffee or teaTai Chi <strong>Senior</strong>s’ 9:30Bingo 12:30 pmKam. Mental Health1:30Riverside Lions 6:30Osteo Fit 9 amOsteo Fit 10:30 amTai Chi <strong>Senior</strong>s 9:30Bingo 12:30 pmKam. Mental Health1:30Parkinsons 1:00Kam Square Dancing7:00NOWACCEPTINGAPPLICATIONSFORRESIDENCYNOWACCEPTINGAPPLICATIONSFORRESIDENCY591 Royal Avenue,Kamloops, BC V2B 3P8Phone 250-376-6536591 ROYAL AVENUE, KAMLOOPS, BC V2B 3P8PHONE 250-376-6536540 Seymour Street, Kamloops V2C 2G9Telephone: 372-5110 • Fax: 372-3429To book your event, call Blake ParenteauSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayPrivateDinnerGiant CribTourneyRegister 10amPlay 11amBring your ownpartner $10 ppRates as of April 1, 2005Term GIC RRSP1 Year 3.05% 3.27% 3.05% 3.27%3.05% 3.05%2 Year 3.41%3.50% 3.50%3.41%3 Year 3.55% 3.61% 3.55% 3.61%4 Year3.90% 3.15%3.66%3.90%3.66%3.05%5 Year 3.95% 3.40% 3.91%Term GIC RRSP1 Year 3.00% 2.95%2 Year 3.30% 3.30%3 Year 3.55% 3.55%4 Year 3.80% 3.80%5 Year 4.00% 4.00%15-18 month GIC @ 3.05%30-month GIC @ 3.40%41118B.C. Hydro Retirees11:30Whist 1pmTai Chi (cont)1pmWeight Watchers5:30Tai Chi 6pmOasis CaféMonday to Friday:Hot Lunches $5.95Soup & Bun $2.50Soup & Sandwich $5.00Anytime:Scones, muffins, cakes, pop, coffee, teaClosed for5 6Labour DayOsteo Fit 9 amWhist 1pmTai Chi (cont)1pmWeight Watch 5:30Tai Chi 6pmDoug Smart, CFPAuthorized RepresentativeING BANK SAVINGS ACCOUNT 2.40%BEST GIC RATES! GUARANTEED!Before you buy, contact Doug Smart at 372-9225or www.gicdirect.com or 877-372-92251219L.A. Crafts & Meeting10amFitness Fun 10:45Weight Watchers 11:30Kiwanis 12:00Bridge 1:00Table Tennis 7:30Buffet Dinner 5:30-6:301320Osteo Fit 9 amOsteo Fit 10:30 amTai Chi <strong>Senior</strong>s’ 9:30Buffet LunchBingo 12:30 pmKam. Mental Health1:30Kam Square Dancing7:007Centre HoursMon-Thurs: 9am-8pmFriday: 9am-4pmSaturday: 8:30am-11amSunday: See calendarToastmaster 7:00amCornerStoneWoodshop 9Gamble Anon 10Dance Fit 10:30Table Tennis 12:30EuchreKam Brain Injury 2:30Wedding 5:00Toastmaster 7:00amCornerStone Woodshop 9Gamble Anon 10Dance Fit 10:30Table Tennis 12:30Arthritis 1:30EuchreKam Brain Injury 2:30Kawanis 5:30Buffet Dinner 5:30-6:30Toastmaster 7:00amWeight Watchers 9Carpet Bowling 10Cribbage 1:30Weight Watchers 9Carpet Bowling 10Cribbage 1:30Weight Watchers 9Carpet Bowl 10amCribbage 1:30Weight Watchers 9Carpet Bowl 10amCribbage 1:30Visit the Ladies’ AuxiliaryYe OldeGift ShoppeHand knit sweaters, babyoutfits, crafts and more.Summer hours: 10am-noonMon. thru Fri. 372-5110New members encouraged!14 15CornerStone Woodshop 9Vista Fair 9amGamble Anon 10Dance Fit 10:30161721EuchreKam Brain Injury 2:30Kawanis 5:30V.V. LionsBuffet Dinner 5:30-6:3022CornerStone Woodshop 9Gamble Anon 10Dance Fit 10:30Table Tennis 12:30EuchreKam Brain Injury 2:30Kawanis 5:30Buffet Dinner 5:30-6:30Toastmaster 7:00am128 9 1025 2627282930Osteo Fit 9 amCornerStone 8amGamble Anon 10Dance Fit 10:30Table Tennis 12:30EuchreKam Brain Injury 2:30Kawanis 5:30Buffet Dinner 5:30-6:30CornerStone 8 amWeight Watchers 9Carpet Bowl 10amCribbage 1:30Stylish leg therapy:• provides relief from tired,aching legs• helps improve circulation• reduces mild swelling• makes your legs lookas good as they feel!Kipp-MalleryHome Health <strong>Care</strong>#240 3rd AvenueKamloops 372-0842SaturdayBreakfastresumestodaySaturdayBreakfast23 24SaturdayBreakfastDon’t miss it!13Buffet LunchWednesdaySeptember 283

Page 6Optimist:someone who tells you to cheer up when things are going his way.~ Edward R. MurrowCANADIAN TIREGet Your Vehicle Ready for Winter!Lube, Oil & FilterBONUSFREEBatteryTest!Aberdeen1441 Hillside Drive374-3115Hours: Mon-Sat. 7:30am-5:30pmSunday 9am-5pmEat, Look andFeel Better withDental Implants• Dentures fi t tighter• Painful sore spots disappear• Eat foods you want• Throw away your adhesive• Replace unsightly missing teeth• Laugh with confi dence$31 .99 *Most Vehicles*Prices subject to change.Here's what we'll do:• Install up to 5L of Formula Oil• Install a new MOTOMASTER oil filter• Lubricate the chassis• Plus a FREE 20 point safety inspection*Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Applicable taxes will be applied afterservice is done. Includes only light trucks and passenger vehicles. Does not include diesels.Enviro tax additional.Hillside Dr.Pacific Way<strong>Canadian</strong>TireHwy 5North Shore944 8th St.376-3755Hours: Mon-Sat. 8am-5pmSunday ClosedAt NO COST, find out whetherimplants can help you.Dr. Harold Bergman, DDS, Dipl.OS&A, MScD(Path),MRCD(C) is a certified specialist in Oral & MaxillofacialSurgery with over 30 years experience placing &restoring dental implants1-800-565-3559Visit our website at www.drbergman.ca<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com8th StreetRichmond<strong>Canadian</strong>Tirectr05_lubebsi02_julNorth Shore CommunityCentre NewsBy Aaron ReibinAugust proved to be a greatmonth for the Centre withthe start of the lunch programin the Garden Roomof the Centre. The lunchesare tasty and reasonablypriced. September will beanother exciting month withthe beginning of our Fallschedule of activities. Pleasecheck our calendar on page7 to find out program schedules.As always we encourageanyone that has ideas forour Centre to contact us at376-4777.Malone’s on 8th has beenproviding us a wonderfullunch service since August15. Lunches are on Mondays,Tuesdays, Thursdays,and Fridays in our GardenRoom from 11:30am to1pm. The menu consists of avariety of soups, tossed salad,salad of the day, cold sandwichesserved on variousbreads, hot sandwiches, andhot entrées. Lunch combosare available and prices willrange from $4.95 and up.A variety of beverages willalso be available. We are veryhappy to have this servicefor our members and thegeneral public but we muststress that if it is not usedwe will lose it. If you knowof anyone who would liketo have lunch at the Centreplease tell them to come byfor a wonderful meal.We are also proud toannounce the return of dinnersat the Centre. Dinnerwill be held twice a monthon the second Sunday andlast Tuesday and are open tothe general public for $10per person, which includeslive entertainment! The firstNSCC dinner will be heldon Sunday September 11at 5pm. The second dinnerwill be on Tuesday, Sept 27.Both dinners will feature ameal from Malone’s, and weare looking forward to theirwonderful buffet.We are still looking forpeople to express an interestingin attending the PineNeedle Weaving class. Wewould be pleased to hostthis class at the Centre butwould like to see if there arepeople that would like toattend.Set aside Saturday Sept17 on your calendar for whatwe are hoping to be our biggestFlea Market of the year.Depending on what theweather has in store for us,we are planning to hold it atthe west side of the CottonwoodManor Complex. Wehave numerous items availablefor sale and are lookingforward to making lotsof deals. If you would like tobook a table for this eventplease contact us at 376-4777.We will be hosting twoCity of Kamloops activities.The Osetofit Class beginsAward Winning Gardens2003 Communities in Bloom Best Commercial PropertyS.A.F.E.R. Suites!Call Dwight Hoglund to put your name on ourS.A.F.E.R. program list or to establish your eligibility.Suites become available occasionally.Drop in and talk to Dwight Hoglund to get on our waiting list.Thinking of purchasing?Drop by and talk to Dwight for more information.730 Cottonwood Avenue, Kamloops, B.C.ADULT LIVING AT AFFORDABLE PRICES!“At the Heart of the North Shore”(250) 376-4777Fax: (250) 376-4792COT01_saferSeptember 2005on Tues, Sept 20 thru Nov24. Living A Heath Lifeprogram will begin Sept 21thru Oct 26. To register forthese programs or for moreinformation consult the Cityof Kamloops Activity Guide.A Diabetes workshop willbe held at the Centre on Friday,Sept 9 and Friday, Sept23 from 9am to 3pm; andalso on Thurs, Sept 15 from7pm to 9pm. Attendancerequires a referral by yourdoctor. If you are interestedI encourage you to come andtalk to one of the individualsinvolved with the program.The <strong>Senior</strong> Dances, featuringthe Golden Serenaders,will also resume in September,on Friday Sept 9 andFri, Sept 23 from 1:30pmto 4pm. These dances are agreat time and with our newlunch program could makefor a wonderful afternoon.We are pleased toannounce our First AnnualNorth Shore Antique andCollectible Show that onthe weekend of October 15.Tables are available at $25each. This is not a flea market;flea market type merchandisewill not be allowed.Merchandise will be restrictedto the following themes:Antiques, Collectibles,<strong>Canadian</strong>a, and Nostalgia.For information, please contactus at 376-4777. Tablesare available on a first comefirst served basis.We would like to encourageany members of theCentre who would like toassist the organization tocontact the office. We havea few events planned in thefall that require volunteersto help set-up, oversee, andclean up after. All the eventsthat we host at the Centreare fundraiser events thathelp us remain financiallyindependent.We are proud to announcethat with Dinners resumingat the Centre, complimentarybirthday dinners in themonth of your birthday willalso resume. If your birthdaywas in June, July, August orSeptember, you are entitledto your dinner so watch yourmail for your dinner ticketfor Sunday, Sept 11. HappyBirthday to our members!If you have any questionsabout this or other mattersplease contact the Office at376-4777.

September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 7Wills ON WheelsBRUCE SWANSONLawyerWho will make healthrelated decisions for youwhen you are unable tomake them for yourself?Call 374-3737 forinformation on Living Wills andRepresentation Agreements as wellas Wills and Powers of AttorneyGIBRALTAR LAW GROUP102-418 St. Paul St., Kamloops V2C 2J6swa05_aprNorth Shore CommunityCentreSeptember CalendarSundayThe perfectspot forweddings,parties,seminars,and specialeventsCall Dwight376-4777for a quote11Traditional RomanCatholic Mass 3pmNorth ShoreCommunity CentreDinner5pm • $10.00Live Entertainment!184Maple Roomis open forcoffeeMonday to Fridayfrom 9am-4pm.Everyone welcome!Traditional RomanCatholic Mass 3pm<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©How’s yourhearing?Ask anaudiologist.Sahali Professional<strong>Hearing</strong> Services374-5767#10B-1315 Summit Dr. • Tudor VillageFortune Centre <strong>Hearing</strong> Clinic554-3706#8A-750 FortuneFortune Shopping CentreMerritt <strong>Hearing</strong> Clinic • 315-9688Get your 2005 Membership!Members get a free birthday dinner!$15 + GST! = $16.05Available at front desk.Crib 1pmBridge 7 pmCarolyn Palaga, MSc, Aud(C)Easy accessibility andparking at both locationsAuthorized by:WCBFirst <strong>Canadian</strong> HealthDept. Veterans AffairsRegistered underthe <strong>Hearing</strong> Aid Act (B.C.)North Shore <strong>Senior</strong>s’Drop-in CentreDwight Hoglund, Manager: 376-47779 am to 4 pm Mon.-Fri. Fax: 376-4792Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayJoin us for lunch!11:30-1:00pm • Light LunchesSupplied by Malone’s • Everyone welcome!1st Annual North Shore Community CentreAntique & Collectible Sale • Oct 15-16Admission: only $3.00Centre ClosedLabour DayBelly Dancing 11amCarpet Bowling 1pmMovie Night 7pmTai Chi Breath 1pmHealing Touch1:30PaddlewheelersLions Exec 5pm500 Club 7 pmOut of Eden 10:00 am 13Tai Chi Breath 1pmHealing Touch 1:30Rotary North Exec 5:15500 Club 7 pmNSCC GeneralMeeting 7pmRotary NorthLunch Mtg. 12Weight Watchers5pmRotary North 14Lunch Mtg. 12Carpet Bowling 1pmCottonpicker Quilt1pmWeight Watch 5pmDupl. Bridge 7pmBelly Dance 11amCrib 1pmLine Dancing 1:45Bridge 7 pmDiabetes Clinic7-9pmWeightWatchers 8am19 Out of Eden 10:00 am 20 Out of Eden 10:00 am 21 21Osteofit 10:30 22 Diabetes Clinic 23 24Belly Dance 11am 9am-3pmOsteofit 10:30Tai Chi Breath 1pmCrib 1pmTai Chi Breathing 10:30WeightHealing Touch 1:30Line Dancing 1:45 Sing-a-long 10:30Watchers 8am500 Club 7 pmBridge 7 pm Duplicate Bridge 7pmfoh06_mar8 Diabetes Clinic9am-3pmTai Chi Breath 10:309 10Duplicate Bridge 7pm<strong>Senior</strong>s DanceGolden Serenaders1:30-4pmEveryone welcome!15 1617WeightTai Chi Breath 10:30Watchers 8amSing-a-long 10:30Barber Shop 6-8 pmBCGREA Luncheon12 noonFlea Market!Duplicate Bridge 8am-12noon7 pmEveryone welcome!Belly Dancing 11amBusiness BureauDisplay 11amCarpet Bowling 1pmRotary N. Lunch 12Carpet Bowl 1pmMovie Night 7pmChronic Disease SelfMgmt 1:30<strong>Senior</strong>s DanceWeight Watch 5pmGolden SerenadersDupl Bridge 7pm1:30-4pm Everyone welcome!25 2627Rotary North282930Belly Dancing 11amCarpet Bowling 1pmMovie Night 7pm5 Out of Eden 10:00 am 6 Out of Eden 10:00 am 712Osteofit 10:30Diabetes Support 10:30Tai Chi Breath 1pmHealing Touch 1:30500 Club 7 pmN.S.C.C. Dinner5pm • $10.00Live Entertainment!Lunch Mtg. 12Cottonpicker Quilt1pmWeight Watchers5pmCrib 1pmBridge 7 pmOsteofit 10:30Belly Dance 11amCrib 1pmLine Dancing 1:45Bridge 7 pm12Tai Chi Breathing10:30Duplicate Bridge7pmTai Chi Breathing10:30Sing-a-long 10:30Duplicate Bridge7pmWeightWatchers 8amBarber Shop 6-8 pmWatch for our:Craft FairBake Sale& TeainNovember3

Page 8Doyle on Real EstateGive Your Furnace a Tune-UpSubmitted by Peter DoyleThe old adage “if it isn’troken, don’t fix it” shouldot apply when it comeso your household heatingystem. Like a car, your furnaceis a running machinethat needs regular tune-upsto ensure its efficiency andlongevity. You wouldn’t waitmore than a year to giveyour car an oil change, sodon’t wait until your furnacebreaks down to call for service.A clean, well-adjustedheating system will save youmoney on fuel and will proongfurnace life. The cost ofnnual servicing is modest,especially when comparedwith the price of a new furnace!Replacement of the airfilter on a forced air furnaceis only a start. There are anumber of components inyour heating system thatrequires regular inspectionand maintenance. They arethe heat exchanger, ignitionsystem, fan, motor, bearings,belts, pumps, controls,exhaust, burners, pilot, thermostat,chimney and more.This season, be sure togive your furnace a tune-up!Have your furnace inspectedand cleaned by a qualifiedtechnician. They will be ableto identify problem areasand will recommend solutionsthat will ensure youryear-round comfort.For all your real estateneeds, contact Peter at Century21 Riverside Realty 377-3030 or you can contact himon his cell 371-1119.<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comRed Hot ToddiesWhen I grow old I shall wear purple...and wear a red hatSeptember 2005Continental2 Locations to Serve You.Hours: 8-6 Mon-Sat, 9-5 Sun, Closed HolidaysGRANT’SBottle DepotGeneral376-9600611 Fortune Dr.KamloopsBARBERSHOPJohn DeCicco319 Victoria Street, Kamloops374-6042con01_sep377-75441395 Battle St. Kamloops(Next to Lordco Auto Parts)Refund For: • Bottles & Cans • Liquor & Wine Bottles• Water & Juice ContainersRecycling For: • Cardboard • Newspapers • Plastic Bags• Plastic Milk Jugs • Mixed PaperGGR05_JULBy Ritta MarshallThe Red Hat Ladies area society of Dis-organization.They have no affiliationto any organization andare just out to have fun...wear silly red hats and purpleclothes; they have norules nor have meetings andas you can see casual dressis the order of the day. TheRed Hat Society is a groupof ladies that meet 3-4 timesa month for social actives,i.e. lunch, dinner, outings,etc.If you are under 50 yearsyoung and wish to join youwear a pink hat, over 50 youare given the honor of wearingthe “Red Hat’. If a hubbyor significant other wishesto accompany a Red HatLady or join he must wear aPink Shirt....In Kamloops there are4-5 chapters of Red HatLadies; as more ladies jointhey branch off into groups(chapters)...currently thereare chapters everywhere inthe province and we are notsure of stats for the rest ofworld but a good thing doesspread...It all started with a poemSubmitted by Marjorie DunnToday we mourn the passingof a beloved old friend, Mr.Common sense. Mr. Sensehad been with us for manyyears. No one knows for surehow old he was since hisbirth records were long agolost in bureaucratic red tape.He will be remembered ashaving cultivated such valuelessons as knowing when tocome in out of the rain, whythe early bird gets the wormand that life isn’t always fair.Common Sense lived bysimple, sound financial policies(don’t spend more thanyou earn) and reliable parentingstrategies (adults, notkids, are in charge).His health began to deterioraterapidly when wellintentioned but overbearingregulations were set inplace – reports of a six-yearoldboy charged with sexualharassment for kissing aclassmate; teens suspendedfrom school for usingmouthwash after lunch; anda teacher fired for reprimandingan unruly student,only worsened his condition.Mr. Sense declined evenfurther when schools wererequired to get parental consentto administer aspirinto a student; but could notinform the parents when astudent became pregnant andwanted to have an abortion.Finally, Common Senselost the will to live as theTen Commandmentsbecame contraband; churchesbecame businesses; and criminalsreceived better treatmentthan their victims.Common Sense finallygave up the ghost after awoman failed to realize thata steaming cup of coffee washot, she spilled a bit in herlap, and was awarded a hugesettlement.Common sense was precededin death by his parents,Truth and Trust, hiswife, Discretion; his daughter,Responsibility; and hisson, Reason. He is survivedby two stepbrothers MyRights and ImaWhiner. Notby Jenny Joseph ... andthen Sue Ellen Cooper ofFullerton California boughtred hats for 3 of her friendswho turned 50 and gavethem a copy of the poem...and the rest is history.And they say ‘50 andbeyond’ is the end of theroad?? It is just the beginning!The Demise of Mr. Common Sensemany attended his funeralbecause so few realized hewas gone. If you still rememberhim, pass this on; if not,join the majority and donothing.Great Truths LittleChildren Have Learned1. No matter how hard you try, you can’t baptize cats.2. When your mom is mad at your Dad, don’t let herbrush your hair.3. If your sister hits you, don’t hit her back. Theyalways catch the second person.4. Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato.5. You can’t trust dogs to watch your food.6. Don’t sneeze when someone is cutting your hair.7. Never hold a Dust-Buster and a cat at the sametime.8. You can’t hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.9. Don’t wear polka-dot underwear under whiteshorts.10. The best place to be when you’re sad is Grandpa’slap.

