2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

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COMPUTERS-MULTIMEDIACPM 120 Windows Multimedia . . . . .3Prerequisite: CPT 106 or instructorpermission. Use of Windows operatingsystem to present multimediaapplications and theory to create kiosks,DVDs, presentations and Web pages withtext, graphics, sound, video andanimations. Emphasis on windowsMultimedia techniques such asapplication software integration,embedding sounds, graphics and videos,working with different file formats andresolutions, sound and video capture,and using various editing software fordifferent multimedia applications.CPM 160 Introduction to HTML . . . . . .3Prerequisites: CPT 106, CPT 115, orinstructor permission. Creation of Webpages using HTML scripting coveringtags, frames, tables, hypertext, graphics,sound and gif animations. Advancedtopics include Cascading <strong>St</strong>yle Sheets,Basic JavaScript, and new areas of HTML.CPM 199 Multimedia Capstone . . . . .1Culminating course experience forComputer Science program. Corequisite:application for graduation.CPM 210 Graphic InterfaceDesign (Photoshop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: CPB 170. Use of Bitmapgraphic software application to alter andenhance photographs through specialeffects such as filters, channels, andmasks for digital or multimedia use.Emphasis on use of selection and graphictools, pallets, and layers along with scanningtechniques, working with differentresolutions and file formats, color theory,and Web features such as creating gifanimations, slices, and saving files.CPM 220 Animation andDesign (Lightwave) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisites: CPB 170, CPM 120.Creation of 2-3 dimensional animationand its playback as part of multimediademonstration. Concepts and toolsinvolved in computer animation andgraphics.CPM 230 Multimedia DevelopmentTechniques (Authorware) . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: CPM 160. Overview oftheory, tools, and techniques necessaryfor integration of graphics, text, video,and audio media into multimediaproduction. Involves creation of mediapresentation that involves creating linksand emphasizes media integration.Spring.CPM 240 Web Design(Dreamweaver/Ultra Dev.) . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: CPM 160. Introduction toWeb editors and techniques used todesign Web pages. Developed conceptsinclude frames, tables, cascading stylesheets, embedding java script code, anddatabase integration.Emphasis onprinciples of good Web design andnavigation. Spring.CPM 250 Web Animation (Flash) . . . .3Prerequisite: CPM 160. Design andintegration of graphics, text, and audiosources to create animations and Webpages for the Internet. Utilization ofcurrent Web application software. Fall.CPM 260 Multimedia ScriptingTechniques (Director) . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisites: CPM 120, CPT 115.Creation of multimedia packages forDVDs and the Web using time-basedmultimedia authoring application.Emphasis on Keyframe animation,interactivity, creating executable andShockwave files, and advancedmultimedia functions including Lingoscripting.CPM 270 Audio/VisualCapture Methods (Premiere) . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: CPM 120. Hardware andsoftware tools to capture audio, still andfull-motion video including scanners andvideo capture boards. Covers techniquesused to edit and play capturedaudio/video. Discussion of datacompression methods. Corequisite: CPM230 or CPM 260.CPM 280 MultimediaProgramming (JavaScript) . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisites: CPM 120, CPM 160, CPT280. Writing script through use ofJavascript programming language tocreate interactivity and animations forWeb pages.Course DescriptionsCPM 290 Topics in Multimedia . . . . . .3Appropriate prerequisite course(s);Instructor's permission is required.Independent in-depth study onmultimedia topics or software. Topicsinclude Advanced PhotoShop, AdvancedIllustrator, cartoon and game animationusing Flash, Using Lingo With Director,or Authorware incorporating series ofsoftware packages to be presented withinportfolio.COMPUTER-AIDEDDRAFTINGCDM 103 Introduction toCAD Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2AutoCAD software to introduce CAD.Coverage includes functions of CADdrawing, its components, creating andediting drawing, input methods, basicviews, basic dimensioning, and stepsneeded to save and retrieve completedCAD drawings. Engineering reportrequired.CDM 104 (EGR 104) EngineeringDrawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: CDM 103. Extends topicscovered in CDM 103 and includesadvanced orthographic views withoblique planes, isometric pictorials,advanced dimensioning includingtolerancing, section views, basicsschematics, and uses AutoCAD software.Basic descriptive geometry coveredincluding intersections anddevelopments, auxiliaries and rotations.Freehand sketches and engineeringreports required.CDM 120 (EGR 120) DescriptiveGeometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Prerequisite: CDM 104. Analysis of basicshape descriptions using successiveauxiliary views and rotations todetermine true lengths, sizes and shapes,and to find solutions to problems dealingwith coplanar and non-coplanar forces.Engineering report required.CDM 199 CAD/CAM Capstone . . . . . . .1Culminating course experience forCAD/CAM program. Corequisite:application for graduation.123

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