DCI(RN) 168 Transfer of the RN Commando ... - Royal Marines

DCI(RN) 168 Transfer of the RN Commando ... - Royal Marines

DCI(RN) 168 Transfer of the RN Commando ... - Royal Marines

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Not to be communicated toanyone outside HM Servicewithout authorityDel <strong>RN</strong> 163-1761997Defence Council InstructionsDCls are automaticallyMINISTRY OF DEFENCE7 November 1997cancelled after one year

<strong>168</strong>/97 <strong>Transfer</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>RN</strong> <strong>Commando</strong> Aircrewman role to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong>(U)Introduction[D/NAVSECI7745/3/3/1: 27507VB)1. Following extensive study, it has been decided that <strong>the</strong> best way to maintainOperational Capability in <strong>the</strong> front line Naval <strong>Commando</strong> Squadrons (Cdo Sqns), isto establish a <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong> Aircrewman (RMAC) specialisation. The introduction<strong>of</strong> this specialisation will allow for <strong>the</strong> gradual transfer <strong>of</strong> responsibility from <strong>the</strong>present Naval Cdo Aircrewman (Acmn) sub-specialisation, which will bediscontinued when <strong>the</strong> transfer is complete.Aim2. This <strong>DCI</strong> will outline <strong>the</strong> entry and training requirements for <strong>the</strong> RMACSpecialisation, and <strong>the</strong> implementation plan including implications for <strong>the</strong> NavalCdo Acmn.Manning Requirement3. There is a requirement for 49 RMAC billets in FONA, and <strong>the</strong> Front and SecondLine Fleet Air Arm (FAA) units, including three billets in <strong>the</strong> Higher TrainingQuotient (HTQ).Future RM <strong>Commando</strong> StructureRM Aircrewman entry and selection requirements4. The entry requirements for RMAC are as follows:a. Marine 1st Class passed Junior Command Course at Grade B or above, orsubstantive Corporal status.b. Medical category Bl.c. Qualified educationally NAMET 3:3.d. Passed <strong>the</strong> RM Battle Swimming Test.e. Over <strong>the</strong> age <strong>of</strong> 19 and under <strong>the</strong> age <strong>of</strong> 28 on commencement <strong>of</strong> AircrewFlying Training (AFT).f. Successful completion <strong>of</strong> flying grading.RM aircrewman training5. On completion <strong>of</strong> Flying Grading, successful candidates will be called forward by<strong>the</strong> RM drafting desk to commence Flying Training which will consist <strong>of</strong>:a. Basic Flying Training (BFT) - seven weeks at <strong>the</strong> Defence Helicopter FlyingSchool (DHFS), Shawbury, Shropshire.b. Advanced Flying Training (AFT) - four weeks at Culdrose.RESTRICTED 11

•<strong>RN</strong> <strong>168</strong> 15 weeks at Yeovilton .. 'ng (OFf)-. nal Flying Tra llu .c operahO . II d and <strong>the</strong> results <strong>of</strong> validation w'l). h been tna e , "11 b I I. . g syllabUS as 5 ecial emphasIs WI e paced on th6. The RMAC ~~~t~ <strong>the</strong> course strUcture. P ebe incOrpora te [-core requ irem ents ° .a.b.NavigationFlight planning andc. Load lifting.Certificate <strong>of</strong> Competenced b On Job Training (OJT) with a Front Line Sqn. On7 Training will be consolidate BY k RMAC will be awarded a Certificate <strong>of</strong>. f <strong>the</strong> O]T Task 00, 'f' d d d hcompletion 0 'd d t be Cdo Acmn quah le , awar e t e adqualCompetence (C<strong>of</strong>C), conSl ere 0'CDOAIR', and promoted to Cpl.Training Failuresded from flying training will be referred to <strong>the</strong> Naval8 RM students who are suspen . .. d . B d (NAAB) Confirmation <strong>of</strong> a failure wIll result inAircrew A vlsory oar' . \. .. If fl' g training and reversion to source speCla IsatlOn.wlthdrawa rom ymReturn <strong>of</strong> Service9. RMAC will be required to give a minimum <strong>of</strong> three years return <strong>of</strong> service fromcompletion <strong>of</strong> OFf in accordance with BR 8748 Article 0219.l.e.Specialist Qualification One (SQl) awards10. The award <strong>of</strong> SQl is dependant upon passing <strong>the</strong> special qualifying course(equivalent to <strong>the</strong> current Petty Officer's Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Qualifying Examination[PQE]), possession <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Cdo Acmn C<strong>of</strong>C, and flying standard assessment <strong>of</strong>Average or above.11. The future RMAC promotion structure, based upon current RM structures, is at<strong>the</strong> ANNEX.Transition Arrangements12 <strong>RN</strong>CdoA '11 .engagement ~; ~'llc~ntlnue to se~ve until at least <strong>the</strong> completion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir currentthrough th~ s y. rl tie replaced, In normal course, by RMAC as <strong>the</strong> RMs growspecialisation t-fa:c~:~~~d o~r ~~~tine ~ansfer from <strong>the</strong> ASW to <strong>the</strong> Cdo subwillnormally be recruited. al ratings and, henceforth, only RM o<strong>the</strong>r ranks<strong>RN</strong> <strong>Commando</strong> AircrewmenPromotIOn/advancement1;. In future, <strong>RN</strong> Cdo and ASW Ac .P omOtion purposes and for selecf ~n Will be segregated for advancement and~eharated, <strong>the</strong>re will be mOre Cp~on or 20E. Once <strong>the</strong> pure Cdo Acmn have beenrequired by <strong>the</strong> <strong>RN</strong>12 nsupportable 111 <strong>the</strong> long term. Therefore,c ernes <strong>of</strong> Complement; clearly t~sai~~ POs than are ~trictlyRESTRICTED