September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 9Orchards Walka neighbourhood with visionAbove: Ted Snider, Chairman and CEO of Ovation Homes, in front of the Show Homes.By June WebbToronto developers havedescended upon Kamloopsand scooped the last remainngparcel of flat city landvailable in the area. Forminga partnership known asOvation Homes, they intendto turn what once was a 60acre apple orchard located inValleyview just minutes fromdowntown Kamloops into ashowcase, state-of-the-art,sustainable, green communitycalled Orchards Walk.The $170 million dollar,nine-phase development willstand out on many frontsas it takes shape over thenext five to seven years. Itwill be the largest residentialdevelopment in Canada tooffer an area-wide GeoExchangesystem. Using energyabsorbed by the earth fromthe sun and stored below theearth’s surface it will reduceconsumer energy bills andcontribute to Canada’s commitmentto cut greenhousegas emissions to six percentbelow 1999 levels by 2012,saving consumers 30%-50%off conventional heating andcooling systems.Not only will 500 to600 families live devoid ofwater heaters and furnaces,the community will boasta clubhouse with a swimmingpool, hot tub andgym, a village centre offeringan ice rink, shoppingand restaurants. Garageswill be located at the backof homes, creating beautifulfront elevations emphasizingtrue architecture, while creatingwide walkways, plentyof trees and grassed commonareas encourage peopleto get out and walk more;Photo: Murray Mitchellgetting to know their neighboursand their neighbourhood.As an added bonus,the city of Kamloops willbe constructing a pedestrianoverpass to provide access toland dedicated as a waterfrontpark.Phases One and Twothis year involve ranchers,one and a half-storeyand two-storey detachedand semi-detached stratahomes. Future phases willalso include two and threestoreystrata townhouses anda low-rise condominiumapartments.For more informationabout Orchards Walk visitthe show homes from 12-5pm daily except Fridaysor phone 250-314-1415 orlog onto www.orchardswalk.com.My Get Up and Go HasGot Up and WentAuthor UnknownHow do I know my youth has been spent?Because my get up and go, got up and went.But in spite of all that, I am able to grin,When I think of where my get-up and go has been.Old age is golden I have heard it said,But sometimes I wonder as I get into bed.My ears in a drawer, my teeth in a cup,My eyes on a table until I wake up.Ere sleep dims my eyes I say to myself;Is there anything more I should lay on the shelf?And I am happy to say as I close the doorMy friends are the same as in days of yore.When I was young my slippers were red,I could kick my heels right over my head.When I grew older my slippers were blue,But I still could dance the whole night through.Now I am old, my slippers are black,I walk to the corner and puff my way back!The reason I know my youth is spent,My get-up and go has got up and went.But I really don’t mind when I think with a grinOf all of the places my get-up and go has been.Since I’ve retired from life’s competitionI busy myself with complete repetition,I get up each morning dust off my wits,Pick up the paper and read the obits.If my name is missing I know I’m not deadI eat a good breakfast and go back to bed.orc01_sep

mlp09_sep✃Thompson ValleyFuneral HomeAshcroftCall Bill PerryTel: 250-453-9802 • Fax: 250-453-9806Toll Free: 1-800-295-5138Dr. D. Barry DextrazeB.A.D.D.S.Dr. Barry DextrazeGeneral PractitionerProviding Preventative,Restorative, Cosmetic&Family DentistryNew PatientsWelcome!Call 376-5354email: drdex@kamloops.netwww.drdextraze.com#21 Fortune Shopping CentreFree ParkingPeace of mindNeed help settling your affairs?Nixon & Company can help!We provide comprehensive legal services including:• Wills • Powers of Attorney• Probate and Letters of Administration• Committee Applications• Wills Variation • Contested Estates• Representation AgreementsPage 10Uptown Foods100% Locally Owned and OperatedVisit us downtown on 5th Ave for all your grocery needs• Grocery • Fresh Meat & Fish • Produce • Dairy • Frozen Food• Deli • Bakery • Lottery • Cards • Magazines • Coffee BarEspecially for <strong>Senior</strong>s: Free Delivery in the downtown area Mon. to Fri.Phone (250) 851-8651Fax (250) 851-2086 • 120 5th Ave. (corner Lansdowne & 5th)Hours: Mon-Sat 8:30am to 7:30pm • Sunday & Holidays 10:00am to 6:00pmEnter to Win an Uptown AG Foods$25 00 Gift Certificate!Drop off this entry form in the store for your chance to win!Prize drawn monthly. Gift certificate valid for in-store purchases, excluding tobacco & lottery.Original entry form only—no facsimiles accepted.Blair NixonFor more information, call:(250) 372-3233460 Victoria StreetKamloops, BC V2C 2A7Congratulations toour August winner!Louise Kennedyof KamloopsName: _________________________ Phone: _____________________Address: ___________________________________________________tvf01_sepdex05_sepnix02_3x4agf10_sep✁<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comwww.mlpictureframe.comThe Picture FrameMLWide Variety ofFramed Printsin StockAntiques &Restorations#5 - 111 Oriole Rd., Kamloops • (250) 372-7239September 2005Legal Ease ~ Representation Agreements By Blair NixonEffective February 28, 2000,there are four new Acts inthe Province of B.C., whichwill radically change ourAdult Guardianship laws.These new laws were passedby our legislature in July1993 and are only now beingimplemented.For the average person,the most significant new lawis the Representation AgreementAct.In the past, we have usedPower of Attorney documentsto designate a personto attend to our financial andproperty matters when weare unable to do so. By drawingup an Enduring Power ofAttorney, the document continuesto be effective even ifthe donor becomes mentallyincapable.While a Power of Attorneyworks fine for financialand property matters, it doesnot allow the person nominatedto make any decisionson your behalf relating toyour heath or personal care.Those matters are outside thescope of a Power of Attorney.Up to this time, the practicein B.C. has been for personsto sign Living Wills orHealth <strong>Care</strong> Directives givinginstructions in advanceas to what specified kinds ofhealth care were consentedto. While these documentswere believed to have beenpersuasive, there has beenno statutory requirement forhospitals and caregivers toact upon these instructions.The RepresentationAgreement Act allows anadult to designate a person tomake decisions on behalf ofthe adult about routine managementof the adult’s financialaffairs, such as paymentof bills, receipt and depositof income and normal livingexpenditures. In the eventthe agreement authorizesthe purchase or sale of realproperty, a lawyer’s certificateissued at the time the agreementis entered into mustalso be completed.Generally, agreementscontaining more complexdecisions such as authorizingthe representative to sella business will require priorconsultation with a lawyerand completion of the certificate.On the other hand,agreements containing comparativelystraightforwarddecisions such as routinebanking matters may becompleted and signed withoutthe involvement of a lawyer.The Act also authorizesthe representative to makedecisions as to health careand personal care matters,with the same caveat applying,that the authority tomake more complex medicaldecisions will require priorconsultation with a lawyerbefore being included in theagreement.The Act recognizes thatseniors and other vulnerablepersons in our populationmay be subject to abuseand neglect. The Act allows aperson to designate a monitorwhose role is to supervise theconduct of the representative.Unless the agreementexpressly provides for it, arepresentative is not entitledto any compensation for hisor her services other thanbeing reimbursed for reasonableexpenses incurred. Arepresentative has no authorityto make, alter or revokethe adult’s will.Representation Agreementdocuments while allowingthe opportunity of designatingpeople to make healthor personal care decisions, doinvolve an element of complexityabove and beyond thetraditional Power of Attorneydocuments. If you are goingto be taking advantage of thisadult guardianship planningtool in the near future, youwould be well advised to consultwith a lawyer.Blair Nixon is a lawyer atNixon & Company and can bereached in Kamloops at 372-3233 or Merritt at 378-4966.Visit him at www.nixonlawyers.com.A promising future ~ it’s in our handsChris Lewis, Chair of theRIH Foundation’s Estate &Planned Giving Campaignexplains how easy it is to participate.For people who haveworked hard to secure theirfuture, the opportunity toleave behind a legacy–onethat will ensure the best possiblehealth care for theirfamily and friends–is notonly an act of generosity, itmakes good financial sense.Limited governmentfunding falls short of thecost of equipping RoyalInland Hospital. Now, morethan ever, we must rely onthe support of individualsand families to ensure thebest possible care is availablein the future.Royal Inland HospitalFoundation’s 21 st CenturySociety is a specializeddivision of RIHF to createawareness about the followingestate and plannedgift opportunities: a bequestin your will, life insurance,RSP/ RIF beneficiary designation,land, securities, charitabletrusts, and personalproperty.Why is estate giving sopopular?There is a growing trendfor individuals who haveaccumulated wealth to notonly want to provide fortheir loved-ones after theirdeath, but also to give somethingback to their community.People also wantto minimize taxes to theirestate. Remembering charitiesis a great way to do this.It is estimated that inthe next decade, in Canadaalone, $3 trillion dollars willpass from one generation tothe next. People often considerhow much they wanttheir children to inherit. Inmany cases, they can be generouswith their families andalso provide for charity.What is the most popularway to contribute throughour estate?Remembering the RoyalInland Hospital Foundationin your will is the mostpopular way people help toprovide health care for futuregenerations. Many includethe Foundation for a percentageof their estate.There are good reasons toadvise a charity if you haveincluded them in your estateplanning. Speaking on behalfof the Hospital Foundation,it helps us plan for the futurewhen we know of gifts thatmay be received down theroad. At the same time, it isimportant that your will usesthe proper title of the charity,in this case, Royal InlandHospital Foundation, and isproperly worded to ensurethat your donation is putto the best possible use orto a specific need (i.e., cancercare). Finally, we like toensure that you understandthe options for recognitionduring your lifetime and notjust in memoriam.We encourage donors toconsult with their financialand legal advisors as well asthe Foundation with regardto any estate gift they areconsidering.

September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 11Studio, 1 & 2 BedroomSuites including:• 24 hour Medic Alert(monitored on site)• air conditioning• evening meal served indining room• utilities (except phone)• Continental Breakfast andAfternoon Tea• housekeeping services• organized social &recreation activities• within walking distance ofFortune Shopping CentreSuitesAvailable870 Westminster Avenue,Kamloops, B.C.For information call250 376-0315www.caretendersinc.comProviding an independentlifestyle for our seniorsin Kamloops for 13 yearsYou're invited for refreshments andentertainment by the Chase Silver Belles2:00 pm, Wednesday, September 28thCome and find out what we're all about!Here's what some of our residents say..."Shores is a wonderful place to belocated in your senior years. Wefind the residence very friendlyand welcoming. The staff arewonderful thoughtful people. Weparticularly like the fact that wehave built-in housekeeping andlaundry service weekly. We areserved excellent meals on a daily basis with genuine, kind, helpful andhumourous service. Our move to the Shores was a great choice…"Mr. & Mrs. Walter & Queenie McKagueMr. Gord TaylorMrs. Edna Arnold"The Shores is ideally located for personsthat no longer have a car. Withina short walk we have the bank, thedentist, the ear professional, the barber,the optometrist, the library and groceryshopping. If we need to go elsewherethe Handidart is available. All our inhomeconcerns are well taken care of soall in all we could not find a better placeto stay at our stage in life. ""I enjoy living at the Shores. The staffare all friendly and devoted and helpfulto everyone. I particularly like the food(there are alternates if a menu itemdoesn't agree with you). The monthlybirthday parties are enjoyable…everyone is offered cake and the musicalentertainment is always enjoyable. Thereis a wonderful work-out room for the exercise-inclined…alsoboard games, cardsand bingo. There is always something todo—when you want to do it. "Mrs. Joan Hopkin"I made up my mind to come tothe Shores when I finally realizedhow dull cooking for one can be. Ihave never regretted it and am veryhappy here. The staff are outstandingand the meals excellent. Whatmore can I say? Oh yes, and theentertainment is great. ""We moved into the Shoresin 2004 and right away itfelt like home. That's theway you're treated by staffand management. Meals arevery good. They have socialactivities too. We are veryhappy here. "Mr. & Mrs. George and Della Sodja"When our mom, Dorothy Shaw,decided it was time to make the movefrom her apartment to an assisted livingfacility we did a lot of research andfinally decided on the Shores. We havenever regretted our decision. The facilitiesand meals are excellent. Throughoutthe last six years Kimberly and allthe staff have done an outstandingMrs. Dorothy Shawjob in making Mom feel welcomeand safe. She treasures the friendships she has made during this time.Mom loves music, laughter and bingo! The Shores provides plenty ofentertainment for everyone. Dorothy's family wish to thank all the stafffor the respect they continually give to our Mother, Grandmother andGreat-Grandmother. "sho16_anniv

Page 12Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.~ Anthelme Brillat-Savarin,The Physiology of Taste, 1825People in Motion Fall Bus ToursSaturday, September 10 • Salmon Arm Fall FairA September tradition in the Shuswap and part of Salmon Arm’s 100Centennial celebrations. Cost: $52Friday, September 30 • Shuswap Wine TourEnjoy the fall colours and sample wines from the Larch Hills & Recline RidgeWineries. Cost: $52Friday, October 21 • Coquihalla & Gold Country TourThis scenic circle tour to Merritt, Spences Bridge, Ashcroft and Logan Lake will takeyou by paved back roads through beautiful countryside. Cost: $52Depart Kamloops 9 -10 am, return between 4 - 5 pm. Exact times and pickup/dropoff locationsto be confirmed. Lunch, all admission fees, taxes, gratuities and treat included. Paymentrequired at time of reservation. Don’t delay; low registration results in cancellation andyou’ll miss a great trip! Call us at 376-7878 to reserve your space!By Enid Damer(250) 376-7878#6E-750 Cottonwood Ave., Kamloops 1-877-414-4214information@peopleinmotion.org • www.peopleinmotion.org peo10_tripTaylor, Epp& DolderBarristers & SolicitorsComprehensive Legal Services Including:• Real Estate & Mortgages • Corporate and Commercial• Civil Litigation • Construction Disputes• Family Law, Divorce and Mediation• Wills and Estates • Personal InjuryWe look after your interests!Suite 300 - 153 Seymour Street, KamloopsKamloops: (250) 374-3456Barriere: (250) 672-5244HAWAII Kelowna to HonoluluAir service with Harmony Airways Dec. 11/05 to Apr. 30/06December 11, 2005Includes air, accommodation and transfers.1 week - 'Miramar at Waikiki'Superior roomPackage prices available for 7 and 14 night stays until April 30, 2006*Kelowna departures. Prices are per person based on double occupancy. Not included are: departure taxes, transportation related fees, GST (where applicable)supplements and fuel surcharges. For full terms and conditions please refer to Companion Holidays 2005 Hawaii Brochure. BC Reg #25524. All BCAATravel offices are registered under the BC Travel Agents Act.bca05_sepCall 250-372-9577 Travel Departmentor toll-free 310-8286Visit 500 Notre Dame Dr. Click bcaa.comBC Reg No. 294-0 ted01 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comFood For Thought Something NewSeptember already! Asign of increasing ageseems to be that timespeeds by at an alarmingrate. I hope you all had agreat summer and that youlook forward to one of myfavourite months, September,a golden month of lingeringsummer heat withnippy mornings and theabundance of harvest.Although my cookingincludes many old recipes,I am always looking forthe new. Some of these areexcellent and I’d like to sharea few.In my pursuit of theperfect chocolate chip cookierecipe, here is the best so far.Chocolaty ChocolateChip CookiesRemember that the panremains UN greased andthat you do not overcook.They seem to finish cookingin the one minute coolingtime.1 2/3 cup flour1/3-cup cocoa1-teaspoon soda1/2-teaspoon salt1/2-cup margarine3/4-cup brown sugar1/2 cup white sugar$1229*CDNper personRELAX. WE'VE GOT IT COVERED.mch02_sep1 egg2 teaspoons vanilla1 cup chocolate chips1 cup white chocolate chips*1 cup chopped nuts* I use 2 cups chocolate chipsand forget about the white.Sift dry ingredients. Creammargarine, gradually addingsugars, egg and vanilla.Beat until smooth. Blend indry ingredients at slow speed.Mix well. Add chips and nuts.Drop by teaspoonful on toUNGREASED pan. Bake 350degrees for 8 - 10 minutes.Cool one minute before removing.Don’t over bake!Our family celebratesChristmas in July, this yearat Shuswap Lake. Becauseour teen-aged granddaughterhas little money, she decidedto make biscotti and everyoneseemed to enjoy it. Easyto make and I’m sure youcould substitute almondsfor the expensive hazelnuts.We left out the orange rindbecause one family memberis allergic to citrus.Orange HazelnutBiscotti3/4 cup coarsely chopped,unskinned hazelnuts1 1/2 cups flour2 teaspoons baking powder2 eggs1/2-cup brown sugar2 teaspoons vanillaGrated rind of one orange1 egg whiteCombine nuts, flour and bakingpowder. In a separate bowl,beat eggs, sugar, vanilla andrind; stir into flour mixture,mixing well to form stiff dough.Shape dough into 2 logs, about1 inch in diameter. Transferto an ungreased cookie sheet.Brush top with egg white. Bakeat 350 degrees for 25 minutes.Cool 5 minutes. Slice diagonallyinto 1/2 inch thick slices Returnto cookie sheet and bake at 300degrees for 25 minutes or untilcrisp and golden.Yield: 36 cookiesThe citrus allergy is a realproblem because it includestomatoes and what is summerwithout tomatoes? Ifound a pizza recipe, whichdoes not include tomatosauce. Pizza is an excellententrée in the summer, especiallywhen guests arrivehungry, and at all hours.Everyone likes pizza and, ifyou’re lucky, there is a sliceleft over for the next day’slunch.Pizza Bianca1 cup Ricotta cheese1/4 cup grated Parmesan.1 or 2 garlic cloves, minced2 teaspoons olive oil1 large onion, halved, sliced1 12-inch pizza shell, freshlymade, or boughtCornmeal1 500 mL Bocconcini balls,drained, sliced *Pine nuts (toasted in a 350degrees oven, 10 minutes)* I’m sure you could substituteMozzarella cheese, which isMUCH cheaperPreheat oven to 475 degrees.Blend Ricotta, Parmesan andgarlic. In a large, non-stick skillet,heat oil over medium heat,add onions; cook, stirring occasionally,for 20 minutes untilgolden. Place pizza shell onbaking sheet and sprinkle withcornmeal. Spread Ricotta mixtureto 1/2 inch of edge. Topwith caramelized onions andBocconcini slices. Season withsalt and pepper. Bake on bottomrack of oven 18 to 20 minutesfor fresh dough or 12to 16 minutes for pre-bakedshells. Garnish with pine nutsor crumbled Gorgonzola cheeseor pesto sauce.Do you get tired of takingthe same salad to summerpotlucks? Here’s a newidea--colourful and tastyand ever so different.Watermelon andMint Salad1/2 seedless watermelon, cutinto 1 1/2 inch cubes (12 cups)3 green onions, sliced thinly onthe diagonal1 cup black, pitted olives1 cup feta cheese, crumbled1/4 cup shredded mint1/2 cup white wine vinegarSalt and pepper to taste1/2-cup olive oilPlace watermelon and onionsin a large salad bowl, top witholives, feta and mint. Whiskremaining ingredients together.Pour over salad and toss,very gently. (I add dressingjust before serving) This makesenough for 10 or 12, so youmight want to cut the recipe inhalf. Also, for those who do notlike watermelon, substitute amixture of cantaloupe and honeydewand add a dash of limejuice.New recipes this monthbut next month’s recipes willbe very, very old!Bear in mind that you should conduct yourselfin life as at a feast.~ Epictetus, Roman (Greek-born) slave &Stoic philosopher (55 AD - 135 AD)September 2005GlobalWarming,So What?By Bill AnhornOn a trip to Manitoba in2003, we visited the town ofGimli, originally an Icelandicsettlement. Gimli evokesnostalgic memories for anumber of our Kamloopsfriends, be they <strong>Canadian</strong>Air Force or CN Engineertrainee types. It was the traveling“Nordic” display in thelocal museum that caughtour attention.This display of artifactsand historic exploits of “Ericthe Red” (950-1003 or 1004)and “Leif Ericsson” (980-1020), really brought intoquestion the current frenzyover Global warming.We learned that LeifEricsson the “Lucky” wasa Viking (Norse) explorerwho was possibly the firstEuropean to sail to NorthAmerica. Leif sailed fromthe southern tip of Greenland,then south along thecoast of Baffin Island downto Labrador, and then landedin what is now called Newfoundland(which he calledVinland). All this took placearound the year 1000 with acrew of 35 men. He landedin what is probably southernBaffin Island (which hecalled Helluland, meaningthe “land of the flat stone”).In 1001 they reached Vinland(perhaps the southerntip of Newfoundland),where remains of an ancientNorse settlement have beenfound. Ericsson and his crewreturned to Greenland in thespring of 1002.From all the foregoinghistorical data, one candeduce that the climaticconditions of Newfoundlandand Labrador in the years1001/1002 were very muchin the temperate zone. Whatwe are currently experiencingwith “Global Warming”is this old earth of ours continuingwith its warm/coldcycle and there is very littlewe can do about it.What goes around comesaround. A thousand cattleon a thousand hills ventingtheir gasses, isn’t going tochange the earth’s renewalprocess. “So roll with thepunch” and enjoy your timeon this earth.Editor’s note: There is oncsiderablescientific debate onglobal warming. Articles submittedby readers do not necessarilyreflect the views of<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> or its staff.

