2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

2002-2004 Catalog - St. Charles Community College

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ART 221 (SOC 221) Sociology of Art . .3Prerequisites: SOC 101, ENG 101. Majortrends in art examined in relation tosocio-historical developments. Art seenas both comment on and reflection ofsociety. Team taught by sociology and artinstructor. Suggested corequisite: ART101 or ART 150. Course fulfills A.A.S.general education requirement.ART 230 Photography II . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: ART 220. Approach tophotography primarily from creativevisual aspect. Increases photographer’sawareness of and sensitivity tocomposition, while refining basicmechanical skills. Course fulfills A.A.S.general education requirement.ART 231 Photography III . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: ART 230. Continuation ofPhotography II, with emphasis ontechnical consistency and sophisticationin expression of ideas.ART 232 Topics: AdvancedPhotography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisites: ART 231. Advanced courseon contract individual study basis to gaingreater expertise in photography. Coursefulfills A.A.S. general educationrequirement.ART 233 Special Topics inPhotography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Prerequisite: ART 230 or consent ofinstructor. Variable content covering indepthadvanced topics in technique andsubject matter not covered in regularcurriculum. Topics may include subjectssuch as portrait photography andlighting, location photography: landscapeand architecture, non-silverphotographic processes, working withcolor positives, etc. Class may berepeated for credit up to three times ifdifferent topic studied.ART 240 Painting III . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: ART 140. Continuation ofPainting II. Special projects in bothtraditional and non-traditional materialsand subject matter. Course fulfills A.A.S.general education requirement.ART 241 Topics: Advanced Painting . .3Prerequisites: ART 240. Advanced courseon contract individual study basis to gaingreater expertise in painting. Coursefulfills A.A.S. general educationrequirement.ART 250 Figurative Drawing II . . . . . .3Prerequisite: ART 210. Continuation ofFigure Drawing I with introduction ofcolor theory and wet-drawing media.Course fulfills A.A.S. general educationrequirement.ART 260 Printmaking I . . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: ART 110 or ART 170.Process and techniques of variousprintmaking methods includingwood/linoleum block, collagraph, singleand multi-colored editioning techniques.Course fulfills A.A.S. general educationrequirement.ART 270 Commercial Illustration I . . .3Prerequisite: ART 110. Illustrationtechniques for commercial purposesincluding drawing, paint, ink, andcollage techniques. <strong>St</strong>resses content inillustration. Course fulfills A.A.S. generaleducation requirement.ART 272 Commercial Illustration II . . .3Prerequisite: ART 270. Research incontemporary illustration processes andtechniques. Emphasis on subjectinterpretation using variety of artmediums. Course fulfills A.A.S. generaleducation requirement.ART 280 Printmaking II . . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: ART 260. Single and multicoloredetching techniques using line,aquatint, soft ground, and editioningprocesses. Course fulfills A.A.S. generaleducation requirement.ART 281 Topics: AdvancedPrintmaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisites: ART 280. Advanced courseon contract individual study basis to gaingreater expertise in printmaking. Coursefulfills A.A.S. general educationrequirement.ART 283 Figurative Clay Sculpture I . .3<strong>St</strong>ep-by-step introduction to basics ofclay sculpting using figure as referencefor subject matter. Projects include reliefsculpture, portrait, and small animalsculpture. Techniques include armaturemaking, latex, and plaster mold making,casting, and final patination of sculpture.Course fulfills A.A.S. general educationrequirement.Course DescriptionsART 284 Figurative Clay Sculpture II . .3Prerequisite: ART 283. Expands uponskills and concepts learned in ART 283.Course fulfills A.A.S. general educationrequirement.ART 285 Sculpture I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Introduction to sculpture materials,skills, history, and concepts. Exploresmethods in manipulation of traditionaland experimental sculptural media,including additive and subtractivetechniques. Involves studio work,research, lecture, and discussion.Emphasis as much on learning techniqueas understanding concepts and personalexpression. Course fulfills A.A.S. generaleducation requirements.ART 286 Metal Smithing I . . . . . . . . . .3Basic course with focus on hands-onproduction of forged ironwork,traditional and sculptural, using forgeand anvil. Includes basic cold-forgingtechniques used in production ofhollowware. Course fulfills A.A.S.general education requirement.ART 287 Jewelry Making . . . . . . . . . . .3Introduction to materials and processesof jewelry making. Techniques includecutting, piercing, filing, joining, casting,forging, soldering, and cold connections.<strong>St</strong>ress on intricacies of working withdifferent metals and experimental mediaand design concepts along with personalexpression. Course fulfills A.A.S. generaleducation requirement.ART 288 Sculpture II . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Prerequisite: ART 285. Continuation ofSculpture I. Emphasis on artisanship,exploration, and research to gain moresophisticated and self-motivated personaldirection. Introduces skills in weldingand metal fabrication as well asindividual media choices. May includesome metal casting. Course fulfills A.A.S.general education requirement.ART 290 Page Layout-PageMaker/QuarkXPress . . . . . . . . . .4Prerequisite: AOM 101 or its equivalency.Focus on page layout, publication design,and layout techniques. Use of AdobePageMaker and QuarkXPress to coverrange of work, from flyers and brochuresto magazines and large-format books.Includes composition, typography,printing methods, and traditionalindustry standards and practices.111

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