2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>OUTCOMES ASSESSMENTSCC is committed to the assessment of collegeprograms and services to improve and maintain theirquality and effectiveness. Classroom and programactivities, including surveys and focus groups, will beused to assess the outcomes of college education.<strong>St</strong>udents who complete career-technical programswill be enrolled in a capstone course. Thesecourses bear the prefix of the individual departmentand the number 199. These 1-credit-hourcourses are the culminating course experience forthe program completers. You will be assessed onyour mastery of essential occupational skills andgeneral education knowledge. The method ofassessing these skills will vary by discipline. Someof the methods used by the programs will be portfolios,culminating projects, field specific nationaltests, and tests developed by the program. Mostprograms will assess general education knowledgeusing multiple modules from ACT-WorkKeys. Thenursing program uses the ACT-CAAP Critical Thinkingmodule to pre- and post-test students. Theresults of these assessments will be used to modifythe curriculum as needed to assure program completersare ready to proceed to employment in theirchosen field or to further their education.<strong>St</strong>udents who complete the 42-hour Associate ofArts-General Education transfer block will beenrolled in COL 299 Sophomore Portfolio Assessment.This 1-credit-hour course is the culminatingcourse experience for the general education blockcompleters. You will complete activities fromseven different areas (see catalog course description)and journal your experiences. A comprehensivestandardized test will complete the courserequirements. The results of these assessments willbe used to modify the general education curriculumas needed to assure students are prepared toproceed to further their education at a four-yearinstitution.CREDIT BY EXAMINATIONTesting programs at SCC may allow you toreceive college credit for knowledge or skillsacquired through non-traditional approaches tolearning. For more information on this type ofcredit, see the section in the Admissions andRecords chapter, pages 13-18.COURSE LOADIt is recommended that the maximum courseload for each of the following academic sessions beobserved:Summer 10 credit hoursFall18 credit hoursSpring 18 credit hoursRepeated courses count as part of thecourse load.<strong>St</strong>udents with a superior scholastic record maybe permitted to register for more than the recommendedmaximum providing they meet the followingGPA prerequisites:2.75 GPA – approved to take 19 hours3.00 GPA – approved to take 20 hours3.50 GPA – approved to take 21 hours<strong>St</strong>udents wishing to take more than 21 hoursmust receive special permission from the AcademicAffairs Office.A veteran, in order to receive maximum assistanceunder the Veterans Education Law (G.I. Bill),must carry at least 12 hours of credit per semester.GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSThe requirements for graduation at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Charles</strong><strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> are those specified in the collegecatalog at the time a student enrolls or of anysubsequent catalog as long as the student enrolls inat least one fall or spring term each academic year(August-May). If you change programs, you will beexpected to meet the graduation requirements ofthe catalog in effect at the time of your programchange. (See sections on Graduation Requirementsin the chapter on Academic Programs –Degrees and Certificates in this catalog.)In the case of curriculum changes, instructionaldeans may make adjustments to your educationalplan to meet program requirements. Every effortwill be made to count earlier course work in away most beneficial to the student in fulfillingcurrent requirements.<strong>St</strong>udents are subject to all policies/regulations stated in the most recent catalog.98

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