View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

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LTCC CATALOG <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong> 41 POLICIES & PROCEDURES(d) Submission to, or rejection of, <strong>the</strong> conduct by <strong>the</strong> individual isused as <strong>the</strong> basis for any decision affecting <strong>the</strong> individualregarding benefits and services, honors, programs, or activitiesavailable at or through <strong>the</strong> educational institution.COMPLAINT PROCEDUREEvery effort will be made to protect <strong>the</strong> privacy of <strong>the</strong> parties involvedin a complaint. Files which pertain to complaints handled under <strong>the</strong>informal process shall be kept confidential. No retaliation of any kindwill occur because an employee or student has made a sexualharassment complaint.a. Informal Resolution Process - To accommodate <strong>the</strong> uniquenature of sexual harassment complaints, an informal process isprovided for <strong>the</strong> primary resolution of a complaint at <strong>the</strong> earliestpossible date. This process shall include, at a minimum, <strong>the</strong>following elements:(1) The Deans will be available to receive sexual harassmentcomplaints from students. If a Dean is <strong>the</strong> alleged harasser,<strong>the</strong> student may present his or her complaint to <strong>the</strong>Director of Human Resources. Upon receiving a sexualharassment complaint <strong>the</strong> appropriate party shall:(a) Counsel <strong>the</strong> alleged victim as to <strong>the</strong> complaint process,rights of <strong>the</strong> parties involved, and outline <strong>the</strong> optionsavailable. The student may elect to go directly to <strong>the</strong>formal complaint process at any time.(b) Document <strong>the</strong> complaint in writing.(c) Conduct an interview with <strong>the</strong> accused and documentthis in a written statement.(d) Consult with <strong>the</strong> Director of Human Resources toreach a preliminary determination as to whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment.(e) Present <strong>the</strong> results of this informal process to <strong>the</strong>Director of Human Resources for final disposition of<strong>the</strong> complaint.(2) The Director of Human Resources or designee will review<strong>the</strong> factual information collected and, if determined to benecessary, will conduct a follow-up investigation,interviewing <strong>the</strong> accused, witnesses, and supervisor, asappropriate. The Director of Human Resources will <strong>the</strong>nmake a determination whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> alleged conductconstitutes sexual harassment, giving consideration to <strong>the</strong>record as a whole and <strong>the</strong> totality of <strong>the</strong> circumstances,including <strong>the</strong> nature of <strong>the</strong> sexual advances and <strong>the</strong> contextin which <strong>the</strong> alleged incidents occurred, and will take and/or authorize appropriate action.b. Formal Resolution Process(1) If <strong>the</strong> complaint is not resolved through <strong>the</strong> informalprocess to <strong>the</strong> satisfaction of <strong>the</strong> alleged victim, a formalcomplaint may be filed pursuant to <strong>the</strong> procedure outlinedin <strong>the</strong> district’s Unlawful Discrimination ComplaintResolution Procedures and Sexual Harassment Policy.(2) Students may also contact <strong>the</strong> State of CaliforniaDepartment of Fair Employment and Housing, OaklandDistrict Office, 1515 Clay Street, Suite 701, Oakland, CA94612-2512, (800) 884-1684; and/or <strong>the</strong> Office for CivilRights, San Francisco Office, U.S. Department ofEducation, Old Federal Building, 50 United Nations Plaza,Room 239, San Francisco, CA 94102-4102, (415) 437-7786.TITLE IX REGULATIONS<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Tahoe</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> does not discriminate on <strong>the</strong> basisof sex in its education programs or activities. Fur<strong>the</strong>r, LTCC does notdiscriminate on <strong>the</strong> basis of sex in admission or employment in itseducation programs or activities. Inquiries to recipients concerning<strong>the</strong> application of Title IX and its implementing regulations may bereferred to our Title IX Coordinator or to <strong>the</strong> Office of Civil Rights.The <strong>College</strong>’s Title IX Coordinator is Susan Walter, Director ofHuman Resources, LTCC, One <strong>College</strong> Drive, South <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Tahoe</strong>,CA (530) 541-4660, ext. 221.STUDENT GRIEVANCE PROCEDURESGrievance procedures are initiated by <strong>the</strong> student. “Grievance” shallmean a statement by a student(s) that one has been treated inequitablyby reason of any condition which is contrary to <strong>College</strong> policy. Thisgrievance procedure is applicable both to matriculation and to allo<strong>the</strong>r instances except those covered by <strong>the</strong> District’s UnlawfulDiscrimination and/or Harassment Plan. Copies of <strong>the</strong>se plans areavailable in Human Resources and <strong>the</strong> Library. Fur<strong>the</strong>r definition canbe obtained in <strong>the</strong> procedures outlined below.In <strong>the</strong> following, “day(s)” shall refer to instructional days only.INFORMAL GRIEVANCE PROCEDURESIn an effort to satisfactorily resolve grievances without formal hearings,<strong>the</strong> <strong>College</strong> has established informal procedures.The aggrieved student is urged to meet with a counselor in StudentServices. Alternatives, implications of various courses of action, anddefinition of terms can be explored, as well as any o<strong>the</strong>r relevantconcern.An informal meeting of <strong>the</strong> aggrieved student and <strong>the</strong> object of <strong>the</strong>grievance can be arranged. No limit is placed on <strong>the</strong> number of suchinformal meetings nor upon <strong>the</strong> time spent in pursuing an informalresolution, so long as both parties feel that satisfactory progress isbeing made. The parties may schedule an informal meeting with <strong>the</strong>Vice President, Academic Affairs and Student Services, or, if <strong>the</strong> VicePresident, Academic Affairs and Student Services is a party to <strong>the</strong>charges, with <strong>the</strong> Superintendent/President.At any time in <strong>the</strong> informal attempts at resolution, ei<strong>the</strong>r party to <strong>the</strong>grievance or <strong>the</strong> Vice President, Academic Affairs and StudentServices may conclude that satisfactory progress is not being made,and formal proceedings are <strong>the</strong>n initiated.A resolution of a grievance in <strong>the</strong> informal procedures that isacceptable to each party shall be written and signed by <strong>the</strong> parties to<strong>the</strong> case, and each shall receive a copy. As well, an institutional copywill be filed in <strong>the</strong> appropriate <strong>College</strong> office.Nothing contained within <strong>the</strong> informal procedure shall be construedas limiting on <strong>the</strong> student or <strong>the</strong> <strong>College</strong> in <strong>the</strong> formal procedure.

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