2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>PSY 220 Personality Theories . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: PSY 101. <strong>St</strong>udy of majortheories of personality with emphasis ondevelopmental influence and integrationof behavior. Theories surveyed representdynamic, humanistic, cognitive, andbehavioral perspectives. Issues such asself-concept, structure of personality,social adjustment, self-management, andmaladjustment and therapy consideredwithin context of each theoretical system.PSY 225 Psychology of Aging . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: PSY 101. Examination ofpsychological processes of aginginvolving sensory, sexual, intellectual,and personality changes in later life withsome attention to common mentaldisorders in aged.PSY 230 Social Psychology . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: PSY 101. <strong>St</strong>udy of socialinteraction of individuals andpsychological principles and conceptsinvolved in relationships. Discussion ofsocial perceptions, values, attitudes,prejudice, social influence, groupdynamics, leadership, and other groupprocesses.READINGRDG 080 Spelling I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Individual course of study throughseeing, hearing, and writing words withbasic spelling patterns, complicatedconsonant patterns, and complicatedvowel patterns. Includes word familiesand rules for addition of word endings.Programmed learning and audiocoachingtechniques utilized.RDG 081 Spelling II . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Individual course to improve spellingskills necessary for occupational success.Covers basics of spelling including reviewof phonics principles, spelling rules andexceptions, spelling patterns, dictionaryskills, and spelling improvement.RDG 083 Vocabulary Improvement . . .2Individual course that providesprogrammed learning and audio-tutorialsystem to guide through elements ofvocabulary development. Includesdirected practice in context clues,working with visually similar words andhomonyms, and learning commonlymisunderstood words.RDG 084 Introduction to<strong>College</strong> Vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Individual, comprehensive course thatprovides programmed learning to guidethrough elements of college-levelvocabulary. Includes Latin and Greekderivatives as well as words from fiction,drama, poetry, general literature,psychology, and foreign expressions.Emphasizes communication skills, andincludes vocabulary as applied torhetoric, figures of speech, and clear,concise writing.RDG 090 <strong>College</strong> <strong>St</strong>udy Skills . . . . . . .3Develops, improves, and practices studyskills critical to success in college.Includes time management,concentration, memory, SQ3R textbookstudy method, note taking from bothlecture and textbook, exam preparation,and test taking.RDG 092 Reading Improvement . . . . .3Directed practice in developing basiccollege reading skills; emphasizes wordcomprehension skills including contextclues, dictionary use, and wordcomponents as well as paragraphcomprehension skills including locatingand inferring information. Courseadvised on basis of assessment testreading scores.RDG 093 Introduction to <strong>College</strong>Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Provides directed practice indevelopment of college reading skills,emphasizing vocabulary skills,comprehension skills, advanced readingskills, and reading for study. Vocabularyskills include dictionary use, wordcomponents and etymology, contextclues, and multiple meanings of words.Comprehension skills include main ideasand support words signaling keyconcepts. Advanced reading skillsinclude critical reading and readingefficiency. Reading for study includeseffective textbook study methods,outlining, study mapping, summarizing,and textbook graphics. Course advisedon basis of assessment test readingscores.SOCIOLOGYSOC 101 Introduction to Sociology . . .3Examines relationship between individualand society in social structure of modernsociety. Introduction to way in whichsociologists interpret and researchhuman behavior. Covers patterns ofsocial interaction and social influenceson individual conduct. Course fulfillsA.A. general education requirement.SOC 151 Gerontology I . . . . . . . . . . . .3Overview of normal effects of agingincluding physical, psychological, andsocial changes. Problems associated withaging, such as increased dependence,loss of health, financial constraints, lossof friends and spouse, and altered livingarrangements. Content presented fromperspective of aging person and societyas whole.SOC 201 Contemporary Social Issues .3<strong>St</strong>udy of major social problems facinghuman groups in modern society such asdeviance, inequality, war, andoverpopulation. Emphasis placed onsocial problems that arise as result ofinstitutional fluctuations in economy,family, government, religion, science,and technology. Course fulfills A.A.general education requirement.SOC 215 Marriage and the Family . . .3Reviews historical development of familyand patterns of intimate relationships inmodern society. Analysis of institution offamily in terms of relationship to otherinstitutions in society. Specific topicsinclude love, dating, parenting, familiesin crisis, and alternative lifestyles. Coursefulfills A.A. general educationrequirement.SOC 221 Sociology of Art . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisites: SOC 101, ENG 101. Majortrends in art examined in relationship tosocio-historical developments. Art seenas both comment on and reflection ofsociety. Team taught by sociologyinstructor and art instructor. Suggestedcorequisite: ART 101 or ART 150. Sameas ART 221.146

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