FALL 2013 - Ignatius Press

FALL 2013 - Ignatius Press

FALL 2013 - Ignatius Press

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NEW <strong>FALL</strong> FILMSSolanus CaseyPriest, Porter, ProphetThis extraordinary film explores the heroiclife of a remarkable, modern daymystic, Father Solanus Casey, who wasrelegated to doing little more than beinga simple doorman in his monastery. ButGod would transform the role his superiorsassigned him, appointing it a far greatersignificance to be continued even beyondhis earthly life, that of prophet, healer, andintercessor.Known as a wonder-worker and a powerfulinstrument of divine healing and hope,he touched countless lives. His untiringattention to the sick and poor, combinedwith his prayers, wise counsel, and burningfaith brought an unprecedented outpouringof grief at his death in 1957. More than20,000 people attended the funeral of thisselfless American-born priest.As a part of his canonization process, theexhumation of his body in 1987 revealedhim to be “remarkably intact, and wellpreserved,” seemingly defying corruption.One eyewitness was astonished to see a tinyglimpse of Fr. Solanus’ piercing blue eyesagain after being buried for 30 years!A gripping story of this priest’s simpleand unshakable faith in God’s goodness unfoldsthrough interviews with his friends,colleagues, eyewitnesses, biographers, andthose direct recipients of his healing andprophecy. Rare, never-before-seen film footageand historical photographs are includedwith actual footage from the exhumation ofthis exemplary Servant of God.j SCPPP2-M . . . 90 min, $19.95Saint Maria GorettiFourteen Flowers of PardonThis is the true story of a young virgin’sultimate act of love. On her deathbed,eleven year old Maria Goretti forgave AlessandroSerenelli, the man who mortallystabbed her because she resisted his attemptedrape. Alessandro was sentencedto 30 years in prison for murdering Maria.After eight years in jail he had no remorse.But eventually he converted after Maria miraculouslyappeared to him in a dream.Shot on location in Italy, this movingaccount takes you on a historic and poignantjourney through the life, martyrdomand canonization of the Roman CatholicChurch’s youngest saint, Maria Goretti.Maria’s life and martyrdom in Italy’s Pontineswamps at the beginning of this centurycomes to life through historic photographs,interviews with the saint’s motherand never seen before film footage of thecanonization ceremony.Saint Maria Goretti understood the connectionbetween God’s mercy and rejectingthe bitterness of vengeance through herfourteen flowers of pardon.“In Maria Goretti shines out the radicalchoice of the Gospel, unhindered, indeedstrengthened by the inevitable sacrificethat faithful adherence to Christ demands.I am especially holding up this saint asan example to young people who are thehope of the Church and of humanity.”—Blessed John Paul IIj FFP2-M . . . 60 min, $19.95to order, call 1-800-651-15312online at www.ignatius.com

NEW <strong>FALL</strong> FILMSSeelosTireless IntercessorThe true story that chronicles the heroicand miraculous life of a young immigrantpriest, Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos(1819-1867). This Redemptorist missionarywas beatified by Pope John Paul II in theSolemn Jubilee Year 2000.Father Seelos possessed great mysticalgifts due to his intense prayer life. Hisdedication to ministry with cheerful holinessmakes him still an outstanding modelfor clergy, religious, and laity alike. As anitinerant preacher and lifelong friend ofthe poor and destitute, Seelos was a spiritualFather to tens of thousands. Despite hisearly death at age 48, so profound was hismissionary zeal that sickness, persecution,and even the upheaval caused by the CivilWar, could not stop him.• Meet this extraordinary priest whoserved alongside his pastoral mentor,Saint John Neumann.• Discover why Father Seelos hada private meeting with PresidentAbraham Lincoln.• Meditate on his edifying death fromyellow fever while ministering inNew Orleans.• See why Father Seelos became alegend during his own lifetime.• Learn how to this day, he stillcontinues his service to all who askhis prayers as one of the Church’sgreatest intercessors!j SEE2-M . . . 68 min, $19.95Ocean of MercyAt the dawn of the 20th century, threevoices rose up from Poland to proclaiman urgent message, a message powerfulenough to alter the course of an ageplunging into spiritual darkness.Filmed on location in more than 20cities across Poland and the United States,this true story examines and chroniclesthe phenomenal lives and spirituallegacy of Saint Faustina Kowalksa, SaintMaximilian Kolbe, and Blessed John PaulII, modern day “Apostles of Mercy”.Through never before seen film footage,rare photographs, and extensive interviewswith friends, biographers, and familymembers, this story journeys across adramatic visual landscape to documenttheir heroic struggle and herald the messageof Divine Mercy to all mankind.“The Heart of Christ! His ‘Sacred Heart’has given men everything: redemption,salvation, sanctification... Through themystery of this wounded heart, therestorative tide of God’s merciful lovecontinues to spread over the men andwomen of our time.”—Blessed John Paul IIj OM2-M . . . 75 min, $19.95Also AvailableWe Have FoundMercy (book)Christoph Cardinal SchönbornWFM-P . . . Sewn Softcover,160 pp, $14.95to order, call 1-800-651-15313online at www.ignatius.com

NEW <strong>FALL</strong> BOOKSHow to Share YourFaith with AnyoneA Practical Manual of Catholic EvangelizationTerry BarberRecent popes have challenged all Catholics toparticipate in the New Evangelization. But mostCatholics feel ill-equipped to take up the challenge.Terry Barber, founder of St. Joseph Communications,has written a practical guide that takes muchof the pain and uncertainty out of sharing one’s faith.Based on Barber’s decades of personal experience asan effective evangelist and masterful communicator,and drawing on the perceptions, examples, and lessonsof other great evangelists and apologists, Howto Share Your Faith with Anyone informs, entertains,and inspires would-be, as well as, seasoned evangelistsand teachers.Barber uses clear examples and insightful storiesto explain such topics as:• What evangelization is• Why Catholic often don’t evangelize• Preparing to be an evangelist• The eight laws of effectively sharing the faithwith anyone• Jesus the perfect Evangelizer• The heart of evangelization• How to share your personal testimonyBarber explains how to bring people to Christ andto his Church without compromise or conflict. Thisis a superb, easy-to-follow playbook for the NewEvangelization.“Terry Barber has long been one of the Church’sfinest evangelists. His excellent book shows us howthe new evangelization requires new apologetics - anew way to explain why the Church’s teachingsare true and why Jesus is the answer to the deepdesires of the human heart.”— Most Reverend Jose Gomez,Archbishop of Los AngelesHSFA-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 164 pp, $14.95By What Authority?An Evangelical Discovers Catholic TraditionMark SheaIn this newly updated, expanded version of hispopular work of apologetics, Shea presents alively and entertaining look at his conversion to Catholicismfrom Evangelicalism and his discovery ofChristian tradition. As an Evangelical, Shea acceptedthe principle of “sola scriptura” (Scripture alone)as the basis of faith. Now as a Catholic convert, heskillfully explains how and why Sacred Traditionoccupies a central role in Divine Revelation.Tracing his own journey of intellectual and spiritualawakening, Shea begins by looking for a rejoinderto those modern-day false prophets who wouldclaim that Scripture itself is not to be trusted, andends with his conviction that tradition, as explainedby the Catholic Church, is the only sure guaranteeof the truth of the revelation of Jesus Christ.“A crystal clear and compelling case for Sacred Tradition,on the basis of logic, history and Scripture. Itis simply the best I have found.”— Scott Hahn, author, Rome Sweet Home“This is not just another book of Catholic apologetics.It is not only a good think; it’s also a good read.Concrete, clear, compelling arguments.”—Peter Kreeft, Author,Handbook of Catholic Apologetics“An important service for Catholics, Evangelicalsand all those seeking a firm grounding for Faith.Shea argues powerfully for the extra-biblical authorityof Sacred Tradition as a depository and source ofrevelation side by side with the Bible, to which it testifiesand which it interprets with authority.”— Russell Shaw,Author, American ChurchBWA-P . . . 240 pages, Sewn Softcover, $16.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.comto order, call 1-800-651-15319A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.comonline at www.ignatius.com

NEW <strong>FALL</strong> BOOKSThe Layperson’s Distinctive RoleFrancis Cardinal ArinzeThis important book by the highly regarded Africanprelate, Cardinal Arinze, describes inpositive and simple terms who the lay person is, hisdistinctive role in the Church, and how the lay apostolatedistinguishes the lay faithful from the clergyand the religious.The call of lay people to be witnesses of Christin the ordinary areas of secular life, such as family,work, recreation, politics and government, showshow demanding the apostolate of the lay people is.The book draws from the dynamic teachings of theSecond Vatican Council, the riches of the 1987 Synodof Bishops on the Lay Faithful, and the emphasis onthe lay apostolate by recent Popes, to present to laypeople an attractive and demanding call to witnessto Christ in society.Leaders and participants of various lay groupsand movements will find this book liberating andencouraging. Clerics and religious will find theseconsiderations by Cardinal Arinze of great help,both in appreciating the limits of their own apostolatesand of seeing how to put before the lay faithfulthe demands of their calling.“It is important for all in the Church to have agood understanding of the apostolate specific tothe laity. ... In order to think more deeply about therole of the laity, reasons are given for the urgencyof lay initiative, together with what it has de factoachieved in some countries. ... It is important tohave a clear idea of the different roles in the Churchand to formulate a sound and dynamic theology ofthe laity and also of their spirituality.”— Francis Cardinal ArinzeLPDR-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 118 pp, $9.95Also by Cardinal ArinzeGod’s Invisible Hand EIn the style of an interview, Cardinal Arinze respondsto a host of questions from journalist GerardO’Connell. He tells his amazing life story,and how he was guided by “God’s invisible hand”through many challenges. Illustrated.GIH-P . . . 275 pages, Softcover, $16.95Priestly SpiritualityHans Urs von BalthasarTo illuminate the spirituality and meaning of thelife of the priest, von Balthasar goes back to theorigins, to the apostles, to their calling, and above allto that moment from which their apostolic missionand their entire Christian existence originates: thePaschal mystery of Jesus. On the eve of his death,Jesus establishes the Eucharist and the priesthood.Von Balthasar considers the life and mission oftoday’s priests in continuity not only with the firstapostles, but above all, with Jesus himself. The personand mission of Jesus Christ stand at the center ofpriestly spirituality. Hence all the reflections in thiswork revolve unswervingly around Jesus Christ andhis mission. Jesus is the source and norm of priestlyexistence. Only when God, made manifest in the figureof the Savior Jesus Christ, is understood as thecenter from which this priestly existence springs, andonly when this enduring center is proclaimed, can thebold presumption of the Lord in entrusting his missionto weak men be understood in confident trust.Thus can the priestly mission attract new followers.“Von Balthasar, in his usual radical way, starklypoints the seminarian and priest toward Christand his loving obedience to the Father, an intimacyin which the priest must personally participate ifhe is to shepherd people and lead them to lifegiving water.”— Rev. Richard J. Gabuzda, Executive Director,The Institute for Priestly Formation“Von Balthasar undertakes a profound explorationof the scriptural sources of priestly spirituality.On page after page, he challenges superficialperspectives and draws us into the depths of thepriest’s inner configuration to Christ. Few priestsand seminarians will read the book without sensinga compelling call to a radical imitation of the Lord,a fresh invitation to bring ministerial authority intoharmony with filial obedience and integrity of life.”— Margaret M. Turek, S.T.D.,Associate Professor of Systematic Theology,St. Patrick’s Seminary and UniversityPRS-P . . . 118 pages, Sewn Softcover, $14.95to order, call 1-800-651-153110online at www.ignatius.com

