2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

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BIO 125 General Botany . . . . . . . . . . .3Introduction to diversity of plantkingdom. Topics include plant cellstructure, physiology of plant cell, studyof major groups of plants and their lifecycles, and study of various biomes.Course fulfills A.A.S. and A.A. generaleducation requirement.BIO 127 General Botany Laboratory .1Examines representatives of plantkingdom and experiments in plantphysiology. Use of appropriate models,charts, slides, live and preservedspecimens. Course fulfills A.A.S. andA.A. general education requirement.BIO 130 Human Sex andReproduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Human reproduction from biologicalpoint of view. Topics include humaninheritance (from chromosomes tobiotechnology), human reproduction(male and female anatomy andphysiology), fetal development and birth,sexually transmitted diseases (emphasison AIDS epidemic), and evolution ofsexual reproduction. (For non-sciencemajors.) Course fulfills A.A.S. and A.A.general education requirement.BIO 140 Nutrition Pathways . . . . . . . .3Scientific study of essential nutrients andfunction in the body. Coversrecommended nutrient intakes, dietassessments and planning, andrelationships between diet and health.BIO 240 Anatomy and Physiology I . .3Prerequisite: High school biology orequivalent within last five years. <strong>St</strong>ructureand function of human body, withparticular attention to cell biology,skeletal system, muscular system,nervous system, and endocrine system.Corequisite: BIO 243. Course fulfillsA.A.S. and A.A. general educationrequirement.BIO 241 Anatomy and Physiology II . .3Prerequisites: BIO 240, BIO 243.Continuation of study of structure andfunction of human body. Topics includecardiovascular system, lymphatic system,respiratory system, digestive system,urinary system, and reproduction.Corequisite: BIO 244. Course fulfillsA.A.S. and A.A. general educationrequirement.BIO 242 Physiology of Aging . . . . . . .3<strong>St</strong>udy of human aging process. Emphasison aging process and affects on eachbody system. Concept of homeostasis,disease processes, and interactionsamong body systems. Course fulfillsA.A.S. and A.A. general educationrequirement.BIO 243 Anatomy and PhysiologyLaboratory I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Activities to enhance study of topicscovered in lecture section (BIO 240).Use of models, charts, and bothmicroscopic and gross specimens toillustrate various systems. Corequisite:BIO 240. Course fulfills A.A.S. and A.A.general education requirement.BIO 244 Anatomy and PhysiologyLaboratory I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Prerequisites: BIO 243, BIO 240.Continuation of BIO 243. Use oflaboratory activities to enhance study ofhuman body structure and function.Corequisite: BIO 241. Course fulfillsA.A.S. and A.A. general educationrequirement.BIO 245 Microbiology . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Covers contemporary scene ofmicrobiology for students interested inhealth-related sciences. Focus onmicrobes, especially bacteria, in terms ofidentification, genetics, cultivation,isolation, and destruction. Nature ofvarious diseases along withchemotherapy and immunology (naturaland acquired). Three lecture hours perweek. Corequisites: BIO 247. Coursefulfills A.A.S. and A.A. generaleducation requirement.BIO 247 Microbiology Laboratory . . . .1Hands-on experience with techniques ofidentification and manipulation ofmicrobial organisms, reinforcing materialcovered in lecture session. Corequisite:BIO 245. Course fulfills A.A.S. and A.A.general education requirement.BIO 265 Pathophysiology . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisites: BIO 240, BIO 241, BIO 243,BIO 244. <strong>St</strong>udy of mechanisms of diseaseconditions. Working from foundation ofnormal function, exploration of what cango wrong and how. Emphasis onconditions most commonly encounteredby today's health professionals.Combination of lecture, discussion, andseminar. Course fulfills A.A.S. and A.A.general education requirement. Fall.Course DescriptionsBIO 270 Kinesiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Prerequisite: BIO 240. <strong>St</strong>udy ofmovement of human body. Emphasis onelements of skeletomuscular system andhow they produce movements. Examinesrole of nervous coordination of bodymovement. Two lecture hours per week.Corequisite: BIO 271. Course fulfillsA.A.S. and A.A. general educationrequirement. Fall.BIO 271 Kinesiology Laboratory . . . . .1Prerequisite: BIO 243. Lab course tocompliment BIO 270 (Kinesiology).Provides hands-on laboratory experiencein study of human body movement. Twocontact hours per week. Corequisite: BIO270. Course fulfills A.A.S. and A.A.general education requirement.BIO 290 Ecology of East Africa . . . . . .3Prerequisite: 100-level biology coursewithin last five years or permission ofinstructor. Field observation of wildlife inpreserves and parks of East Africa.Reading/film assignments, individualconferences with instructor, writtenassignments, as well as extensive fieldtrips. Provides thorough introduction tostructure and function of African tropicalsavannas with emphasis on ecology ofvertebrates. Brief look at woodlands andaquatic ecosystems. Course fulfills A.A.S.and A.A. general educationrequirement.BIO 295 Topics in Biology . . . . . . . .1-4Topics in biology presented as completecourse. May be repeated for credit ifsame topic is not repeated. (May requirepermission of instructor) Corequisite:BIO 297. Course fulfills A.A.S. and A.A.general education requirement.BIO 297 Topics in BiologyLaboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2Experimental component of Biology 295if appropriate for topic. Corequisite: BIO295. Course fulfills A.A.S. and A.A.general education requirement.113

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