View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

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LTCC CATALOG <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong> 79 MAJORSVisual and Performing ArtsThe Fine Arts program is designed to provide an introduction to VisualArt, Music and Theatre Arts and to allow for emphasis in any of thoseareas. All three programs are designed so students receive individual attention.The Art department provides studio facilities in most areas, as well asproviding art history instruction. The Music department offers <strong>the</strong>ory, historyand appreciation courses and has instruction in voice and piano. The TheatreArts department has many opportunities for student involvement in <strong>the</strong>aterproduction and acting. All three departments actively encourage involvementin and are part of community art, music and drama activities.•••A. GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS(See page 45 for details.)B. REQUIRED COURSESFor <strong>the</strong> Fine Arts major, you may pick an emphasis of ei<strong>the</strong>r General,Theatre Arts, Music or Art. If you wish to pursue Art as a major see page59. Repeatable classes may only count once for major requirements. Youmay use repeated classes as electives.1. AREA OF CONCENTRATION - GENERALStudent Learning Outcomes for this major are:• Demonstrate artistic expression through fundamental skills in Art,Music, Dance, and Theatre.• Define a selected Visual and Performing Arts vocabulary.• Analyze aspects of <strong>the</strong> Visual and Performing Arts and <strong>the</strong>irsignificance in relation to a social and/or cultural context.34-39.5 units distributed as follows:a. 8 units from:ART 101 Art History: Prehistoric - IslamicART 102 Art History: Medieval Europe - RenaissanceART 103 Art History: Baroque - ContemporaryART 106 Artists’ LivesART 107 Art of <strong>the</strong> AmericasART 141 The History of Photographyb. 4 units from:MUS 104A/THE 104A* History of Musical TheatreMUS 104B History of Rock MusicMUS 104C Music of <strong>the</strong> WorldMUS 104D Music of Latin AmericaMUS 104E The BeatlesMUS 104F History of JazzTHE 101 Introduction to TheatreTHE 112A History of Film: Beginnings to 1945THE 112B History of Film: 1945 to 1965THE 112C History of Film: 1965 to Present(* cannot be double counted for Music and Theatre Arts)c. 4 units from:THE 105 Introduction to ActingTHE 106A Fundamentals of Acting: Voice/DialectsTHE 106B Fundamentals of Acting: MovementTHE 106C Fundamentals of Acting: StylesTHE 108 Improvisational TheatreTHE 109 Children’s TheatreTHE 122 Collaborative WorkshopTHE 126 Musical Theatre TechniquesTHE 128A/B/C/D Production TechniquesTHE 129 StagecraftTHE 130 Stage LightingTHE 208 Advanced ImprovisationTHE 228A/B/C/D Advanced Production Techniquesd. 8 -9.5 units from:MUS 101 Music Listening and AppreciationMUS 102 Survey of Music IMUS 103 Survey of Music IIMUS 111 Basic Music Theory IMUS 112 Basic Music Theory IIMUS 113 Basic Music Theory IIIe. 4-6 units from:DAN 101, 102A, 102B, 102D, 103A, 103B, 104A,104B, 105A, 105B, 105D, 106, 107A, 107B, 108, 109A,109B, 110A, 110B, 111, 112A, 112B, 113, 114A, 114B, 114C,115A, 115B, 116A, 116B, 118A, 118B, 119, 120A, 120B, 121,122, 123, 124A, 141, 142f. 6-8 units from:(Courses under this section cannot be double-counted forArea B.1.a, B.1.b., B.1.c., B.1.d., and B.1.e.)ART 106, 111, 112, 113, 114A, 114B, 114C, 115, 116,117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 128, 135A, 135B, 135C, 141, 142,143, 145A, 145B, 146, 147, 201, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214,215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 228, 233,234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 242, 244, 247, 248, 249DAN 101, 102A, 102B, 103A, 103B, 104A, 104B, 105A,105B, 105D, 106, 107A, 107B, 108, 109A, 109B, 110A, 110B,111, 112A, 112B, 113, 114A, 114B, 115A, 115B, 116A, 116B,118A, 118B, 119, 120A, 120B, 121, 122, 123, 124A, 141, 142MUS 101, 102, 103, 104A, 104B, 104C, 104D, 104E, 104F,111, 112, 113, 118A, 123, 124, 125A, 125B, 126A, 126B,126C, 126D, 126E, 126F, 127A, 127B, 128A, 128B, 130A,130B, 130C, 133A, 133B, 133C, 134A, 134B, 134D, 135,136, 137, 141A, 141B, 141C, 147, 149, 201, 202, 203,209, 210, 246, 247, 248A, 248B, 248LTHE 101, 104A, 105, 106A, 106B, 106C, 107, 108, 109, 110,111A, 111B, 111C, 111D, 111E, 111F, 111G, 111H, 111J,111K, 111L, 111M, 111N, 111P, 111Q, 111R, 111S, 111T,111U, 112A, 112B, 112C, 114, 118, 122, 126, 127, 128A,128B, 128C, 128D, 129, 130, 208, 228A, 228B, 228C, 228D2. AREA OF CONCENTRATION - MUSICStudent Learning Outcomes for this major are:• Define a selected musical vocabulary.• Identify, analyze, and explain elements of a musical performance byapplying critical criteria.• Articulate <strong>the</strong> basic fundamentals of music <strong>the</strong>ory and music history.• Demonstrate appropriate technical and musical skills in <strong>the</strong>ir majorinstrument.24-32 units distributed as follows:a. 8-12 units from:MUS 101 Music Listening and AppreciationMUS 102 Survey of Music IMUS 103 Survey of Music IIb. 8-12 units from:MUS 111 Basic Music Theory I

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