NEW <strong>FALL</strong> BOOKS7 Secrets of ConfessionVinny FlynnIntroduction by Fr. Michael C. Gaitley, MICwant to go to Communion, so I have to go to“I confession.”Sound familiar? To many Catholics, confession isjust a means to an end: cleaning us up from sin sowe can receive Communion. But, as Pope Francistells us, confession is much more than “going tothe dry cleaner.” It’s “an encounter with Jesus, whowaits for us as we are.”In 7 Secrets of Confession, best-selling authorVinny Flynn explores the “hidden” truths of thisencounter with Jesus, presenting what to many willbe a whole new way of going to confession, andinviting you to begin an exciting personal journeyto healing and holiness.If you do no yet look forward to confession inthe same way you look forward to Communion,read on. It will change your life.“This book will turn what many see as a tiresomeobligation into a precious, longed-for encounterwith the Lord.” — Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC,author, 33 Days to Morning GlorySSOC-P . . . 200 pp, Softcover, $12.95Also by Vinny Flynn21 Ways to WorshipA Guide to Eucharistic AdorationAn easy to read, practical guide, jam-packed withinspiring ideas, techniques, and prayers to help youmake the most of your time in Adoration.TWTW-P . . . Softcover, 176 pp, $14.957 Secrets of the EucharistIntro by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.This book will introduce you to some of the “hidden”truths of the Eucharist—truths that haverarely been passed on to the average person in ameaningful way.SSE-P . . . 140 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95In Spanish:7 Secretos de la Eucharista: SSESP-P . . . $9.957 Secrets of the Eucharist DVD:SSE-M . . . 65 min, $14.95Study guide: SSESG-P . . . Softcover, 88 pp, $6.95Reasonable PleasuresThe Strange Coherences of CatholicismFr. James V. Schall, S.J.In this thought-provoking study of the relationshipbetween our reason and our experience of pleasure,the renowned professor and author Fr. James V.Schall shows how reason, religion, and pleasure arenot in conflict with one another. Religion has to dowith how man relates to God. Catholicism is not somuch a religion as a revelation. It records and recallshow God relates to man.The popular mood of our time is that neither religionnor revelation has much to do with real life.Yet when we look at things as having meaning andorder, they fit together in surprising ways. Thiscoherence should bring us joy and teach us howreason, religion, and pleasure can work togetherfor our benefit. Schall shows us why we have manyreasons to think that our lives make sense, that ourpleasures can be reasonable, and that our reason itselfis a pleasure.“A timely treatise when the sources of our being,and indeed of our culture, are challenged on a dailybasis. Schall is one of the foremost Catholic intellectualsof our day.” — Jude Dougherty,Dean Emeritus, Philosophy Department, CatholicUniversity of America“With the inspiration of Plato and other great sages,it is indisputable that the greatest contemporaryguide of What Is is James V. Schall, as this book sobeautifully, cogently, and accessibly demonstrateson every page.”— Patrick J. Deneen, University of Notre Dame“The book’s chapters on hell, eternal life, and dogmaare worth the read in themselves.”— Raymond Dennehy, Professor of Philosophy,University of San Francisco“This is Schall at his best-learned, witty, and profound.He reminds us that existence and our deepestselves have an underlying unity that can be discoveredwith reason and grace.”— Gerald Russello, Editor, University BookmanRP-P . . . 218 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95to order, call 1-800-651-153111online at www.ignatius.com

NEW <strong>FALL</strong> BOOKSCeremony of Innocence A NovelDorothy Cummings McLeaniots. Terrorist attacks. Neo-Nazi violence. InRmodern-day Germany, journalist CatrionaMcClelland has seen it all while covering thecontemporary European scene for a Catholic newsorganization. Keeping herself above the politicalfray in her professional life, she has also managedto keep herself from personal entanglements-stillhurt from the wounds of a broken relationship.Things come to a head when her boyfriend Dennis,frustrated with a lack of commitment, leaves herfor Suzy Davis, an idealistic young Canadian whois involved with a left-wing protest movement. Butwhen Suzy is murdered... who is complicit andwho is innocent?Ripped from the headlines, Ceremony of Innocenceis a very contemporary novel of Europe on the edgeof social breakdown. Train stations are bombedand migrants targeted for violence as journalistsand other tastemakers watch from their positionsof privilege.Dorothy Cummings McLean’s realistic narrativedoes not describe the feats of heroes. Rather, itunnervingly lays bare the way religious faith andmoral reasoning can be easily manipulated andcompromised.“I highly recommend this enjoyable, interestingand well-written novel that gives rare insight intopresent-day Germany.” —Piers Paul Read,Author, Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors“A true joy to read. In a literary world increasinglydistended with stale predictability, it’s soenergizing to read something genuinely originaland vibrant.”— Michael Coren, TV Host, Author,Heresy: Ten Lies They Spread About Christianity“A terrifying voyage into a sinister underworld ofpolitical extremism and spiritual confusion... Thenovel’s stunning climax will leave the reader reelingwith shock.”—Fiorella De Maria,Author, Poor Banished ChildrenCOI-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 189 pp., $19.95See more novels at our <strong>Ignatius</strong> Novels website:www.IPNovels.comFaith of the FatherlessThe Psychology of AtheismPaul C. Vitzn this updated, expanded edition, starting withIFreud’s “projection theory” of religion—that beliefin God is merely a product of man’s desire forsecurity—Professor Vitz argues that psychoanalysisactually provides a more satisfying explanation foratheism. Disappointment in one’s earthly father,whether through death, absence, or mistreatment,frequently leads to a rejection of God.A biographical survey of influential atheists of thepast four centuries shows that this “defective fatherhypothesis” provides a consistent explanation ofthe “intense atheism” of these thinkers. A surveyof the leading defenders of Christianity over thesame period confirms the hypothesis, finding fewdefective fathers. Vitz concludes with an intriguingcomparison of male and female atheists and aconsideration of other psychological factors that cancontribute to atheism.Professor Vitz does not argue that atheism ispsychologically determined. Each man, whateverhis experiences, ultimately chooses to accept Godor reject him. Yet the cavalier attribution of religiousfaith to irrational, psychological needs is so prevalentthat an exposition of the psychological factorspredisposing one to atheism is necessary.“Vitz’s provocative book raises important questionsabout psychology, religious belief, and theimportance of fathers.”—Christopher Kaczor, Author,The Seven Big Myths about the Catholic Church“Quite simply, Paul Vitz’s Faith of the Fatherless isa minor classic, a book that should be on the shortlist of all those who want to understand, in thedeepest terms, the ill effects caused by the failuresof fatherhood.” —Benjamin Wiker, Author,Architects of the Culture of Death“In deploying Freudian theory against atheismitself, Paul Vitz has proven beyond a doubt what’smissing from secular accounts of secularization:namely, actual human beings. His thesis is intellectualjujutsu of the first order, as anyone reading thistimely revisiting will appreciate in full.”—Mary Eberstadt, Author, Adam and Eve after the PillFFL-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 224 pp, $17.95to order, call 1-800-651-153113online at www.ignatius.com

NEW <strong>FALL</strong> BOOKSUnder the MantleMarian Thoughts from a 21st Century PriestFr. Donald Calloway, MICBest-selling author and dynamic priest Fr. Don Calloway deftlyshares his personal insights on topics including the Eucharist,the papacy, the Church, confession, Divine Mercy, prayer, the cross,masculinity and femininity. The Blessed Virgin is the central threadweaving a tapestry throughout with inspiring quotes about OurLady from saints and popes in a “tour de force” Marian book forthe Year of Faith!“Fr. Calloway masterfully blends together aspects of his own conversionstory with profound theological insights into Catholicism,presenting incredibly vivid and thought-provoking analogies intowhy it is so important for a Christian to live under the mantle ofMary. Highly recommended!”— Very Rev. Douglas Mosey, C.S.B., Ph.D.President/Rector, Holy Apostles College & SeminaryUTMA-P . . . Softcover, 305 pp., $19.95Also available: No Turning Back by Fr. Donald Calloway, MICNTBA-P . . . Softcover, Illustrated, 280 pp, $19.95Worshipping the StateHow Liberalism Became Our State ReligionBenjamin Wikerany Christians feel that they are being opposed at every turnMby a well-orchestrated political and cultural campaign to de-Christianize every aspect of Western culture. They are right, and itgoes even further back than the Obama Administration. BenjaminWiker argues that it is liberals who seek to establish an official statereligion: one of unbelief. He reveals that it was never the intention ofthe Founders to drive religion out of the public square with the FirstAmendment, but secular liberals have deliberately misinterpretedthe establishment clause to serve their own ends: the de-Christianizationof Western civilization.The liberal strategy is two-pronged: drive religion out of the publicsquare, and then, in religion’s place, erect the Church of the State tofill the human need for a higher power to look up to. But what wasdone can be undone. Outlining a simple, step-by-step strategy fordisestablishing the state church of secularism, Wiker shows the fullhistorical sweep of the war to those on the Christian side of the culturalbattle--and as a consequence of this far more complete vantage,how to win it.“Wiker’s book is the most forthright and unblinking analysis yetof the ubiquitous assault on religion in American society. Everybeliever in religious liberty should read it.”— James Hitchcock, author, History of the Catholic ChurchWTS-H . . . Hardcover, 256 pp., $27.95The “One Thing” Is ThreeHow the Most Holy Trinity Explains EverythingFr. Michael Gaitley, MICWith humor and ease, Father Michael Gaitley, MIC, deftlyunlocks the “one thing,” the key to the Church’s wisdom, andthe greatest mystery of the Catholic faith: the Most Holy Trinity. Farfrom being a scholarly or academic read, The “One Thing” Is Threemakes deep theology accessible to every-day Catholics. What’smore, it makes even what’s familiar or forgotten appear in a waythat’s new, exciting, and relevant. Thus, The “One Thing” is Threebrings its readers a unique and powerful experience of the faith. It’sthe perfect book for the Year of Faith.OTIT-P . . . Softcover, 384 pp., $14.95Also by Fr. Michael Gaitley:Consoling the Heart of Jesus CHJ-P . . . Softcover, 428 pp, $14.9533 Days to Morning Glory TDMG-P . . . Softcover, 200 pp, $14.95to order, call 1-800-651-153114online at www.ignatius.com

