Name: Mrs. Michelle L. Stephens - Oklahoma Christian University

Name: Mrs. Michelle L. Stephens - Oklahoma Christian University

Name: Mrs. Michelle L. Stephens - Oklahoma Christian University

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“Lord,show me who I canbless today.”Those words were written last July byDr. Kim Gaither in a prayer journal thatwas given to her by her daughter, Brianna,last Mother’s Day. Brianna read thosewords at her mother’s funeral on Nov. 23,2005.To have raised a daughter who couldstand and speak at such an occasionis a testament to the kind of life KimGaither lived. Her daughter carried on theexample of her mother, blessing others bysharing her mother’s words of faith.Kimberley Kay (Herron) Gaithergraduated from <strong>Oklahoma</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> in1981, returned there to teach in 1988 andwas serving as Professor of Biology at thetime of her death on Nov. 19, 2005.Kim was diagnosed with a rare andviolently aggressive breast cancer in 2001.She fought it hard and was in remissionfor 18 months before tumors reappearedlast year.Kim, who received OC’s Gaylord Chairfor Distinguished Teaching in 2004, helda B.S. degree in biology/chemistry from<strong>Oklahoma</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> and M.S. and Ph.D.degrees in microbiology and immunologyfrom the <strong>University</strong> of <strong>Oklahoma</strong> HealthSciences Center.May 19, 2005 STFather. I feel so inward focused these days. Lifeis so much more enjoyable when others – familyand friends – are my focus. Help me be content inevery and any circumstance. - Kim’s JournalFor anyone who knew Kim – whetheras a fellow student more than 25 yearsago, or as someone who was blessed tohear her sing, or as her friend, or as astudent who sat in her classroom the daybefore she died – she exemplified courage,determination and an abiding trust inGod.Joseph Thurman was one of thestudents who was in Dr. Gaither’s lastmicrobiology class.“Last semester was a defining timein my life. We were wrapped up in Dr.Gaither’s journey through her treatments,going from fear at the announcementof the brain tumor, to great hope at thetreatment in Pittsburgh, to confusionand despair as her condition suddenlyworsened, to sudden shock and grief ather death,” he said.“That emotional rollercoaster actuallytaught us all a lot about life, faith, and theimpact we are each capable of makingon those around us,” said Thurman, whoplans to attend medical school.Kim made an impact on everyone– immediate and long-lasting impressionsthat remain clear in the hearts and mindsof many who shared their memoriesabout her on the OC website.Judith (Bennyhoff) White (79) wrote,“I met Kim during Neat Week before ourfreshman year in college. We instantlybecame friends and I watched Davidspot Kim on a hill singing during adevotional one night, during our firstweek of freshman year. He scooted overby her and from that moment on theywere together. Kim was always there tolisten, trim your hair, laugh – she was justa great presence to be around. I especiallyremember our Chorale trips freshman andsophomore years. Yes, our loss is heaven’sgain.”And for Kim (Smith) Hart (82), “Iremember so many things about Kim! Shehad such a giving and caring personality.You could see that she always walked thewalk of Jesus. My fondest memory ofKim was when she directed Spring Singfor Gamma Rho in 1980. She was so VISION SPRING 2006 Transforming lives for <strong>Christian</strong> faith, leadership, and service.

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