View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

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MUSIC184LTCC CATALOG <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong>MUS 183 HAND DRUMMING AND PERCUSSIONFOR PERFORMANCELecture .5, Lab 2.5, Units 1.25This course is for drummers and percussionists who wish to work ina collaborative setting with o<strong>the</strong>r performing artists and dancers tocreate pieces for public presentation. Performance pieces will be basedon <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me of <strong>the</strong> collaborative arts performance and may includeWest African, Middle Eastern, Indian, and Latin American percussionstyles and rhythms. The relationship of drumming to dance andchanting also will be explored more extensively.ADVISORY: MUS 181 or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.NOTE: MUS 181, 182, and 183 may be taken for a combined total of 6 times.MUS 191 SPECIAL TOPICSUnits 1-4This course is designed to meet <strong>the</strong> needs of students for studies inoccupational, technical or college preparatory areas of special interest.Topics and credits will vary from quarter to quarter and will beincluded under <strong>the</strong> cover title published in <strong>the</strong> schedule of classes for<strong>the</strong> quarter in which <strong>the</strong> course will be offered.MUS 201 MUSIC THEATRE PRODUCTION I(PRINCIPALS)Lecture 1, Lab 3, Units 2This course is required for soloists in college operettas and musicalsoffered through <strong>the</strong> Theatre or Music Departments. Intense trainingin solo vocal techniques is provided. Music literature studied will bespecific to <strong>the</strong> individual production work chosen. [Principals mayalso concurrently enroll in MUS 202: Music Theatre Production II(Chorus)].Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCPREREQUISITE: Audition.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.MUS 202 MUSIC THEATRE PRODUCTION II(CHORUS)Lecture 0, Lab 4, Units 1.25This course features preparation and performance of a staged workfrom <strong>the</strong> music <strong>the</strong>atre or operetta repertoire. Rehearsal time willinclude intense training in correct choral and vocal techniques and instage skills. An audition is required before enrollment.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCPREREQUISITE: Audition.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.MUS 203 MUSIC THEATRE PRODUCTION III(INSTRUMENTAL)Lecture 0, Lab 3, Units 1This workshop is designed to familiarize students with <strong>the</strong> principlesand techniques involved in <strong>the</strong> preparation and production of adramatic musical performance. Specific instruction will be given in<strong>the</strong> rehearsal techniques required of <strong>the</strong> production orchestra. Anaudition is required prior to registration in <strong>the</strong> class.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCPREREQUISITE: Audition.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.MUS 209 LIVE OPERETTALecture 1, Lab 0, Units 1This course will prepare students for attending a specific operettaperformance. An operetta is a musical drama with spoken dialog.Students will study <strong>the</strong> plot, listen to and analyze <strong>the</strong> musicalperformance and be exposed to <strong>the</strong> components that constituteoperetta. Background about <strong>the</strong> era, <strong>the</strong> composer, and <strong>the</strong> story andhistory of <strong>the</strong> specific work will be included.Transfers to CSU, UNRREPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.MUS 210 LIVE OPERALecture 1.5, Lab .5, Units 1.75This course will prepare <strong>the</strong> student for attending a specific operaperformance. Students will study <strong>the</strong> plot, listen to music highlights,and compare <strong>the</strong> live performance with recorded performances.Lectures will include information about <strong>the</strong> historical era, <strong>the</strong>composer, and <strong>the</strong> history of <strong>the</strong> specific work.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCREPEATABILITY: May be repeated up to 5 timesMUS 231 SPECIAL PROJECTSUnits 1-4This course is designed for students wishing to pursue a specific topicof study. Emphasis is on individualized instruction and studentproject planning. The student must arrange for project and creditapproval by <strong>the</strong> instructor prior to registering for this course.Transfers to CSUMUS 246 INSTRUMENTAL CHA<strong>MB</strong>ER ENSE<strong>MB</strong>LELecture 0, Lab 3, Units 1In this course, students will study and perform classical music scoresfor small ensembles on traditional orchestral instruments. Eachperson will be assigned to one or more groups, from duets and triosto chamber-sized groups. Repertoire will consist of music employingone player per part.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCADVISORY: Ability to play a classical orchestral instrument, piano, recorder.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.MUS 247 MUSIC ENSE<strong>MB</strong>LE WORKSHOPLecture .5, Lab 1.5, Units 1This instrumental ensemble workshop will focus on developing <strong>the</strong>ability to play in chamber groups. Students will study and analyzevarious types of music literature in classical, jazz, and popular styles.A final concert may be given.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCREPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.MUS 248A BEGINNING ROCK ENSE<strong>MB</strong>LELecture 1, Lab 2, Units 1.75This course gives beginning level students <strong>the</strong> opportunity to improveensemble performance skills while exploring various musical styles suchas pop, rock, funk, and hip hop. Singers, guitarists, bassists, keyboardplayers, drummers, and o<strong>the</strong>r instrumentalists are encouraged toparticipate.Transfers to CSU, UC, UNRREPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.

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