NEW <strong>FALL</strong> BOOKS100 Activities Based on the Catechism ofthe Catholic Church Second EditionEllen Rossinihis second edition of the bestselling 100 Activities features moreTthan 20 new and revised activities, including updates to Englishtranslations of the Creed and prayers of the Mass. Ellen Rossinihas expanded the Primary section by adding lessons on the Massand popular devotions including Eucharistic adoration and DivineMercy prayers.As in the original edition, the worksheets, puzzles and gamesare based on the four pillars of the Catechism—Creed, Sacraments,Commandments and Prayer. The activities require little preparationor materials and can be used to supplement any catecheticalprogram for children in grades 1 through 8. Each activity is selfcontained,perforated to tear out and reproduce for group use.Whether it is memorizing the Creed, understanding the Bible, orlearning to pray, these exercises will enrich the faith of children andthose who teach them.”As a coordinator of a large parish program, I always go to 100Activities because it provides something extra for every age group.The worksheets provide not only solid information but also a fun wayto learn and reinforce our Catholic faith. Thank you to Ellen Rossini!”— Peggy Theis, Faith Formation Coordinator,St. Mark Parish, Plano, TexasHABC2-P . . . Softcover, 125 pp., $14.95My Golden Book of MaryRev. Thomas J. DonaghyThis Golden Book, filled with gorgeous illustrations, simplyand beautifully introduces young children to the inspiringstories of Mary’s appearances at Guadalupe, Fatima andLourdes. This book provides wonderful details about each ofthese powerful apparitions that will motivate the children, andtheir parents, to want to love Jesus and Mary more, to practicethe Catholic faith better, and to pray more fervently,especiallythe Rosary. Features a glossy gold padded cover, heavy boardpages, gilded edges, and a ribbon marker.MGBM-H . . . Board Book, 42 pp, $9.95InteriorImagesOther Golden BooksMy Golden Children’s BibleThis collection of some of the best-loved Biblestories will provide young children with agentle introduction to the stories of our faith.MGCB-H . . . Board Book, 42 pp, $9.95My Golden Book of SaintsA lovely introduction for little ones to someof the most popular and well-loved Saints.MGBS-H . . . Board Book, 42 pp, $9.95My Golden Book of PrayersIntroduce young children to some favoritewell-known prayers!MGBP-H . . . Board Book, 42 pp, $9.95to order, call 1-800-651-153115online at www.ignatius.com

RECENTLY NEW <strong>FALL</strong> RELEASED FILMS FILMSPowers and DominionsAngels, Demons, and Spiritual WarfareIn all of God’s creation we see such splendor and beauty, mystery andwonder. Within this creation there are beings with intellect and freewill: humans and angels. From the creation of the world, the realm ofthe angels and the world of men have interacted. This interaction is notalways a positive one.This film explores the spiritual world, that very real but unseenrealm: God, the human soul, angels, demons (fallen angels), spiritualwarfare, the reality of demonic possession and exorcism, the dangersof the new age movement and the occult, and much more. Featuringwell-known speakers and authors Steve Ray, Fr. Andrew Pinsent,Fr. Marcus Holden, Joanna Bogle, Fr. Jeremy Davies and Fr. BehruzRafat, this film offers an insightful and sobering presentation about thereality of the powers and dominions of the spiritual world.j PADOM-M . . . 55 min, $19.95In Her Footsteps: The Story of St. Kateri TekakwithaFor 350 years, this Christian Mohawk woman has been interceding forand inspiring natives and non-natives around the world. On October2012, Kateri Tekakwitha became the first Native North American womanto be recognized as a Saint. This powerful documentary takes us on ajourney from northern New York State to Montrèal and Kahnawàke;from Washington State to New Mexico, as we follow St. Kateri’s incrediblejourney of deep faith, heroic sacrifice and great love of Christ.The film features many people who have been touched by her—including Archbishop Charles Chaput, OFM, the only Native Americanarchbishop; Bishop James Wall of Gallup, NM, the diocese with thelargest number of Native American Catholics; Sr. Kateri Mitchell,SSA, the Executive Director of the Tekakwitha Conference, and JakeFinkbonner, the little boy who received the miraculous healing thatsaved his life and that led to Kateri’s canonization.j IHFOOT-M . . . DVD, 50 min., $19.95BelovedThe Dominican Sisters of Saint CeciliaThe love that God has for the soul is like that which the bridegroom hasfor his bride. In the heart of the “Bible Belt” in Tennessee, the DominicanSisters of St. Cecilia have fully embraced that love in the living of theirvows and apostolic life for 150 years. Like their patron, the virgin martyrCecilia, the Nashville Dominicans promise their heart to Christ andit is His voice that fills their ears and secures their promise to be Hisalone. This joyful, holy community radiates their love for Christ andneighbor, revealing in this compelling film what it means to live theconsecrated life as both a contemplative and a teacher. They manifest tothe world that religious life is all about love and joy, but a love that isdifferent and unique. It is a love that is eternal.j BND-M . . . 57 min., $19.95The CreedThe Faith of the ChurchA perfect film for “The Year of Faith” that beautifully communicates therichness of our Catholic faith with the most modern techniques of artisticcreation. It contains 15 insightful films of 5 minutes each, examiningthe essential aspects of the prayer of the Apostle’s Creed, probing thedeeper meaning of Faith, the Trinity, Christ, Mary, the Church, Saints,Sin, Eternal Life and much more. Very suitable for individuals, families,catechesis, parishes, schools, it also contains a companion booklet withideas on how to use the film, with direct correlation to sections of theCatechism of the Catholic Church, and to YOUCAT. Excellent tool for helpin discovering, or rekindling, the precious gift of the Catholic faith inall its mystery and beauty. With English and Spanish language options.j TCREED-M . . . 75 min., $19.95to order, call 1-800-651-153116online at www.ignatius.com

RECENTLY RELEASED FILMSPopiełuszko Freedom is Within UsThis is the stirring, powerful true story of Blessed JerzyPopiełuszko, the courageous young priest martyr who becamethe chaplain and spiritual leader of the large trade union inPoland, Solidarity, in the 1980s. An ordinary young priest inmany ways, Fr. Jerzy was a beacon of hope in those dark daysand his message of truth was devoured by the Polish peopleafter 40 years of oppression. Thousands came from all overPoland to hear him speak and every month the crowds grew,bringing the Secret Police closer to his door.He was harassed, threatened, and imprisoned, but hewould not be silenced. His friends suggested that he leavePoland for his own safety but he replied “my place is with thepeople” and “I am ready for anything.” On October 19, 1984,three Communist agents kidnapped Father Jerzy and he wasviciously beaten, bound, and thrown into the Vistula River.A priest greatly revered by the Polish nation, over 700,000attended his funeral, and a national shrine at his grave infront of his parish church in Warsaw is visited by a millionpeople yearly. He was beatified in 2010. Polish with Englishand Spanish subtitles. Includes collector’s companion booklet.j POPI-M . . . 149 min, $24.95Pius XII Under the Roman SkyBased on Vatican documents and personal testimonies usedfor the cause of Pope Pius XII, this powerful movie depictsthe great, often hidden struggle waged by the Pope and manyothers with him to save the Jews from the Nazis during WWII.After the Nazi’s take over Rome in 1943, Hitler’s plan to kidnapthe Pope is revealed as the Nazis make an all-out attempt tosilence the one authority figure in Italy standing strong againstthem.Hitler and the Pope—on one side the man who catapultedthe whole world into war and, on the other, the man who,more than any other, fought for peace. Despite all his efforts,Pius XII is not able to prevent some of the horrors that takeplace in Rome when over a thousand victims are deportedto Auschwitz. But history testifies that over 10,000 Jews weresaved, hidden in churches and convents in Rome—more savedthan in any other occupied city.Starring James Cromwell, Alessandra Mastronardi, MarcoFroschi, Ettore Bassi, and directed by Christian Duguay(Restless Heart, Joan of Arc). Includes collector’s companionbooklet and study guide. Includes Spanish subtitles.j P12-M . . . 200 min, $24.95The Bible The Epic MiniseriesFrom Executive Producers Roma Downey and Mark Burnettcomes The Bible—an epic 10-part miniseries retelling storiesfrom the Sacred Scriptures, both Old and New Testament,for a whole new generation. Breathtaking in scope and scale,The Bible features powerful performances, exotic locales anddazzling visual effects that breathe spectacular life into thedramatic tales of faith and courage from Genesis throughRevelation. This historic television event is sure to entertainand inspire the whole family.This DVD contains the following language options: English withEnglish, French and Spanish subtitles.j BIBLE-M . . . 4 discs, 440 min, $59.95Blu-ray BIBLE-B . . . 4 discs, 440 min, $69.95to order, call 1-800-651-153117online at www.ignatius.com

