BCA PART I semester-wise scheme: 2007-2008 ... - Vikram University

BCA PART I semester-wise scheme: 2007-2008 ... - Vikram University BCA PART I semester-wise scheme: 2007-2008 ... - Vikram University

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UNIT - IIIProcess Synchronization: The Critical-section problem, Synchronization,Hardware, semaphores, Problem in synchronization, Synchronization insolaris2.Deadlocks: Clocks, Deadlocks, methods for handling, Characterization,Deadlock detection and recovery, deadlock avoidance, deadlock prevention,two phase locking, non-resource deadlocks, starvation.UNIT - IVMemory Management: Memory Management with and without swapping,logical versus physical address space, contiguous allocation, paging,segmentation, segmentation with paging.Virtual Memory: Virtual memory, demand paging, Page-replacement, pagereplacementalgorithm, modeling paging algorithms, design issue of pagingsegmentation.UNIT - VFile System: File concepts, access methods, directory structure, protection.File system Implementation: file-system structure, allocation methods, freespacemanagement, directory Implementation, efficiency and performance,recovery, file system of UNIX & DOS. Secondary - storage structure: Goalsand domain of protection, security protection mechanism, security problem,authentication, threats, monitoring and encryption.BOOKS:1. Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz Galvin, Addison -Wesley Publication. (Text).2. Modern operating systems by Andrew S. Tannenbaum.BCA - 603 : COMPUTER ORIENTED NUMERICAL METHODS(Using “C” Language)Max. Marks: 50OBJECTIVE : To introduce the concept of computer oriented numericalmethods.EXAMINATIONThe question paper will have the usual note saying “Attempt five questions62

choosing one from each Unit”, Thus, the paper will clearly specify Units,and have a pattern of two questions per unit, with an option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit.UNIT - INUMERICAL COMPUTATIONS:Computer Arithmetic: Floating Point Number Operations, Normalizationand their consequences. Iterative Methods: Bisection Method, FalsePosition Method, Newton Raphson Method, Secant Method, Graffes RootSquaring Method, Convergence of Solution.UNIT - IISimultaneous Linear Equations: Solution of simultaneous Linear Equations- Gauss Elimination Method, Gauss - Seidal Method, Gauss - JordanElimination Method, Triangularization Method & Pivoting Condensation,III Conditioned Equation & Refinement of solutions.Curve Fitting: Curve Fitting Method, Least Curve fitting, Non Linear curvefitting.UNIT - IIIDifference Operators and Interpolation: Definition of Forward, Backward,Shifting, Divided Difference, Central and Averaging Operators and theirRelationships. Newton’s Forward Interpolation Formula, Newton’sbackward Interpolation Formula, Newton’s Divided Interpolation Formula,Lagrange’s Interpolation Formula.UNIT - IVNumerical Differentiation: Numerical Differentiation using Newton’sForward Interpolation Formula, Newton’s backward Interpolation Formula,Newton’s Divided Interpolation Formula. Numerical Integration: GeneralQuadrature Formula, Newton – Cote’s Formula, Trapezoidal Rule,Simpson’s One Third Rule, Simpson’s Three Eight Rule.UNIT - VNumerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations: Euler’s Method,Euler’s Modified Method, Taylor’s Series Method, Picard’s method, RungeKutta Second Order and Fourth order Method.BOOKS:1. Numerical Analysis by Gupta And Malik. (TEXT).63

UNIT - IIIProcess Synchronization: The Critical-section problem, Synchronization,Hardware, semaphores, Problem in synchronization, Synchronization insolaris2.Deadlocks: Clocks, Deadlocks, methods for handling, Characterization,Deadlock detection and recovery, deadlock avoidance, deadlock prevention,two phase locking, non-resource deadlocks, starvation.UNIT - IVMemory Management: Memory Management with and without swapping,logical versus physical address space, contiguous allocation, paging,segmentation, segmentation with paging.Virtual Memory: Virtual memory, demand paging, Page-replacement, pagereplacementalgorithm, modeling paging algorithms, design issue of pagingsegmentation.UNIT - VFile System: File concepts, access methods, directory structure, protection.File system Implementation: file-system structure, allocation methods, freespacemanagement, directory Implementation, efficiency and performance,recovery, file system of UNIX & DOS. Secondary - storage structure: Goalsand domain of protection, security protection mechanism, security problem,authentication, threats, monitoring and encryption.BOOKS:1. Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz Galvin, Addison -Wesley Publication. (Text).2. Modern operating systems by Andrew S. Tannenbaum.<strong>BCA</strong> - 603 : COMPUTER ORIENTED NUMERICAL METHODS(Using “C” Language)Max. Marks: 50OBJECTIVE : To introduce the concept of computer oriented numericalmethods.EXAMINATIONThe question paper will have the usual note saying “Attempt five questions62

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