BCA PART I semester-wise scheme: 2007-2008 ... - Vikram University

BCA PART I semester-wise scheme: 2007-2008 ... - Vikram University BCA PART I semester-wise scheme: 2007-2008 ... - Vikram University

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SEMESTER - IIBCA - 201 : MATHEMATICS-IIMax.Mark: 50OBJECTIVE : The objective of this course is to help students gainknowledge about advanced Calculus.EXAMINATIONThe question paper will have the usual note saying “Attempt five questionschoosing one from each Unit”, Thus, the paper will clearly specify Units,and have a pattern of two questions per unit, with an option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit.UNIT - ICurve tracing: Tracing of curves with equations in Cartesian & polar forms.Improper Integrals: Convergence of improper integrals, Evaluation ofconvergent improper integrals.UNIT – IIGamma and Beta functions and their properties, some important deductions(duplication formula), Rectification: length curve, intrinsic equation.UNIT-IIIMultiple integrals: Integration of functions of two & three variables, Double& triple integrals, Dirichlet integral use of double and triple integrals infinding areas and volumes. Vector integration: Indefinite and definite, Line,surface and volume integrals, Gauss and stokes theorems and someapplications.UNIT - IVPartial differential: Function of several variables, Limits, continuity anddifferentiability, Partial derivatives, Eulers Theorem, Mean Theorem, Meanvalue theorem & Taylor’s theorem.UNIT -VMaxima & Minima, functions of two and three variables, convergence anddivergence of series: Definition and various tests.16

BOOKS:1. A text book of higher calculus for B.Sc II by Dr. H. S. Sharma. RatanPrakashan2. A text book of Higher calculus for B.Sc II by Dr. H. K. Pathak & D.C.Agrawal.Shikha Sahitya Prakashan. .BCA - 202 : STATISTICAL METHODS - IIMax. Marks: 50OBJECTIVE : The objective of this course is to give knowledge about theadvanced statistics to the studentsEXAMINATIONThe question paper will have the usual note saying “Attempt five questionschoosing one from each Unit”, Thus, the paper will clearly specify Units,and have a pattern of two questions per unit, with an option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit.UNIT - IEstimation Theory, Unbiasedness, consistency, efficiency and sufficiency ofestimators, Maximum likelihood estimates and their properties (withoutproof). Cramer Rao inequality and Minimum variance estimates.UNIT - IITesting of Hypotheses: Simple and composite hypothesis, errors of kind- Iand kind - II, critical region, level of significance, size and power of a test,Neymann Pearson's fundamental, lemma and its application (with proof).UNIT - IIITests of significance: Test of simple hypothesis, Beta, gamma distributionsand their properties, Chi-square, T, F, Z distribution and tests based onthem.UNIT - IVNon - parametric Tests: Sign test, Median test, Wilcoxon’s run test,Wilcoxon’s signed rank test, contingency tables.17

BOOKS:1. A text book of higher calculus for B.Sc II by Dr. H. S. Sharma. RatanPrakashan2. A text book of Higher calculus for B.Sc II by Dr. H. K. Pathak & D.C.Agrawal.Shikha Sahitya Prakashan. .<strong>BCA</strong> - 202 : STATISTICAL METHODS - IIMax. Marks: 50OBJECTIVE : The objective of this course is to give knowledge about theadvanced statistics to the studentsEXAMINATIONThe question paper will have the usual note saying “Attempt five questionschoosing one from each Unit”, Thus, the paper will clearly specify Units,and have a pattern of two questions per unit, with an option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit.UNIT - IEstimation Theory, Unbiasedness, consistency, efficiency and sufficiency ofestimators, Maximum likelihood estimates and their properties (withoutproof). Cramer Rao inequality and Minimum variance estimates.UNIT - IITesting of Hypotheses: Simple and composite hypothesis, errors of kind- Iand kind - II, critical region, level of significance, size and power of a test,Neymann Pearson's fundamental, lemma and its application (with proof).UNIT - IIITests of significance: Test of simple hypothesis, Beta, gamma distributionsand their properties, Chi-square, T, F, Z distribution and tests based onthem.UNIT - IVNon - parametric Tests: Sign test, Median test, Wilcoxon’s run test,Wilcoxon’s signed rank test, contingency tables.17

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