RECENTLY RELEASED FILMSThe Courageous Heartof Irena SendlerThis is the compelling storyof Polish Catholic socialworker, Irena Sendler, oneof the most remarkable, andunlikely, heroes of World WarII, saving 2,500 Jewish childrenduring the Nazi occupationof Poland. At greatpersonal risk, she devisedextraordinary schemes tosneak the children by Naziguards, bringing them outin ambulances, suitcases and even wheelbarrows.Irena was eventually captured by the Gestapo,but even after months of torture, she maintainedher silence. Her heroic efforts were honored bya nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.Starring Anna Paquin, Goran Visnjic and MarciaGay Harden.j CHOIS-M . . . 100 min, $19.95UnconditionalSamantha Crawford is livinga storybook life: she’shappily married, she liveson a ranch with her belovedhorse, and the stories she’stold and illustrated sincechildhood have becomepublished books. When herhusband Billy is killed ina senseless act of violence,Sam loses her faith and herwill to live. But a deathdefyingencounter with twochildren leads to a reunion with Joe, her oldestfriend. As Sam watches “Papa” Joe care for and lovethe kids in his poor neighborhood, she begins torealize that no matter life’s circumstances, the loveof God is always reaching out to us. Inspired by trueevents, Unconditional stars Lynn Collins, MichaelEaly and Bruce McGill.j UNC-M . . . 98 min, $19.95Leonie!The true story of LeonieMartin, the “hidden sister”of St. Therese of Lisieux,who was the least gifted ofthe five Martin girls. Shewas an emotionally disturbedchild who sufferedmuch and caused anguishin her family and especiallyfor her saintly mother,Zelie. This movie revealsthe backward child whoalso had significant physicalhealth issues, and yet was the first one to followTherese’s “Little Way”. It was only after three valiantbut unsuccessful attempts to enter religious lifethat Leonie was finally accepted by the VisitationOrder in Caen, France. She succeeded in conqueringher difficult temperament, so that by the time of herdeath in 1941 at the age of seventy eight, Leonie wasregarded as a saint and her convent was inundatedwith letters testifying to her posthumous aid.j LEO-M . . . 90 min, $24.95Last Ounceof CourageAn intergenerational storyabout family, freedom, andtaking a stand for cherishedbeliefs. A family is struck bytragedy when a young manis lost in combat overseas,leaving behind a wife andyoung son. Years later, thefallen soldier’s father servesas mayor of a small townwhere powerful Washingtoninterests seek to stamp out religious expression.The soldier’s son, now a young man, inspires hisgrandfather to take a stand for the ideals and traditionalvalues that our heroes in uniform sacrificeeverything to protect. In honor of his son, Revereembarks on a personal mission to reignite the latentpatriotism and faith of his fellow citizens and reassertthe cherished rights guaranteed to all Americans.Widescreen. Starring Marshall Teague andFred Williamson.j LOOC-M . . . 100 min., $19.95A Shineof RainbowsAn uplifting story of oneordinary family’s extraordinaryjourney. Anorphaned boy namedTomás is adopted by MaireO’Donnell to live on awhimsical, idyllic Irish islefilled with new friends, secretcaves and a lost babypup seal stranded on thecoast. But when Maire’sreluctant husband Alec refusesto accept Tomás as his own son, the boy driftsdown a fateful path of adventure and self-discovery,illuminating how rainbows can shine around—andwithin—us all. Filled with magnificent sweepingIrish landscapes and some mythical creatures, theexcellent performances, heartfelt story, and glimpsesinto Irish culture makes Rainbows really shine.Stars Connie Nielsen, Aidan Quinn and John Bell.j SRA-M . . . 111 min, $22.95Paul the ApostleFrom the Emmy awardwinningdirector RogerYoung comes the spectacularstory of Paul theApostle. This augmentedadaptation, largely basedon the biblical account, profilesChrist’s most prolificmessenger. Paul, originallyknown as Saul of Tarsus,was at the forefront ofefforts to stamp out theearly church until Jesusstopped him on the road to Damascus, foreverchanging his life and mission. He joyfully faced persecution,imprisonment, and peril in order to sharethe love and redemption offered by Christ.Beautifully shot in the Moroccan desert, Paul theApostle is a sweeping saga of the man who broughtthe Gospel to the Western world. Starring JohannesBrandrup, Thomas Lockyer, Barbora Bobulova,Ennio Fantastichini and Franco Nero.j PA-M . . . 145 min, $16.95to order, call 1-800-651-153119online at www.ignatius.com

The Kid with a BikeThe highly acclaimed filmthat tells the touching storyof 12 year old Cyril, wholives in a group home butrefuses to believe he has beenrejected by his single father.It is only the compassion andpatience of Samantha,thestranger who selflessly takescare of him, that offers theboy a chance to be healedfrom this gaping woundfrom his father’s absence.“A film that will break your heart, fill it withhope and challenge you to say Yes to God and toyour neighbor, all at once.”Steven Greydanus, National Catholic Registerj KWB-M . . . 87 minutes, $19.95The Miracle ofMarcelinoRestored 1955 VersionGrand Prize Award Winner atthe International Cannes FilmFestival and a heartwarmingfilm, “Marcelino Pan Y Vino,”is about a little orphan boywho causes a miracle. Left onthe doorstep of a monastaryas an infant, Marcelino wasraised by the monks. One dayhe found a special friend inthe forbidden attic... hanging on a cross. A friend thatwould repay Marcelino’s kindness by granting himone heart-felt wish.j MOM-M . . . 90 min., B&W, $19.95Our Lady of AmericaThis important new documentarypresents four leadingauthorities on the truestory of the approved apparitionsof Our Lady of Americain the 1950s to an Americannun who was a memberof the Congregation of theSisters of the Most PreciousBlood of Jesus. The contentsof the messages, requestsand promises of Our Lady,specifically for the people of America, are urgentlyimportant.j OLOA-M . . . DVD, 120 min., 6 episodes, $10.95Audio CD: OLOAM-D . . . 2 CDS, 150 min. $9.95Don Bosco Special EditionBen Gazzara stars in this classicfilm about St. John Bosco,the beloved 19th century Italianpriest. He overcame incrediblechallenges, including thegovernment who wanted himout of the way, an archbishopwho tried to silence him, andthe revolution that put a priceon his head. But nothing couldstop Don Bosco from rescuingpoor and outcast children.Patsy Kensit and Karl Zinnyalso star with Gazzara, and the film was directed byLeandro Castellani. This Special Edition includes a 43minute “Making of the Film” documentary. In Englishwith optional Spanish subtitles.j DONB-M . . . 113 min, $24.95 $19.95BEST SELLING FILMSto order, call 1-800-651-1531The Miracle ofFather KapaunThe story of the Servant ofGod, Fr. Emil Kapaun, a heroof the Korean War whosecause for sainthood is movingthrough Rome, and whohas also been nominated theMedal of Honor. This documentarytells of his heroicwork as a chaplain duringbattle, and his leadershipand comfort of fellowAmerican prisoners after capture and torture by theCommunists, which led to his death at 35 years ofage in 1951. Features interviews with soldiers whoknew Kapaun, as well as with the Kansas familywho is convinced Kapaun’s miraculous intercessionsaved their son’s life.j MFK-M . . . 45 min, $19.95Religious MysteriesVolume OneThis new documentary filmseries presents investigationsinto intriguing mysteriesconnected with the storiesand history of famousCatholic saints, apparitions,Popes, and holy places, andsome amazing findings fromthese studies. This DVDincludes three separate films:The Secret of Bernadette, aboutthe apparitions at Lourdes; The Pope of Mercy, aboutDivine Mercy and Blessed John Paul II; and The LostArk, about the Ark of the Covenant.j RM:1-M . . . 150 minutes, $24.95 $19.95Cosmic OriginsScience and Faith are not inconflict! In this exciting film,you’ll join Fr. Robert Spitzer,S.J., and physicist StephenBarr, along with leaders inthe world of science includingLisa Randall (named oneof Time Magazine’s 100 MostInfluential People in 2007),Nobel laureate Arno Penzias,Harvard astronomer OwenGingerich, NASA scientistJennifer Wiseman, and Templeton Prize winnersJohn Polkinghorne and Michael Heller. DVD includesbonus special features.j CO-M . . . DVD, 49 min., $19.95Blessed Duns ScotusThe inspiring true story of theFranciscan priest and theologianwho won a famousdebate against the Dominicansin the 13th century in whichhe defended the ImmaculateConception, laying thegroundwork for the Churchto later define that as a dogmaof the Catholic faith. Filmedin beautiful ancient monasterylocations in Europe. In Italianor dubbed English, with English or Spanish subtitles.j BDS-M . . . 85 min., $19.95Also available: Book Blessed John Duns ScotusBJDS-P . . . Softcover, $5.0020online at www.ignatius.com