September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 13Financial FocusChoosing to help fund grandchildren’s educationSubmitted by Lili Seery ofEdward JonesOne of the best gifts agrandparent can give agrandchild is helping to payfor a university or collegeeducation.If you’re a grandparentconsidering helping out witheducation expenses, makesure you choose the rightvehicle for your contribution.This will help the moneyyou put toward educationgrow faster, as well as minimizetaxation.Contributing to a RegisteredEducation SavingsPlan (RESP) for yourgrandchild is the bestapproach. But dependingon the circumstances, theremay be other options worthexploring.When it comes to anRESP, a grandparent canopen up a plan with thechild as a beneficiary. However,because the parentsmay already have an RESPfor their child, it may makemore sense to contribute toan existing plan.If parents don’t makefull contributions each year,there is an opportunity forgrandparents to make up thedifference. Not only will thishelp maximize the level ofannual contributions, it willensure the RESP is eligiblefor the maximum CanadaEducation Savings Grant(CESG) of up to $500 ayear.A grandparent can giftmoney to the child’s parents,who can then make thecontribution on their behalf.And doing it this way caneliminate the confusion thathaving more than one RESPfor a child can create.If grandparents doopen a separate RESP fora child, they need to exercisecaution. If parents andgrandparents have plans,total contributions need tobe carefully monitored toensure the allowed maximumsare not exceeded.Another concern forgrandparents opening anRESP is the possibility thatthe child will not furtherhis or her education. Undercertain circumstances thegrowth of the funds in theRESP can be transferredback to the contributor’sRegistered Retirement SavingsPlan (RRSP) if a childdoesn’t go to college oruniversity. But a grandparentmay be beyond RRSPage, and funds cannot betransferred to a RegisteredRetirement IncomeFund (RRIF). This meansreturned amounts could beheavily taxed.However, according tothe Canada Revenue Agency,a grandparent who opensan RESP for a grandchildcan transfer the plan to ason or daughter’s RESP forthe same child. This meansthe money could be movedBCAA Travelto the parent’s plan, and theparents could then move thegrowth to an RRSP-subjectto their available currentand past contribution roomand a $50,000 lifetime maximum.Grandparents canalso open a family RESP,through which they canname their grandchildrenas beneficiaries. If one ormore children choose notto attend a post-secondaryinstitution, other grandchildrencan use the money, upto certain maximums.If there is no availablecontribution room in achild’s RESP, grandparentsmay want to consider an intrustaccount. This is a typeof informal trust set up toallow an adult to managefunds on behalf of a child.When the child reaches theage of majority, he or shetakes control of the funds inthe trust.An in-trust account,which can be set up ata financial institution, isa good way to contributeamounts beyond thoseallowed by an RESP. Thereare no contribution limits,although unlike an RESPthere is no tax deferral.However, if set up correctly,taxes can be managed byhaving capital gains taxed inthe hands of a child-whosetax liabilities will be nonexistentor small.There are some potentialCompetition for hotel space escalates as constructiondisplaces hotel guests, says BCAA TravelSubmitted by Gina Regush,Travel Manager (Kamloops)Book early and don’t expectlast-minute deals. That’s thetip on Waikiki, Hawaii thisyear, according to BCAATravel. With a surge ofrenovation and constructionprojects on the horion,room availability will beparse during peak periods,redicts BCAA Travel.Hawaii has been upgradingtheir accommodationproperties for a number ofyears, moving away from thetraditional full-service hotelsto more timeshare units andresort condominiums. Themost intensive constructionhub is Waikiki’s eight-acrebeach walk. The $460 milliondevelopment has closedseveral hotels popular with<strong>Canadian</strong>s such as the OhanaReef Towers and WaikikiVillage. Once completed,the area will boast a vibrantshowcase of hotel accommodation;in the short-termhowever, its bad news forvisitors seeking last-minuteaccommodation - over 1600rooms will be out of serviceuntil late 2006.During peak travelseasons, this could meaninflated price tags for hotelaccommodation, warnsDale Urquhart, Manager ofBCAA Retail Travel ProductDelivery. “Book early if youhave specific dates in mindand avoid waiting for lastminutedeals. This wait-andwatchtactic is sure to backfirethis year, as the remainingspace will be set at premiumlevels. Worse still,customers could risk missingout completely.“For the lowest prices,try to schedule your stay forafter Labour Day throughto the first part of Decemberwith the exception ofThanksgiving, which traditionallyis very busy. Also, ifyou want to be assured youare getting value for yourdollar, there is no betterway than consulting a certifiedtravel specialist – theycan recommend propertiesand dates that offer the bestvalue.disadvantages. The donor istaxed on interest and dividendsearned in the plan.Once the child has controlof the money it can be usedfor any purpose-not justeducation. And an in-trustaccount does not qualify forthe CESG.Edward Jones is a memberof the <strong>Canadian</strong> InvestmentProtection FundFamily Restaurantat the KamloopsTravel Centre1885 West Trans Can HwyVER08_coupThe present is the ever-moving shadow that dividesyesterday from tomorrow. In that lies hope.—Architect Frank Lloyd WrightEstate SolutionsJim McCreight Terry Bepple Rob Adkin Bob KasianWills • Power of Attorney • Estates • Trusts • Estate LitigationMair Jensen Blair - Lawyers700-275 Lansdowne Street Kamloops, BC V2C 6H6Phone: (250) 374-3161 • Toll Free: 1-888-374-3161HawaiiFrom$192,839for 2 nights?Travelling without the right travel medicalcoverage could lead to financial disaster.Protect yourself with BCAA's Travel Medical Insurance products. In amedical emergency, the policy benefits include coverage for:• ambulance service • hospital stay • treatment from a medical physician• medicines and prescription drugs. Plus, with BCAA’s annual TravelMedical Insurance you have the option of adding annual Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption coverage.Call 310-2345Visit your nearest BCAA officeClick on bcaa.com to buy onlineFor the young at heart…55 and betterBuy any one of our<strong>Senior</strong> Meals andreceive our monthlyfeatured dessert FREE!With coupon only. Expires April 30, 2005.May not be combined with other offers.Insurance is sold through BCAA Insurance Agency and underwritten by Industrial-Alliance Pacific Life InsuranceCompany and certain Lloyd’s Underwriters, severally and not jointly.Open 7 days a week24 hours a day!

Potlucks • BBQs • Bingo • Whist • Bridge • Singing • Pianofrs01_sepPotlucks • BBQs • Bingo • Whist • Bridge • Singing • PianoPage 14May the holes in your net be no larger than the fish in it.~Irish BlessingRiverside Realty Inc.726 Seymour St., KamloopsMissagh ManshadiB.Sc. PharmPharmacist/OwnerSHUSWAP LODGERETIREMENT ◆ RESIDENCEFor a guided tour ormore information call(250) 832-7081#200 Trans Canada HwySalmon Arm, BC<strong>Senior</strong>s save big $$$Buying or Selling REAL ESTATEAs a senior you pay less!Buy or sell your next homethrough me and you will receive1500 AirMiles or $750.00 towardyour legal fees on completion.*Visit us at our new location477 St. Paul Street, Kamloops(Old General Paint Building)372-2223◆ 40 charming units◆ 3 meals/snacks andtreats daily◆ All utilities includedexcluding phone◆ Weekly laundry andhousekeeping◆ Full range of assisted livingand professional careservices available◆ Medical Clinic on location◆ Convenient downtown location◆ Relocation assistanceavailable*Some restrictions applyCall Thane FriesenToll Free: 1-888-764-0333319-7399For free money saving tips emailed to you in minutes:http://www.HouseHuntersCanada.comAsk us about free deliverymsh02_aprshu02<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comBy Helen WilsonHello Everyone! Here I amafter a few months hiatus,well rested and with myhead full of ideas, observationsand the like.Let’s take care of oldbusiness first. Kay Whitman,Shirley Lowe and Iwill once again be collectingand administering the pennydrive so we are asking you toplease save your coins for us.Shirley will collect the coinsfrom those of you who cannotdeliver them. We will asin the past send them intothe Variety Telethon for theBC Children’s Hospital. MyNumber is 372-8743. Thankyou, Shirley for stepping up.I was saddened to readof Del Stanley’s passing.I enjoyed his articles andwould have enjoyed meetinghim. Former Glenfair residentVerna Smathers passedaway in July at Pinegrove.I thought that her obituarywas inadequate and impersonal,so I have to mentionthat she was in my mind, atleast, worthy of some kindwords. Verna’s life was notblessed with children butmany animals, in particularcats, led a very privilegedlife with Verna and her husband.During the wildfiresof 2003 she was a generousand regular contributor tothe SPCA and the HumaneSociety. Her passion washockey and she was not justanother sweet little lady thatHearsay from Helenwatched the game. She hadthe current book of NHLand all the players, youwanted to know your facts ifyou talked the game. Vernawas a shy lady who was kindto her neighbours and generousto a fault. She will bemissed.You know what we needdowntown? We need a townclock! You can never find aclock in a mall. If the citywants to honour Mr. Gaglardi,how about a statue (soresubject I know!) with a clockon his rotund little belly,he was well known for hisobsession with getting thejob done on time or rapidtime saving travel! All jokingaside, a town clock would bea lovely addition.I am a staunch supporterof the downtown and theimprovements on SeymourStreet will help to make itinviting. I hope that theywill plant trees. In the heatthe trees on Victoria Streetare the absolute most valuableaddition.The renovations ofThompson Park Mall willbe interesting, I hope theyset aside enough moneyto spruce up their publicwashrooms and put a mirrorin the disabled washroom.I have mentioned thisto the Mall management.How presumptuous of themto think that the disabledhave no need to check theirreflection. The Mall renovationswill give us armchairquarterbacks lots to chewon. If as it appears now,the city bus terminal willbe located at the old SearsSeptember 2005garage, that will be quite ahike for the elderly to getback to the grocery and drugstores. Of course, one couldalways detour to the casinofor a breather!In my humble opinionthe Glenfair <strong>Senior</strong>s housingcomplex is the best keptsecret in Kamloops. Weappreciate all the improvementsmade by the volunteerBoard of Directors.We would especially like tothank Tom Moore for all hedoes.In closing a passage fromthe book “Tending Roses” byLisa Wingate.“The secret to a happy life isnot on getting what you want.It is in learning to want whatyou get!”L A W Y E R S D O W N T O W NJENSEN CARROLL WATT isa full service law firm servingKamloops for the last 93 years.We are conveniently located inthe Old Firehall No. 1 at Fourthand Lansdowne and would behappy to advise our Kamloops<strong>Senior</strong>s in matters concerningthe law.Monthly birthday parties • Potlucks • BBQs • Bingo • Whist • Bridge • Singing • Dancing • Piano • Rec Room • Friends • FunKamloops Low Rental Housing Society (Non-Profit)Ponderosa Place has been designed from the groundup with seniors in mind and offers the lifestyle you’vebeen looking for at a price you can afford,including tasteful decor, security of tenure,protection from inflation, and downtown location.Kamloops Low Rental Housing Society maintainsa waiting list for the one (1) one-bedroom RENTALSUITES. Eligibility requires qualification underthe S.A.F.E.R. program. For further informationor to get on the list, contact Donna Mae at372-0651 or 374-6130or email us: ponderosaplace@shaw.caFREE INITIAL CONSULTATIONWeekend and HospitalAppointments AvailableTelephone: 372-8811www.jensencarrollwatt.comDid you know ....Ponderosa Place has lots going on!• Rec room with piano• Monthly birthday parties• Potlucks and BBQs• Bingo, whist and bridge• Exercise equipment• Singing and dancing• AND MORE!Call us for detailsMonthly birthday parties • Potlucks • BBQs • Bingo • Whist • Bridge • Singing • Dancing • Piano • Rec Room • Friends • Funpon04_febjcw01Happy Birthday, Maud!Submitted by Mrs. B. KellyMaud LaBlond celebratedher 90 th birthday on Saturday,August 20 th at PonderosaPlace. The party wasa “big Surprise” and a greatsuccess!! So beautiful. Maudhas a wonderful, caring andloving family – most livefairly close by. Her children,the grands and the greatswere present . . . Maud wasso very happy!Her daughter Rena didmuch of the planning for theevent. She did a handsomejob and everyone enjoyed theday long party, which wentwithout a hitch. I have seldomenjoyed a lovelier party!We figure close to ormore than 100 attended.5th Generation GrandmotherMuriel King is pictured here with her great-great-grandson, Keegan, born July 15, 2005,and left to right, Kelly Jackson, Dalene Dance, Chelsea Jackson.Congratulations, Muriel!Submitted PhotosSubmitted PhotosThe room, the décor, thetables, the flowers, the gorgeouscake, made by a familymember and so professional. . .the divine pianist,a family member, playedclassical music, which wasso gentle and soft as background.She played for anhour and a half. The MCand programme and everyonebrought one rose of anycolour and. The whole daywas sheer delight.Maud is a great gal, fullof vitality, a lovely happyperson . . . she is ever up, anda dear good friend.

September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 15Chronic Disease Self-Management ProgramThe Chronic Disease Self-Management Program isa new resource that hasbecome available for personsin Kamloops and area withchronic conditions to helpthem cope with the dailydemands of their condition.The University of Victoia,Centre on Aging (Ladner)in partnership with theInterior Health Authorityand Kamloops Parks &Recreation is offering the2005 Fall series of six weekcourses at various locationsthroughout Kamloops. Thecourse offerings are availablestarting September 14 thThruppManorNewsSubmitted by E. Anne JackCan you believe it, the daysare getting shorter already,and as I am writing this, itis raining and blowing likecrazy.Well I have made itthrough my first month asthe Manager of ThruppManor and I am enjoying itso much. Thank you to thestaff, and residents for all thehelp and support. It meansa lot. Also special Thanks toStewart for all the guidance;I hope you are enjoying yournew job.August birthdays - Bestwishes to Sadie, Kathy andBerna.Thank you so much toeveryone who has beenbringing in fresh produce.To Mary, Margaret andWalter, Edith and the Madsens,what would we dowithout you? It always tastesbetter straight out of thegarden.We are lucky to have somuch entertainment, usuallyit is slower during thesummer, but Barb has beenworking hard to bring in alot of great entertainmentthis month. Thank you all somuch, you brighten everyone’sday when you come inand share your talent withus.Our hairdresser Dorawas in today and she is gettingpretty excited, her sonis getting married on Saturdayand she is very busygetting ready for the bigday. Congratulations to Tomand Hanna, may your lifebe filled with happiness andlove.Fall Series has arrived in Kamloops2005 and are offered free toparticipants, but registrationis limited! The courses, are2-hours each week and willbe led by local, certified andtrained volunteers.“We’re very pleasedwith the interest shown bylocal residents in becominginvolved with ourProgram,” said MarkDavies, project coordinatorfor the Chronic DiseaseSelf-Management Program.“Our experience has shownthis program can give peoplewith chronic conditionssuch as arthritis, diabetes,heart disease, etc., more controlover their condition andhelp them feel better aboutthemselves.”A Healthy Life WithChronic Conditions Fall2005 ProgramsDesert GardensSept 14 – Oct 199:30-12:00 PM Wed69782North Shore <strong>Senior</strong>s CentreSept 21 – Oct 261:30-4:00 PM Wed69783Downtown YMCASept 27 – Nov 11:30-4:00 PM Tue69784Plaza StationOct 27 – Dec 19:30-12:00 PM Thu69785Parkview Activity CentreOct 31 – Dec 59:30-12:00 PM Mon69786Registration is limited.Call 828-3500 to register.For more informationregarding the Chronic DiseaseSelf-Management Program,A Healthy Life WithChronic Conditions, contactSue Adamson @ 250- 851-2978.McArthur Park Lawn BowlingSubmitted by Kay MillerOur club has had a pleasantmonth with good weather,good turnouts and visitorsfrom out of province andEngland.We held a club triplestournament and the winnerswere: 1 st place – ArchieBoth, Kay Miller and AliceHallam, 2 nd place – AlKline, Joe Magos and BillTyson, 3 rd place – DomenicConsalvo, Betty Christiansenand Etta Magos.We have plans for clubsingles and doubles and willbe hosting the PresidentsCup, which invites all OkanaganPresidents with oneExecutive member to playfor the 71-year-old cup.Club bowling will windup about the end of Septemberand Cribbage will beginonce again on Tuesdays at1:30. Watch for announcement.For more informationcall 376-0917 or 376-5463.The whiter my hair becomes,the more ready people are to believe what I say.~ Philosopher Bertrand RussellThinking of downsizing?Or just selling?Bonus 500 Airmiles *For listing and selling your home*Some restrictions apply. See Peter for details.For worry-free positive results callPeter Doyle377-3030 • Cell 571-9444www.KamloopsListings.comYOUR MONEYHAS A FUTURE.WHAT’S NEXT?TALK TO ME.I can help you decide what yournext investment steps should be.Call 250 828-8881 today for acomplimentary financial review.Riverside Realty Inc.The Local Experts Christine Dairon, PFPFinancial Planner,Investment &Retirement PlanningTM/ ® Trade-mark/registered trade-mark of Bank of Montreal.Financial Planners are representatives of BMO Investments Inc., a financial services firm and a separate legal entity from Bank of Montreal.dai01_sepdoy02_apr

Page 16<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comSeptember 2005AttentionFord & DodgeP/U Owners!Cooper M+SLT265/70R1710 Ply Ice RadialsIn Stock$239. 95Also Available in LightTruck Sizes 15” and 16”SENIORS 30% OFFCooper Ice RadialsStudlessCouponWinterChange Over& BalanceSpecial$24 for 2$48 for 4Expires Nov. 30/05Cooper Weather-Master S/T 2 Cooper Lifeliner Touring SLEStarting AtStarting AtStarting At$81. 90 Cooper Discoverer M+S$56. 35$99. 95Your Complete Tire Sales & Service CentreKAMLOOPS EXCEL TIRE374-6603752 Tagish Street1-877-KAMTIREPremier BathroomsBrings Freedom& Safety to Your Life“Just open the door, step in without any worry ofslipping or falling and bathe in comfort.Premier Bathrooms has helped thousands regaintheir independence.”FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR TO RECEIVEA FREE BROCHURE, CALL TOLL FREE:1-888-596-4909AS SEENON TVU.S.A. • CANADA • EUROPE

