2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

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<strong>St</strong>udent Support Servicesgeneral public. It maintains and develops the college’sWeb site as well as the poster display kioskson campus. Public relations, special events, advertising,and other promotional consultations may bearranged through this department. Individuals andgroups are encouraged to contact Marketing andCommunications as they become aware of newsworthyevents.INFORMATION CENTERThe Information Center is located inside themain entrance Atrium of the Administration Building.General information, directions, and specialevents information is available to students and visitorsby telephone or in person.PARKING AND TRAFFICAs a commuter college, the institution recognizesthe necessity of adequate traffic control,safety, and parking facilities.The vice president for administrative services isresponsible for the development and enforcementof college traffic control procedures and for thegeneral safety of the campus. Citations may beissued for violations of regulations. The followingshould be observed:• Current parking hang tags are obtained atthe Department of Public Safety and must beproperly displayed. Hang tags expire eachschool year.• Vehicles may only be parked in authorizedareas. See separate brochure on CampusParking Regulations available in theAdmissions Office or the Department ofPublic Safety.• Campus speed limit is 25 m.p.h.• All accidents are to be reported to theDepartment of Public Safety located in theCampus Services Building.Parking privileges are available for disabledpersons and authorized individuals or groups.Temporary parking permits for special events maybe obtained in the Cashier’s Office or the Departmentof Public Safety.Fines and towing charges are the responsibilityof the person to whom the vehicle is registered.More information is provided in the SCC CampusParking Regulations brochure.A <strong>St</strong>udent Traffic Court meets as needed toreview student parking ticket appeals. <strong>St</strong>udentsmay request a form to appeal in the <strong>St</strong>udent ActivitiesOffice in the <strong>College</strong> Center.PUBLIC SAFETYThe Department of Public Safety provides buildingand grounds security services throughout theyear. All students, faculty, staff, and visitors areencouraged to report any suspicious or criminalactivity to the Department of Public Safety locatedin the Campus Services Building. The DPS maintainscopies of the annual report on crime awarenessand campus safety for public distribution.LOUNGE/MEETING AREASLounges, a video game room, television andrecreation areas, study areas, and club/organization meeting rooms are provided oncampus for students.RECREATIONAL COMPUTERSPersonal computers are available for use by studentsin various buildings on campus. The ACECenter on the first floor of the Learning ResourceCenter and the first floor of the Technology Buildingcontain walk-in labs for student academic use.<strong>St</strong>udents also have access to computers for recreationaluse (e-mail and Internet) in the <strong>St</strong>udentCenter lobby and in the <strong>St</strong>udent Activities Office(Room 102, <strong>College</strong> Center).39

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