BEST SELLING FILMSFor Greater GloryWhat price would you pay forfreedom? This is the true storyof the 1920s Cristero War.Academy Award® nomineeAndy Garcia stars as GeneralGorostieta, the retired militaryman who at hesitates injoining the Catholic cause, butsoon becomes the resistance’smost inspiring leader, ashe begins to see the cost ofreligious persecution on hiscountrymen. Also starring Peter O’Toole, EduardoVerastegui, Eva Longoria, and Oscar Isaac. Englishand dubbed Spanish with Spanish subtitles.FGGLO-B . . . Blu-Ray/DVD Combo, 150 min., $24.95j FGGLO-M . . . DVD, 150 min., $26.95 $14.95St. Philip NeriI Prefer HeavenThis captivating film highlightsSt. Philip Neri’s great lovefor youth, his warm sense ofhumor, joy, deep mystical spirituality,and amazing gift formiracles. Actor Gigi Proiettigives a moving performanceas St. Philip in this beautifullyproduced film that is directedby Giacomo Campiotti. InItalian with English or Spanishsubtitles. Includes a 16 page booklet. Also includes bonusfeatures of the “Making Of” and “Behind the Scenes”.j SPNE-M . . . 205 min., $24.95Padre Pro Blessed MiguelPro: Martyr of MexicoThe inspiring story of thefamous Fr. Miguel Pro, S.J.,who was executed in Mexicoin 1927. This young Jesuitspent most of his short lifein the priesthood dodging theMexican police as he ministeredto the undergroundChurch during the MexicanRevolution. Fr. Pro’s quickwit and keen sense of humorwere put to good use as he pedaled around MexicoCity on his bicycle in various disguises, en route toadministering the Sacraments, giving spiritual talksor begging food and money for the poor. But behindthe disguises beat the heart of a saint. Fr. Pro’s lastwords on this earth were: “Viva Cristo Rey”—Longlive Christ the King! In Spanish with English subtitles.j PPRO-M . . . 98 min, $14.95The Greatest MiracleFrom the Producer of ForGreater Glory, this is a beautiful,animated story about thepower and impact of the graceof God, and of unseen spiritualinfluences and events, inour lives, especially in Churchduring our participation in theHoly Sacrifice of the Mass andthe sacrament of Confession. Itfocuses on three characters andtheir guardian angels, and howwe all have the freedom to choose to do good or evil,to pray, and the consequences from our choices. InEnglish or Spanish languages.j GMIR-M . . . 70 min., $14.95to order, call 1-800-651-1531October BabyAfter Hannah, a college student,has an unexplained collapseduring a school drama performance,medical tests point toone underlying factor: her difficultbirth. This revelation isnothing compared to what shethen learns from her parents:she was actually adopted...after a failed abortion attempt.Bewildered, angered, and confused,Hannah embarks on ajourney to discover her hidden past... and find hopefor her unknown future. Stars Rachel Hendrix, JohnSchneider, Jasmine Guy and Jason Burkey.j OBABY-M . . . DVD, 105 min., $17.95The WayMartin Sheen plays Tom, adoctor who comes to France tocollect the remains of his adultson (Emilio Estevez), killedin a storm while walking thefamous Camino de Santiago,“The Way of St. James.” Tomdecides to embark on the historicalpilgrimage to honor hisson’s desire to finish the journey,unprepared for the profoundimpact the journey will have on him. He meetsother pilgrims from around the world with their ownissues and looking for greater meaning in their lives.This is a film and story that stays with you, a moviethat many will want to watch more than once.j WAY-M . . . 121 mins, $14.95Blu-ray WAY-B . . . $20.9521Saint BarbaraConvert & Martyr of theEarly ChurchIn 303 A.D., Barbara is thebeautiful young daughter ofthe Roman governor duringa time of fierce Christian persecution.Barbara is a pagan,but when Giuliana, a slaveraised alongside her almostlike a sister, is condemned todeath for her Christian faith,Barbara rebels. Her decisionto convert to their Christianity will eventually costBarbara her life. Starring Vanessa Hessler, ThomasTrabacchi, Massimo Wertmulle and SimoneMontedoro. In Italian with English and Spanishsubtitles.j SBAB-M . . . 100 min, $19.95God’s Mighty ServantThis is the amazing story ofSister Pascalina Lehnert (1894-1983) who was the personalconfidant and secretary to PopePius XII for 40 years. As thewar tears Europe apart, the Popeputs his life, and the papacyitself, on the line by opposingthe Nazis and fascists. Thanksto the fearlessness of Rome’sclergy and the tirelessness ofPascalina, he manages to savethe lives of many Roman Jews.Starring Christine Neubauer, Remo Girone, WilfriedHochholdinger, Renato Scarpa. In German withEnglish and Spanish subtitles.j GMS-M . . . 200 min, $24.95online at www.ignatius.com

BEST SELLING FILMSEdith Stein: TheSeventh ChamberA moving, artistic portrayalof the life of Jewish philosopher,Catholic convert andCarmelite martyr, EdithStein, capturing the interiorstruggles of this extraordinarywoman, as well as the greatconflicts from her decision toconvert to Catholicism. Shot ina kind of a rich expressionistrealism, starring actress MaiaMorgenstern (The Passion of the Christ) in a powerfulperformance as Stein. In Italian with English & Spanishsubtitles. Includes a 16 page Collector’s Booklet.j EDITH-M . . . 110 min., $24.95 $19.95Saint AnthonyThe first major feature filmon the life of St. Anthonyof Padua, starring DanieleLiotti in an acclaimed performance.Made in Italy, thisoutstanding film presentsSt. Anthony as a strong andappealing person who sacrificedwealth, popularity andfamily for the Kingdom ofGod. It beautifully portraysthe power of his preaching,the holiness of his life, his love for the poor, and thewonders of his miracles. Italian with English subtitles.j STA-M . . . 95 min., $19.95Of Gods and MenBased on a true story. EightFrench Trappist monks live inharmony with their Muslimbrothers in a monasteryperched in the mountainsof North Africa in the 1990s.When a massacre is perpetratedby Islamic terrorists,fear sweeps though the region.Should the monks stay despitethe threat of violent death? Theanswer to that question formsthe uncompromising center of this unforgettable film.The stellar cast is headed by Lambert Wilson andlegendary French character actor Michael Lonsdale.Parental discretion suggested: brief graphic violence and asingle obscene expression. Includes special features.OGM-B . . . Blu-Ray/DVD Combo, 123 min., $30.95Archbishop FultonSheen Servant of AllThis special double DVDfilm package includes anacclaimed new film on thegreat Fulton Sheen, Servantof All, along with five episodesof Life is Worth Living.Servant of All introduces thebeloved Archbishop to a newgeneration that greatly needshis inspiring example of lovefor God and neighbor. Guestsinclude Fr. Andrew Apostoli, Archbishop TimothyDolan, Regis Philbin, Fr. Jonathan Morris, biographersof Sheen, and many others.j SOA-M . . . 2 discs, 200 min., $24.95Joseph of NazarethThe first feature film ever onthe story of St. Joseph—carpenter,husband of Mary, andthe foster father of Jesus Christ.Starring Tobias Moretti in amanly, appealing performance,this lovely film presents beautifulvignettes of powerful scenesin the life of the young Christand the Holy Family that areauthentic and inspiring. Alsostars Stefania Rivi (Mary),Franco Interlenghi, and Andrea Prodan. Filmed inEnglish, includes Spanish subtitles. Special Features:excerpts from a documentary on St. Joseph, and a collector’sbooklet. j JNA-M . . . 105 min., $19.95Also available: The Nativity Storyj NS-M . . . 101 min., $16.95Saint RitaFamous as the patron ofhopeless situations, St. Ritaof Cascia is immortalized inthis powerful feature film.Starring Vittoria Belvedereand Martin Crewes, this isthe story of a brave womanwho married her knight,helped him overcome hisdark past and convert to thefaith, bore him two children,only to lose everything inher life. She finds peace in a convent of sisters, anddevelops a deep union with Christ. In Italian withEnglish or Spanish subtitles, or an English dubbed track.Includes special features, and a collector’s booklet.j SRITA-M . . . 200 min, $24.95The Reluctant SaintMaximilian Schell stars asthe “flying friar”, St. Josephof Cupertino. Joseph’s motherconvinces the reluctant abbotto accept her son into themonastery. Yet some, includingthe sceptical Don Raspi(Ricardo Montalban), areconvinced that it is the devil,not God, who is responsiblefor Joseph’s amazing powers—andit will take a miracleto change their minds. Includes a 16-page Collector’sBooklet. In English with Spanish / English subtitles.j RS-M . . . 104 min., B&W, $19.95CatholicismA Ten Part Series hosted byFr. Robert BarronThe beauty, goodness andtruth of the Catholic Faith areillustrated in this rich, multimediaexperience. Journeywith Fr. Robert Barronto more than 50 locationsthroughout 15 countries. Beilluminated by the spiritualand artistic treasures of thisglobal culture that claimsmore than one billion of the earth’s people. The boxset includes five DVDs, each containing two full programs.Each program runs 50-60 minutes. English andSpanish subtitles are included as viewing options.j C:SET-M . . . 5 DVDs, 10 programs, $149.95to order, call 1-800-651-153122online at www.ignatius.com

Christians in SocietyKeys to Catholic SocialTeachingThis series illustrates, withimages of striking impact, theessence of Christian responsesto the conflicts posed withinour global society. Beyondmere entrepreneurial ethics, allaspects of a person’s life areaddressed, from political andfamily contexts to workplaceand business environments.Nine 30 minute episodes. Spanish and Englishlanguage options.j CSCS-M . . . 3 discs, Nine 30 min. episodes, $29.95The Culture of LifeQuestions in BioethicsIn the field of Bioethics, manycurrent challenges are becomingincreasingly pressing, andthey call out for clear answersfrom scientific and ethicalpoints of view. These programsdemonstrate that “TheCulture of Life” harmoniouslyblends scientific progress witha respectful approach vis-a-vishuman suffering. Eight 30 minuteepisodes. Spanish and English language options.j CLQB-M . . . 2 discs, Eight 30 min. episodes, $29.95The VaticanA Hidden WorldThe Vatican, center of theCatholic Church and the seatof power whose worldwideinfluence has been great forcenturies. But what do weknow of its inner workings,and the people who keepthe Vatican’s wheels oiled,guarding its secrets, givingtheir lives in sacrifice?This unprecedented lookinside the Vatican includes the work of many keypeople that enlighten us about this mysteriousplace. Featured people and departments includethe Pope’s bodyguard, the voice of Vatican Radio,head of the Vatican museum, Prefect of the PapalSecret Archives, astronomer in charge of the VaticanObservatory and many more. Fascinating personalvignettes emerge alongside unique images that portraythe Vatican in a completely new light..j VHW-M . . . 55 min, $19.95No Greater LoveA Unique Portraitof the CarmelitesA highly acclaimed, multipleaward-winning documentary,No Greater Love follows in thewake of the great success of asimilar film, Into Great Silence,as it gives a unique insight intothis closed world of these nunswhere the modern world’smaterialism is rejected; theyhave no television, radio ornewspapers. A beautifully filmed and deeply inspiringproduction. In Italian with English and Spanishsubtitles. Includes a 16-page Collector’s Booklet.j NOGL-M . . . 100 min., $19.95BEST SELLING FILMSto order, call 1-800-651-153123I Do Keys to a HappyMarriageWith an original approach andattractive images, these documentariesfeature the experiencesand advice of over 30experts from five continents.They bring together the skillsof psychiatry, psychology,gynecology, theology, canonlaw, and matrimonial ethics.In addition we hear the opinionsof married couples andengaged young people. 12 episodes of 12 minuteseach. Spanish and English language options.j IDO-M . . . 2 discs, Twelve 12 min. eps., $24.95Hostia The Power andPresence of the EucharistThis powerful and inspiringfilm begins with the Gospelaccounts of how Jesus Christinstituted the Eucharist. Theconstant belief of Christiansin the Real Presence throughouthistory is clearly demonstrated,and the Holy Sacrificeof the Mass is explained as thecenter of the Christian life.The practices of EucharisticAdoration and Benediction are presented as essentialto reviving faith in every Catholic parish. Withcontributions from numerous Catholic priests andexperts, this film offers an inspiring presentation.j HOSTIA-M . . . 42 min, $19.95The Way of St. JamesOver the lovely “Caminode Santiago”, the Way of St.James, which is the ancientroute leading from thePyrenees to the famous andancient shrine of Santiago deCompostela, this documentaryfollows the journey ofseveral pilgrims who differin culture and religious faith,united only by a mysteriousattraction towards the samespiritual destination. This ancient route that concludesat the shrine where St. James the Apostle isburied is the most famous Christian pilgrimage inthe world. Now you can take this ancient journeythrough this beautifully produced film.j WSJ-M . . . 105 min., $19.95St. Teresa of AvilaA powerful epic mini-seriesshot on location in Spainthat tells the story of one ofthe most amazing women inhistory, St. Teresa of Avila.With meticulous attentionto detail and historical accuracy,outstanding productionvalues, and an incredibleperformance by actressConcha Velasco as Teresa,this acclaimed major filmproduction is the definitive film on the life of thisgreat saint. In Spanish with English subtitles. Includesmany special features, and Collector’s Bookletj STOA-M . . . 450 min., 3 discs, $39.95Also available: Teresa of Avila: Personality & Prayerj TAPP-M . . . 390 min., $29.95online at www.ignatius.com

