BCA PART I semester-wise scheme: 2007-2008 ... - Vikram University

BCA PART I semester-wise scheme: 2007-2008 ... - Vikram University BCA PART I semester-wise scheme: 2007-2008 ... - Vikram University

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10- lknxh egkRek xk¡/kh 37bdkà ik¡p 11- ;ksx dh 'kfDr gfjoa’kjk; **cPpu** 3912- f'kdkxks esa Lokeh foosdkuUn dk i= 43[k.M nks % fgUnh Hkk"kk] lEçs"k.k dkS’kybdkà ,d d- ekud fgUnh Hkk"kk 48[k- v'kqf);k¡ vkSj mudk la’kks/ku 67bdkà nks d- fgUnh dk 'kCn&HkaMkj 79[k- fgUnh dh okD;&jpuk vkSj fojke fpUg 91bdkà rhu d- i=&ys[ku] lkj&ys[ku vkSj iYyou 107[k.M rhu % Hkkjrh; laL—frbdkà pkj d- Hkkjr ns’k vkSj mlds fuoklh 126[k- Hkkjrh; lekt dh lajpuk 134x- Lkekftd xfr’khyrk 142?k- /keZ vkSj n’kZu 146bdkà ik¡p d- Hkkjrh; laL—fr dk fo’o ij çHkko 155[k- e/;çns’k dk lkaL—frd oSHko 165BCA - 207: ‘C’ PROGRAMMING LABORATORYMax. Marks: 50List of Practicals• To sum n different nos. using array.• To generate fibonacci series.• To find nth fibonacci no.• To generate prime nos. series.• To find nth prime no.• To find G.C.D of two nos.24

• Binary Search & Linear Search.• Bubble sort• Selection sort.• Matrix addition.• Matrix Multiplication.• Exchanging the values of third nos. without using third variable.• Exchanging the values of two nos. using third variable.• To find square root of a nos. without using built in function.• To find factorial of a no.• To find factorial of a no. using recursion.• To reverse the digit of a no.• To reverse the given string.• To find whether year is leap year or not.• To create a record having five fields.• To search a name in a record of students.• To exchange the value of two variable using function.• To add two no. using pointer.• To create a file of character.• To read a file.• To create a file of integer.• To create a file of record.• To copy a file.• To merge two files.• Find the sum of series i) 1+2+….n ii) 2+4+….niii) 1+3+…niv)1+2/2! + 3/3! +…. v) 1+ x /1! + x 2 /2! +x 3 /3! +….vi)l- x/1! + x 2 /2! - x 3 /3! +….• To find the space and required by different types of element.• To find transpose of a matrix.• To find inverse of a matrix.• To convert lowercase string to uppercase.• To read character from one text file convert into uppercase and lengthinto other file.• Write a program which ask date of birth in dd/mm/yy format and spell itin word.• To find out twins prime no..25

10- lknxh egkRek xk¡/kh 37bdkà ik¡p 11- ;ksx dh 'kfDr gfjoa’kjk; **cPpu** 3912- f'kdkxks esa Lokeh foosdkuUn dk i= 43[k.M nks % fgUnh Hkk"kk] lEçs"k.k dkS’kybdkà ,d d- ekud fgUnh Hkk"kk 48[k- v'kqf);k¡ vkSj mudk la’kks/ku 67bdkà nks d- fgUnh dk 'kCn&HkaMkj 79[k- fgUnh dh okD;&jpuk vkSj fojke fpUg 91bdkà rhu d- i=&ys[ku] lkj&ys[ku vkSj iYyou 107[k.M rhu % Hkkjrh; laL—frbdkà pkj d- Hkkjr ns’k vkSj mlds fuoklh 126[k- Hkkjrh; lekt dh lajpuk 134x- Lkekftd xfr’khyrk 142?k- /keZ vkSj n’kZu 146bdkà ik¡p d- Hkkjrh; laL—fr dk fo’o ij çHkko 155[k- e/;çns’k dk lkaL—frd oSHko 165<strong>BCA</strong> - 207: ‘C’ PROGRAMMING LABORATORYMax. Marks: 50List of Practicals• To sum n different nos. using array.• To generate fibonacci series.• To find nth fibonacci no.• To generate prime nos. series.• To find nth prime no.• To find G.C.D of two nos.24

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