BCA PART I semester-wise scheme: 2007-2008 ... - Vikram University

BCA PART I semester-wise scheme: 2007-2008 ... - Vikram University BCA PART I semester-wise scheme: 2007-2008 ... - Vikram University

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UNIT- VSystem Administration: super user, security, user services, floppy disk,management operation. file system, administration backups.BOOKS:1. Unix Operating System by Smitabha Das2. An Introduction to Operating System by DeitelBCA-406 : ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESSMax Marks: 25OBJECTIVE : To introduce the concept of Environmental Awareness.EXAMINATIONThe question paper will have the usual note saying “Attempt five questionschoosing one from each Unit”, Thus, the paper will clearly specify Units,and have a pattern of two questions per unit, with an option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit.UNIT- IEnvironment meaning, structure and type of environment, components ofenvironment and society environment and resources. Man Environmentalrelationship; Approach to study; man Interaction with environment(historical to present day).UNIT- IIEnvironmental Degradation: Meaning of degradation, types of degradation,process of degradation, cause of degradation, Religious and Philosophicalfactors deforestation agricultural development and degradation populationgrowth and Degradation, urbanization and degradation, Modern technologyand degradation.UNIT- IIIEcology: Definition of ecology and ecosystem. Types of Ecosystem,components of ecosystem, functions of ecosystem, Productivity and stabilityof ecosystems.Environmental Disasters: Meaning and concepts, types of hazards anddisaster, man induced and natural hazards, global warming, ozone depletion,46

green house effect and other major Environmental problems.UNIT- IVEnvironmental Pollution: Air, water, solid, noise pollution, Meaning,definition, sources, types, adheres effects and methods of control.UNIT- VEnvironmental Planning and Management: Concepts, aspects andApproaches, resources management, ecological Mgt. Biosphere Reserves,Management of wild life. Environmental Regulation and Rules: Vision ofenvironment by Govt. of India, Environmental Policies, waste disposal rulesand laws and legislation enacted by Parliament for environmentalprotection.BOOKS:1. Environmental Geography by Savinder Singh.2. Environmental Concept/Issues by Rupa And Co.3. Environment Rules and Regulation.4. Environment Mgt., by G.N.Pandey, Vikas Publication.BCA – 407: PRACTICAL EXERCISE(Data Base Management System)Max. Marks:501. E-R diagram based on queries.2. Queries based on SQL including set operation and aggregatefunction.3. Queries based on SQL including other operators like in operator,between operators, like operators, check operators.4. Retrieve data from the table using SQL statement.5. Queries based on QUEL and QBE (Query by Example).BCA – 408: PRACTICAL EXERCISE(Digital Computer Organization)Max. Marks:251. Conversion from decimal to Binary.47

green house effect and other major Environmental problems.UNIT- IVEnvironmental Pollution: Air, water, solid, noise pollution, Meaning,definition, sources, types, adheres effects and methods of control.UNIT- VEnvironmental Planning and Management: Concepts, aspects andApproaches, resources management, ecological Mgt. Biosphere Reserves,Management of wild life. Environmental Regulation and Rules: Vision ofenvironment by Govt. of India, Environmental Policies, waste disposal rulesand laws and legislation enacted by Parliament for environmentalprotection.BOOKS:1. Environmental Geography by Savinder Singh.2. Environmental Concept/Issues by Rupa And Co.3. Environment Rules and Regulation.4. Environment Mgt., by G.N.Pandey, Vikas Publication.<strong>BCA</strong> – 407: PRACTICAL EXERCISE(Data Base Management System)Max. Marks:501. E-R diagram based on queries.2. Queries based on SQL including set operation and aggregatefunction.3. Queries based on SQL including other operators like in operator,between operators, like operators, check operators.4. Retrieve data from the table using SQL statement.5. Queries based on QUEL and QBE (Query by Example).<strong>BCA</strong> – 408: PRACTICAL EXERCISE(Digital Computer Organization)Max. Marks:251. Conversion from decimal to Binary.47

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