2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>Returned Checks$15 per check.Departmental Exam$30 per exam if course credit is requested.Replacement I.D. Cards$3 each.Additional Copies ofSchedule/Reports$1 fee is charged for an additional copy of yourclass schedule. Make requests to the Cashier’sOffice. Allow two working days for processing.$1 fee is charged for an additional copy of yourCOMPASS math and reading assessment report.Make requests to the Assessment Center. Reportswill be generated as soon as possible (dependingon the center’s level of business) or can be mailed.Other Special ExpensesLab coats, uniforms, name tags, and other specializedequipment may be needed for courses withclinical or practicum components.OLDER ADULTS DISCOUNTAny Missouri resident 65 years of age or olderon or before Aug. 1 of a school year may enroll inSCC college credit courses on a tuition-free scholarship(does not include course fees or books).Proof of age is required at the time of registration.All tuition-free courses may be taken on either acredit or audit basis. All course prerequisites mustbe met prior to registration.PAYMENT OFTUITION AND FEESTuition and fees are payable before or on thepublished deadlines. All checks and money ordersshould be made payable to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Community</strong><strong>College</strong>. Tuition and fees may be paid by Visa, MasterCard,or Discover.If you fail to pay tuition and fees in full by theday they are due, you will be removed from all yourclasses. It will then be necessary for you to registeragain and pay, assuming that registration is stillin progress. If you wait until the last minute toregister, you may not be assured a place in aparticular class.THIRD-PARTY BILLINGThe college will permit students to enroll inclasses if financial authorization is presented froman agency such as an employer or a sponsor.Payment arrangements should be made in advancewith the cashier in circumstances requiringthird-party billing.TUITION REFUND POLICYIf you withdraw from a course or from thecollege, you can receive a refund for any creditclass session or semester by filling out a RegistrationAdd/Drop form and filing it with the AdmissionsOffice. The college will refund the applicableportion of tuition and fees for full-semester classes(15 weeks of class instruction) based on the followingschedule:Add/Drop Form ProcessedBy the Admissions OfficeThrough the:PercentageRefund1st week of scheduledclass meetings .....student receives ......100%2nd week of scheduledclass meetings .....student receives .......90%5th week of scheduledclass meetings .....student receives .......50%9th week of scheduledclass meetings .....student receives .......25%Refund schedules are prorated for summersession and for other classes that vary in lengthfrom the regular (15-week) semester becausethese classes are on a schedule that isconsiderably shorter.ESTIMATE OF OTHER COSTSOther expenses incurred by students includebooks and supplies, $300-350 per semester, plustravel to and from campus. While it is difficult todetermine in advance what a student will spend atSCC, we estimate that full-time, in-districtstudents will probably spend $900-1,000 persemester for expenses (tuition and fees, booksand supplies, etc.).22

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