September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 17The two bronze Medal Teams from Kamloops representing Zone 8 at the <strong>Senior</strong> Games.The five left-most players are the junior team, the four on the right are the senior team.The players are: Top row, left to right; Al Kline and Jack Horutko, skips. Lower row, left toright: Kay Miller, Helga Bulley (back), Liz Ruschienski, Joan Loehr, Leo Loehr, Wilf Schneider,Liz KarplukBy Janet SchneiderTwo birthday celebrationswere held this month.Grace and Elaine bothseemed to attend functionsin their honour for days, butat the Manor, each of theirspecial days was recognizedwith a cake, gift and “HappyBirthday” sung by the residentsaccompanied by Gwenon keyboard.We are happy to haveMeryl home, safe and sound,after a short stay in the hosital.Everyone is quiteNews from Cariboo Manorhealthy and enjoying theseidle summer days and balmyevenings. Many of us haveparticipated in several outingsto Westsyde CentennialPark and a wonderful eveningat Music in the Park towatch the Rube Band perform.Sadly, one of our residents,Helene, has moved toEdmonton with her granddaughterto be near family.In her honour, a farewelltea was held on August25 th , during which she wasgiven a small photo albumcontaining pictures of thehome, residents and staff, toremember us by. We willmiss her gentle ways andcheerfulness, but wish herwell in her new home.Welcome, Janet, tothe Cariboo Manor family.We’re sure you will feelcomfortably at home in notime at all!A special thank youto Doris, Phil, Nancy andDon. You have all given upso much of your summer toKamloops Art Gallery<strong>Senior</strong>s’ Art Classes Fall 20051:00 to 3:00 pmInstructor: Joey Nash CopeLocation: Ken Lepin andTricia Sellmer Studios at theKamloops Art Gallery.Four-day Sessions:Mondays, October 3, 17, 24and 31Mondays, November 7, 14,21 and 28Members $40, nonmembers$50 (per session)Three-day Sessions:Monday, September 12, 19,26Monday, December 5, 12and 19Members $30, non-members $40 (per session)If you are a beginner comeand enjoy a broad selectionof subjects and materialssupplied in class, or bringa sketch (or sketches) ofyour chosen subject plusany photos you would liketo work from. This could bea subject you’ve wanted totackle but didn’t know how,or an idea you haven’t quiteresolved. Group discussionson techniques, perspective,colour mixing and blending,light and shadow helpstudents learn how to createa balanced composition.Pre-registration is requiredat the Kamloops Art Gallery.All supplies are included.Call 377-2400 for moreinformation.What you see before you, my friend,is the result of a lifetime of chocolate.~ Katharine HepburnSubmitted PhotoKamloopsFloorCurlingTwo teams of curlers travelledto the 2005 B.C.<strong>Senior</strong> Games in Duncanthis past week and bothteams brought home bronzemedals for their age category,<strong>Senior</strong> and Junior. TheJunior team (under 69 years)competed against 8 otherProvincial zones and the<strong>Senior</strong> team (70 years plus)had 9 zones to competeagainst. Games were playedAug 25 to 27 in Mill Bay,south of Duncan.Floor curling begins anew season Sept 6 and 8,2005, at 9 o’clock A.M. atHeritage House. Anyoneinterested in trying thissport should plan to attendone of the Open Housesscheduled for , Sept 12, 13,15 and 16, from 9 a.m. to 12noon at Heritage House. Forinformation call 376-0917or 372-7462.benefit the residents and theManor. Your contributionsare noticed and appreciatedby many!KAMLOOPSFuneral HomeLaughter:the shortest distance between two people.~ Victor BorgeYour Foot Doctor is in ...The Podiatrist is able to treat foot problemssuch as in-growing toenails, calluses, heel spursand other painful conditions.Dr. Stephen DeWitt, DPMPodiatrist, Foot Specialist#420 - 546 St. Paul Street, Kamloops(250) 374-7495His legacy is priceless.Toll Free: 1-866-420-7758A member of theKami CabsHydraulic Lift, WheelchairAccessible Van availablePlease call for details374-5151Toll Free: 1-888-526-9663Airport, Bus & Train Service • Proudly serving Kamloops since 1973A+ Home Support ServicesCaring with DignityHelping seniors to stay in their homesMature <strong>Care</strong>giver ~ certified and licensedReasonable RatesCall Anne: 578-0526dew01aph02_sepFamily ownedand operatedKCA03_2x2BWkfh08_ad1

Kamloops Tai Chi Club(A member-governed non-profit club)Beginners and new members welcome!Yang Style Tai Chi & Chi Gong ClassesFall Session:Tuesdays, Sept 6, 2005 toJan 31, 2006 • 7-8:30 pmSpring Session:Tuesdays, February 7 toMay 30, 2006 • 7-8:30 pmCost: $95 payable at start of each session(approximately $6.00 per class)Annual Membership $190.00St. Andrews Presbyterian Church D 6th Avenue & Douglas StreetFor more info call: Mac @ 554-7302 or Carol @ 573-3795Sore Feet?Case #1 Metatarsalagia(fore foot pain)Problem:Pain in the ball of the foot greater on weightbearing with some callous formation underpressure area. Feels like a stone under your fore489673foot? Painful on hard surfaces?HammerToes mayalso be present.Can be associatedwith flat feet orimproper footwear.Solution:• Custom made or off-theshelfOrthotics• Proper cushioned footwear• Unload pressure site• Gait AssessmentCHDAVIDMAINSE100HUNTLEYSTREETPage 18September 30, 2005 at 7:00 p.m.Kamloops Calvary Community Church, 1205 Rogers WaySoul Source, 285 West Victoria StreetLoaves & Fishes, 256 Nicola StreetSENABERDEENMALLWe CanHelp!Contact:Pedorthic certifiedprofessionals atBalanced Foot <strong>Care</strong>Martin BojesenCertified PedorthistAnn HamiltonC. Ped. TechIN BACK OFABERDEENCOURTWAL-MARTHILLSIDE DRIVETickets available at:Kamloops Pro Life Society - 374-4054 - www.voices4life.comtai02_sepBALANCED FOOT CARE#206-1150 Hillside Dr.377-3433bal03_sepFETabs Christian Supply, 2121 E. Trans Canada HwyTabs Christian Supply, 538 TranquilleRoadWHL Adopts SeveralRule Changes for2005-06 SeasonWestern Hockey Leaguefans can expect some significantchanges to the on-iceproduct for the upcoming2005-06 season.The WHL has adoptedseveral rule changes consistentwith the rule changesthe NHL has put into placefor their upcoming season.The following are the rulechanges that will be used,commencing with the 2005-06 WHL exhibition season:1. Maintain a Tight Standardon Interference,Hooking and Holding- The WHL will continueto maintain a tight standardon interference, hooking andholding.2. Goaltenders- The WHL will use thegoaltender’s crease behindthe net, limiting the areawhere goaltenders may playthe puck.- The WHL will emphasizethe rule requiring a minorpenalty to be assessed to agoaltender who freezes thepuck unnecessarily.removed for the purpose ofan offside pass.- The blue lines and red linewill remain 1’ (12”) in width.<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com7. Instigator- If a player instigates a fightin the final five (5) minutesof a game, that player willreceive an automatic gamemisconduct.8. Diving-Referees will be instructedto be diligent in assessingan USC (UnsportsmanlikeConduct) penalty for divingto players who dive orembellish in an attempt todraw penalties. The penaltyto be announced will be“Two Minutes for UnsportsmanlikeConduct for Diving”.9. Shooting Puck in Stands- Players shooting the puckinto the stands from theirown defensive zone willbe penalized with an automatictwo (2) minute penalty,which will be applied inan identical fashion to thegoaltender penalty for Delayof Game which is currentlyused.10. Team Icing Puck NotAllowed to Change- When the offending teamices the puck from theirdefensive zone, they are notallowed to change the players“on the ice”. Determinationof players “on the ice”will be made when the puckleaves the offending player’sstick.11. Playing Strength inOvertime- Any carry-over of penaltiesfrom regulation time toovertime will now be servedon the same basis as in regulationtime.LittleShop in theCornerDonna’sYarn & Craft Centre✺ Anchor Tapestry Wool✺ Yarns & Patterns ✺ Embroidery Supplies✺ Knitting Needles ✺ Crochet Hooks✺ Tatting Shuttles ✺ AlterationsWill try to fill special ordersOPEN: Mon. - Sat. 10 AM - 5 PMCLOSED: SundaysConvenient Sears Parcel PickUp376-3381Fortune Shopping CentreNext to the Dollar Storedyc01_maySeptember 2005B.C. <strong>Senior</strong>s Games -Zone 8Submitted by Wilf SchneiderBy the time this goes topress the <strong>Senior</strong>s Gameswill be over. Approximately225 participants from Zone8 took part in the variousevents. If you have a computerand are interested infinding out who the winnerswere at the games you cango to www.bcseniorsgames.org and click on results. Theresults are posted as soon aseach event is concluded.In the last few issuesof this paper we listed theseniors from our Zone thatwere going to Duncan andarea to compete. We had asecond hockey team attendthe competition too, theSalmon Arm “Cavaliers”.Ice Hockey: Jim Beckner,Bruce Cook, Dave Davidson,Hugh Hooker, Gord MacKintosh,Hugh McCurrach,Chuck McTavish, RobertMunro, Len Nyland, RickNyland. Roy Sakaki, all fromSalmon Arm, and SteveHobbs from Tappen, DennisLaClaire from Sorrento,Glenn Madson from BlindBay and Gerry Bond fromKamloops.Our Zone 8 AnnualMeeting will be held Thursday,September 16, at theMoose Hall starting at10am. We will have someelections and this is also thetime of year when we startgetting organized for nextyear’s games in Abbotsford.We need volunteers to headup the various events we’llbe having and we also needvolunteers to help out at ouroffice in North Hills. TheGames in Abbotsford willstart on Wednesday, August23, 2006. Plan your holidaysaround the event. See you atour next meeting, September16.Climb for Community LivingYard Sale Huge SuccessBy Deb SteeleThanks to generous communitysupport, the Climb forCommunity Living GiantYard Sale, held SaturdayAugust 20 was a huge success.The sale of donateditems as well as Climb forCommunity Living Bandannasand Gecko Keychains netted $829 to helpfour local climbers to realizetheir dream of climbingMount Kilimanjaro in February2006. Many thanksto Impark for donating theuse of their parking lot, tothe many community memberswho supported theevent through the donationof items for sale and to thelarge numbers of people whoturned out to shop. Communityinvolvement has helpedus move towards our goal of$19,341 per climber – a dollarper foot to be climbed.Thank you for lending ahand by raising us 829 feet!Truck or CarSubmitted by Norm Walsh(Kelowna)A couple had been debatingbuying a new vehicle forweeks. He wanted a truck.She wanted a fast littlesports car, so she could zipthrough traffic around town,but everything she wantedwas way out of their pricerange.“Look!” she said, “I wantsomething that goes from 0to 200 in just a few seconds.Nothing else will do. Mybirthday is coming up, sosurprise me!”He did just that. For herbirthday, he bought her abrand new bathroom scale.Nobody has seen or heardfrom him since.

September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 19tion, 84 Residential beds arecontracted for and subsidizedby Interior Health. IH mayplace their clients in thesebeds and will pay for theircare. This is similar to thehealth authority’s agreementwith the Kamloops <strong>Senior</strong>sVillage.H&H’s new facilitydesign is being hailed as a“model of excellence” by IH,and will be an asset to theWestsyde district. Designwork is now getting finishingtouches, with groundbreakngslated for this Fall andompletion projected for theall of 2006.Present Interior Healthesidential bed numbersn Kamloops are as folows:Overlander: 189 beds;amloops Pinegrove <strong>Care</strong>entre: 75 beds; PonderoaRespite Hotel: 12 beds;amloops <strong>Senior</strong>s Village:00 beds; Hospice House:beds. Currently, 60 bedsn Ponderosa Lodge remainpen as “transition beds” foresidential clients waiting forermanent placement. Thesere to be replaced and updatdwith the new complex inestsyde.With the addition of theestsyde facility plus thecheduled opening of BedordManor this Fall, (76ssisted Living apartments,ll subsidized in partnerhipwith BC Housing) it isnticipated waiting lists foreniors placement should beignificantly impacted. “Curentwaiting lists depend onhen you were assessed andhat the need is,” explainshe program operator.Before there were onlywo choices for seniors,ither home or residentiallong-term care) beds. Ahree-pillar system is in placeow, with the introduction of<strong>Care</strong> Centre Continued from page 1Assisted Living. While thismodel of “intermediate” carehas been provided by privateproviders previously, InteriorHealth, in partnershipwith BC Housing throughthe Independent Living BCprogram, is now developinghomes for qualified clientswho otherwise wouldn’t havethe financial ability to pay.All levels of the threepillarsystem are available toseniors as private-pay or maybe subsidized. The breakdownworks as follows:Home Support Services– Offers assistance toseniors in private residences,designed to aid in personalcare needs (bathing, medications,etc.).Assisted Living – Combineshousing with servicessuch as meals, housekeeping,personal care and 24-houremergency response. Intendedfor people who requiresome help with daily activitiesbut who do not require24-hour professional nursingcare.Residential <strong>Care</strong> –Addresses complex healthneeds, provides 24-hour professionalcare, medicationsupervision and administra-nterior Academyof Hair DesignSchool of Hair, Esthetics and Nails<strong>Senior</strong>s’ Discount includes services for both hairdressing and esthetics519 Victoria St. Kamloops • 250-374-5565Toll free: 1-877-842-5565Open Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9 am - 4 pmThurs 4 - 8 pm (by appt only)Rebuilding Continued from page 1days a week.thinking they were missingWhen asked if he always out on life. Then one dayhad a passion for antiques, he hung a shingle that said,Rob replied surprisingly, “I “Antiques and Collectibles”never dreamt of having this on an empty building inbusiness.” Attending consignmentauctions in Leth-looked back since. “AlthoughLouis Creek. He has neverbridge, Alberta as a teen other things were availableto me, it seemed suchwas his first exposure to thetrade. He would buy boxes a waste of my talent not tofull of miscellaneous items rebuild. I had momentumfor one valued item, then built up and a knowledge ofreturn the box to be sold antiquing.”again.Inside, the new storeYears went by withoutantiquing forming any arranged items. “I’ve alwaysis laden with tastefullypart of his life. He scorned had an appreciation forpeople who spent weekndsattending garage sales, particularly ourthings from our history;grandparentswho arrived in the areawith limited resources andachieved the things they did.They had no roads, no infrastructure,they even madetheir own tools,” offers Rob.Along with the old isthe new. A wall at the farend of the store on the rightis dedicated to a display ofthe wildfire. A large mapillustrates the broad scopeof devastation. Beside themap hangs a beautiful handmadequilt with a bird motif,donated anonymously toeveryone who lost a home.In the bottom corner theinscription reads, “To warmyour body and comfort yoursole. A quilter ~ Septembertion.People with the mostneed due to physical, mentalor behavioral conditionshave priority for first availablebed.“Across the ThompsonCariboo Shuswap areoptions that never existedbefore,” claims Brodie.“It is so much better tohave these options available;people who are capable dovery well in assisted livingunits.” Citing Chase as anexample, Brodie explainedthe community had a longwaiting list for residentialcare. It was determined a lotof them qualified for assistedliving, thereby reducing thewaiting list for residentialcare.“It’s great to see InteriorHealth making real progresstowards meeting the housingand care needs of its seniorresidents,” Health MinisterGeorge Abbott is quoted inthe press release as saying,“The population is aging– and we know that the fixof yesterday no longer workstoday. These new beds offercontinuum of care optionsthat will keep seniors andcommunities healthy longinto the future.”Wig Storenow open!Free consultation<strong>Senior</strong>s10% discount every day!Additional 10% discountMonday thru Wednesday!iah01_apr2003.”“In my view,” believesSusan, ” there was such anoutpouring of generosity andgoodwill it behooves us tosee that good comes fromwhat happened. It’s like anunpaid debt.”Moved by a quote shewas given by a Red Crossvolunteer, Susan has writtenit out and tacked it on thefront of the quilt. It reads:Come to the edge,Life saidThey said,We are afraidCome to the edge,Life saidThey cameLife pushed them…And they flewAuthor Unknown<strong>Senior</strong>s SojournQuality Living For <strong>Senior</strong>s in aSupervised Environment• Bright modern home located in Blind Bay• 24 hour Attendant • Handicapped access• Home-cooked meals • Housekeeping• Laundry services • SecurityThe safe alternative accommodationAll provided in a Friendly Home Environment1-250-675-3756 • www3.telus.net/seniorssojournMember of the North Okanagan Private Supportive <strong>Care</strong> Association soj01_maySTONE & COMPANYCertified General AccountantsP I C K U P T H EP H O N E !<strong>Senior</strong>s Outreach Service Societyin conjunction with Canada Safewaywill help you do your shopping.There is no extra charge!FREE!Service available to <strong>Senior</strong>s in need ofassistance, Shut-Ins, and Disabled onlyPick Up The Phone & PlaceYour Grocery & Prescription Orders.(Minimum $25 Please)Sahali314-0091314-0092Marvin Stone, CGABob Lawrie, CGASilvia Scheibenpflug, CGA443 Tranquille Road, Kamloops 250-554-2533Brookfield Centre, Clearwater 250-674-2532Looking to buy or sell in 2005?Ed BarkerYour “RESULTS“ Realtor in KamloopsOffice/Pager: (250) 374-3331Toll Free: 1-800-553-3322Fax: (250) 828-9544E-mail: edbarker@remax.netEvery Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 12 NoonNorth Shore376-5447376-5457Available at: Sahali & North Shore Safeway, Kamloops.For more information, Please Call:Sahali 374-2811North Shore 376-8439sls05_marEd Barker258 Seymour St.Independently Owned and OperatedFor caring, friendly real estate servicecall ED at RE/MAX 374-3331www.KamloopsResultsRealtor.combed03_junsaf01