RESTRICTED <strong>RN</strong> <strong>168</strong><strong>the</strong>r' will be an initial rL'quirement to bring <strong>the</strong> Bearing into line with <strong>the</strong>Requirement by rat~ .. TIllIs: advancement and promo~i.on for <strong>RN</strong> Cdo Acmn in <strong>the</strong>earl\, years ot transItion Will be slower than before. Similarly, <strong>the</strong> opportunity for20E will be restricted to those r:1tlOgs who can genuinely be employed in <strong>the</strong> longterm.H. Promotion <strong>of</strong> Rand RM Acmn will be maintained on current Service rules andregulations. An independent selection boar~ convened by DGNM and consisting <strong>of</strong>DJ t-.1RM,0 !\.AV and 11 third member trom ei<strong>the</strong>r FONA, HQRM or C D willsit in <strong>the</strong> e\'ent that two candi~ates, one RM o<strong>the</strong>r rank, and one <strong>RN</strong> rating, <strong>of</strong>similar merit are in competition tor a single promotion slot.Reversion to ASW15. In recognition <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fact that some ratings may see <strong>the</strong>ir aspirations forpn-.motion or 20E reduced <strong>the</strong>re will be a limited period during which <strong>the</strong>y canrequ st to transfer, permanently, back to <strong>the</strong> ASW specialisation. Any transfer willbe subject to <strong>the</strong> requirements <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Service and dependent upon <strong>the</strong>iremployability as an ASW Acmn in <strong>the</strong>ir current rate. For those ratings who apply,and are accepted, <strong>the</strong>re will be no option to return to <strong>the</strong> Cdo sub-specialisation.10. <strong>Transfer</strong> requests may be forwarded up to 1 Jan 98 through normaladministrative charmels - <strong>the</strong>reafter <strong>the</strong>re will be no fur<strong>the</strong>r opportunity to transfer.Requests will only be granted if judged to be in <strong>the</strong> Service interest. Requests willremain extant until ei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> rating leaves <strong>the</strong> Service or he decides to withdraw <strong>the</strong>reque t. Ratings may withdraw <strong>the</strong> request at any time.TimescaIes17. The overall timescale for <strong>the</strong> transfer <strong>of</strong> re ponsibiJity for <strong>the</strong> provision <strong>of</strong> CdoAonn from <strong>RN</strong> to RM persormel is not expected to be fully complete until 2009.Shortfalls18. Fur<strong>the</strong>r transfer <strong>of</strong> ASW AcnU1 to <strong>the</strong> <strong>RN</strong> Cdo Acrnn subspeciali ation afterbranch transfer has commenced is only likely in <strong>the</strong> event that <strong>the</strong> R11 are unable tomeet <strong>the</strong> manning requirement for RMAC.Implementation Working Group19. A Working Group has been formed under <strong>the</strong> chairmanship <strong>of</strong> 0 M(RM) tomonitor recruiting, training, promotion, and <strong>the</strong> maintenance <strong>of</strong> operationaleffectivene s, whilst <strong>the</strong> transfer <strong>of</strong> responsibility takes place. This group consists <strong>of</strong>(CHOTS addresses):o MRM (Chairman)o M AVFONA/ OCHC D/03AHQRM/COONM EClARelated Regulations20. A Cop\' <strong>of</strong> this OCI is to be retained \\'ithin <strong>the</strong> covers <strong>of</strong> BR 1283 (Rl)\,al . ~larint':'Instructions) and BR 1006 (Adv,mcement Regulations) until incorporated at <strong>the</strong> ne"tdmendments.RESTRICTED 13

ANNEXRMAC _ Branch and promotion structureI C mmando Aircrewman qualifiedCorpora (R~quirement - 24 Billets)Pass Senior Command CourseQualified RMAClSelection by Promotion BoardSergeant(Requirement - 17 Billets)Selection by Promotion BoardColour Sergeant(Requirement - Five Billets)Qualified Educationally for Warrant Officer (QEWO)Passed Advanced Command CourseSelection by Promotion BoardWarrant Officer 2nd Class(Requirement - Two Billets)Selection by Promotion BoardWarrant Officer 1st Class

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