BCA PART I semester-wise scheme: 2007-2008 ... - Vikram University

BCA PART I semester-wise scheme: 2007-2008 ... - Vikram University BCA PART I semester-wise scheme: 2007-2008 ... - Vikram University

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UNIT - VAnalysis of Variance: one - way & Two - way classification with oneobservation per cell, basic designs of experiments: completely randomizeddesign, randomized block design & latin square design.BOOKS:1. Mathematical Statistics by J. N. Kapoor & H. C. Saxena, S. Chand &Co.2. Fundamentals of Statistics Vol. I By A. M. Goon, B. Dasgupta, M. K.Gupta, The World press pvt. Ltd.BCA - 203: PHYSICS - IIMax. Marks: 50OBJECTIVE : The objective of this course is to familiarize the studentswith Optics and Magnetism.EXAMINATIONThe question paper will have the usual note saying “Attempt five questionschoosing one from each Unit”, Thus, the paper will clearly specify Units,and have a pattern of two questions per unit, with an option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit.UNIT -IBasic concepts of Electromagnetic wave propagation, properties of planewave Propagation, guided and unguided media, ionospheric propagation:critical frequency, MUF, skip distance, drik propagation.Electromagnetic waves: Transmission line, coaxial cable, reflectioncoefficient, VSWR, Standing waves, impedance matching, wave guide,traveling waves and Maxwell’s equations.UNIT - IIInterference: Principle of Superposition, Interference of light, Analyticaltreatment of Interference, Theory of Interference fringes, Interference in thinfilms, wedge shaped film, Newton’s rings and determination of wavelength,Michelson’s interferometer and its uses.18

UNIT - IIIDiffraction: Two kinds of diffraction, Rectilinear Propagation of light, Zoneplate, Diffraction at straight edge, Diffraction at single slit, double slit,plane diffraction grating, Resolving power of a grating, Dispersive power ofa grating.UNIT - IVPolarization: Polarization of light waves, various types of light, doublerefraction, Nicol’s prism, Huygen’s theory of double refraction, Quarter andhalf wave plate, Production & analysis of polarized light of different kind,Optical activity, Fresnel’s theory of optical rotation.UNIT - VDoppler effect of light & its applications.Laser: concepts of coherence, spatial and temporal coherence, Spontaneousand stimulated emission, Population inversion, Ruby Laser, Gas Laser,Semiconductor Laser, Uses of Laser.BOOKS:1.Physics Part II : Resnick & Halliday.2. Engineering Physics: R. K. Gaur & S. L. Gupta., Dhanpat Rai PublicationBCA - 204 : ‘C’ PROGRAMMINGMax. Marks: 50OBJECTIVE : The objective of this course is to enhance theirprogramming capabilities using C.EXAMINATIONThe question paper will have the usual note saying “Attempt five questionschoosing one from each Unit”, Thus, the paper will clearly specify Units,and have a pattern of two questions per unit, with an option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit.UNIT - IDifferent data types and sizes, variables names, constants, Declarations,type conversion, Arithmetic operators, Relational and logical operators,19

UNIT - IIIDiffraction: Two kinds of diffraction, Rectilinear Propagation of light, Zoneplate, Diffraction at straight edge, Diffraction at single slit, double slit,plane diffraction grating, Resolving power of a grating, Dispersive power ofa grating.UNIT - IVPolarization: Polarization of light waves, various types of light, doublerefraction, Nicol’s prism, Huygen’s theory of double refraction, Quarter andhalf wave plate, Production & analysis of polarized light of different kind,Optical activity, Fresnel’s theory of optical rotation.UNIT - VDoppler effect of light & its applications.Laser: concepts of coherence, spatial and temporal coherence, Spontaneousand stimulated emission, Population inversion, Ruby Laser, Gas Laser,Semiconductor Laser, Uses of Laser.BOOKS:1.Physics Part II : Resnick & Halliday.2. Engineering Physics: R. K. Gaur & S. L. Gupta., Dhanpat Rai Publication<strong>BCA</strong> - 204 : ‘C’ PROGRAMMINGMax. Marks: 50OBJECTIVE : The objective of this course is to enhance theirprogramming capabilities using C.EXAMINATIONThe question paper will have the usual note saying “Attempt five questionschoosing one from each Unit”, Thus, the paper will clearly specify Units,and have a pattern of two questions per unit, with an option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit.UNIT - IDifferent data types and sizes, variables names, constants, Declarations,type conversion, Arithmetic operators, Relational and logical operators,19

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