View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

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LTCC CATALOG <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong> 139 DANCEDAN 118B INTERMEDIATE WEST COAST SWINGLecture .5, Lab .5, Units .75This course will focus on intermediate level West Coast Swing steps,styling, body movement, syncopation, and patterns. Students will beprovided with a variety of detailed swing patterns and techniques tostreng<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>ir teamwork skills. Included in this course is <strong>the</strong> historyof West Coast Swing, <strong>the</strong> footwork and patterns, and <strong>the</strong> musicassociated with this style of dance.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCADVISORY: DAN 118A or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.DAN 119 CONDITIONING FOR DANCERSLecture 1, Lab 2, Units 1.75This course will combine skills from dance and exercise for bodyconditioning. Dancers and non-dancers will streng<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> body'score while improving coordination, balance, alignment, flexibility,muscle endurance, and movement memory for greater technicalability and performance in all dance forms.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UC (unit limit)REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.DAN 120A BEGINNING CASINO RUEDALecture .5, Lab .5, Units .75This course will introduce <strong>the</strong> student to Casino Rueda (Ruedade Casino), a Cuban Salsa, danced in a circle or 'wheel' with rapidexchanging of partners utilizing a variety of dance steps, patterns,and combinations. The leader of <strong>the</strong> group, <strong>the</strong> 'Cantante', gives <strong>the</strong>verbal commands as well as hand signals for <strong>the</strong> circle of dancers tofollow. Students will learn and practice precise timing and teamworkwhile dancing to exciting Cuban Guaracha (Cuban Salsa) music andrhythms.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCADVISORY: DAN 109A or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.DAN 120B INTERMEDIATE CASINO RUEDALecture .5, Lab .5, Units .75This course will focus on intermediate Casino Rueda steps, styling,partnering, combinations, and patterns. Students will fur<strong>the</strong>r enhance<strong>the</strong>ir understanding of this Latin social dance and streng<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>irtechnique and teamwork skills while dancing to Cuban Guaracha(Cuban Salsa) music and rhythms.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCADVISORY: DAN 120A or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.DAN 121 STREET JAZZLecture 1, Lab 2, Units 1.75This course introduces students to a style of dance known as streetjazz. The course meshes stylized jazz dance with <strong>the</strong> contemporarystreet styles of funk and Hip Hop dance. Students will experience avisual art form that focuses on strength, style, attitude, and energy.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCREPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.DAN 122 MIDDLE EASTERN DANCE: FOCUS ONZILLS (FINGER CY<strong>MB</strong>ALS)Lecture .75, Lab 1.25, Units 1.25This course will introduce students to zill (Sagat, finger cymbals)playing techniques and <strong>the</strong> most popular Arabic percussive rhythmsand musical patterns. Students will learn how to incorporate basic zilltechniques, rhythms and phrasing with Middle Eastern dance steps,movements and combinations. Elementary music <strong>the</strong>ory will also becovered in this course.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCREPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.DAN 123 POI DANCELecture .5, Lab 1.5, Units 1This course introduces <strong>the</strong> student to Maori inspired, modern PoiDance. 'Poi' literally translates to 'ball' in Maori. The ball is attachedto a length of rope held in <strong>the</strong> hand and swung in circular patterns.This course incorporates an eclectic blend of traditional and modernmusic, dance skills, and Poi patterns and combinations to increasecoordination, flexibility, and strength in <strong>the</strong> wrists, hands, and upperbody.Transfers to CSU, UNRREPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.DAN 124A BEGINNING ARGENTINE TANGOLecture .5, Lab .5, Units .75This course introduces students to <strong>the</strong> Argentine Tango includingits origin, rich cultural history and traditions, costume style, andmusic. Students will gain in-depth instruction in basic posture,steps, rhythms, and partnering techniques of this culturally-rich andpowerful style of Latin dance.Transfers to CSU, UNRREPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 timesDAN 131 SPECIAL TOPICSUnits 1-4This course is designed to meet <strong>the</strong> needs of students for studies inareas of special interest. Topics and credit will vary from quarter toquarter and will be included under this cover title published in <strong>the</strong>schedule for <strong>the</strong> quarter in which <strong>the</strong> course will be offered.Transfers to CSUDAN 141 CHOREOGRAPHYLecture 2, Lab 2, Units 2.75This course covers basic elements of choreography and providesan opportunity to explore choreographic structure utilizing <strong>the</strong>concepts of time, space, design, and energy. Students will developchoreographic skills through dance movement phrasing, spatial designand relationships, rhythm, and <strong>the</strong>me development for solo and groupcompositions.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCADVISORY: DAN 102A or 103A or 104A or 105A or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.Dance

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