BEST SELLING FILMSPadre Pio:Miracle ManStarring Italian actor SergioCastellitto, this movie capturesthe Capuchin friar’s intensefaith and devotion, and deepspiritual concern for others,as well as his great compassionfor the sick and suffering.It reveals the amazing detailsand events in Padre Pio’s lifeas a boy and throughout his50 years as a friar, dramatizingthe frequent attacks of the Devil on him, as wellas the persecution he suffered. In Italian with English orSpanish subtitles, or an English dubbed track. Includes a 16page collector’s booklet.j PPMM-M . . . 210 min, $24.95Also available: Padre Pio: Between Heaven and Earthj PPBHE-M . . . 180 min., $24.95 $19.95The 13th DayIn a world torn apart by persecutionand war, three childrenfrom Fatima, Portugal werechosen to offer a message ofhope to the world. Based onthe memoirs of Sr. Lucia Santosand eye-witness accounts, The13th Day dramatizes the truestory of the shepherd childrenwho were visited by the VirginMary in 1917, culminating inthe famous Miracle of the Sun.Widescreen format. English with optional English &Spanish subtitles. Many special features.j 13D-M . . . 85 min., $24.95Also available: Finding Fatimaj FFA-M . . . 90 min., $19.95BakhitaBorn in a village in Sudan, kidnappedby slavers, often beatenand abused, and later soldto Federico Marin, a Venetianmerchant, Bakhita comes toItaly and becomes the nannyservant of Federico’s daughter,Aurora. Treated as an outcastby the peasants, Bakhita graduallycomes closer to God withthe help of the kind villagepriest. But when she requeststo join the Canossian sisters, Marin doesn’t want togive her up. In Italian with English or Spanish subtitles.Includes a 16 page booklet.j BAK-M . . . 190 min., $24.95St. Giuseppe MoscatiDoctor to the PoorGiuseppe Moscati, “the holyphysician of Naples,” was amedical doctor and laymanin the early 20th century whocame from an aristocratic familyand devoted his medicalcareer to serving the poor. Inthis beautifully filmed movie,learn the story of one of thegreat modern saints—almostunknown in America. InItalian with English and Spanish subtitles. Includes a16-page Collector’s Booklet by Tim Drake. Bonus feature:special “Making of” film documentary.j SGMO-M . . . 177 min., $24.95to order, call 1-800-651-153124Pope John Paul IIThis epic film follows KarolWojtyla’s journey from hisyouth in Poland through hislate days on the Chair of St.Peter. Jon Voight’s powerful,Emmy-nominatedonline at www.ignatius.comperformanceas John Paul II waswidely praised, as was CaryElwes as the young Karol.Shot on location in Rome andPoland in close connectionwith the Vatican, this is thedefinitive epic film on the life of Pope John Paul II.Includes a sixteen-page collectors booklet and special features.j PJPII-M . . . 3 hours, $19.95Also available: Karol: The Pope, The Manj KPM-M . . . 185 min., $24.95 $19.95BernadetteJean Delannoy’s classicdepiction, starring SydneyPenny. Shown daily at theshrine in Lourdes.Special Features:Re-mastered new Wide-screenedition; Collector’s Booklet;French and English versions;English & Spanish subtitles;Film & audio interviewwith actress Sydney Penny.Includes CD with acclaimed“Song of Bernadette” by singer Jennifer Warnes.j BER2-M . . . 120 min, $19.95Sequel also available: The Passion of Bernadettej PB-M . . . 106 min., $19.95Clare and FrancisFrom the producers of PadrePio and St. John Bosco comesthis beautiful epic feature filmon the lives of St. Clare andSt. Francis of Assisi. Shot onlocation in Italy, stars MaryPetruolo and Ettore Bassi giveinspiring, authentic performancesas Clare, the daughterof a patrician family, andFrancis, the son of a rich merchant,who leave all to followChrist. The definitive film onthese great saints. English and Italian language, Spanish& English subtitles. Includes special features, and a collector’sbooklet.j CF-M . . . 200 mins., $24.95Also available: Saint Francisj STFRA-M . . . 205 min., $19.95St. John Bosco:Mission to LoveFlavio Insinna gives a winningperformance as John(Don) Bosco, the great priestand educator of youth fromthe tough streets of Turin,Italy. Beautifully filmed inItaly, this epic movie dramatizesthe many challengesthat Don Bosco had toovercome. His deep faith,creative imagination andprofound charity shine through in this wonderfulfilm. In Italian with English or Spanish subtitles, or anEnglish dubbed track. Includes special features, and acollector’s booklet.j SJBML-M . . . 200 min, $24.95

FILMS OF INSPIRATIONThe War of the VendéeIn 1793, after enduring threeand a half years of persecutionof the Church by the architectsof the French Revolution,a small band of faithful peasantsand nobles from theVendee region of France begana Catholic “counter-revolution”.This is the unknown,heroic story of the valiant, sixyear struggle of the people ofthat small section of westernFrance to restore their Holy Religion and their King.Featuring a large, talented cast of young people.j WOTV-M . . . 87 min, $19.95The Jeweller’s ShopBased on Pope John Paul II’sbest-selling book, it tells of thestruggles and triumphs in themarriage of 3 couples. A mysteriousJeweller (Burt Lancaster)acts as a mystical advisor tothe couples, encouraging themto keep love at the center oftheir lives. Beautifully filmedwith an outstanding cast thatincludes Olivia Hussey andBen Cross. John Paul II calledit “best possible film based on my play.”j JS-M . . . 95 min., incl. Spanish subt., $19.95Also available: The Jeweler’s Shop (book)JSH-H . . . 91 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95LourdesBernard, a non-ChristianFrench journalist, is assigneda story on Lourdes in the late1990s. Just before he leaves forLourdes, Bernard learns thathis wife is pregnant. However,he is not told that this pregnancyis risky—and that doctorsare suggesting an abortion.While researching for hisreport on Lourdes, Bernardcomes across the pages of anold family manuscript. The manuscript was writtenby his ancestor, Henri, an atheist scientist who metBernadette at Lourdes in 1858 This intriguing film usesthe pages of the manuscript to trace the stories of threelives— Bernadette, Henry and Bernard. In Italian withEnglish or Spanish subtitles. Includes a 16 page booklet.j LOU-M . . . 200 min, $19.95The Early ChristiansThe blood of the martyrs wasthe seed for new Christians.But after the persecutions ofthe Romans and the barbarianinvasions came another gravedanger for the new religion:heresies... They would not belethal. On the contrary, theyprovided the opportunity todefine the essential truths ofChristian faith, consolidatingthe roots of a millennialChurch. This in-depth new film series produced inEurope explores this amazing story of the witness ofthe early Christians and the spread of Christianity.j ECH-M . . . 270 min., 2 discs, $29.95John XXIIIThe Pope of PeaceFrom the makers of Pope JohnPaul II and Saint Rita comesthis inspiring feature film onBlessed Pope John XXIII, starringEd Asner in a wonderfulperformance. Shot on locationin Italy, this epic movie tellsthe whole life story of JohnXXIII from his youth to thepapacy, revealing his deepgoodness, courage and love ofothers. English and Italian language, Spanish & Englishsubtitles. Includes a 16 page collector’s booklet.j J23-M . . . 200 mins., $24.95Karol: The Pope, The ManFilmed on location in Italy andPoland, this film focuses onJPII’s papacy & his tremendousimpact on the Church & theworld. This charismatic spiritualleader helped fell Communism,renewed the life of the Church,impacted youth worldwide withlove for Christ & reached out toother religions and world leaderswith a message of peace andlove. English language, Spanish &English subtitles. Includes 16-page booklet by Carl Olson withstudy questions, biography of Pope John Paul II & resource list.j KPM-M . . . 185 min., $24.95 $19.95God’s DoorkeeperSt. André of MontrealOn January 6, 1937, the deathof a humble doorkeeper fora boys’ college drew over amillion people to Montrealfor his funeral. For 40 years,Brother André Bessette welcomedpeople at the door andbecame known as a miraculoushealer. God’s Doorkeeperlooks at the heart and legacyof Brother André. On October17, 2010, Brother André became the first maleCanadian-born saint and the first saint for theCongregation of Holy Cross.j GDO-M . . . 60 min., $19.95Changing SidesThis film tells the powerfultrue story of the conversion of adedicated Planned Parenthooddirector to a leading Pro-lifeActivist. Abby Johnson was thedirector of the abortion facilitythat was the launching pad ofthe bold new pro-life effort—40 Days for Life. But one Fallmorning everything changed.Abby suddenly she found herselfon the other side of thefence, facing the truth about abortion. The real questionnow was, in her time of crisis, what would shedo and who would help her?j OS-M . . . 60 min., $19.95 $14.95Also available: Unplanned (book)UNP-P . . . Softcover, 288 pp, $14.99to order, call 1-800-651-153125online at www.ignatius.com

