2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

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Tuition and Financial AssistanceRESIDENCY IN THECOLLEGE DISTRICTTuition and fees are assessed based on a student’slegal residency.A post office box address will not be consideredas a residence for determination of tuition charges.The three categories of residency are:In-District – A person whose residence iswithin the boundaries of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Charles</strong> County with theexception of the Washington School District. (Seepage 154, The District)Out-of-District – A person whose residence isin Missouri, but outside of the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Community</strong><strong>College</strong> District.Out-of-<strong>St</strong>ate – A person whose residence isnot within the state of Missouri. (International studentsare classified as out-of-state students).NOTE: Refer to page 21 for information regardingchanges in residency.Penalty for False InformationIf you intentionally give false or inaccurateinformation regarding residency or you fail toinform the college of a change of address thatalters your residence classification, you will be subjectto the following penalties: 1) disciplinaryaction; 2) your academic records will not bereleased to any agency until you have paid the districtthe difference between the fees and tuitionalready paid and the amount that would be owed bya person of your residency classification.For Further ExplanationYou may call the registrar for a clarification ofthe residency policy.FINANCIAL ASSISTANCEGrants, loans, scholarships and part-timeemployment are available to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Community</strong><strong>College</strong> students who qualify. Most awards arebased on need and require you to maintain a minimumgrade point average. Most awards are madefor one academic year only.<strong>St</strong>udents who wish to be considered for loans,grants, and on-campus jobs should apply foradmission to SCC and submit an applicationfor federal financial assistance. Grant applicationsare available from high school counselors, thepublic library, or from the FinancialAssistance Office.Each student submitting an application will beconsidered for a financial assistance package,which is any combination of a loan, grant and/orpart-time job tailored to fit your particular needsand qualifications. <strong>St</strong>udents whose files are completebefore June 1 for the fall semester and/orNov. 15 for the spring semester will be given priorityconsideration for the Supplemental EducationalOpportunity Grant (SEOG).How to Apply forFinancial Assistance• Apply and be accepted for admissionthrough the Admissions Office.• Obtain, complete, and return an SCC FinancialAssistance Application to the FinancialAssistance Office.• Complete an application for federalfinancial assistance and mail it in theenvelope enclosed in the form or submitform electronically.• Allow two to four weeks to receive a <strong>St</strong>udentAid Report (SAR) at your home address orcall the Financial Assistance Office to see ifyour Electronic <strong>St</strong>udent Aid Report has beenreceived. Bring copies to the FinancialAssistance Office.• The Financial Assistance Office cannot creditPell Grants to your account before itreceives an accurate <strong>St</strong>udent Aid Report orelectronic <strong>St</strong>udent Aid Report.• You must apply for financial assistance eachyear. The money you receive is not automaticallyrenewable.• Eligibility is determined based on a predeterminedformula as set by U.S. Congress.• You should apply for fall semester financialassistance as soon as you have completedyour income tax forms each year.• If you do not have a high school diploma orGED certificate, you will be required to takean additional test during your placementassessment for Ability-to-Benefit purposes.Telecourses can be funded with financial assistanceif you are also taking classes on campus withthose credit hours at least equal to the number ofyour telecourse credit hours. For example: If yousign up for 6 hours on campus and 6 hours of telecourses,you will be paid as a full-time student.23

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