View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

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LTCC CATALOG <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong> 69MAJORSLiberal Arts cont.ENG 213 English Literature II: From Swift’s Satire to <strong>the</strong>Passions of <strong>the</strong> RomanticsENG 214 English Literature III: Victorian Values andModern MasterpiecesENG 215 Survey of American Literature IENG 216 Survey of American Literature IIENG 217 Survey of American Literature IIIENG 221 Literature of NatureEthnic StudiesETH 201 Mexican-American CultureETH 202A Mexican-American History: Pre-Columbian to 1848ETH 202B Mexican-American History: 1848 to 1960ETH 202C Mexican-American History: 1960 to PresentETH 203A History of Mexico: Pre-Columbian to 1821ETH 203B History of Mexico: 1821 to 1910ETH 203C History of Mexico: 1910 to PresentWorld LanguagesFRE 101 Elementary French IFRE 102 Elementary French IIFRE 103 Elementary French IIIGER 101 Elementary German IGER 102 Elementary German IIGER 103 Elementary German IIIITA 101 Elementary Italian IITA 102 Elementary Italian IIITA 103 Elementary Italian IIIJPN 101 Elementary Japanese IJPN 102 Elementary Japanese IIJPN 103 Elementary Japanese IIIJPN 201 Intermediate Japanese IJPN 202 Intermediate Japanese IIJPN 203 Intermediate Japanese IIILAT 101 Elementary Latin ILAT 102 Elementary Latin IILAT 103 Elementary Latin IIISNL 101 Elementary American Sign Language ISNL 102 Elementary American Sign Language IISNL 103 Elementary American Sign Language IIISNL108 American Deaf Culture ISNL 201 Intermediate American Sign Language ISNL 202 Intermediate American Sign Language IISNL 203 Intermediate American Sign Language IIISPA 101 Elementary Spanish ISPA 102 Elementary Spanish IISPA 103 Elementary Spanish IIISPA 110 Hispanic Civilization and CultureSPA 201 Intermediate SpanishSPA 202 Intermediate SpanishSPA 203 Intermediate SpanishSPA 210 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition ISPA 211 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition IISPA 212 Introduction to Spanish LiteratureHistoryHIS 101 History of Western Civilization IHIS 102 History of Western Civilization IIHIS 103 History of Western Civilization IIIHIS 109 Women in American HistoryHIS 110HIS 111HIS 112HIS 113HumanitiesHUM 101HUM 102HUM 103HUM 105PhilosophyPHI 101PHI 103APHI 103BPHI 205PHI 210PHI 218ReligionREL 101REL 102REL 103REL 104REL 105REL 107Minority and Multicultural History of <strong>the</strong>United StatesHistory of <strong>the</strong> United States from <strong>the</strong> ColonialPeriod through <strong>the</strong> 18th CenturyHistory of <strong>the</strong> United States in <strong>the</strong> 19th CenturyHistory of <strong>the</strong> United States in <strong>the</strong> 20th CenturyAncient Western WorldThe Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Baroque ErasThe Modern WorldMythologyIntroduction to PhilosophyHistory of Western Philosophy – EarlyHistory of Western Philosophy – ModernContemporary Moral IssuesExistentialismPhilosophy of ReligionOld TestamentNew TestamentWorld ReligionsIntroduction to Religious StudiesEastern Religious TraditionsThe Principle Teachings of Buddhism2. SOCIAL SCIENCES EMPHASIShe Social Sciences area of emphasis is an interdisciplinary option forTstudents who desire a broad study in <strong>the</strong> social science disciplines thatincludes Criminal Justice, Anthropology, Early Childhood Education,Economics, History, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology. TheSocial Sciences area of emphasis will help students prepare for transferto a university in potential majors such as anthropology, sociology, history,business, economics, psychology, political science, and related fields.Courses completed to satisfy <strong>the</strong> area of emphasis requirements belowmay also count toward satisfying university transfer general education requirements.Students are advised to consult with a counselor to developan education plan that is appropriate to accomplish <strong>the</strong>ir academic goals.Select a minimum of 27 units from at least 2 of <strong>the</strong> following disciplines:AnthropologyANT 101 Introduction to ArchaeologyANT 102 Cultural AnthropologyANT 104 Area Studies in Cultural AnthropologyANT 107 Magic, Witchcraft, and ReligionANT 108 Introduction to Language and CultureBusinessBSN 100 Introduction to BusinessCommunicationsCOM 122 Mass Media and SocietyCriminal JusticeCRJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice

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