2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

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COL 299 SophomorePortfolio Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Activities completed from seven differentareas* with journal experience. Includescomprehensive standardized test tocomplete the course requirements. Finalcourse during semester in which42-hour Associate of Arts GeneralEducation transfer block completed.*Discipline areas: 1) Performing Arts(ART, MUS, THE); 2) Language andCommunications (LIT, PHL, SPE,Foreign Language); 3) Social Sciences;4) Science/higher order thinking;5) Math/higher order thinking;6) Multicultural understanding/valuing;7) SCC sponsored community service,student club membership, or electivefrom Number 1-6.COMPUTERSCPT 103 (AOM 103) MicrosoftApplications, MS Office . . . . . . . . . . . .3Introduction of business applications inword processing, spreadsheets, anddatabase management through use ofMicrosoft Windows. (<strong>St</strong>udents may notreceive credit for both AOM 103 andCPT 103.) Corequisite: CPT 106. Coursefulfills A.A. general educationrequirement.CPT 106 PC Operating Systems . . . . . .3Experience using Microsoft operatingsystem for IBM and IBM-compatiblecomputer using basic operations andcommands. Microsoft Windows 3.1 andWindows 95 introduce graphical userinterface including control menu,filemanager, basic terminology andtechniques relative to windows interface.CPT 107 A+ (Computer Repair andMaintenance) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Prerequisites: CPT 106 and CPT 115.Preparation to meet requirements of A+certification exam. How to build,configure, upgrade and troubleshootPCs. Combination of lectures,demonstrations,discussions, and handsonlabs.CPT 115 Introduction toData Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Introduction to computer systems withtopics that include system components,data storage techniques, binaryarithmetic, operating systems, devicecharacteristics, and programming.Corequisite: CPT 106. Course fulfillsA.A.general education requirement.CPT 130 Introduction to the UNIXOperating System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: CPT 106. Introduction toUNIX operating system. Covers essentialcomponents of operating system,concept of shell, and basic editingtechniques. Includes file structures, fileaccess, linking files, and script files. Fall.CPT 165 ComputerProgramming Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: CPT 115. Understandingand appreciation of computer problemsolving methods. Applies knowledge ofspecific characteristics of computerlanguage and coding mechanics tological solution of given problem. Logicand programming techniques apply toany of machine-oriented or high-levellanguages currently available.CPT 172 FORTRAN Programming . . . .3Prerequisite: MAT 121. Continuesdevelopment of good programming styleusing FORTRAN language. Emphasis ondevelopment and use of single and multidimensionalarrays and on developmentand use of subroutines and functions.Recommended corequisite: CPT 165.CPT 174 COBOL Programming I . . . . .3General orientation to concept ofstructured COBOL programming and useof COBOL language features andprogramming techniques. Taught onIBM-compatible PC. Recommendedcorequisite: CPT 165.CPT 175 COBOL Programming II . . . .3Prerequisite: CPT 174. Continuation ofCOBOL Programming I. Introducesprograms of increased complexity, usingadvanced features of COBOL language,including sorts, indexed files, and subroutines.Taught on IBM-compatible PC.Course DescriptionsCPT 179 Ada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisites: CPT 106, CPT 115, andprogramming language. Basic knowledgeof Ada using DOS-based compiler.Features of Ada while developingprogram development and debuggingskills.CPT 182 Programming in C . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: CPT 115. Advancedprogramming topics using C language.Emphasis on data structures and filehandling. Recommended corequisite:CPT 165. Fall.CPT 186 Object OrientedProgramming in C++ . . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: CPT 182. Workingknowledge of object-orientedprogramming using C++ language.Features extensive hands-onprogramming development using C++compiler on IBM-compatible system.CPT 195 Discrete <strong>St</strong>ructures . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: MAT 098. Problem solvingtechniques employed in today'scomputer systems, including sets,relations and functions, logic, matrices,graphs, Boolean algebra, numbersystems, switching circuits, andmathematical induction. Tools related tospecific computer applications andtaught in hands-on environment.CPT 198 Computer ScienceInternship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-3Requires prior approval of departmentchair or dean. <strong>St</strong>udents placed inbusiness position to gain practicalexperience and learn specificoperational technologies.CPT 199 Computer Science Capstone .1Culminating course experience forComputer Science program. Corequisite:application for graduation.CPT 200 Systems AnalysisMethods and Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: CPT 174. Generalorientation to developing computerbasedman-machine informationsystems. <strong>St</strong>udy of system life cycles,development of logical systemsspecification, data collection techniques,human factors design, and standards fordocumentation.119

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