krd01_sepPage 20Money can’t buy happiness,but it will certainly get you a better class of memories.~ Ronald ReaganCariboo Manor❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖Cariboo Manor is a supported living homefor ambulatory seniors offering:• comfortable, secure family atmosphere • weekly housekeeping services• private rooms with ensuite • nutritious, home-cooked meals• capable, caring housekeeper available 24 hours per dayOperated by the Cariboo Home Society, a non-profit charitable organizationFor information call 579-9350 or Janet at 579-5262Cariboo Manor 831 Serle Road, KamloopsA Place for <strong>Senior</strong>s to call “Home”Betty Hinton, MPKamloops Thompson CaribooContact us any timewith your questions or concerns101-1150 Hillside DriveKamloops, BC V2E 2N1(250) 851-4991www.bettyhinton.caemail: hinton.b@parl.gc.cahin09_sep6th Annualcar03<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comSubmitted by Carolyn Palaga,Msc, AudcThere is more and more evidencethat hearing is somethinglike exercise. If youdon’t use your hearing on aregular basis, you may nothear as well as someone whodoes.Researchers in the UnitedStates, England and Japanhave studied what happensto children and adults whohave hearing loss in bothears but only use a hearingaid in one ear; their ability tounderstand speech tended toremain steady or improve intheir ear with the hearing aid.The ear without a hearing aidtended to deteriorate in itsability to understand speech.Auditory DeprivationThe term auditory deprivationhas been used todescribe what happens to anear that isn’t “exercised” verymuch because of an untreatedhearing loss. That ear isdeprived of many sounds andtends to decline in its abilityto understand speech. Thedecline will usually reverseKamloopsRailway DaysFor theyoung and theyoung at heart!Saturday, October 8 • 9am-4pmKamloops Heritage C.N.R. StationFREE admission2141 Steam Excursion SpecialLocomotives and Rolling Stock DisplaysEntertainment • Model Railroad Displays and SalesSpecials for kids under 12: Free train ride ~ free gifts!For information call Brian Kelly: 377-8510bandwkelly@shaw.ca or visit: www.kamrail.com<strong>Hearing</strong> ~ Use It Or Lose It?itself once the ear is fit properlywith a hearing aid.There are several theoriesto explain these effects. Onetheory is that the unaidedear’s ability to process speechdeteriorates because theear itself is not being used.Another theory places thecause at the brain.The Brain ConnectionAlthough hearing begins atthe ear, the brain is wherethe final processes of hearingoccur. Certain areas ofthe brain are used for vision,hearing, taste, and so on. Butimagine an ear with a 50%hearing loss. Only 50% of thesound information is gettingto the brain. Since that areaof the brain is not being fullyused for hearing, perhaps thebrain is “re-programmed” forother uses. Research in Englandcan be used to supportboth theories. Studies thereshowed that the benefits ofimproved amplification didHome <strong>Care</strong> Specialistswith Heart• Personal <strong>Care</strong>• Home Makers• Companion• House Cleaners• RespiteIf you need a servicethat you don’t see — call:IN-HOME CARE851-0078We Aim To Fill All Your Needs!#314 — 141 Victoria Street, KamloopsFax: 851-0016inh02September 2005Kamloops Railway Days 2005Mark Saturday, October 8thon your calendar for the 8thAnnual Kamloops RailwayDays Show.This year’s event willagain be held at the HeritageCHR station on LorneStreet starting at 9am. Youwill have an opportunity tosee locomotives and coachnot appear immediately.Speech understanding didnot begin to improve until4-6 weeks after a new hearingaid fitting. Speech understandingthen continued toimprove for up to 12 weeksafter the fitting.What happened?Researchers have theorizedthat the brain “re-wires” itselfto handle the new informationthat is being provided toit. In other words, because ofa hearing loss, the ears (andthe brain) were not doingvery much. Then, with theuse of hearing aids, soundswere heard again and theinformation was sent to thebrain. It then took the brain6 to 12 weeks to re-learnwhat to do with all of thisnew information.Practical implicationsWhat does this mean forpeople with hearing loss?Researchers have offered severalobservations:displays generously providedby <strong>Canadian</strong> Pacific, CN,and Rocky Mountaineer.Next door at Interior SavingsCentre you can enjoya model railway show andswap meet, a great place topick up those soon-to-comeChristmas gifts for the trainlover in your family. TheThe longer a hearing lossis ignored the greater theeffects of auditory deprivation.In other words, if youhave a hearing loss, the sooneryou begin using hearingaids - and using them regularly- the better the results.In most cases, two hearingaids are better than one. Thiswill keep both ears and bothsides of the brain activelyinvolved in hearing.Some people are unableto adjust to binaural hearingagain. If an ear is inactivelong enough, the auditorydeprivation effect may beirreversible, making it difficultfor that ear to adjust to ahearing aid.Improved hearing takestime. It can take 6-12 weeksto get the full benefits of thenew information provided bynew hearing aids.For more information,please contact Carolyn Palagaat 374-57672141 steam locomotive andtrain will be running, so ifyou have not had a ride yet,or even if you have, now isyour chance for another rideon this beautiful locomotiveand her train of open air andregular passenger coaches.A new feature this year isthe Kamloops Model Railwaydisplays at Sahali CentreMall. The model railwayclub will delight in showingyou four different operatingmodel railway layoutsand displays both large andsmall. Of particular interestis the new large layout, stillunder construction, depictingKamloops from Weyerhaeuserto Campbell Creek.You’ll recognize lots offamiliar locations all done inminiature.Admission to RailwayDays is free, and there willeven be a free shuttle busconnecting the station andSahali Centre Mall. Whilerides on the 2141 train willbe regular fares, childrenunder 12 ride free on RailwayDays, and all childrenunder 12 who participate inthe special ‘railway treasurehunt’ will receive a free giftas a memento of their day.There will be lots of doorprizes, refreshments, andother train things to do atthis year’s show. Don’t missit; it will be a fun railway dayfor ‘the young and the youngat heart’ as everybody lovestrains.

September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 21Osteofit ClassesOsteofit programming was developed at BC Women’sHealth Centre in Vancouver. It is an exercise and educationalprogram designed specifically for older men and women withosteoporosis who are at risk for fractures or who may alreadyhave had one or more fractures. The program is designed toincrease fitness levels in a safe and effective way by improvingposture and balance, building stronger muscles and bonesand decreasing the risk of falls or factures. Local medicaldoctors refer to Osteofit programs.Osteofit lNorth Shore Community CenterSep 20 – Nov 2410:30-11:30 AM Tue & ThuProg. #69787Osteofit llThis more challenging class isdesigned for men and womenwho have completed Osteofit Ior for people with Osteoporosiswho are already well informedand slightly more active.Desert GardensSep 21–Nov2310:30-11:30 AM WedProg. #69789Osteofit for Lifehis cutting edge class whichncludes an extra 15 minutesf cardiovascular exercise. Thisclass is designed for active menand women who have osteoporosisor are a risk of developingosteoporosis and want toexercise safely. Have fun withfunctional fitness and continueto improve your muscular andbone strength, flexibility, balanceand agility for life!Desert GardensSep 19 – Nov 289:00-10:15 AM MonProg. #69790(No class Oct 10)Desert GardensSep 21 – Nov 239:00-10:15 AM WedProg. #68791Call 828-3500 to register. Formore information contact SueAdamson at 851-2978.Western CanadaTheatre2005-2006 SeasonSagebrush seriesOct 6-15 Hockey Mom, Hockey Dad by Michael MeiskiDec 1-10 The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett,Adapted by Paul LedouxJan 26 to Feb 4 The Dreamer’s Quest. Libretto by Ian Gschwind &Vanessa LeBourdais, music by Vanessa LeBourdais *A World PremiereFeb 23 to Mar 4 Hot Flashes by Paul Ledroux & John RobyMar 30 to Apr 8 Trying by Joanne McClelland GlassPavilion SeriesNov 3-12 Waiting for Godot by Samuel BeckettMar 2-11 Roger Maris on Stage by Edward Nunes-VazTheatre is life. Cinema is art. Television is furniture.~ Author UnknownVISTA congratulates their “Granny Trudy Cairns” and welcomeslittle Maddox Monroe Lennox who was born August 5,2005weighing 8lbs 2oz in Vancouver to Lindsay and Shane!!!Fraternal Order ofEagles Fishing DerbySubmitted by Kathy AllaireFraternal Order of EaglesFishing Derby was held duringthe weekend of August13 th & 14 th at Roche Lakejust west of Kamloops. As inprevious years it was a hugesuccess with 106 entries overthe two days.Trophy winners for theDerby were as follows:NOW OPENOPEN MARCH 21 ST1 st place – Angie Kovacs– 4lbs 5 ounces2 nd place – Doug Walters– 4lbs 1/2 ounce3 rd place – Bill Pearson– 4lbsThe Fraternal Order ofEagles #3453 would like tothank all those who volunteeredtheir time to makethis Derby a huge success.Thank you!!In Memory ofFrieda Marie RayBy Sydonia OsmanOn August 5 th FriedaMarie Ray passed away atthe age of 91. She was bornin Goderich, Ontario, September6 th , 1914. Friedaspent 50 years of her life inthe hairdressing field.Frieda was predeceasedby her mother and fatherKathleen and Alfred Osman,and her husband DonaldBruce Ray.She is greatly missed byher daughter Sydonia, threegrandchildren; Kim Mayo(Patti), Marla (Rodger), andDana Fisher, 7 great grandchildren,Jessey and MandyMorin, Cassandra Kouhi,Steven and Melissa Mayoand Chelsea and CarissaFisher and great granddaughterAleena.Frieda spent the last10 days of her life at theKamloops Hospice onWhiteshield Crescent. Thefamily of Frieda Marie Raywould like to thank the staffand volunteers for the wonderfulcare you took of ourmother and grandmother.Wagner Denture Clinicon the North Shore!Submitted PhotoWIL01_sepFishing is the sport of drowning worms.~Author UnknownCelebrating over 75 years of Quality Service!Local and long distance, by container or van2073 Falcon, Valleyview Kamloops372-9525 • Toll Free 1-877-372-9525www.williamsmoving.com1991 Cadillac Sedan DeVilleLuxury at its finest. Showroom condition. Only 29,000 kms.Call for details.250 374-78992393 East Trans Canada HwyKamloopsSpecializing in NEWER Used VehiclesPssst... Sun Rivers’ newrestaurant is now open...WOW!top10_sepLooking to buy yourretirement home?Bonus 500 Airmiles *For buying your home with Peter*Some restrictions apply. See Peter for details.For worry-free positive results callPeter Doyle377-3030 • Cell 571-9444www.KamloopsListings.comRiverside Realty Inc.The Local Experts doy03_aprWarrenWagnerDenturistMarilynWagnerReceptionist• Standard Dentures• Precision Dentures• Soft Lower Relines forAdded Comfort• Relines Repairsand Repairs• Partials• Consultation onImplant Over DenturesFreeConsultationfor the Monthof SeptemberAll Our Dentures AreMade With AnInjection ProcessingTechnique For ABetter FitOver 30 YearsExperience!#30-789 Fortune Drive(next to the Royal Bank) 554-0055wdc05_seppasta it on!10 % offyour next meal atHoodoos Bar & GrillLimit one coupon per couple. Valid for food only - excludes alcohol. No cash value.Not valid with any other offer. Expires Aug. 31, 2005. No facsimilies accepted.1000 Clubhouse Drive,Sun Rivers828-9404sunrivers.comsun04_aug

mcg02_sepPage 22A VOLUNTEER is a person who is a light to others,giving witness in a mixed-up age, doing well and willingly the tasks at hand-namely,being aware of another’s needs and doing something about it.~ Author UnknownRic’s Grillsteak seafood & chop houseSheraton Four Points Hotel1175 Rogers Way377-3113227 Victoria Street372-7771WE’VE MOVED!Claude Richmond - MLAKamloops Constituency Office#490, 175 - 2nd. Ave.(Bank of Montreal Building)Kamloops, B.C. V2C 5W1rgr02_2x6Proud to Sponsor Hidden HeroesPhone: 314-6027 • Fax: 314-6030Email: claude.richmond.mla@leg.bc.ca<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comHidden HeroesEnter To WinDo you know someone who’sreally made a difference in yourcommunity?Nominate a Volunteer in yourcommunity to be featured as amonthly “Hidden Hero.” FeaturedHero will be showcasedin <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> and willreceive a gift certificate for$50.00 from Ric’s Grill. Theperson who nominates the featuredHero will receive a $25.00Ric’s Grill gift certificate.All submissions must be received at the<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> by the 20 th of eachmonth. Submissions can be sent bymail to Box 729, Kamloops, BC, V2C5M4, by fax 374-8802 or by e-mail toeditor@seniorconnector.comSubmissions must include the name,address and contact number of both theproposed Hero and the person submittingtheir name, and must include, in 50words or less, why the person deservesto be our Hidden Hero of the month. Allsubmissions should be marked “HiddenHero Feature”.Those chosen to be featured mustagree to have their photo and story publishedin the <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>.The final decision on the hero foreach month will be at the sole discretionof the managing editor of the <strong>Senior</strong><strong>Connector</strong> and all decisions are final.Winners will be interviewed by <strong>Senior</strong><strong>Connector</strong> staff.All entries become the property of the<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> and those not selected will bekept and considered for future editions.ric05_sepThis month we feature awonderful lady from DesertGardens.Buddy Schweitzer movedto Kamloops from Fauquieron the Arrow Lakes in 1999after the passing of her husbandDale to be closer toher family. She soon becameinvolved in the community.In 2000, Buddy was askedto help out on the frontdesk of the Desert Gardens<strong>Senior</strong>s Centre and has sinceprogressed to being the volunteercoordinator as wellas working most events thattake place at the centre.This tireless lady can befound at the centre almostanytime of the day or nightworking to make sure thatthe groups that make use ofthe centre are getting everythingthey need.Buddy is relentless in herdedication to Desert Gardens,making sure that thevolunteers’ needs are lookedThis month I hope togive some comfort topeople who have tomake the same decision thatmy family and I have had tomake this past week.On my return from Victoria,we were faced withmaking a decision about afamily pet, our cat Haley,who was experiencing somehealth problems. After a tripto the vet, it was discoveredthat she had a very largetumour in her mouth anddown her throat.After discussions withthe vet about possible alternatives,it was decided thatfor her sake and to stop anypain, we needed to put herdown. We have had thisKamloops554-3211September’s Hidden HeroBuddy Schweitzerafter and that the volunteersare in place whenneeded. Buddy also doesthe scheduling of thevolunteers for the frontdesk information area.Quoting anotherwonderful volunteer,Peggie Ward, “Buddyalways has a smile onher face and a friendlyword which makes thevolunteers happy to helpout wherever they can.Our community centreruns very well becauseof her”.Over the years, Buddy hasbeen a member of the HubCity Singers and has beenon the board of that group.She also volunteers withUnited Way and has been aGirl Guides “Sparks” leader.In her spare time, Buddyspends time with her daughtersJanet and Sandra andSandra’s new daughter 6month old Paige. She alsowonderful pet for fifteenyears and although we wereexpecting the worst, this wasstill a very difficult decisionto make. The vet was verycaring and helpful throughoutthis process. Our heartfeltthanks go out to all thestaff at the Central AnimalHospital.My son found a comfortingarticle for us on theinternet and I am sharing itwith all of you. I hope thatif you have to go throughsomething like this, it willbe of comfort to you as well.Rainbow BridgeJust this side of heaven is aplace called Rainbow Bridge.When an animal dies thathas been especially close tosomeone here, that pet goesto Rainbow Bridge.There are meadows andhills for all of our specialfriends so they can run andplay together.There is plenty of food,water and sunshine, and our<strong>Senior</strong>s’ GolfMonday - FridayOnly $11.00!<strong>Senior</strong>s:DailyLunch & DinnerSpecialsSeptember 2005Buddy with granddaughter Paige.Photo: Lori KeetchMike’s Musings ~ Petsenjoys helping her youngersister by babysitting her twobeautiful nieces Amy andCailey.This lady is a dynamowho keeps helping peoplewhenever she gets a chance.Our thanks go to Buddyfor all her work and to PeggieWard for submittingBuddy Schweitzer as a HiddenHero.friends are warm and comfortable.All the animals who hadbeen ill and old are restoredto health and vigour; thosewho were hurt or maimedare made whole and strongagain, just as we rememberthem in our dreams of daysand times gone by.The animals are happyand content, except forone small thing; they eachmiss someone very specialto them, who had to be leftbehind.They all run and playtogether, but the day comeswhen one suddenly stopsand looks into the distance.His bright eyes are intent;His eager body quivers. Suddenlyhe begins to run fromthe group, flying over thegreen grass, his legs carryinghim faster and faster.You have been spotted, andwhen you and your specialfriend finally meet, you clingtogether in joyous reunion,never to be parted again.The happy kisses rain uponyour face; your hands againcaress the beloved head, andyou look once more into thetrusting eyes of your pet,so long gone from your lifebut never absent from yourheart.Then you cross RainbowBridge together....Author unknown

September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 23Submitted by Florence DennisWhile driving to work thismorning, I looked overto my left and there wasa woman in a brand newMustang convertible, withher face up next to her rearviewmirror putting on herlipstick.I looked away for a coupleseconds and when I lookedback, she was halfway overin my lane, still working onher makeup.As a man, I don’t scareeasily. But she scared me somuch I dropped my electricshaver, which knocked thedonut out of my other hand.In all the confusion of tryingto straighten out the car,using my knees against thesteering wheel, it knockedmy cell phone away frommy ear which fell into thehot coffee between my legs,splashed, and burned BigJim and the Twins, ruinedthe phone, soaked my trousers,and disconnected animportant call. “Those StupidWomen Drivers!!!!Submitted by Joyce DavidsonOur fall schedule willbe starting Sept 7th with aGeneral Meeting at 1pm.A games afternoon is alsoplanned with a corn roastChucklesBob Hope One-linersOn Sailors “They spendthe first six days of eachweek sowing their wild oats,then they go church onSunday and pray for cropfailure.”On Giving Up His Early<strong>Care</strong>er, Boxing “I ruinedmy hands in the ring – thereferee kept stepping onthem.”On Winning An Oscar“Welcome to the Academyawards or, as it’s called atmy home, ‘Passover’.”On Golf ”Golf is my profession.Show business isjust to pay the green fees.”On His Six Brothers“That’s how I learned todance. Waiting for the bathroom.”On Going To Heaven“I’ve done benefits for allreligions. I’d hate to blowthe hereafter on a technicality.”and hamburger barbeque at4pm. Cost is $6. Everyonewelcome.We will be having a BakeTable on Sept 10 at Parksidefrom 10 am – 2pm. Dona-Birthday Celebrations At Le Jeune ManorSubmitted by Arlene ShorskyOn Aug16th birthday celebrationswere held at LeJeune Manor for the followingpeople: born in July; RayWilliams and Kay Orr; bornin August: Evelyn Daniels,Marie Trentin, Ruby Harwoodand Maud Brennan.Wanda Bedard, OliveHews, Garnet Holland andLarry Hornsby served birthdaycake, tea and coffee.Thanks everyone.There were 17 people inattendance including ouradministrator, Ray Williams.The caretakers, Bob andKamloops RetiredTeachersSubmitted by Evelyn BaziukThe Kamloops RetiredTeachers are gearing up fora new season of fellowshipand learning. Our regularmonthly luncheon meetingwill resume on Sept.30 at the Grasshopper Barand Grill (the former Keg)in Sahali. Our Septembermeeting will give allattending a chance to renewacquaintances, share summerstories and welcome thosenew retirees to our group.Other programs plannedthroughout the year are:News from Chase OAPO Br 53tions will be accepted at theOAPO Hall Friday in theam or the table at Parkside.Crib starts again on Sept13th at 1pm., Carpet BowlingSept 12, at1pm, Bingoteaching experiences inCuba, helping underprivilegedkids with Marg Spinaand Neighbourhood Preparedness.We hope to seeyou at our meetings.✷✷✷✷✷Please watch for childrengoing back to school!Sept 13 at 1pm, Line DancingTues Oct 13 at 10amand Silver Belles Sept 06at11am.Hope to see you all at theBBQ.Hazel Stalker were absentas they were having a welldeserved vacation.I would like to take thisopportunity to wish my son,Ken Shorsky, “Happy Birthday”.His birthday was onAugust 30th.Out of EdenMobile Hair andEsthetics ServicesPerms • Cuts • ManicuresPedicures • SetsLicensed Hairdresser & EstheticianCall Sarah forin-home service318-5540out01_sepSENIORS’ ART CLASSESInstructor: Joey Nash CopeThree Mondays, September 12, 19, 26Four Mondays, October 3, 17, 24, 31Ken Lepin and Tricia Sellmer StudiosPre-registration required 377-2400For more informationcall 377-2400 or visitwww.kag.bc.ca465 Victoria StreetKamloops BCANAVETS Unit 290September Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©Sunday onday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayGeneraleetin g10amSept 25Meat Draw3pmNaval VetsMeetingMeat Draw25General Meeting10amAll SeafoodMeat Draw3pm444 Tranquille RoadKamloops, B.C. V2B 3H2554-24551 2 3Kitchen 11-4T.G.I.F Kitchen 11-4Kitchen 11-4 Meat DrawFun Darts Meat Draw 3pm7:30pm 7pmFishing Dirby WeekendHeffley Lake Sep 16, 17, 184 5 6 7 8 T.G.I.F 9 10Kitchen 11-4Fun Pool &Kitchen Open Kitchen 11-4 Kitchen 11-4Kitchen 11-4Free BingoCrib 7pmMeat Draw Meat Draw4:30pm 11-43pmL.A. Meet Darts 7:30pmLeague Darts 7pm7:30pmLabour Day 7:30pm<strong>Senior</strong> Ball Tournament Weekend11 12 Kitchen 11-4 13 14 151617Kitchen 11-4 Kitchen 11-4Free Bingo Kitchen Open Kitchen 11-4 Meat Draw Meat Draw4:30pm 11-47pm 3pmExec. Meet7:30pm Darts 7:30pmLeague Pool3pm& Crib 7pmLeague Darts<strong>Senior</strong> Ball Tourney7:30pm Fishing Dirby WeekendWeekendKaraoke 7pmHeffl ey Lake18 19 20 21 2223 Kitchen 11-4 24Meat DrawKitchen 11-43pmFishing DirbyWeekendHeffl ey LakeGolf & Steak DinnerMac Island Golf CourseBar B Que Dinner 5-8pmSeptember 24League Pool& Crib 7pmLeague Pool& Crib 7pmKitchen 11-4Free Bingo4:30pmKaraoke 7pm<strong>Senior</strong> BallTournamentWeekenda c Island Sept.9, 10, 11Kitchen Open11-4Darts 7:30pmLeague Darts7:30pmT.G.I.FKitchen 11-4Large MeatDraw 7pm26 27 282930T.G.I.FKitchen 11-4 Kitchen Open Kitchen 11-4Kitchen 11-4Free Bingo11-44:30pmLeague DartsMeat DrawKaraoke 7pm Darts 7:30pm7:30pm 7pmNorbroc Husky ServiceFull service gas • Car wash • 3 service baysTotal automotive service and repair1208 Tranquille (opposite NorKam Secondary) • 376-7676nhu01_calGolf & SteakDinnerLarge MeatDraw3pmKaraokeTuesday7pmProud to sponsor theAnavets CalendarRevelstoke <strong>Senior</strong> Citizens Br.#83Phone 837-9456September Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2School's Back!Please watch forschool zones andcrosswalks.1 pm Bridge1 pm Bridge1 pm Bridge1 pm Bridge1 pm Bingo7pm WeightWatchers1 pm Bingo7pm WeightWatchers1 pm Bingo7pm WeightWatchers1 pm Bingo7pm WeightWatchers9am CarpetBowl1pm Bridge9am CarpetBowl1pm Bridge9am CarpetBowl1pm Bridge9am CarpetBowl1pm Bridge7:30 pmGames Nite7:30 pmGames Nite7:30 pmGames Nite7:30 pmGames Nite9am CarpetBowling1pm Crib9am CarpetBowling1pm Crib9am CarpetBowling1pm Crib9am CarpetBowling1pm Crib1 pm Bridge4 5 6 7 89 101 pm Bridge11 12 1 14 1516171 pm Bridge18 19 20 21 222 24251 pm Bridge26 27 282909am CarpetBowling1pm Crib1 pm BridgeShowcase your business here!Sponsor the Revelstoke <strong>Senior</strong>s’ calendar.<strong>Senior</strong>s in the area will be sure to know about your business!

