2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

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<strong>St</strong>udent Support Servicesassist students during all hours the library is open.Many instructional materials, including an onlinetutorial, are available on the library Web site.For all registered students, the library catalogand all electronic resources are available fromhome by connecting to www.stchas.edu/library.Academic and CareerEnhancement ServicesThe Academic and Career Enhancement (ACE)Center is located on the first floor of the LearningResource Center.The ACE Center provides academic support,including computer-aided instruction and wordprocessing, tutoring, career development, andstudy skills assistance. The ACE Center is open forstudent and faculty use both days and evenings.It provides enrichment and supplementary materialsfor many classes. <strong>St</strong>udents encountering academicproblems or simply wishing to improve theirperformance will find the help they need in the ACECenter. It assists students in building stronger academicskills in note-taking techniques, test-takingstrategies, and overall reading/writing improvement.Diverse instructional methods allow you tolearn in the way you are most comfortable. Videotapes,workbooks, and computer programs aresome of the options available. A series of miniworkshopsis presented by the ACE staff in areas ofgrammar skills, basic mathematics, and researchpaper construction.<strong>St</strong>udents experiencing difficulty in developmentalor certain first-level classes may be referred bytheir instructors to the First Alert Program. Thisprogram provides counseling assistance and astructured remedial program.The ACE Center provides assistance to peoplewho are not currently enrolled in SCC credit courses.GED test preparation is offered at no cost forcounty residents who wish to gain a high schoolequivalency certificate. <strong>St</strong>udents can use the ACECenter to work at their own pace and acquire theskills they need successfully to pass the GED test.DACE ServicesThe Distance Academic and Career Enhancement(DACE) services are available to SCC studentsenrolled in credit courses at our distant learningsites at Montgomery City and Eolia. The hours ofavailable help will vary from semester to semester.<strong>St</strong>udents may obtain help from DACE through anumber of resources including the assistance of alearning specialist during posted hours, instruc-tional videos, study skills resource notebook, thecomprehensive Plato instructional/tutorial computerprogram, and other tutorials and word processingfacilities available at each site. <strong>St</strong>udents at thedistant sites in other counties are encouraged touse the wide range of services available at theon-campus ACE Center or visit SCC’s distancelearning home page on the Web atwww.stchas.edu/distance/index.shtml.INTERNET ACCESSYou may search the Internet using computerslocated in the library, ACE Center, <strong>St</strong>udent Center,and other designated locations. The WestplexInformation Network (WIN), established and supportedby SCC and other sponsoring partners, providesInternet access from home. All residents of<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Charles</strong> County and all community college studentsregardless of residency are eligible for free,basic-text WIN accounts. Applications are availableat the Information Desk and in the library.The SCC Web site at http://www.stchas.edu providesonline information about the college, includingcredit and non-credit class schedules, admissions,and registration information.RETURNING LEARNERSWORKSHOPSSpecial workshops are held each semester tohelp students who have been out of school for anumber of years ease back into the classroom situation.Topics covered are goal setting and decisionmaking, career exploration, assertiveness training,time and stress management, college services, andstudy skills improvement. For more information,call the <strong>St</strong>udent Development Office, (636) 922-8241.FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> offers a comprehensivefinancial assistance program funded by federal,state, and local agencies. If you need financialassistance in order to attend SCC, you should contactthe Financial Assistance Office for informationand required forms. Financial assistance falls intofour categories: grants, loans, scholarships, andpart-time employment. Most awards are based onneed and require the student to maintain a minimumgrade point average. Most awards are madefor one academic year only.For information on how to apply for financialassistance, turn to the Tuition and Financial Assistancechapter of this catalog.35

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