FILMS OF INSPIRATIONPaul VIThe Pope in the TempestFrom 1963 to 1978 the papacyof Pope Paul VI helped shapehow the Catholic Churchwould confront the complexitiesof the modern world.Journey into the past of bothItaly and the world. Coveringfifty years of history thatchanged the Catholic Churchand the world, this is a storythat draws its lessons from historyitself. Italian with English and Spanish subtitles.Includes: Collector’s Booklet and a documentary on PaulVI with historian James Hitchcock and Fr. Joseph Fessio, SJ.j P6-M . . . 200 min., $19.95St. John Baptistde La SalleThe inspiring story of a 17thcentury French priest whoreluctantly became involvedin educating poor childrenand became the Founder ofthe Brothers of the ChristianSchools, an order knowntoday as the De La SalleChristian Brothers. Actor MelFerrer gives a heartfelt performanceas St. John Baptist deLa Salle, a priest who gave up everything to serve theneeds of educating poor children, facing tremendousopposition along the way. In English with English andSpanish subtitles. Includes a 16 page Collector’s Booklet.j SJBS-M . . . 90 min, $19.95Finding FatimaProduced by the award-winningmakers of the film The13th Day, this is a powerfuland in-depth documentarythat combines archival footage,dramatic reenactments,original interviews withFatima experts and stunningvisuals to tell the whole storyof the apparitions of OurLady of Fatima. Artists andfilmmakers Ian and DominicHiggins present a compelling docu-drama about theappearances and messages of Our Lady in Fatima in1917. In English with English or Spanish subtitles.j FFA-M . . . 90 min, $19.95The Shroud of TurinThree Film Collector’s EditionThis is the definitive collectionof three stunning filmson the Shroud of Turin thatspans 32 years of awardwinningfilmmaking on theShroud by acclaimed Britishfilm producer and directorDavid Rolfe.Films include:The Silent Witness 53 minutes.English. • Shroud ofTurin 59 minutes. English. • Shroud 48 minutes. Inseven languages: English, Spanish, French, German,Italian, Portugese and Russian.Includes a Collector’s Booklet and many special features.j SHROUD-M . . . 160 min, $29.95 $24.95Also available: The True Icon book by Paul BaddeFSTVM-H . . . Hardcover, Lavishly illustrated, $22.95Padre PioBetween Heaven and EarthFilmed on location in Italy, thisfilm tells the story of the humblemonk from San GiovanniRotondo blessed with incrediblespiritual gifts includingstigmata, bi-location & readingof souls. It shows his deep holinessand great compassion forthose who suffer. Directed byGiulio Base (Maria Goretti, SaintPeter) with music by legendaryfilm composer Ennio Morricone. English & Italianlanguage, Spanish & English subtitles. Includes collector’sbooklet. j PPBHE-M . . . 180 min., $24.95 $19.95Also available:Padre Pio: The Priest Who Bore the Wounds of Christj PADP-M . . . 390 min. 2-disc, $29.95Father of MercyThe True Story ofVenerable Don GnocchiFollow Fr. Carlo Gnocchi, anItalian priest who laboredheroically for wounded anddying soldiers in WWII, andfor victims of the war at home.Having volunteered as a chaplain,he witnessed the horrorsof the war, helped many sufferingsoldiers, and miraculouslyescaped death, returning tostart a foundation for the many child victims of war. Hiscause for beatification is underway in Rome. English &Italian language, Spanish & English subtitles. Includes Behindthe Scenes and 16-page collector’s booklet.j FM-M . . . 200 mins., $19.95St. Teresa of the AndesA lovely, epic miniseriesfrom Chile about the newCarmelite saint who livedin the 20th century, diedat just 19, and was canonizedin 1993. St. Teresa grewup in a close-knit family inSantiago, Chile, was popularwith friends and relatives,entered Carmel at 19, anddied before her 20th birthday.In Spanish with English subtitles.Special features: A documentary film on St. Teresa withFr. Christopher La Rocca, OCD, and a collector’s booklet.j STAN-M . . . 450 min., 3 DVDs, $29.95Saint FrancisFilmed on location in Assisiand other actual locationswhere St. Francis lived anddied, this feature film vividlytells the story of thisgreatly beloved saint fromchildhood through his death.Beautifully filmed with outstandingcinematographyand fine acting talent, thisfilm stars Italian actor RaoulBova as Francis and wasdirected by the acclaimed fimmaker, Michele Soavi.Italian with English or Spanish subtitles, or Englishdubbed track, and includes special sixteen-page collectiblebooklet.j STFRA-M . . . 205 min., $19.95to order, call 1-800-651-153126online at www.ignatius.com

FILMS OF INSPIRATIONA Man forAll SeasonsSpecial EditionThis is the acclaimed filmabout the conflict betweenSt. Thomas More andKing Henry VIII, filledwith intrigue, drama andcourage. Starring PaulSchofield, Robert Shaw,Wendy Hiller, OrsonWelles, Leo McKern, andJohn Hurt, this AcademyAward winner is in a special edition with commentaryand a biographical documentary about St.Thomas More.j MFS-M . . . 120 min, $19.95The StaircaseBased on the legend of the“miraculous stairway” atthe Sisters of Loretto Chapelin Santa Fe, New Mexico,this is a life-affirmingdrama of hope and faith.Mother Madalyn’s (BarbaraHershey) last wish is thather beloved chapel be completed.But when carpentersbuilt the chapel, theyneglected to erect stairs upto the choir loft, and nowadding a staircase is impossible. The arrival of Joad(William Petersen), may be the answer to MotherMadalyn’s prayers.j STAIR-M . . . 95 min., $14.95FaustinaA new drama on thelife of Blessed SisterFaustina, based uponher experiences recordedin her spiritual diary.She received fromOur Lord the visionsof Divine Mercy earlythis century. A beautiful,artistic portrayal ofher mystical life in highquality cinema. DorotaSegda was voted topactress of the year byfilm critics for her stunning portrayal of SisterFaustina. Polish with Span. & Eng. subtitles.j FAU-M, 80 min., $19.95Nine Days ThatChanged the WorldThe film explores Pope JohnPaul II’s historic nine-daypilgrimage to Poland in Juneof 1979, which created a revolutionof conscience thattransformed Poland and theworld. Newt and CallistaGingrich explore the eventsof these dramatic nine days.Featuring exclusive interviewswith George Weigel,Michael Novak, John O’Sullivan, Jerzy Kluger, Fr.Adam Boniecki, Fr. Thomas Williams, PresidentLech Walesa, President Vaclav Havel, Former CIADirector James Woolsey, and many more.j NDCW-M . . . 90 min., $19.95to order, call 1-800-651-153127The Scarletand the BlackThis outstanding film tellsthe true story of an Irishpriest in the Vatican whoorganizes an undergroundnetwork in Rome to hide theJews and others from theNazis during World War II.Gregory Peck stars as Msgr.Hugh O’Flaherty, who usesdisguises to do his dangerouswork and hide from theruthless Nazi commander (Christopher Plummer)who wants to murder the priest.j SB-M . . . 156 min., $14.95Also : The Scarlet and the Black (Book)SB-P . . . 190 pp, Illustrated, Sewn Softcover, $14.95The Miracle of OurLady of FatimaThe famous WarnerBrothers production of thetrue story of the appearanceof Our Lady to threechildren at Fatima in 1917.It gives a moving andaccurate account of Mary’sappearances and urgentrequests, the Miracle of theSun, and the events surroundingthe apparitions.A film to watch over and over. Starring GilbertRoland.j MOF-M . . . 102 min., $21.95ThérèseThis film, directed byLeonardo Defilippis, tellsthe story of St. Thérèse ofLisieux, a young girl who fellin love with Jesus Christ anddemonstrated a path of spirituality,known as the “LittleWay”, through the actions ofunconditional love, humancompassion, and selflessdevotion to duty. StarringLindsay Younce.j THE-M . . . 96 min, $19.95Our Father’s PlanThis 13-program series fromEWTN, featuring Dr. ScottHahn and Jeff Cavins, walksthrough salvation historyfrom Genesis to the Churchusing the chronological Biblenarrative. Some key themes:the expanding plan of salvationfrom one family to oneChurch, the law of Moses, theDavidic kingdom, how Jesusfulfills the law, the primacy ofPeter & the teachings of Paul.j OFP-M . . . 3 discs, 13 hours, $39.95Also available: Our Father’s Plan Study GuideOFP:S-P . . . 100 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Our Father’s Plan Bible Facilitator GuideOFP:F-P . . . 51 pp, Sewn Softcover, $6.95online at www.ignatius.com

