View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

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LTCC CATALOG <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong> 195 PHYSICAL EDUCATION/FITNESSPEF 137B ICE SKATING: INTERMEDIATELecture .25, Lab .75, Units .5This course is designed for intermediate skating students. Studentswill learn intermediate skating skills through a variety of movementand body exercises. Emphasis will be placed on skills utilized infigure skating. Such topics will include steps, spins, jumps, turns andfootwork, and freestyle moves.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UC (unit limit)ADVISORY: PEF 137A or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.NOTE: PEF 137A and 137B may be taken for a combined total of 6 times.PEF 137C ICE HOCKEY: BEGINNINGLecture .5, Lab 1.5, Units 1Designed for beginning hockey students, this course will teach <strong>the</strong>fundamentals of <strong>the</strong> game. Instruction in <strong>the</strong>se fundamental skillswill be provided through skating, puck control, and shooting drills.Additional instruction includes information on history, rules, tactics,and <strong>the</strong> importance of good sportsmanship. Students must provide<strong>the</strong>ir own helmet, hockey stick, and skates.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UC (unit limit)ADVISORY: PEF 137A or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.NOTE: PEF 137C, 137D and 137E may be taken for a combined total of 6 times.PEF 137D ICE HOCKEY: INTERMEDIATELecture .5, Lab 1.5, Units 1This course reviews <strong>the</strong> basic fundamental skills of ice hockey beforeproceeding with more advanced play and tactics to enhance <strong>the</strong>students' skills and abilities. This would include: skating with speedand control, stick and puck control, goalkeeping skills, offensive anddefensive techniques, and positioning.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UC (unit limit)ADVISORY: PEF 137C or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.NOTE: PEF 137C, 137D and 137E may be taken for a combined total of 6 times.PEF 137E ICE HOCKEY: COMPETITIVE TEAMLecture .5, Lab 1.5, Units 1This course prepares students for competition in organized hockeygames to be played at <strong>the</strong> city's Ice Arena.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCADVISORY: PEF 137C or 137D or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.NOTE: PEF 137C, 137D and 137E may be taken for a combined total of 6 times.PEF 140A BEGINNING YOGALecture 1, Lab 1, Units 1.25This course introduces students to <strong>the</strong> science and practice of Yoga.Emphasis will be on posture training and exercises designed to achievestrength, flexibility, and proper body alignment. Additional topics to becovered include meditation, breathing, and relaxation techniques forreduction of stress and tension. Special focus will be placed on methodsto incorporate <strong>the</strong>se tools into all areas of daily life.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UC (unit limit)REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.NOTE: PEF 140A, 140B, 140C may be taken for a combined total of 6 times.PEF 140B INTERMEDIATE YOGALecture 1 Lab 1, Units 1.25In this course, students will have <strong>the</strong> opportunity to fur<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>irknowledge and learn <strong>the</strong> techniques of Yoga. Additional postures andexercises designed to achieve strength, flexibility, and proper bodyalignment will be presented as well as advanced meditation, breathing,and relaxation techniques for reduction of stress and tension. Specialfocus will be placed on methods to incorporate <strong>the</strong>se tools into all areasof daily life.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UC (unit limit)ADVISORY: PEF 140A or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.NOTE: PEF 140A, 140B, 140C may be taken for a combined total of 6 times.PEF 140C ASTANGA YOGALecture 2, Lab 2, Units 2.75This course introduces <strong>the</strong> student to <strong>the</strong> science and practice of <strong>the</strong>Astanga Primary Series of Yoga. Emphasis will be placed on practicing<strong>the</strong> postures (asanas) correctly, along with breathing techniques specificto this style of Yoga. Sanskrit as well as English asana names will bepresented. The course is designed to help <strong>the</strong> student increase strength,stamina, flexibility, and balance while developing <strong>the</strong> ability to staycalm in challenging or potentially stressful situations. The course willexplore <strong>the</strong> philosophy of <strong>the</strong> traditional eight limbs of Astanga Yogaand how <strong>the</strong>y might be applied to a modern, Western lifestyle.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UC (unit limit)ADVISORY: PEF 140A, 140B, or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.NOTE: PEF 140A, 140B, 140C may be taken for a combined total of 6 times.PEF 141A BEGINNING T’AI CHI CH’UANLecture 1, Lab 1, Units 1.25This course is an introduction to <strong>the</strong> study and practice of T'ai ChiCh'uan. Discussion will include history and philosophical principles.Practice will involve Chi Kung exercises and <strong>the</strong> first of three sectionsof <strong>the</strong> Yang long form.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UC (unit limit)REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.NOTE: PEF 141A and 141B may be taken for a combined total of 6 times.PEF 141B INTERMEDIATE T’AI CHI CH’UANLecture 1, Lab 1, Units 1.25This course is a continued study and practice of T'ai Chi Ch'uanincluding Chi Kung and <strong>the</strong> first two sections of <strong>the</strong> long form.This course also incorporates understanding of <strong>the</strong> physical andphilosophical practices of T'ai Chi.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UC (unit limit)ADVISORY: PEF 141A or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.NOTE: PEF 141A and 141B may be taken for a combined total of 6 times.PEF 141C BEGINNING CHI KUNGLecture .75, Lab 1.25, Units 1.25Chi Kung (Qigong) is a training system practiced since ancient timesin China for increasing one's strength, flexibility, and a calmness ofmind. It has been scientifically documented for its effectiveness bothin healing and preventing disease. Techniques taught will includehealing postures, gentle repetitive movement, self-massage, breathingpractices, and meditation.Transfers to CSU, UNRREPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.Physical Education/Fitness

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