Page 24stp01_sep<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comSeptember 2005Submitted by Doug Nicolre you a “junior” senior? Aregular” senior? A “senior”enior? In your 50’s? 60’s?0’s? 80’s? 90’s? Older? Doou sing in the shower? Doou hum while ironing? Inther words, do you enjoyusic and being in the comanyof others who do asell? Do you sing “ high”,low”? Or somewhere inetween? Are you male?emale? Hey – that covers areat many of us, doesn’t it?his is an invitation to joinhe “Happy Choristers”!The “Happy Choristers” ischoir of seniors – sort of! –nder the direction of LouseGrass for over 25 years.Never go to bed mad.Stay up and fight.~ Phyllis DillerHappy ChoristersNeed Help?CARE CONCEPTS SERVICESAll home supports to meet your needs• licensed and insured• WCB, ICBC, DVA & VAC registered providerAvailable at your convenience250 554-3555We have traveled extensively,representing Kamloops andsharing our enjoyment ofmusic throughout BritishColumbia and into Alberta.This year – that is, in thespring of 2006 – is a “traveling,sharing” year. Ourmusical repertoire is varied– something for all, so tospeak (or, rather, “sing”!) Wemeet at Heritage House inRiverside Park, beginningat 9:30am each Wednesdaymorning. Our first practiceof the fall will be onWednesday, September 14 th .We invite you to have a“Fisherman’s Friend” thatmorning and join us.ccs02_julBrown’s Repair Shop Ltd.220 Lansdowne Street, KamloopsEst. 1923 • Eric BrownThe Key ManIn Your BusinessHave youever wantedto try acting?Stage Presenceis offering a 6-week course in actingand choral speaking for seniors atDesert Gardens, starting October 2005.Come and join instructor Tina Moore(a.k.a. Mary Spencer in Two River Junction) for afriendly atmosphere and an emphasis on fun!Please register by October 3, 2005.For more information and to register, contact:Tina Moore372-3656• Safe sales & service• Lock sales & service• Keys by code• Window grilles• Locks rekeyedSchool’s Back ~ Watch for Kids!Speech & Drama/Musical Theatre training from Trinity College LondonProfessional Singer, Actor, Instructor with 25 years experience on stage250 377-8506 • tmoore17@shaw.cabro10_augPatti Pernitsky, an Emergency Social services (ESS) volunteer, displays one of three donated Disaster Child <strong>Care</strong> Kits that will be used inReception Centers and Group Lodging Centers during emergency events. Make Children First through the local Early Childhood EducatorsKamloops Branch provided the necessary funds to purchase the resources to help children cope during a disastrous event.Pictured above: left to right, Marie Salem, Val Jantz, Helen Blair, Barb MacEwan, Sven Braune and Patti Pernitsky.Photo: Lori KeetchCalling all writers andphotographers!!Sharpen your pencil, get out your camera, dig through oldphotos. We’re having a writing and photo contest! Eachentry will give you a chance to win a pass for 2 withcart to beautiful Sun Rivers Golf course.Contest Details:WRITING:We are seeking stories of interest to our readership.Some possibilities for topics:• Your own life experiences – past or present• Stories about your community• An interesting person you know or have known• Military experiences• Christmas memories• A precious memory or momentStories must be under 500 words and must be received by Sept 15th to be eligible.All stories submitted will become the property of the <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> and may be publishedat a later date depending on the availability of editorial space.PHOTOS:• Photos can be from the past or present.• Photographs must be of good quality, good compositionand interesting content. Prints or digital (jpg or tif) accepted.• Photographs must contain enough information for a caption to be printed under thepicture — including (from left) the names of people in the picture, as well as where andwhen it was taken.Photos must be received by Sept 15th to be eligible. If you wish your photos to be returned, please includea stamped, self-addressed envelope.For each story or photo entered, your name will be entered in a draw to wina golf pass for 2 with cart to beautiful Sun Rivers Golf Course.Submit your stories and photos:email: editor@seniorconnector.com • fax: 250 374 8802mail: PO Box 729, Kamloops, V2C 5M4 or visit us at 107-540 Seymour St. in Kamloops

September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 25James A. ChamberlainBy Ron YorkJames A. Chamberlain,the engineer from Kamloops,designed the ill-fatedR.C.A.F. Avro Arrow andlater went on to head the12-flight Gemini space program.He was educated at theUniversity of Toronto andthe Imperial College of Scienceand Technology inLondon, England. Jamesserved as chief engineer atClark Ruse Aircraft Ltd.Dartmouth N.S. and supervisedproject work for theR.C.A.F. before joining A.V.Roe aircraft Co. at Maltonin 1946.He and about 2,000 otherengineers worked eight yearsto get the CF-105 supersonicArrow interceptor intoproduction as the world’sfastest jet fighter. P.M. JohnDiefenbaker scrapped theThe GreatestKamloopsian?n September 5th, voting will begin in the Council of <strong>Canadian</strong>s’Greatest Kamloopsian” contest. Read on to hear how Kamloopsianon York presents his case for James A. Chamberlain, the designerf the Avro Arrow. Votes for the Greatest Kamloopsian can be madenline at: http://members.shaw.ca/greatestkamloopsian or at variusballot box locations around the city.entire operation in 1959.Chamberlain and 23 otherengineers promptly wentto the U.S. and went to workwith N. A.S.A. He workedon the Mercury capsulewhich astronaut J. Glennorbited the earth three timesin 1962.He was in charge of thetwo-man space program forits first two years after theGlenn flight—this earnedhim a gold medal fromN.A.S.A.Chamberlain had noregrets about the scrappingof the Arrow having said,“the plane flew as I knew itwould at a speed of Mach 2(1,320 M.P.H. at 60,000 ft.)”The Arrow scrappingthrew thousands out of workand Canada lost 100 keyengineers to the U.S. andBritain.My Dad can beat your Dad<strong>Senior</strong>s' Special20% offall day every dayoff <strong>Senior</strong>s' MenuAsk for a G.O.C. CardHumour ~ Submitted by Gus StankovenThree boys were in the schoolyard bragging about theirfathers. The first boy says, “My Dad scribbles a fewwords on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, they givehim $50. The second boy says, “That’s nothing. MyDad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he callsit a song, and they give him $100. The third lad says,“I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words ona piece of paper, he calls it a sermon, and it takes eightpeople to collect all the money!”SundayBrunch 9-2A Family Style Restaurant • Any Taste, Any Time90 B 1967 East Trans Can Hwy, Kamloops250.851.98456am - 9pm • 7 days a weekrky01_feb<strong>Senior</strong> Finds Retirement Just DuckyBy Lilo Anne RitterTake a stroll around yourneighbourhood and youmight meet some unexpectedfaces in unexpectedplaces. One of these is “D”.If I inform you that “D” is asenior who enjoys retirementlife, you might expect toread that she enjoys spendingtime in the garden andgoing for afternoon swims inthe backyard pool. But “D”is no ordinary senior; she isa senior of the avian persuasion.Allow me to introduceyou to Ducky, a pet Gadwallduck. Many years ago,an abandoned egg was foundat a demolished nest inthe wild. It was gently carriedhome and placed witha family of pigeons. Bothhumans and pigeons weredelighted when a tiny ducklingemerged several dayslater. She was cared for andraised by her human mom,Carmen.Ducky is now 23 yearsold, a senior in duck years.A day in the life of a seniorduck is not very complex.In the summertime, Duckyspends most of her afternoonsoutside. She followsher mom around and goesfor daily swims in her plasticpool. In the wintertime,due to our cold <strong>Canadian</strong>winters, Ducky stays indoorsand swims in the bathtub.Her swim time is probablyher favorite time of theday, especially when Carmenbrings her fresh treatsto eat from the garden; tastyblack beetles, sow bugs, andearthworms. She alwaysquacks softly in appreciationwhen they are boughtto her. Ducky often looks forthese delicacies herself whenlogs or stones in the yard areoverturned for her. Usuallyher meals consist of cut-upleaf lettuce and rice soakedin water.Every evening, when bathand playtime is over, Duckygoes indoors to dry off. Carmenprepares a special placefor her on the living roomSeiko OuchiN O TA RY P U B L I CTel:(250) 374-7373Email: souchi@notaries.bc.ca410 - 546 St. Paul Street, Kamloopscouch; carefully arrangedcushions and towels supportDucky while she preens toher heart’s content. Accordingto Ducky, looking goodis an ongoing process. Shespends an extensive amountof time grooming herselfand removing the excessmoisture from her feathers.Once Ducky has finishedher lengthy grooming session,she settles down forsome rest and relaxation.Sometimes she watches television,and often squeezes ina nap before her official bedtimeat 8:30pm. She doesn’tlike to be distributed whenshe has her head tucked inunder her wings.Ducky has experiencedher share of excitement.Last year, she accidentallyflew across the street ontoher neighbour’s rooftop. Sheseemed surprised to findherself up high. The neighbour’sdog barked at herwhile she studied him witha puzzled expression. Shedidn’t know how to returnback home, so Carmen hadto grab a ladder and retrievethe wayward duck. Duckyalso enjoyed a brief touch offame in September 1987. Aphoto of Ducky was chosenas the weekly winner ofa back to school photographycontest organized by theKamloops Daily News. Thephoto caption was “QuackBoarding,” and the photodepicted Ducky perchedatop a skateboard, lookingmighty athletic and daringin her younger years.Now that Ducky is older,quack-boarding has becomea fond memory. Her stepsare slower and her walk isan awkward waddle, but shecontinues to enjoy her quietadventures in and aroundthe swimming pool. Certainly,a day in the life of asenior duck is a carefree dayof leisure. You can see whyDucky enjoys retirement.With the good food, goodswims, good sleeps and afamily who loves her, whatmore could a duck ask for?ouc04_sepSupporting<strong>Senior</strong>sFor over 23 yrs1 hourservice**single vision onlySummer Inventory Clearance20% to 50% Off All Stock Frames!Sun City OPTICS470-500 Notre Dame Drive 250 851-8990Columbia Square • Kamloops •sco02_sep870 Westminster AvenueKamloops, B.C. V2B 1N92 for 1 PackagesAvailableFRAMES & LENSESSuites available(250) 376-0315www.caretendersinc.comYour Full Service Travel AgencyGroup and custom tours • Travel insuranceAll inclusive packages • Airline reservationsCruises • Adventure travel • Hotel BookingsFour locations to serve youAberdeen Mall • 250-372-0544607 Victoria Street • 250-374-4487Chase • 250-679-8484Merritt • 250-315-14131-800-565-6253www.uniglobefreedomtravel.comsho04_suitesuni01_sep

Page 26Royal <strong>Canadian</strong> Legion Br. #52September Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©Sunday onday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayKitchen ClosedBar Open12-7pmMeat Draw2:30pmKitchen ClosedBar Open12-7pmMeat Draw2:30pmKitchen ClosedBar Open12-7pmMeat Draw2:30pm25Kitchen ClosedBar Open12-7pmMeat Draw2:30pmSchool's Back!Please watch for childrenin school zones andcrosswalks.Closed forLabour DayKitchen Open10-4Bar Open 12-7Kitchen Open10-4Bar Open 12-7KitchenOpen 10-4Bar Open 12-7Gen. Mtg.7:30pmKitchen Open10-4Bar Open12-7Kitchen Open10-4Bar Open12-7Kitchen Open10-4Bar Open12-7Kitchen Open10-4Bar Open12-7Giant CribTourneySept 3<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com425 LansdowneKamloops, B.C. V2C 2C5Phone: 374-1742 Fax: 374-17085 6 Kitchen 7 8 Kitchen Open 9 10Open 10-4Bar Open 12-10Line Dancers7:30pm11 12 1 Kitchen 1 15 Kitchen Open 1617Open 10-4Bar Open 12-10Line Dancers7:30pm18 19 20 Kitchen 21 22 Kitchen Open 2 2Open 10-4Bar Open 12-10Line Dancers7:30pm26 27 Kitchen 2829 Kitchen Open0Open 10-410-8pmBar Open 12-10Line Dancers7:30pmKitchen Open10-4Bar Open 12-10Crib 7pmKitchen Open10-4Bar Open 12-10Crib 7pmKitchen Open10-4Bar Open 12-10Crib 7pmKitchen Open10-4Bar Open 12-10Crib 7pmKitchen Open10-4Bar Open 12-10Crib 7pm1 Kitchen Open 210-8pmBar Open 12-12pmDance to JohnClinch 8-12$5.00 pp10-8pmBar Open 12-12pmDance to SidCope 8-12$5.00 pp10-8pmBar Open 12-12pmDance to CarlMcLaughlin 8-12$5.00 pp10-8pmBar Open 12-12pmDance to WallyChurchill 8-12$5.00 ppBar Open 12-12pmNo DanceTonightMint Condition BoutiqueBest in Ladies Consigned Fashions865 Victoria St., Kamloops • 828-0551All consignments need an appointmentmin02_calAshcroft-Cache Creek <strong>Senior</strong> SocietyAugust Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©KitchenOpen 10-4Giant Crib Reg10am Play at 11amBar Open 12-7Meat Draw 2:30pmKitchenOpen 10-4Bar Open 12-7Meat Draw2:30pmKitchenOpen 10-4Bar Open 12-7Meat Draw2:30pmKitchenOpen 10-4Bar Open 12-7Meat Draw2:30pmDanceSat. Oct.1, 05Dance toSid Copemin02_cal1 2 34 5 6 7 89 1018 19 20 21 2223 2425601 BANCROFTAshcroft, B.C. 453-9828Pat Kirby, PresidentSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayClosedClosedClosedClosedDid You Know?Submitted by Norm Walsh,KelownaAt one time, a commonform of entertainment wasplaying cards.However, there was a taxlevied when purching playingcards, but only applicableto the “Ace of Spades.”School's Back!Please watch for school zonesand for children on roadsClosedLabour DayBowling&Cards1-4Bowling&Cards1-4OpenDay1-426 27 282930Bowling&Cards1-4ClosedOpenDay1-4OpenDay1-4OpenDay1-4Bowling&Cards1-4Bowling&Cards1-4Bowling&Cards1-4Bowling&Cards1-4ClosedClosed11 12 13 14 151617BowlingPotluck BowlingBridge & Closed 12:00 & Bingo1-4 CardsGenral Mtg Cards 1-41-41:00 1-4Bridge1-4Bridge1-4To avoid paying the tax,people would purchase 51cards instead. Yet, since mostgames require 52 cards, thesepeople were thought to bestupid or dumb because theyweren’t “playing with a fulldeck.”ClosedClosedBingo1-4Chase <strong>Senior</strong>s CentreSeptember Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©<strong>Senior</strong>s’ Resource Centre, Salmon ArmSeptember Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©25September 2005Apple Fall Fair September 15 • 11 am - 3 pmDesert Gardens <strong>Senior</strong>s’ Community Centre, 540 Seymour St.Events to enter include: Apple pies, crisps, apple sauces, etc. • Dried apple wreaths • Apple coasters • Pie AuctionPhotography & artwork featuring apples • Name the apple contest • Bookmarks and cards featuring applesApple coasters • And more!Craft and bake sales by Desert Gardens Ladies AuxiliarySponsored by ICS & Vista Community Servicesfor Community Living Week • For more information call Vista @ 314-6810Sunday onday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdaySchool's Back!Please watch for school zonesand for children on roads320A - 2nd Ave. NESalmon Arm, B.C. V1E 1H1Phone 832-7000 Fax 833-0550Sunday onday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayFletcher Park <strong>Senior</strong>s Resource CenterOffice Hours 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Monday to FridayPhone: 832-7000320-2 Ave. N.E. Salmon Arm, B.C. V1E 1H1GrandparentsDay1 2 34 5 Day Away 6 7 89 10Foot <strong>Care</strong> Day Away9:30Clinic 9:30Labour Day Lunch withClosedBy<strong>Care</strong>giversFriends Appointment Support Group11:30pm1:00pm11 12 Day Away 13 14 151617Monday9:30Day AwayMorning Lunch with Friends9:3011:30pmMarketFPSRC Board9-11 amMeeting 1:3018 19 20 21 2223 24Monday No Day AwayFoot <strong>Care</strong> No Day AwayMorningClinicMarket Lunch with By<strong>Care</strong>giversSupport Group9-11 am Friends 11:30 Appointment1:00pmMondayMorningMarket9-11 amArthritis Seminar2:30O.A.P.O. Branch #53542 Shuswap Avenue679-8522Day Away9:3026 27 282930No Day AwayNo Day AwayLunch withFriends 11:30Open8:30 to 11:30 am1:00 pm to 4:30 pm4 5 6 7 89 10Snooker 8:30Carpet Bowling1 pmSnooker8:30 amLabour DaySnooker 8:30Carpet Bowling1 pmSnooker8:30amCarpet Bowling1pm11 12 1 14 1516178:30am SnookerSnookerSnooker 8:30SnookerGrandparents10am Line Snooker 8:30amDay Carpet Bowling Dancing8:30amCarpet Bowling1 pm 11am Singing- 8:30 am1pm Crib 1:00 pm"Kitchen Band"18 19 20 21 222 248:30am SnookerSnookerSnooker 8:30SnookerSnooker10am Line8:30amCarpet Bowling Dancing 8:30 am8:30amCarpet Bowling1 pm 11am Singing-1pm Crib 1:00 pm"Kitchen Band"25PresidentJoyce Davidson577-3533or679-85228:30am Snooker10am LineDancing11am Singing-"Kitchen Band"Snooker8:30 amSnooker8:30amCarpet Bowling1pm1 2Snooker8:30amCrib 1:00 pmSnooker8:30amCrib 1:00 pm26 27 282908:30am Snooker10am LineDancing11am Singing-"Kitchen Band"General MeetingSnooker8:30amCarpet Bowling1pmSnooker8:30amCrib 1:00 pmExec. MeetingTo BeAnnouncedThe <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> is made possible by our advertizers.Please support them with your buisness.Proud to sponsor <strong>Senior</strong>s’ Resource Centre Salmon Arm Calendar111 Lakeshore Drive, Salmon Arm • 250-832-2064ask01seniorresource_cal