INSPIRATIONAL MUSICAngels and Saintsat EphesusFollowing their acclaimed bestsellingdebut recording, Adventat Ephesus, the Benedictinesof Mary present this beautifulnew album featuring 17new!English and Latin pieces sungfor the feasts of the holy Saintsand Angels. Includes O God of Loveliness!, Let AllMortal Flesh Keep Silence, Duo Seraphim, Virgin WhollyMarvellous, Ave Regina Caelorum and 12 more gems.ASE-D . . . CD $17.95Also available: Advent at EphesusAAEP-D . . . CD $17.95Collin RayeHis Love RemainsCatholic country star CollinRaye hits the mark with manyclassic hymns including AveMaria, Let All Mortal Flesh KeepSilent, I am the Bread of Life, HowGreat Thou Art, Joyful, Joyful WeAdore Thee, Amazing Grace, HereI Am, Lord, and O Lord I am Not Worthy (duet withMarie Bellet). 15 hymns total.HLR-D . . . CD $16.95Voice from AssisiFriar AlessandroThis young Franciscan Friar,Alessandro Brustenghi, lives inthe same friary founded by St.Francis of Assisi. This uniqueand inspirational album featuressuch classic hymns asPanis Angelicus, Tantum Ergo,Make Me a Channel of Your Peace,Ave Maria, Pater Noster, Kyrie, Sancta Maria and fourmore. VFA-D . . . CD, $15.95The Piano GuysThe Piano Guys have becomea musical sensation. FromBeethoven and Mozart toJohn Williams and Adele,their eclectic mix resonateswith audiences across all generations.This top-selling debutalbum from Sony Masterworksincludes Beethoven’s 5 Secrets, Peponi, Over the Rainbow,Simple Gifts, The Cello Song, and 8 more.PGU-D . . . CD $15.95Also available: The Piano Guys 2PGU2-D . . . CD $15.95ChantThis chant album is from anancient Cistercian monastery inVienna, Austria. The album hasbecome an international sensation,and it presents the deepspiritual beauty of the monks’chants. 29 hymns in total, withcollectors booklet.CMS-D . . . CD $17.95Gregorian Chant • TheBest Loved Chants of SantoDomingo de SiloSome of the most cherishedchants, including Ave Maria, AdoroTe Devote, Salve Regina, PanisAngelicus, Alleluia Omnes Gentes,Lux Aeternum, In Paradisum,Pange Lingua and many more.Includes extensive liner-notes about each piece.GCHANT-D . . . CD $16.95to order, call 1-800-651-153128Mater EucharistiaeThe first recording from theDominican Sisters of Mary,Mother of the Eucharist. Betransported to their AnnArbor chapel and experiencetheir beautiful and pure renditionsof sacred music. Thenew!15 peaceful, serene songsincludes original compositions by the Sisters thatreflect their Dominican spirituality, along with modernand ancient hymns and chants in English and inLatin. Produced and engineered by Grammy Awardwinning talent, this gorgeous recording includesAve Maris Stella, Pange Lingua, Holy Mary Mother ofGod, Adoro Te, Jesu Dulcis Memoria, Salve Regina and9 more moving hymns. MEUC-D . . . CD $17.95Andrea Bocelli PassioneA collection of beautifullove songs featuring duetswith Jennifer Lopez, NellyFurtado, and Edith Piaf.Bocelli sings in six languages,with David Foster on piano,guitarist Ramon Stagnaro, anda 63-piece orchestra recordedin London. Includes beloved classics Love Me Tender,Girl From Ipanema, September Morn, La Vie En Roseand 10 more songs. ABPA-D . . . CD, $18.95The Best of AndreaBocelli: VivereFeatures 15 selections from theBocelli repertoire, and includesTime To Say Goodbye in duetwith Sarah Brightman, ThePrayer in duet with Celine Dion,plus Bocelli favorites BecauseWe Believe, Romanza, BesameMucho, Melodramma, & more. BABV-D . . . CD $18.95Andrea Bocelli Sacred AriasThe great tenor sings sacredarias by Verdi, Rossini, Schubert,Franck, Bach, Mozart, and others.16 songs total.AB-D . . . CD $18.95Also from Andrea BocelliIncanto INC-D . . . CD $18.95Then Sings My SoulThe Best of the PriestsA compilation of the Priests’recordings from their two popularalbums, The Priests andHarmony. Songs include AveMaria, Pie Jesu, Irish Blessing,Amazing Grace, Panis Angelicus,Danny Boy and 6 more gems.TSMS-D . . . CD $15.95The Priests HarmonyThis is the second albumby The Priests, the singingpriestly trio from Ireland.Harmony highlights more glorioushymns featuring theirrich vocals and harmonies onfavorite sacred songs such asThe Lord’s Prayer, AmazingGrace, and many more.HARM-D . . . CD $15.95Also available: The Priests PRI-D . . . CD $15.95online at www.ignatius.com

INSPIRATIONAL MUSICOur Lady, Mother of GodThis glorious anthology featuresMarian chants fromthe two great traditions ofChristianity, the East and theWest, from the finest chantmonasteries in the world. The18 Marian chants include SalveRegina, Regina Caeli, StabatMater, Salve Mater Misericordiae, Paradisi Portae, 3versions of Ave Maria, and many more.OLMG-D . . . CD, $15.95The Most RelaxingClassical Music in TheUniverseThis 2-CD set features twohours of some of the mostbeloved classical pieces of alltime, music to help soothe thenew!soul amidst today’s hectic culture.It offers 30 timeless piecesby Mozart, Bach, Handel, Beethoven, Debussey andmore, including Canon in D, Clair De Lune, Air on a GString, Ave Maria, Moonlight Sonata, The Four Seasonsand much more! MRCM-D . . . 2 CDs, $16.95Rosary & Chaplet ofDivine MercyRecorded at the NationalShrine of The Divine Mercy,the prayers are led by ShrineRector, Fr. Dan Papineau, MIC,with Vinny Flynn and his StillWaters family ministry.RCDM-D . . . CD $15.95Also Available: Benedictus BEHA-D . . . CD $15.95Placido DomingoSacred SongsThe beloved tenor presentsthis album of hymns, includingtwo duets with Norway’ssinging sensation, Sissel.Domingo performs 16 hymnsby famed composers Bach,Schubert, Gounod, Franck,Handel and more, with three Ave Marias, PanisAngelicus, Sanctus, Domine Deus, Kyrie and 6 more.PDSS-D . . . CD, $18.95Voices: Chant from AvignonThe Nuns of the Abbaye deNotre-Dame de l’Annonciation,in a remote region of France,won a global search byUniversal Music of over 70convents for the world’s finestfemale Gregorian Chant singers.Features the most ancientform of Gregorian Chant. The 22 Chants includeAdoro Te, Surrexit Dominus, Veni Sancte Spiritus,Magnificat, and many more. VCA-D . . . CD $17.95Women in ChantA best-seller nationwide,this wonderful album ofGregorian Chant is by theBenedictine Sisters of ReginaLaudis Abbey. These 24 Latinhymns celebrate the lives ofthe Virgin Mary and fourVirgin Martyrs. Incudes StabatMater, Kyrie, Regina Caeli and more.WIC-D . . . CD $18.95Also available Women in Chant II: RecordareWICR-D . . . CD $18.95to order, call 1-800-651-153129The Canadian TenorsLead With Your HeartProduced by famed composer/pianistDavid Foster, thisbeautiful album features awide range of musical styles.Includes Nessum Dorma, ForeverYoung, Anchor Me, Lead withYour Heart, Lullaby, AmazingGrace and 7 more. LWYH-D . . . CD, $16.95Also available: The Canadian TenorsCTEN-D . . . CD $17.95Josh Groban All That EchoesGroban’s album features songswritten by Groban, StevieWonder, Glen Hansard, andJimmy Webb. Songs includeBrave, She Moved Through theFair, Sincera, Falling Slowly, IBelieve and 7 more.ATE-D . . . CD, $18.95Also available: Josh Groban JG-D . . . CD $18.95Sacred Songs of MaryMarian hymns include OMaria, Stella Maris sung byTrio Mediaeval, Ave Mariaby Elisabeth Andreassan andJan Danielsen, Viridissima byJocelyn Montgomery, ReginaCaeli by the Huelgas Ensemble,Ave Maris Stella by The King’sConsort and 8 more. SSMA-D . . . CD $16.95Also available: Sacred Songs of AngelsSSOA-D . . . CD $16.95Through the Eyesof His MotherRosary, Divine Mercy, HymnsA Divine Mercy meditation set,with Irish tenor Mark Forrest,wife Muriel, and Fr. FrancisPeffley providing meditationsand vocal prayer for all20 Rosary mysteries, DivineMercy Chaplet, and the Litany of the Saints. A wonderful2 CD set. TEHM-D . . . 2 CDs, $16.95Jackie EvanchoDream With MeHighlights include two duets—with Barbra Streisand onSomewhere, and with SusanBoyle on A Mother’s Prayer. Othersongs include O Mio Babbino Caro,The Lord’s Prayer, Dream With Meand more. 14 songs total. TheDVD includes two bonus songs. (Susan Boyle is not inthe DVD concert). DWM-D . . . CD $14.95j DWME-M . . . 73 min., $19.95Also available: Songs from the Silver ScreenSFSS-D . . . CD $14.95L’Angélus Sacred HymnsThis greatly gifted young trioof singers/musicians offermoving renditions of 12 ofthe most beloved hymns.Selections include TantumErgo, Salve Regina, Jesus MyLord, My God, My All, Sing ofMary, Panis Angelicus, Be ThouMy Vision, and 5 more. SHY-D . . . CD $15.95Also Available: Ça C’est Bon! CBON-D . . . CD $15.95online at www.ignatius.com

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NonprofitOrganizationU.S. POSTAGEPAID<strong>Ignatius</strong> <strong>Press</strong>Bring this new filmon Mary to your town!P.O. Box 1339, Ft. Collins, CO 805221-800-651-1531 • www.ignatius.com“The most stunning portrayal of theVirgin Mary on film. It will make youwant to love her more than ever. Anabsolute masterpiece!”Fr. Donald Calloway, MICAuthor, No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy“Anyone should find this film a joy, astory that shares the discovery of thenewness of the unfathomable gift ofGod, becoming one of us.”MOTHER DOLORES HART, O.S.B.,Prioress, Abbey of Regina Laudis“This is a very anointed work, apowerful medium of grace.”Michael D. O’BRIEN,Author, Father Elijah: An Apocalypse“A terrific film that presents Mary asthe woman of deep faith, revealingespecially how she responded in herhumanity to the mysterious call of Godto be the mother of the Messiah.”FR. ANDREW APOSTOLI, C.F.R.,Author, Fatima for Today“A cinematic work of art that bringsMary’s amazing ‘yes’ to life.”Lisa Hendey,Founder of CatholicMom.comSchedule yourscreening now!MARY OF NAZARETH is an epic new motion pictureon the life of Mary, mother of Christ, from herchildhood through the Resurrection of Jesus. Thisfull length feature film about Our Lady, shot inEnglish in High Definition, was filmed in Europein very authentic locales with outstanding cinematography,a strong cast, and a majestic musicscore. Actress Alissa Jung gives a very beautiful,compelling and inspired portrayal of Mary. PopeBenedict XVI had the opportunity to screen thisfilm in the Apostolic Palace, and was touched bythe portrayal of Mary so vividly captured on film.MARY OF NAZARETH will become available forsponsored screenings in theaters through <strong>Ignatius</strong><strong>Press</strong> and Carmel Communications beginningOctober 1, <strong>2013</strong>. Don’t miss your chance to bringthe life of the Mother of Christ to a theater in yourtown during this limited engagement!For more information contactCarmel Communications:screenings@carmelcommunications.comor call 770-591-0045.See more at: www.Maryfilm.com

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