View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

View the 2010-2011 Catalog (4 MB) - Lake Tahoe Community College

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LTCC CATALOG <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong> 109 ARTART 221 PRINTMAKINGLecture 2, Lab 3, Units 3This course involves a studio survey in fine art printmaking. Emphasiswill be on historical as well as <strong>the</strong> technical level of printmakingprocesses including linocut, embossed relief printing, color collagraph,drypoint, etching, and aquatint.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCREPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.ART 223 INTERMEDIATE LIFE DRAWINGLecture 2, Lab 3, Units 3A continuation of ART 213, Beginning Life Drawing, this coursewill place emphasis on visualization and consistency of anatomicalrendering from <strong>the</strong> live model.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCPREREQUISITE: ART 213 or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.ART 224 PORTRAITURELecture 2, Lab 3, Units 3This course will emphasize both an historical and a technical study ofanatomy, form, design, and expression of <strong>the</strong> human head and face.The course will include studies and experiments in applied techniquesfor two-dimensional media as observed from live models. Thematerials and techniques explored in this course may include graphite,charcoal, pen and ink, ink wash, and pastel.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCREPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.ART 228 DEVELOPING A PORTFOLIOLecture 1, Lab 1, Units 1.25This course is designed to assist art students in preparing a completeportfolio which would be available for career and advanced studyopportunities. The course will include <strong>the</strong> preparation, developmentand presentation of a portfolio of original art, photographing art inproducing a slide and digital image portfolio, developing an artist'sresume and artist’s statement. The course also addresses preparing <strong>the</strong>developing artist for <strong>the</strong> professional world of art: pricing of artwork,copyright, and an introduction to art galleries.Transfers to CSU, UNRREPEATABILITY: May be repeated 3 times.ART 231 SPECIAL PROJECTSUnits 1-4This course is designed for students wishing to pursue a specific topicof study. Emphasis is placed on individualized instruction and studentproject planning. The student must arrange for project and creditapproval by <strong>the</strong> instructor prior to registering for this course.Transfers to CSUART 233 ADVANCED LIFE DRAWINGLecture 2, Lab 3, Units 3This course emphasizes <strong>the</strong> concepts and techniques of figure drawingin spatial context of design, composition and <strong>the</strong> development of apersonal expression.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCPREREQUISITE: ART 223 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.ART 234 FIGURE PAINTINGLecture 2, Lab 4, Units 4This course focuses on <strong>the</strong> study of <strong>the</strong> human body through <strong>the</strong>medium of oil paint. Emphasis will be placed on observation ofhistorical references, color <strong>the</strong>ory, pigment mixing, paint handling,and rendering of anatomy.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCPREREQUISITE: ART 211 and ART 213 with a grade of "C" or better orequivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.ART 235 ADVANCED SCULPTURELecture 2, Lab 4, Units 4This course will focus on developing mastery in producing sculpturalforms which emphasize conceptual as well as formal aes<strong>the</strong>tic issues.Important to this experience will be <strong>the</strong> encouragement of individualwork utilizing a variety of materials and techniques.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCPREREQUISITE: ART 213, 223, or 233 with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent.Students must have two classes from <strong>the</strong> following: ART 217, 218, 219, 220, 236with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.ART 236 BEGINNING BRONZE CASTINGLecture 2, Lab 4, Units 4This course will involve individual and group instruction in castingbronze using <strong>the</strong> ceramic shell investment process. Emphasis is on <strong>the</strong>design and production of bronze sculpture derived from an originalwax prototype in casting solid and hollow forms, bronze finishing,and patination.Transfers to CSU, UNRPREREQUISITE: Two sculpture courses from <strong>the</strong> following: ART 217, 218, 219, or220 with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.ART 237 INTERMEDIATE BRONZE CASTINGLecture 2, Lab 4, Units 4This course is a continuation of ART 236. Emphasis is on <strong>the</strong> castingof bronze sculpture derived from wax forms produced from originalmolds and applying techniques of welding bronze.Transfers to CSU, UNRPREREQUISITE: ART 236 with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.ART 238 ADVANCED BRONZE CASTINGLecture 1, Lab 2, Units 2This course is a continuation of ART 237 and explores lost wax bronzecasting methods in addition to <strong>the</strong> ceramic shell process to includetraditional ludo investment and experimental casting techniques.Emphasized in this study is <strong>the</strong> refinement of sculptural es<strong>the</strong>tics, formcontext, technical skills, and foundry practices.Transfers to CSU, UNRPREREQUISITE: ART 237 with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 5 times.ART 239 ADVANCED CERAMICSLecture 2, Lab 3, Units 3This course is designed for students interested in developing a personalstylistic expression expanding <strong>the</strong> skills and aes<strong>the</strong>tics of ART 120.Emphasized in this study are <strong>the</strong> following: glaze formulation, electricand gas kiln firing, developing a personal clay studio space, designresearch, and advanced clay forming methods.Transfers to CSU, UNR, UCPREREQUISITE: ART 120 or equivalent.REPEATABILITY: May be repeated 3 times.Art

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