September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 27Salmon Arm <strong>Senior</strong>s’ Br. #109September Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©Centre penonday -Friday9am - 4pmBranch #109 Salmon Arm, B.C.170-5th Ave., Salmon Arm V1E 4P2Phone 832-1065Sunday onday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayKids go Back to SchoolPlease be careful on the roads!PancakeBreakfast8am-12pm8:30 Weight 1 2Watchers10:45 Keep Fit10:30 Keep Fit1:00 Carpet Bowling1:00 Drop-In1:30 Social Bridge Cards3:00 Table Tennis 1:30 Shuffleboard6:30 Larry Dick 3:30 Table TennisCards4 5 9:30 Scrabble 6 7 8:30 Wgt Watchers 8 10:30 Keep Fit 9 10Labour Day9:30 Carpet9:00 Table Tennis 10:45 Keep FitBowling10:30 Canasta 1:00 Carpet Bowling11:00 Birthday9:00 Table Tennis11-1 Rented1:00 Bridge1:00 Dup Bridge (CR) Lunch Wedding10:30 Keep Fit1:30 Social Bridge 1:00 Drop-In Reception1:00 Darts 1:30 Shuffleboard1:00 Bingo4:00 Table Tennis Cards1:30 Crib 5:30 Weight6:00 Chess6:30 Larry Dick Cards 1:30 Shuffleboard7:00 Social Bridge Watchers7:00 Men's Bridge 7:00 Crib 3:30 Table Tennis11 12 1 14 8:30 Wgt Watchers1516179:30 Scrabble9:30 Carpet9:00 Table Tennis 10:45 Keep Fit9:00 Table Tennis10:30 Keep FitBowling10:30 Canasta 1:00 Carpet Bowling10:30 Keep Fit1:00 Drop-In11-1 Rented1:00 Bridge 1:30 Social Bridge1:00 Darts1:30 Shuffleboard6:00 Chess3:00 Table TennisCards1:30 Crib6:30 Cr. Room Rented 1:30 Shuffleboard5:30 Weight7:00 Men's Bridge7:00 Social Bridge7:00 Crib 3:30 Table TennisWatchers7:00 Vintage Car Club18 19 20 21 8:30 Weight 222 249:30 Scrabble9:00 Table Tennis9:00 Table Tennis Watchers 10:00 Sing-a-long9:30 Carpet 10:30 Canasta 10:45 Keep Fit10:30 Keep Fit1:00 Drop-InBowling 1:00 Bridge 1:00 Carpet Bowling1:00 Darts 11-1 Rented 1:00 Bingo 1:30 Social Bridge Card1:30 Crib3:00 Table Tennis 1:30 Whist1:30 Shuffleboard 6:00 Chess6:30 Larry Dick 1:30 Shuffleboard7:00 Social Bridge 5:30 Weight 6:30 Sq Dancers Cards 3:30 Table TennisWatchers 7:00 Men's Bridge 7:00 Crib25 26 27 28 8:30 Weight 2909:00 Table Tennis10:30 Keep Fit1:00 Darts1:30 Crib7:00 Social BridgeHope sees the invisible, feels the intangibleand achieves the impossible.~ Anonymous9:30 Scrabble9:30 CarpetBowling11-1 Rented1:30 Shuffleboard5:30 WeightWatchers9:00 Table Tennis10:30 Canasta1:00 Bridge1:00 Bingo6:00 Chess6:30 Sq DancersWatchers10:45 Keep Fit1:00 Carpet Bowling1:30 Social Bridge3:00 Table Tennis6:30 Larry DickCardsProud to sponsor Salmon Arm Branch 109 Calendar10:00 Sing-a-long1:00 Drop-InCard1:30 Shuffleboard3:30 Table Tennis111 Lakeshore Drive, Salmon Arm • 250-832-2064WeddingReceptionReservedask01_109calMarathon of Hope • 25 yearsRadio NL’s morning team plans to raise $25,000 for the Terry Fox Foundation in memoryof Terry Fox’s historic run 25 years ago. Join Peter & Bob of NL for a brunch by donationat Forster’s September 17, or call 374-5345 to donate by phone. Radio NL is a proudsponsor of the Terry Fox Run.The Terry Fox Run will take placeSunday, September 18th at Riverside Park.Logan Lake <strong>Senior</strong>sSeptember Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©Sunday onday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayClosed Open 9-1 Open 9-1ClosedGrandparentsDayClosedClosedOpen 9-1Open 9-1Open 9-1Open 9-1Open 9-1Open 9-1Open 9-1Open 9-1Open 9-1Open 9-1Open 9-1Open 9-1Open 9-1Open 9-1Drop-in Centre,80-150 Opal Village Centre MallPresident: Archie White 523-27591 2Open 9-3Bingo1-3Open 9-3Bingo1-3Open 9-3Bingo1-3Open 9-3Bingo1-3Closed4 5 6 7 89 10Closed11 12 1 14 151617Closed18 19 20 21 222 2425Labour DayWade’s Deli& Sub ShoppeProud to sponsor the Logan Lake <strong>Senior</strong>s Calendar26 27 28290ClosedLogan Lake Plaza • 523-9030<strong>Senior</strong>s’ DiscountLast Friday of the monthHours: Mon-Fri 9-5 • Sat 10-2 • Closed Sun & holidayswad01_calClearwater Friendly ClubO.A.P.O. #137Evergreen AcresSeptember Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©Phone: 674-3365 674-2706 674-3326 587-6338Sunday onday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2Have a relaxing Labour Day&Happy Grandparents Day!Hymn Sing7 pmGrandparentsDayHymn Sing7 pm4 5 6 7 89 10CarpetCarpet Coffee &BowlingFriendly10am-1pmClub Bowling Crafts 10 am1 pmLabour DayCarpetBowling10am-1pmCarpetBowling10am-1pmCarpetBowling10am-1pmFriendlyClubFriendlyClubFriendlyClubPotluck1:30 pmCarpetBowling1 pmCarpetBowling1 pm22CarpetBowling1 pmCoffee &Crafts 10 am11 12 1 14 151617Coffee &Crafts 10 am18 19 20 21 2 2425Coffee &Crafts 10 am26 27 28290Proud to sponsor the Clearwater Friendly Club calendar of eventsSafety Mart AG FoodsBrookfield Shopping Centre, Clearwater(250) 674-2213sty01_calHoursMon-Thurs .....9am-6pmFri .................... 9am-8 pmSat ................... 9am-6 pmSun .................. 10am-5pmMerritt <strong>Senior</strong> CentreSeptember Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>© 2202 Jackson AvenueSchools In!Please Slow Downin School ZonesBridge 7 pmTHE MERRITT SENIORS ASSOC.and O.A.P.O. Br. #168Doug Sanderson, PresidentSunday onday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2GrandparentsDay4 5 6 7 89 10Bingo 1 pmCarpet BowlingGeneral Meeting1:301:3025Crib &Whist 7pmLabour DayCrib &Whist 7pmCrib &Whist 7pmCrib &Whist 7pmBridge 7 pmBridge 7 pmCourt Whist7pmRummoli7 pm11 12 1 14 15 Shut-in 1617Carpet BowlingBingo 1 pm1:30Court Whist7pm18 19 20 21 222 24Carpet BowlingBingo 1 pm1:30POSTMeat MarketCourt Whist7pmFloor Curling1pmFloor Curling1pmFloor Curling1pmFloor Curling1pmLuncheon12 noonRummoli7 pmRummoli7 pm26 27 28290Carpet BowlingPotluckBingo 1 pm 1:30 Floor CurlingSupper5:30pm1pmBridge 7 pm Court WhistRummoli, Cards7pm& Games 7 pmpos01_calFloor Curling1pmFloor Curling1pmFloor Curling1pmFloor Curling1pmProud to sponsor the Merritt <strong>Senior</strong>s’ Calendar9-6 Monday -SaturdayClosed SundayVoght Street • 378-5314

Page 28Sorrento O.A.P.O. #165September Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©Open DailyExcept Sunday1:30 pm till 4 pmSunday onday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdaySnookerTournament9amGrandparentsDayHallBookedAll DaySchool's Back!Please watch forschool zones andcrosswalks.Floor Shuffl eboard10amExecutiveMeeting 2pm<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comJoin me at the BCSPCA Paws for a Cause Dog Walk!It’s the 11th Anniversary of the dog walk for the Kamloops SPCA! Join us in raising funds to helpunwanted and abused animals in our community. Join us for:Dog agility demonstrations • mascots • craft activities • weiner bobbing • best-dressed pet contest and more!Sunday, Sept. 11 • Pioneer Park • Registration & Festivities begin at 1 pmFor more info call 376-SPCA or register online at www.spca.bc.ca/walkPasschendaele Road, Sorrento, B.C.Phone: (250) 675-5358Aleda Petruschak, President 675-2760Hall Bookings: W. Petruschak 675-27601 Carpet 2 3Bowling10amBingo7pm4 5 6 7 8 Carpet 9 10TOPS 9am Floor Shuffl eboard Bowling SnookerAAnon 8pmCrib 1:30pm10am 10am TournamentSnooker Genera Bingo 9amLabour Day6pm Meeting 2pm 7pm11 12 13 14Glee Club151617Whee s toCarpetTOPS 9am9:30am Mea sFloor Shuffl eboard Bowling HallBridge 1pm 12noon-2pm10am 10am BookedSnookerBingoAAnon 8pm Crib 1:30pmAll Day6pm7pm18 19 20 21 2223 24Glee ClubTOPS 9amCarpet9:30amFloor Shuffl eboardBowlingBridge 1pm Crib 1:30pm10amSnooker10amAAnon 8pm6pm2526 27 2829 Carpet 30Glee Club Whee s toMea sTOPS 9amBowling9:30amFloor Shuffl eboard12noon-2pm10amBridge 1pm10amSnookerBingoAAnon 8pm Crib 1:30pm 6pm7pmAnglemont <strong>Senior</strong>s #112September Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©September 2005Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdaySchool's Back!Please watch for school zonesand for children on roads18 19 20 Choir 21 2223 24Dinner &Dance25Drop-in Centre OpenMON-FRI. 1-4 P.M.Coffee is on & hostess on dutyLakeview CentreSquilax/Anglemont1 2Shuswap3WhittlersDrop In 1 - 4 9-noonDrop In 1-44Labour Day5 Crafts 6 7 89 109:30-noon ChoirShuswapTable Tennis 1:00-4:00WhittlersDrop In 1 - 4 1:00-4:00 Cards(Bridge) Drop In 1 - 4Drop-in 1-49-noonMonthly Meeting 7:00-10:00Drop In 1-43:30pm Drop-in 1-411 12 13 Choir 14 151617CraftsShuswap9:30-noon 1:00-4:00GrandparentsWhittlersDrop In 1 - 4 Table Tennis Cards(Bridge) Drop In 1 - 4Day9-noon1:00-4:00 7:00-10:00Drop In 1-4Drop-in 1-4 Drop-in 1-4Drop In 1 - 4Crafts9:30-noonTable Tennis1:00-4:00Drop-in 1-41:00-4:00Cards(Bridge)7:00-10:00Drop-in 1-4Drop In 1 - 4ShuswapWhittlers9-noonDrop In 1-426 27 282930Crafts ChoirShuswap9:30-noon 1:00-4:00WhittlersDrop In 1 - 4 Table Tennis Cards(Bridge) Drop In 1 - 4 9-noon1:00-4:00 7:00-10:00Drop In 1-4Drop-in 1-4 Drop-in 1-4Las Vegas Night5pm Happy Hour6pm DinnerProud to sponsor the Sorrento Calendar of EventsSeptember Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©Latté • Cappuccino • Tea • Desserts • GiftsLight Lunches • Bulk Coffee Beans • Friendly Service!Blind Bay Market Place(next to Shuswap Lake Estates Golf Course)(250) 675-4165Barriere & District <strong>Senior</strong>s SocietySunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayThe September Meeting will be Sept 8 at 3pmfollowed by a Corn Roast, Burgers andAnniversary cake. Price: $4.00.This will also be the first function on our newfloor. So make sure you come in and get a look!ste01_calPresident: Barbara Mills • 672-01421 2 3No BingoUntilOctober27 282930PlayPOOL• •9:00 am4 5 6 7 89 10General Mtg 3pmHave a CarpetCorn Roast,PlayFun Cardsrelaxing BowlingBurgers &POOL• •1pm Anniversary cakeLabour Day! 10am9:00 amat 5pmCost: $4.00Good LuckCarol, Don,Maurine & Bob!They will becompeting in Whistat the B.C. <strong>Senior</strong>sGames in Duncan13 14 151617CarpetFun CardsCarpet No Bingo PlayBowlingUntil POOL•1pm Bowling•10am10am October 9:00 amCarpetBowling10amCarpetBowling10am20 21 2223 24CarpetFun CardsPlayBowling1pm10amFun Cards1pmCarpetBowling10amPOOL• •9:00 amShuswap Lake <strong>Senior</strong> Citizens’ Society, Salmon ArmSeptember Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©Sunday onday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayNewmembersalwayswelcome!25Shuswap Lake <strong>Senior</strong> Citizens SocietyBox 1552 — 31 Hudson St. NESalmon Arm, V1E 4P6 250-832-30151 2 3Bingo5pm-9:30Pool Earlybird 6:30pmRegular 7pmConcession4 5 6 7 89 10BingoSpiritualistPoolPool PoolPool5pm-9:30PoolChurchEarlybird 6:30pmArt 10 -12am Whist 7pmRegular 7pm11am Labour DayConcession11 12 13 14 151617BingoSpiritualist Pool Pool Pool Pool Pool 5pm-9:30ChurchArt 10 -12amEarlybird 6:30pmWhist 7pmPhoto 7pmRegular 7pm11amConcession18 19 20 21 2223 24BingoSpiritualistPoolPool PoolPool Pool 5pm-9:30ChurchEarlybird 6:30pmArt 10 -12am Whist 7pm11amRegular 7pmDIR MTG 10amConcessionSpiritualistChurch11amShuswap Lake Park StoreBingo • ConcessionBurgers • Sandwiches • PiesPoolHours: 7am - 8pm DailyProud to sponsor Anglemont <strong>Senior</strong>s’ CalendarScotch Creek • Across from Shuswap Lake Provincial Park • 250-955-233726 27 282930PoolArt 10 -12amPoolWhist 7pmPoolPoolPoolslp01_calCoffeeisalways on!Proud to sponsor the Barriere and District <strong>Senior</strong>s’ Society Calendar621 Barriere Town Road • 672-9736Is reliable investment income important to you?Check out Interior Savings’ 18 month, 3 year and 5year term deposit specials. They offer market-leadingrates guaranteed for the length of the term.Call or visit your branch for full details.isb04_calProud to sponsor Shuswap Lake <strong>Senior</strong> Citizens’ Society Calendar111 Lakeshore Drive, Salmon Arm • 250-832-2064ask01_shuswapcal

September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 29Fraternal Order of Eagles #3453Brunch 11-2pmDinner Special:Prime RibLittle Fort Community CentreSeptember Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©755 Tranquille RoadKamloops, B.C.September Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©76-46Sunday onday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 Kitchen Open 2 3pmLadies Aux. Meetings 1st & 3rdKing Days11am-9pm Meat DrawMonday of the Month.Fish 'n' Dinner Special: Karaoke 7-12pmChips Charbroiled Steak Dinner SpecialMens Airie Meetings 2nd & 4thServed After 5pm Baked Lasagna &Crib 7pmRibs w/garlic toastMonday of the Month.Meat Draw7:30pm& tossed saladBrunch 11-2pmDinner Special:Prime RibDarts 7:30pm4 Dinner 5 6Eagles Days7 8 Kitchen Open 9 3pm 10Wing NightKing DaysSpecial:11am-9pm Meat DrawServed All Day - all day Horse Fish 'n' Dinner Special: Karaoke 7-12pmVeal CutletsRaces Free MeetChips Charbroiled Steak Dinner Specialor Liver & 4pm to 8pm Draw at 4pmServed After 5pm Baked Lasagna &Onion 4-8pm 2 for 1 Burger Prawn Night .30 Crib 7pm Meat Draw Ribs w/garlic toastLabour Day & Fries ea from 4-8pm Darts 7:30pm 7:30pm& tossed salad11 Dinner 12 1 Kitchen Open 3pm Meat DrawWing Night Eagles Days 14 151617King Days 11am-9pmSpecial: Served All Day - all day HorseFish 'n' Dinner Special:Veal CutletsRaces Free MeetCharbroiled Steak4pm to 8pmChipsDraw at 4pmor Liver &Served After 5pm2 for 1 Burger Prawn Night .30 Crib 7pm Meat DrawOnion 4-8pm & Fries ea from 4-8pm Darts 7:30pm 7:30pm18 Dinner 19 20 Kitchen Open 3pmWing NightEagles Days 21 222 24King Days11am-9pm Meat DrawBrunch 11-2pm Special: Served All Day- all day HorseFish 'n' Dinner Special: Karaoke 7-12pmVeal CutletsRaces Free MeetCharbroiled Steak Dinner SpecialDinner Special:Chips4pm to 8pm Draw at 4pmPrime Rib or Liver &Served After 5pm Baked Lasagna &2 for 1 Burger Prawn Night .30 Crib 7pmMeat Draw Ribs w/garlic toastOnion 4-8pm & Fries ea from 4-8pm Darts 7:30pm 7:30pm& tossed saladBrunch 11-2pm25Dinner Special:Prime RibHam & TurkeyShoot11amGlenfair NewsSubmitted by Elaine HarknessOur barbecue turned outwell, a few new faces, whichwas wonderful. Everyoneenjoyed themselves. Thepresident is planning anotherin September. Wintercomes too soon and Septemberis usually a pleasantmonth. The date will befinalized at our meeting onSept 7 and then notices willbe sent around.George Phillips andMarie Wilson have gone toPonderosa. We hate to seeour seniors having to changeDinnerSpecial:Veal Cutletsor Liver &Onion 4-8pmtheir way of living but sometimesit is a must. Mariewas at the barbecue and itwas wonderful to see herlooking so well. I don’t knowof anyone being in hospital.We have a nice bright redpicnic table under the treesin front of H block. It isthere for anyone to use. It isin the shade so when familyor friends come to visit thereis a place to sit down..Birthdays in Septemberare: Leta, Kaye W., Erma U,and Dennis B.See you next month.26 27Wing Night2829 Kitchen Open 0Served All Day4pm to 8pm2 for 1 Burger& FriesEagles Days- all day HorseRaces Free MeetDraw at 4pmPrawn Night .30ea from 4-8pmKing DaysFish 'n'ChipsCrib 7pmDarts 7:30pminvitation to artistsPO Box 140 McNab Rd Little Fort V0E 2C0(250) 677-4272September calendar changeswere not received by press time.We apologize for any inconvenience.11am-9pmDinner Special:Charbroiled SteakServed After 5pmMeat Draw7:30pmKaraoke 7-12pmDinner SpecialLasagna & RibsGolf TournamentDinner & Dance atthe Eagles - Ent. byEver Readyc toberfestSept 30 & Oct 1Entertainment ByFrieda WoerlerFraternal Order of Eagles • Kamloops Aerie #3453People Helping People755 Tranquille Road • 376-1311Come join usfor fun andfriendshipPainters, sketchers, sculptures, and carversare cordially invited to the BC Wildlife Park,Kamloops on Thanksgiving weekend, Sept. 8-10.The public would enjoy seeing you at work andyou are welcome to have some art for sale.Please phone Pat at 828-0075 for moreinformation.eag02_calSavona O.A.P.O.O.A.P.O BRANCH #129September Calendar <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>©6605 Buie Road/Savona Access RoadJennifer Coburn373-0081Sunday onday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdaySchool's Back!Please watch for school zonesand for children on roadsSavona Weight LossClub8:30-9:30 amExercise9:30-10:30UPS 7-10 PM1 2Exercise9-10Crib 7:30-10 pmAll Welcome4 Labour Day 5 6Exercise7 89 10Exercise9:00-10:009-10Bocce atCrib 7:30-10 pm6:30pm WeatherAll WelcomePermitting.11 12 1 14Savona WeightExercise151617ExerciseLoss Club9:00-10:00GrandparentsDinner eetin g8:30-9:30 am9-10Bocce atDay6pmExerciseCrib 7:30-10 pm6:30pm Weather9:30-10:30All WelcomeUPS 7-10 PMPermitting.18 19 20Savona WeightExercise21 222 24ExerciseLoss Club9:00-10:008:30-9:30 am9-10Bocce atExerciseCrib 7:30-10 pm9:30-10:306:30pm WeatherAll WelcomeUPS 7-10 PMPermitting.25Savona WeightLoss Club8:30-9:30 amExercise9:30-10:30UPS 7-10 PMLillooet <strong>Senior</strong> CentreLucille Stringer Fax 256-4278Closed until OctoberDue to RenovationsofMiyazaki House26 27Exercise28290Exercise9:00-10:009-10Bocce atCrib 7:30-10 pm6:30pm WeatherAll WelcomePermitting.Proud to sponsor theSavona Calendar of Events Dey’s Centre Ltd.Groceries, Agency Liquor Store, Lottery, Fishing & Hunting Licenses“We thank our seniors for your support” ~ Management & StaffHours: 7am-9pm Mon-Sat • 8:30am-9pm Sun • 373-2541dey01_calThey say crosswords are good for your brain ...Across1- Travel from place to place5- Log house of rural Russia9- Pond scum14- Religious practice15- Close16- Silk cotton17- Hip bones18- Stringed instrument19- Worries20- Irish porcelain22- Strangely23- Dropsy24- Aquatic mammal28- Cooperation34- Reduce38- Tool for making holesin leather39- Small dam40- Thespians41- Foolish persons43- <strong>Care</strong>er golfers44- Highest mountain in Crete47- Sigil48- Belonging to a lower rank51- Sponsorship52- Domesticates57- Floating platforms61- Loss by decay63- Lowermost deck64- Planar66- Small harplike musicalinstrument67- Light grayish brown68- Air (prefix)69- In bed70- Flavor71- Hind part72- HardensDown1- Clan2- Greased3- Useful4- Kingdom5- Small island6- Soviet marshal7- Nevertheless8- Consumed9- Be in agreement10- Metal11- Enclose12- 2nd son of Adam & Eve13- Not difficult21- Enthusiastic25- Light meal26- Shoot a marble27- Enroll29- Within30- Thin offshoot31- Great age32- Bird of prey33- Formerly34- Drinks (as a cat)Answers on page 3135- Beige36- Post37- Indifferent42- Eats to a plan45- Excavate46- Black bird49- Machine for scrapingsugarcane50- Teeming53- Collection of maps54- Perhaps55- Heron56- Sows57- Steals from58- Extent of space59- Turn over60- Republic in W Africa62- On the top64- At a great distance65- Monetary unit of RomaniaCrossword puzzle provided by BestCrosswords.com (http://www.bestcrosswords.com) Used with permission.

