2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>OTA 104 Adaptive Activities II . . . . . . .1Prerequisites: OTA 100, OTA 103.Continuation of use of activities in OTwith primary emphasis on performancearea of work/productive activities thataddress sensory motor, cognitive, andpsychosocial performance components.Activities, strategies, and techniques thatemphasize use of purposeful activitiesand occupation to enhance role function.Introduction to standardized and nonstandardizedevaluations using activitybased format. Development of moreadvanced skills that focus on grading andadapting purposeful activities andinstructing individuals and groups fortherapeutic interventions. One lecturehour per week. Suggested Corequisites:BIO 241/244, PSY 101, OTA 102/112,OTA 104, OTA 207. Spring.OTA 112 Fundamentals of OccupationalTherapy Assistant II Lab . . . . . . . . . . . .1Lab course complement to OTA 102.Provides hands-on laboratory experience,reinforcing material covered in lecturecomponent. Two hours per week.Corequisite: OTA 102. Spring.OTA 114 Adaptive Activities II Lab . . . .1Lab course complement to OTA 104.Provides hands-on laboratory experience,reinforcing material covered in lecturecomponent. Two hours per week.Corequisites: OTA 104. Spring.OTA 199 Occupational TherapyCapstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion ofall courses and Level I Fieldwork throughthe fifth semester and a GPA of 2.5.Completion of program-culminatingexperiences for Occupational TherapyAssistant Associate’s degree. Corequisites:OTA 210, OTA 211. SpringOTA 203 Fundamentals ofOccupational Therapy III . . . . . . . . . . .4Pre-requisites: BIO 270/271, OTA102/112,OTA 104/114, OTA 207.Occupational therapy process related tophysical dysfunction evaluation andtreatment procedures including self-care,therapeutic exercise, home management,use of adaptive equipment, work andplay/leisure skills. Introduction toremediation in movement difficulties andpracticed in laboratory. Administration ofstandardized and non-standardized testsand evaluations, and need fordemonstrating service competency.Activity analysis, documentation,formulation of goals and objectives,collaboration with occupational therapiston treatment implementation,assessment/ reassessment, andtermination of treatment. Level Ifieldwork introduces application ofoccupational therapy procedures underclose supervision. Three lecture hours.Three hours Level 1 Fieldwork beginningweek four for nine weeks or one week of30 hours. Suggested Corequisites: MAT121, OTA 204/214, OTA 213, OTA 218,OTA 209. Fall.OTA 204 Fundamentals ofOccupational Therapy IV . . . . . . . . . . .3Pre-requisites: BIO 270/271 ,OTA102/112 , OTA 104/114, OTA 207.Evaluation and treatment of pediatricpopulation appropriate to role of OTAincluding development and perceptualmotor skills, self-care, design and use ofadaptive equipment, and play/leisureissues are explored in relation to normalsensory motor, psychosocial, andcognitive development. Interventionsusing age appropriate activities.Examination of cultural factors ontreatment and treatment implementation,including importance of collaborationand inclusion of family, care givers, andothers in OT process. Laboratoryexperiences arranged at on-site day carecenter for typically developing and specialneeds children. Field trip to be arranged.Three lecture hours. Corequisites:OTA203/213, OTA 214, OTA 218, OTA209. Fall.OTA 207 Health and Disease . . . . . . . .4Pre-requisites: BIO 240/243, BIO270/271, OTA 100, OTA 103. Overview ofdisease conditions commonly seen fortreatment by occupational therapypractitioners. Etiology, symptoms, andphysical and psychological reactions tothese conditions. Basic influencescontributing to healthy living. Includesmedical terminology and procedurescommonly used in occupational therapy.Four lecture hours per week. SuggestedCorequisites: BIO 241/244, PSY101, OTA102/112, OTA 104/114. Spring.OTA 209 Health OccupationsSeminar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Pre-requisites: OTA 102/112, OTA104/114, OTA 207. Current trends andissues in health care system, includinglegal and ethical components of practice,cultural diversity; OTR-OTA roledelineation; supervision; documentation toensure accountability and reimbursementrequirements; community resources;multi-disciplinary approach to treatment;and employability skills. Examination ofOTA as director of activity program inrelation to assessment, treatment planning,and treatment implementation needs.Issues of continuing professionalcompetency, research and programdevelopment, involvement in professionalorganizations and political advocacy.Exploration of quality assurance andmeasurement of treatment outcomes aswell as credential requirements,compliance with regulations, and use ofnon-professional personnel. Two lecture/seminar hours per week. SuggestedCorequisites: MAT 121, OTA 203/213, OTA204/214, OTA 218. Fall.140

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