2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>St</strong>udents receiving financial assistance mustcomplete at least two-thirds of all courses attemptedon a cumulative basis. In addition to these standardsof satisfactory academic progress, there maybe additional requirements for enrollment in certainfinancial assistance programs, such as eligibilityfor the Title IV programs and/or eligibility forveterans benefits.You will be advised to select courses that willfulfill your educational goals. These courses mustfollow published degree requirements.A student on financial assistance may repeat onetime a course in which a required grade level wasnot attained. If you fail to meet the standards forfinancial assistance eligibility, you may continue toenroll at your own expense. If you fail, withdraw,and/or receive incomplete grades for all courses ina given semester, you will be placed on financialassistance suspension, and you will not be eligiblefor additional financial assistance until the requiredsatisfactory progress standards have been met.Academic progress will be measured at thecompletion of each semester of enrollment. If yourcumulative grade point average or your cumulativecompletion ratio falls below the minimum in thetable (page 25), you will be placed on financialassistance probation and will be referred for additionalcounseling and/or a study skills course toimprove grades.If you have already been on financial assistanceprobation for one semester, you will be placed onfinancial assistance suspension if you do not attainthe required grade point average or two-thirdscompletion ratio. Extenuating circumstances willbe taken into consideration before placing a studenton probation or suspension.The maximum number of credit hours forwhich a student enrolled in an associate’s degreeprogram at SCC is entitled to receive financial assistanceis 96 attempted credit hours. This includeshours transferred in from other colleges, hourspreviously completed at SCC (whether or not financialassistance was received), and withdrawals.You may change programs, but programchanges do not automatically extend the maximumnumber of credit hours for which you will be paid.Once you have reached the 96 credit hour maximum,you will be sent a letter notifying you of yourtermination from financial assistance.The maximum number of credit hours forwhich a student enrolled in a certificate program atSCC is entitled to receive financial assistance will bebased on the number of credit hours required forcompletion of those individual programs. Forexample: For a certificate program that requires36 credit hours, you will be allowed no morethan 54 hours in order to complete thecertificate program.Extenuating circumstances will be reviewedon a case-by-case basis. The appeal processwill be the same as that used for students who havebeen notified of financial assistance suspension.You may appeal decisions regarding financialassistance probation and/or suspension that resultin financial assistance denial. Contact the FinancialAssistance Office for details.You should begin the appeal process no laterthan three weeks after the beginning of eachsemester to the beginning of the semester for whichthe financial assistance is being sought. The financialassistance suspension appeals committee willrespond to the request for financial assistance reinstatementwithin three weeks of the receipt of theappeal.Other FinancialAssistance ProgramsThe following agencies provide funds foreligible students and should be contacted forapplication forms: <strong>St</strong>ate Vocational Rehabilitation,Social Security Administration, VeteransAdministration, Employment Training Programs,Dislocated Worker Program.A+ Schools Program<strong>St</strong>udents at qualifying high schools throughoutMissouri may apply to receive benefits at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Charles</strong><strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> under the A+ Schools Program.The program is made possible through grants fromthe <strong>St</strong>ate of Missouri. To find out whether yourhigh school is part of the A+ Schools Program,contact your high school counselor or the MissouriDepartment of Elementary and Secondary Education.The Financial Assistance Office can provideyou with additional information.ABILITY TO BENEFITMany agencies providing financial assistancerequire that students must have demonstrated theability to benefit from college programs beforebeing admitted to programs approved for financialassistance. For more information on the Ability-to-Benefit regulation, see the Admissions and Recordschapter, page 14.26

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