Page 30<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comSeptember 2005Assisted LivingRoom and Board for <strong>Senior</strong>s❧ Healthy, home-cooked meals❧ Private room❧ 24 Hour caretaker❧ Very reasonable rates - No hidden costs❧ May qualify for SAFER❧ Home away from homeFor more information call Sandy at376 - 9953or email sandyla@telus.netUpcoming EventsKnutsford Fall Fair – The communityof Knutsford will beholding its Annual Fall Fair, Sept9th & 10th at the KnutsfordHall. Entries being accepted Fridaythe 9th from 12:30 – 7pm.Saturday, Sept 10th the Hall willbe open 10am to 4pm for viewingentries, tea, and family fun!As a fundraiser the local 4-Hclubs will be putting on a Bar-B-Que from 11am to 2pm. FMIcall Laura 374-1301 or Carole374-0925. The fall Fair is opento everyone.McKnight ManorRoom & Boardfor non-smoking<strong>Senior</strong>s• Private Room with ensuite• Nutritious home cooked meals• Weekly laundry & housekeeping• All utilities included except phone• S.A.F.E.R.For more information callMary or George at(250) 579-1994Looking for great bargains?Early Christmas shopping? AFun Evening? The Logan LakeW.H.Y. will host its 9th AnnulAuction/Social on Fri., Oct.th in the rec center’s upperounge. Doors open 6:30pm;ale starts 7:15pm. There willlso be a silent auction. Montyldoff will be our auctioneer.MI call 250-523-6229 or visitur office in the Village Centerall. Mark your calendar andlan to attend.Notes and NoticesAuxiliary Meeting at OverlanderThe monthly meetingof the Auxiliary will be held inthe meeting room 953 SouthillStreet (Brock) Tuesday, September13th, 1p.m. New memberswelcome!MCK05DOG & CAT GROOMINGClipper bladesharpening availableFour groomers availableFor Appointment phone:376-6533864C — 8th StreetKAMLOOPSPuppy Love??We are looking for personsinterested in Friendly Pet Visitingat Overlander Residential<strong>Care</strong> Home and Ponderosa. Ifinterested in having your dogassessed for suitability as aPet Visitor in a residential carehome please contact Donna at554-5569. Tentative date forassessment is mid September.There is a nominal fee of$10.00 for assessment; everythingelse is provided. Group islimited to 6 persons.The Old TimeBarberat12th & Halston(in laundromat)Haircuts - $10.00<strong>Senior</strong>s - $8.00Hours: 9 am to 5 pmTuesday - SaturdayPhone: 571-5314ANAVETS UNIT 290444 Tranquille Rd.,Kamloops, B.C. V2B 3H2Service Officer Availableby appointment only ~ please call firstTO HELP ALL SENIORS29 years of serviceFor more information call 554-2455ast01_seppaw01old01ANA03We need Stuff! Items neededfor Annual Auxiliary YardSale at Overlander, 953 SouthillSt., (Brock) on Sat, Sept17th. Looking for householditems, furniture, plants, sportinggoods etc. Entrances havegrey laundry bins marked forthe sale. *No clothes or Reader’sDigests, Encyclopedias etc.All proceeds to the Resident’sChristmas Gift Fund. FMI callDonna at 554-5569The Barnhartvale/ CampbellRange/ Robbins Range/ CampbellCreek Heritage Group hasresumed their meetings. Theaim of the group is to writea book on the history of theabove listed areas. If you oryour family were early pioneersor resided in the fore mentionedareas prior to 1959, wewould greatly appreciate receivinga write up of your familyand their experiences. If anyoneis interested with the project,your help is welcomed. FMI callTrivola Howe 372-2743, PeggyWickstrom 376-0250 or OliverCoster 573-3901.The St. Andrews PresbyterianWomen are holding a Fall Tea,Craft & Bake Sale on Saturday,Sept 24th from 2-4pm in theChurch Hall at 6th & Douglas.Tea admission $5, sale free.Alzheimer Society of BC CoffeeBreak Kick-off, Wed Sept 7 atJoeys Only, 1815 Rogers Way,10:30am-noon. Make a donationto the Alzheimer Society ofBC and receive a complimentarycoffee and appetizers.The Rona MS Bike Tour Sun.Sept 11. A fun, family and fitnessoriented bike ride (12,28or 55 km) up the North Thompson.To register visit our websitewww.msbiketours.com orcall 314-0773. Or take the TeamMS Challenge and create a teamby asking 3 friends or co-workersto join you for the morning.• Licensed General Contractor •“The handyman professionals”• Renovations • Painting• PlumbingC. J. VanderhorstReferences AvailableExcelsior Rebekah Lodge #23:Sept 6 – The Hall Society Executivemeeting 7:30pm; Sept13 – regular meeting, 7:30pm;Sept 27 – Regular meeting7:3opm; Sept 27 – Past NobleGrands meeting 7:30pm.Volunteersare needed for raffle tickets.FMI call Betty 376-6182 orBelinda 376-4625.Fall Square Dancing: OpenHouse: Mon. Sept. 12, 7:30pmat C.E.Centre 421 St Paul St.New Dancers: Tues., Sept 20-Dec 13, 7pm at the DavidThompson Elementary Gym.Main Stream Dancers: Mon.Sept. 19-Dec 12 at 7:30pm theCE Centre. Plus Dancers: Wed.,Sept 21-Dec. 14 at 7:30pm atDesert Gardens. FMI call Rita578-7134North Shore Art Walk • August22-September 16Take a stroll along TranquilleRoad and enjoy this partnershipbetween local North Shore businessesand the Kamloops creativecommunity. FMI call 372-7323.<strong>Senior</strong>sSupportOur focusis on services that allowseniors to remain livingindependentlyCall Christyfor a free interview579-0207578-2637HOW06_seppeo06_disableCJH0167th Provincial Winter FairAnd Craft Show, Sept 24th and25th, 2005 at KXA / Mt PaulCentre Auditorium. KamloopsCrafters & Home Business VendorsWanted. Also needed arevolunteers to help with art workfor posters, put up and takedown advertising; and generallyassist us to ensure a smoothflowing Craft Show. ApplicationForms and Entry Rules areavailable from either the KXAoffice, 250-314-9645 or fromLynda Krupp, 250-456-7730,email: pinegate@bcinternet.netGail’s MobileNail ServicesDo your feet need care?• diabetic foot care• skin solutions for dry,cracked feet• senior foot care• in-home care• advanced EuropeanpedicuresComfort for your precious feetAvailable fromSavona to Sun Peaks!Gail Robb C.Pod I828-9524gmn02_sepKick off Community LivingWeek with an evening of Giggles,Guffas and Happy Appiesat The Executive Inn 540 VictoriaSt. on Saturday, September10 at 7pm. The eveningwill showcase the local talentof Laugh Trax and feature versatileStand Up Comedian BillyMitchell.All proceeds from “Fall InLaughing” will go to assistadults with developmental disabilitiesrealize their dream ofhaving a place of their own incommunity. Tickets are $20.00each and are available at theKamloops Society for CommunityLiving office at 521 SeymourStreet or at Lake CityCasinos Guest Services at 540Victoria Street. Seating is limitedso get your ticket early. Youcan reserve your ticket by callingMyrna at 374 3245.The Municipal Pension PlanRetired Employees will holdtheir quarterly meeting at theCalvery Temple, 1205 RogersWay, Sept 20 at 1030hrs. Guestspeaker Harry Harker – Topic:Fire safety in your home. Newmembers welcome. FMI call828-1640.WantedRetired or semiretiredperson foron-site residentialmanagementfor a 24-unitstrata complex.Call Karen at372-1231Sheridan PropertyManagement Ltd.spm01_augThe Kamloops Celiac Chapteris holding a Golf Tournamenton Sept. 10th, 1pm at theMount Paul Golf Course. Cost is$40 for golfers (meal included),$25 for meal only (non-golfers).Gluten free alternativesalso available. Prizes and 50-50 will also be available to participants.FMI or to book yourgolfing extravaganza, call Diane372-9564 or Anjay 573-4221 orDan 374-4653. Rental gear isavailable at the Mount Paul GolfShop call 374-4653.Love to Sing? Men & Womenare invites to the Hub City Singer’sguest night, Tues., Sept 13,7:30pm at the Kamloops YachtClub, 1140 River St. Bring afriend and enjoy our fun chorus.FMI call Judy 573-4453.The Overlander Women’s Institutemeets the first and thirdTuesday of each month, Septemberto June, in the ParkviewActivity Centre, 500 MacDonaldAve. All interested women areinvited to attend.Kamloops Diabetes Self HelpGroups: (1) Downtown EveningGroup – 2nd Wed of eachmonth, 7pm at the CommunityLiving Centre, 520 Seymour St.FMI call Audrey 372-2227 orMary 828-1103. (2) WestsydeAfternoon Group – Last Mon ofeach month, 1:30pm at OakdaleTrailer Park Community Centre.FMI call Marg 5540735. (3)North Shore Community CentreMorning Group, 4th Tuesof each month, 10am, Gamesroom at Cottonwood Manor.FMI call Marg 554-0735.The Osteoporosis SupportGroup provides information andsupport for people concernedabout fragile bones. Pleasenote the new meeting date andlocation. Meetings are held the2nd Tuesday of the month, from1:30 to 3:30 pm, at HeritageHouse, located at 100 LorneStreet. Everyone welcome. FMIcall Lois 372-7104 or Carol828-2008.

September 2005 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 31Volunteers NeededThe Alzheimer Society of BC,Central Interior needs Supportand Education and Fund DevelopmentVolunteers. Learn howyou can help make a differencein the lives of people affectedby Alzheimer Disease or relateddementia. Call Sheila at 377-8200 or 1-800-886-6946.<strong>Canadian</strong> Red Cross is lookingfor volunteers able to takeon special projects, which mayinclude planning and participatingin fundraising events, organizingspecial events such asa volunteer appreciation lunchor community parades, manninga Red Cross info boothat community events, or representingRed Cross at speakingengagements. If you wouldlike to make a difference orfind out more, please send abrief resume and covering letterto Mr Dave Dewhirst andMs Nancy Bepple, RegionalCouncilors, 340B-12 Ave, Kamloops,V2C 3Y5 or email celine.calfa@redcross.ca.The Afternoon Auxiliary toR.I.H is in need of volunteersin all areas including the GiftShop & the Thrift Seller. To volunteer,please pick up an applicationat the RIH Gift Shop, 311Columbia St. between 10amand 8pm Mon to Fri, 1 to 5 pmSat. & Sun.Widow lady wishes to share her2 bdrm apt in Puerto Vallartawith 1-2 people from Feb 14-28. $200.00 a week. Kitchen,washer,dryer,balcony, pool, closeto buses and stores. 4th floor, noelevator. Cool place.(250) 453-9248Community Living WeekSeptember 10–17, 2005“Hand in hand and side by sideWe can build a stronger communityNot as one, but as many”~ Sherry Shortman“Community Living Week” is designed to promote public awareness of the gifts, strengths andrights of people with developmental disabilities in our community. The true spirit of the week iscaptured in the “Community Living Week Ribbon”. Individuals with developmental disabilitieswill distribute these specially designed ribbons to those chosen people in the community whohave made a unique contribution in each of their lives. We invite everyone to take part in dailyevents including the first annual Fall In Laughing Comedy Night, Country Fall Fair, CommunityPartnership Recognition Breakfast, Climb for Community Living Bandanna Day and CommunityLiving Week. It’s our Community—Let’s Celebrate!Schedule of Events◗ September 10 • Fall In Laughing • 7:00 pm • Executive Inn 540 Victoria Street KamloopsJoin us for an Evening of Giggles, Guffaws and Happy AppiesShowcasing the local talent of Laugh Trax and featuring Comedian Billy MitchellTickets: $20.00 each. Proceeds go to support community based housing options for individualswith developmental disabilities. For more information contact Deb at 374 3245◗ September 11 • Thompson Community Services Hoedown and Trail RideCome and enjoy a “western” day filled with wagon rides, face painting and much much, more.For more information contact Kathy at 828 1508◗ September 12 • Community Living Centre Open House • 520D Seymour StreetFor more information Contact Lorie at 374 1585Distribution of Community Living Week Ribbons◗ September 13 • Proclamation of Community Living Week by Mayor and Council◗ September 14 • Aberdeen Services Hawaiian Luau • 10:45 am – 1:45 pm • 101–1450Pearson Pl.Lunch will be provided for a small donation to The Pine Park Recreational Society. RSVP toKristine or Bonnie at 828-1508.◗ September 15 • Country Fall Fair • 10:00 am - 2:00 pmA good old country fair in the heart of downtown • Desert Gardens, 540 Seymour StreetFor more information contact Joan at 314 6810.◗ September 16 • Partnership Recognition Breakfast • 7:30 - 9:00 amCommunity Living Centre 520D Seymour Street - Tickets $10.00 each. For more informationcontact Deb Steele at 374 3245Climb for Community Living Bandana DayWear a bandana to support local self-advocates and community members as they prepare toclimb Mount Kilimanjaro in February 2006. For more information contact Deb Steele at 374 3245◗ September 17th • Annual Community Living Day • 10:00 am - 3 :00 pmCharles Anderson StadiumCatch the spirit of Community living at this non-competitive Slow Pitch tournament and familyfun day. Featuring slow pitch games and a celebrity challenge game. This years children’s eventswill feature a Bike Parade at 12 noon with prizes for the best decorated bike. For more informationabout how you can get involved Call Deb Steele at 374-3245Community Living Day Wind Up Dinner • 5 pmCommunity Living Centre 520D Seymour Street - Tickets $10.00 eachFor more information call Lorie at 374 1585✁On-Callfor<strong>Senior</strong>sElaineMature, CertifiedHome Support AttendantDid you know?The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world.More money is spent on gardening than onany other hobby.Until the nineteenth century, solid blocks of tea wereused as money in Siberia.RespiteMeals cookedLight HousekeepingDoctors’ appointmentsPersonal careShoppingTravel companionPalliative careAnd more...Years of experienceLowest RatesCall Elaine at:tel: 250 372-7533 orcell: 250 572-3334msemma1@telus.netSeptember Special!Phone in and order a panof cinnamon buns andget $2.00 off(with coupon) expires September 30, 2005Just off Pacific Way#201-1450 Pearson Pl., Kamloops (250) 828-2768Mon.-Fri. 7am - 2:30 pmche17_sepocs02_sep✁✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷ ✷ ✷ ✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷Therefor youServing your transportation and companionship needsAssistance for...Shopping • Appointments • Light Housekeeping etc.Individuals or GroupsTheresa Arduini Petersen Ph: 250-573-5343Cell: 250-318-7103Las Vegas Winners& Other U.S. CasinosIf you have won a jackpot in the last 4 yearsand paid 30% Withholding Tax;we can help you get that tax back.Call TAXBACK today for afree consultationTOLL FREE 1-877-922-5022www.ustaxback.com250-318-7103the05_aug✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷tax01✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷Crossword AnswersPuzzle on page _____????✃“LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED”FUNERAL SERVICECREMATIONMONUMENTSMAUSOLEUMCOLUMBARIUMPRE-ARRANGEMENTSA TRADITION OF SERVICE AND TRUSTSERVING KAMLOOPS AND AREA FOROVER 100 YEARSFuneral Service (1961) Ltd.374-1454513 SEYMOUR ST.,KAMLOOPS, B.C. V2C 2G8sch01

Page 32<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.comSeptember 2005Experiencethe latest advancesin hearing technologyDesigned by people who have hearing loss!• Do you hear but not understand ?• Do people seem to mumble, especially in noise?• Do you have difficulty understanding the TVFREE <strong>Hearing</strong> Aid CONSULTATIONand Demonstration• No waiting time for productdelivery – ADVENT hearingenhancers are insta-fit on site,the day of your appointment• Hear your own voice naturally• Listen with less effort• Feel the satisfaction that comesfrom hearing without missingthe high frequency sounds*This device can outperform and costs less than comparable custom hearingaids. Visit Al or Jan at Kamloops <strong>Hearing</strong> and have them slip the ADVENT onyour ear instantly – Hear the ADVENT difference for yourself!*higher pitched sounds like the voices of women and childrenADVENTSNOW INSTOCKThis is all you see!Try the ADVENT <strong>Hearing</strong> Enhancer today.No more hearing problems - in one appointment!KamloopsHEARING AID CENTREServing Kamloops and area since 1980, a family business since 19701-877-718-2211 • 250-372-3090705 Seymour Street, Kamloops, B.C.Kamloops <strong>Hearing</strong> Aid Centre is registered under the <strong>Hearing</strong> Aid Act of B.C.DVA TapsCardsAcceptedJan Kilba and Al HodgsonB.C. Licensed <strong>Hearing</strong> Aid Practitioners

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